HALP! Heavy Lifting Made Me SUPAH Bulky!!!



  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Bumping for the awesomeness
  • Al48feelingreat
    Al48feelingreat Posts: 36 Member
    Yup heavy lifting will transform you.
    The after burn you get from this type of exercise is amazing

    Through in some short time(5/10 min) intense h.I.I.t. sessions per day and you will burn more calories during exercise,after exercise and for several hours afterwards


    Very well done

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Kim55555 wrote: »
    OneEyeUp wrote: »
    You all look great. Keep lifting. It increases bone density, and one of the main ailments of humans as they get older is osteoporosis. You want to be the old woman/man who can "run with the youngest of them." Many old people fracture and break bones simply from a fall, or getting up too fast. Weight lifting increases bone density by a variable 20% margin, so anyone who tells you to stop because it makes you "bulky," doesn't have a clue. Women naturally have less bone density than men, so for its extra important for the gals. Strong women make strong families. Keep it up.

    Haha "you want to be the old woman/man who can run with the youngest of them". Im 43, and playing Aussie rules footy and can't wait to compete against girls half my age! I'm having a huge offseason and will be fit and strong for day 1 preseason training in January. Goal is to be in the top 10 out of the 30 + girls for fitness. I love to see the girls reactions when they see how well I do. Their impressed that I can keep up with them as I guess most of the 40 something year olds that they know are their parents and family members who are sedentary/average normal unfit types. I also like to compete against myself by improving from the year before. It's a great challenge.

    Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing. I love lifting heavy too! What a rush!!! How much do you girls maintain on? I'm able to maintain anywhere between 2000-2600 depending on the day. I'm currently losing eating around 2000. A few more months of a 5-20% defecit and then I'll just do a forever recomp at minus 5 % defecit! :smiley:

    I'm having an RMR test and dexa scan on Monday and I'll get my body fat % tested every 2 months along with taking photos.

    When I'm 128-135 I actually only maintain on 1800. I'm 5'4", lightly active, no cardio. I'm actually bulking on what you are cutting with...
  • ngaliyin
    ngaliyin Posts: 71 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This thread has been quiet. Thought I'd bump it with my most recent since I officially started a bulk. Happy lifting gals.

    ETA, sorry these are me at the same weight. I was a little flat in the dress because I was just coming out of a deficit.


    Absolutely fabulous!!! You are a great inspiration for me. Thank you. How long have you been weight training?
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    psych101 wrote: »
    psych101 wrote: »
    Arms progress - day one of stronglifts, compared to almost one year later!!


    And I have no idea if I've put this one in here but stomach from day one of NROLFW which I completed then one year of stronglifts


    And baby abs slowly emerging in my profile pic

    I'm a huge advocate for women lifting. It will make you bulky....but in all the right places lol

    Are those abs just from the 5 SL exercises or did you add in core work? I'm unfamiliar with what the NROLFW program entails though, so maybe ab work is included in that one...

    No ab work - I occasionally throw in some swissball jackknife pike things cos they're fun and I have zero balance or coordination so they help with that! Other than that my stomach is the result of lifting and focusing on getting lean - slight calorie deficit and solid amount of protein

    Thanks so much for the reply! You've no idea how happy that makes me. :laugh: I don't mind the core work, but I'd much rather lift. I am currently doing 5x5, but have started to add in some supplemental exercises just because I like the way it feels. I try my damndest to keep my core as tight as possible through all the motions in hopes that will help flatten things out (but I know nutrition plays a huge part in letting all the hard work shine through!)
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    Stupid question, but what is considered "heavy lifting?" Also, does it help with your stomach muscles? AND, are there hand weights, maybe those adjustable ones, that you can do that is considered "heavy lifting?" I'm exerciseably dumb :(
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    Stupid question, but what is considered "heavy lifting?" Also, does it help with your stomach muscles? AND, are there hand weights, maybe those adjustable ones, that you can do that is considered "heavy lifting?" I'm exerciseably dumb :(

    Heavy for you. When I'm training power I work in the 5 rep range, so lift weight that I can only rep out that many times. When I'm training hypertrophy I work in the 12 rep range. I don't really use hand weights. You might be able to start a program that way, eventually you'll need to get heavier. Barbell work is ideal.

    There is an home/body weight version of Strong Curves that might be good for you.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    Stupid question, but what is considered "heavy lifting?" Also, does it help with your stomach muscles? AND, are there hand weights, maybe those adjustable ones, that you can do that is considered "heavy lifting?" I'm exerciseably dumb :(

    Heavy for you. When I'm training power I work in the 5 rep range, so lift weight that I can only rep out that many times. When I'm training hypertrophy I work in the 12 rep range. I don't really use hand weights. You might be able to start a program that way, eventually you'll need to get heavier. Barbell work is ideal.

    There is an home/body weight version of Strong Curves that might be good for you.

    +1. I like simple strength programs at this point, but I've seen incredible results from MFP users doing Strong Curves. It's a very tempting program.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    ar9179 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    Stupid question, but what is considered "heavy lifting?" Also, does it help with your stomach muscles? AND, are there hand weights, maybe those adjustable ones, that you can do that is considered "heavy lifting?" I'm exerciseably dumb :(

    Heavy for you. When I'm training power I work in the 5 rep range, so lift weight that I can only rep out that many times. When I'm training hypertrophy I work in the 12 rep range. I don't really use hand weights. You might be able to start a program that way, eventually you'll need to get heavier. Barbell work is ideal.

    There is an home/body weight version of Strong Curves that might be good for you.

    +1. I like simple strength programs at this point, but I've seen incredible results from MFP users doing Strong Curves. It's a very tempting program.

    I know! So tempting. I think about it all the time lol. I would really miss power lifting though! I'm running PHUL now so I get my fix of power lifting. I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate some of Bret's glute work into my program...or at least the best way to do it.
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    What is strong curves!? And I can't afford a dumb bell. Shoot, I'm totally derailing this thread, I'm so sorry! Everyone's photos look so amazing, I'm like "I WANT THAT BUT HOWWWW" lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    What is strong curves!? And I can't afford a dumb bell. Shoot, I'm totally derailing this thread, I'm so sorry! Everyone's photos look so amazing, I'm like "I WANT THAT BUT HOWWWW" lol

    Strong Curves is a lifting program. It focuses a lot on glutes but does incorporate full body workouts. If you google it you can see people's results. Bret Contreras is pretty amazing as far as helping women get awesome butts goes.

  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Kimegatron wrote: »
    What is strong curves!? And I can't afford a dumb bell. Shoot, I'm totally derailing this thread, I'm so sorry! Everyone's photos look so amazing, I'm like "I WANT THAT BUT HOWWWW" lol

    Strong Curves is a lifting program. It focuses a lot on glutes but does incorporate full body workouts. If you google it you can see people's results. Bret Contreras is pretty amazing as far as helping women get awesome butts goes.

    Thanks so much!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    I have just restarted doing the Strong Curves program. I think it delivers excellent results so I keep coming back to it after I have decide that I need to mix it up. I like how it has lots of accessory workouts that target the smaller muscles on the back and glutes.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This thread has been quiet. Thought I'd bump it with my most recent since I officially started a bulk. Happy lifting gals.

    ETA, sorry these are me at the same weight. I was a little flat in the dress because I was just coming out of a deficit.


    You look fantastic!!!! Great work!!! I needed some more inspiration - need to change up my routine I think.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited November 2015
    OK...So, I'm still a work in progress. I've been working Stronglifts 5X5s for about a year. I just recently got serious about my diet. My before pictures are from Sept 23, 2015, and the after pictures are Nov 15, 2015. Before weight was 192 lbs, after weight was 181.8.

  • DevanLayne
    DevanLayne Posts: 7 Member
    So glad somebody said it! Everybody should lift ;)
  • ngaliyin
    ngaliyin Posts: 71 Member
    OK...So, I'm still a work in progress. I've been working Stronglifts 5X5s for about a year. I just recently got serious about my diet. My before pictures are from Sept 23, 2015, and the after pictures are Nov 15, 2015. Before weight was 192 lbs, after weight was 181.8.


    Great job!!! Congratulations!!! Keep going - the results are so encouraging!!!
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thank you all for posting your amazing results! I'm curious... how heavy do you ladies usually lift?

    I just started (as a lifting newbie) and am planning to use dumbbells for ICF at this time before I can find a good gym. I currently have a pair of 10s (feel a bit embarrassed to say these numbers out :blush: ) and a pair of Bowflex 52lb is on the way. I know it's a very individualized thing since everyone's strength is different. My concern is, I know I can lift much heavier things, like 30" traditional TV and 50-lb check-in luggages (not sure how heavy a traditional 30" TV is, but I can, although not easy, carry those up/down 1st/2nd floor without help). Of course those are not my everyday activities and the forms are definitely different. I'm wondering if I'll be wasting my time without progress by using these smaller DBs when I know I might have the potential to lift the heavier ones...?!

    Btw, this one sounds interesting & I'll try it when I get my Bowflex...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2015
    Niniundlapin - Go to this thread which you will find on the strong lift 5X5 group. It will show you several workouts that the ladies do. I myself started out with a 12 pound barbell and added 5 pounds each time until I hit my max for the squat overhead press and the bench press. I put 10 pound weights on each side of that 12 pound barbell for the barbell row and the dead lift and added 5 pounds each time until I reached my max. I used to 12 1/2 pound barbell until I got up to 45 pounds of weight then I switched to the 45 pound Olympic barbell. This is what I do now -

    Squats 115 pounds, benchpress 80 pounds, overhead press 55 pounds, barbell row 85 pounds, Dead lift 145 pounds.

    I am 58 years old, and I have been lifting since March 1 2015.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Thank you all for posting your amazing results! I'm curious... how heavy do you ladies usually lift?

    I just started (as a lifting newbie) and am planning to use dumbbells for ICF at this time before I can find a good gym. I currently have a pair of 10s (feel a bit embarrassed to say these numbers out :blush: ) and a pair of Bowflex 52lb is on the way. I know it's a very individualized thing since everyone's strength is different. My concern is, I know I can lift much heavier things, like 30" traditional TV and 50-lb check-in luggages (not sure how heavy a traditional 30" TV is, but I can, although not easy, carry those up/down 1st/2nd floor without help). Of course those are not my everyday activities and the forms are definitely different. I'm wondering if I'll be wasting my time without progress by using these smaller DBs when I know I might have the potential to lift the heavier ones...?!

    Btw, this one sounds interesting & I'll try it when I get my Bowflex...

    Stronglifts 5X5s, three days a week. You can download an app for it at stronglifts.com
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