MEAT Me at the Beach (6/16-19 weigh-in)



  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Some goals for myself:
    Continue making GOOD choices!
    Drink at LEAST 8 glasses of water/day.
    Move on to the 2nd (and 3rd) levels of my workout DVDs.
    When it gets warmer out, hit the pool at least twice/week.
    Fit into the dress that I bought two years ago, but still has the tags on it because it never quite fit.

    Thanks so much for organizing this challenge! It will be great to help stay motivated!
  • mona24523
    mona24523 Posts: 100
    I want to join this challange again
    startig weight 170
    I will post my goal weight in a little bit
    Thanks for all your hard work on the spreedsheet
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    bump! Thinking about my game plan!
  • Yary
    Yary Posts: 28
    Challenge goals:
    Finish off situp and squats challenges
    Finish c25k program
    Go to the gym at least 4 times a week

    Post challenge goals:
    Start 100 pushup challenge
    Run 5k race and improve time
  • vrags2
    vrags2 Posts: 19
    In the next 4 weeks of the challenge:
    - Diet goal: Eat more than 25% raw fruits/veggies
    - Exercise goal: increase cardio (walking/swimming/elliptical) time to 30 minutes/session (no loafing).
    - Schedule: Plan meals for the next week on Sun/Mon. Buy only what's on the list at the grocery store - no cookies will sneak into my basket this time! Lol
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    Awesome Chart !!!
    Some goals for me....
    Drink more water everyday...
    learn to say no to certain foods....
    just because i went way over my calorie intake doesnt mean i have to keep going over that day....
    try to make a committment to do my bob harper ultimate cardio workout at least once or more a week..
    always remember...when we want something,we have to work for it :)
  • Great job with the chart!

    My goals for the challenge would be to get into the ONEderland!!! I'm definately going to push myself to go to the gym more. I just haven't been having the motivation to go. I'm going to push myself to go to the gym at least 5 days a week, giving myself two rest days. I'm also gonna start the C25K this week - just to get myself to be able to run and see if I can do it.

    Current Weight: 223.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 199
    Weight Category: Reduce
    6/9: 223.8
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 219>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 209 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 199 >>>
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    thans Vic you are fab!!! To those of you who are joining the first time I can guarantee you will lose your weight on here I have never in my life stuck to a diet regime but the support you get on MFP and especially with Vic is amazing and has helped me get to 1lb away from my goal I never thought Id get here when I hit a plateau I thought that was me stuck there forever but no I stuck at it and I got there :)

    I am going to take my measurements today and compare to when I started at the beginning of February with MFP just a few weeks before the last challenge started. Im hoping to see good numbers as I know I have lost the weight as I am down 2 dress sizes :)

    Good luck to you all I know you will do great!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    OK here's my measurements

    I couldnt find all my measurements from the beginning apart from this

    starting weight 147lbs
    hips - 95cm
    waist - 72.5cm
    thighs - 62cm

    - typical but here they all are from the beginning of March

    3rd march

    hips/lower waist - 89cm
    upper waist - 72cm
    thighs - 60cm
    butt - 98cm
    top of arm - 28cm
    nipples - 92.5
    under breast - 79cm

    13th June

    hips/lower waist - 83.5cm
    thighs - 53.5cm
    butt - 93cm
    upper waist - 64cm
    under breast - 73.5cm
    nipple - 87cm
    arm - 26.5cm

  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    Thanks for the fancy sheet Vic!
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61

    5 Goals I would personally like to achieve during this 12 week challenge (In no particular order)

    3) Try a new recipe (healthy of course) Each week

    Serinifly, that is an excellent goal and I'm going to steal it for myself!

    1. Try a new recipe (healthy of course) weekly
    2. Attain a weight within the healthy range for my height before the end of the challenge (<150lbs)
    3. Do at least 2 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training each and every week
    4. Sign up for and complete one race before the end of the challenge (5k,10k, whatever)
    5. Brave my way into a bathing suit and sign up for swimming lessons (that might not happen until the very end!)

    As far as what I will do to reach these goals: I have a fitness class that ends in a month; I plan to re-enroll in another 3 months worth of that class, which entails going to the gym 3 times a week and having my food log reviewed by a dietician every 2 weeks. I can also sign up for swimming lessons at my gym. As for the race... well heck, why not sign up for the race right now?

    Okay, I will be doing the Chicago Firefighter's Run for the Kids 5k on July 14th. (

    For the recipes, there are plenty to choose from in the forums, or I can just steal those from Serinifly too! :tongue:
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I would love to join y'all if that's ok. I have my weight from the 9th recorded already...

    Current Weight (As of today): 164
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 145
    Weight Category: reduce
    6/9: **start of challenge** 165
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 156___>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 150___>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 145___>>>

    1. I want to be able to run a 10K. I am going to look for one around the August time frame. I would like to be able to run it straight though under a 12 min mile
    2. I want to be consistently be hitting my nutrtitional goals. I have been all over the place with my food. I blame trying to move but really if I wanted it badly enough I could clean it up. So slowly each week I am going to pick one thing to focus on until my eating looks like what I want it to. Not just about cals for me.
    3. In the second 4 wk period I want to complete the 30 day making the cut workout program. I am working my way up to it now doing the Nike training app workouts three times a week.
    4.I want to get back into my lucky jeans. I can get em up and zipped but it's not pretty.
    5. For my. Birthday I want to treat myself to getting an accurate body fat measurement done 7/11 and also a return trip to get it re tested at the end of the challenge so I can see where I am fitness wise regardless of the scale.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi I'm new to this thread but I'd love to join,
    off to Dubai in September and want to lose for then

    Current weight :160lb
    Goal weight: 147
    # of lbs/kg to lose :13lb
    Weight Category : Reduce!

    6/9: **start of challenge**
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 154>>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 150>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 147>>>

    Game Plan:
    1. No alcohol or "treats" for June + 4 times a week at gym.
    2. Sub back alcohol in July, but carry on no treats and 4 times a week.
    3. In August allow myself treats BUT only if i deserve them.
    4. Last week in August, detox, get the last few lbs off!

    good luck everybody else :)
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thanks for getting us up and going, I'll be back with my goals when I've had a bit of thinking time :)
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    5 goals:

    1. Make better food choices daily.
    2. Keep a well-stocked fridge.
    3. Log on every morning to find inspiration.
    4. Exercise at least 30 minutes every morning.
    5. Feel 100% confident!
  • mjtmorr
    mjtmorr Posts: 75
    6/12: Starting weight 278.6
    7/7: <<<mini goal weight 269 >>>
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 260 >>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 250>>>
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    In the next 4 weeks I commit to:

    - Preplanning Meals instead of figuring out what I am going to eat as I go.
    - In addition to intentional exercize, I am going to incorporate walks around my neighbourhood with my hubby, he goes every morning about 6:30 so I will too at least twice a week.
    - As I will be rising earlier for those walks, I commit to turning my light out 30 minutes earlier every night
    - In planning my meals, I will ensure that my diet is truly balanced. I know I will lose if I'm under my calories, but I need to be sure I am getting enough fruits especially
    - When I have an off day, I won't say oh well, the day is alreaady blown I might as well go crazy until I go to bed.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
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