

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited December 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Happy December Ladies,

    Barbie, Thank you again, for keeping us going. You are always on track and such an inspiration. (((((Hugs)))))

    Betty, it’s nice to enjoy good food once or twice a year as long as we get back on track. We can do this even with Christmas right around the corner.

    Rori, you stay on the go so much that it’s no wonder that you are tired. I hope you find time to rest up a little.smiley-sleep027.gif

    Mary, OMG on your DD’s accident. I can’t believe she left the hospital and did all that with the horses. It sounds like a miracle that she is even still with you.

    Gloria, so glad Alexander is doing well. Wow, it sounds like you are going to be busy while home without your car.

    Elaine, what beautiful memories of the Christmas that your dad passed! It is so nice to hear the loving memories. Your mom sounds like my DMIL did 20+ years ago before her Alzheimer’s got bad. She would say the same thing and ask the same questions over and over. She’d say that sometimes she just wouldn’t know where she was or where she was going and would just panic. It’s hard to watch but nice when they have their moments of them old selves.

    Heather, good for you on making the decision to send the phone back. We all make mistakes like that and occasionally do things we don’t normally do. At least we learn from our mistakes. It’s hard enough on a phone to choose one while looking at them in the store. I hate changing phones because of the learning curve. Glad you are all ready for your trip!!!

    Elaine, you had a fantastic first 4 months but it won’t keep up at that pace. Trust me, at this point, I’d love to lose 6 pounds in a month. Just don’t give up and stay the course! You are doing great so keep it up.

    Joyce, “ouch” on your cut. Yes some of the new knives are really sharp! I got a set of Emeril Lagasse knives a few months ago and I am so very careful with them. I am careful when washing them too so I won’t slice off a finger. I sure hope yours is better this morning. Sending more prayers and healing thoughts for Charlie. It just seems like one thing after another. smiley-confused003.gif

    Rosi, sorry about your Shingles. I hope you have a mild case as they can sometimes be terrible.

    Allison, I’m so glad that Terri’s words hit the right spot with you and you feel better about DD. You know you did a good job and just because she tries to blame every negative in her life on you is no reason to accept it. With the kind of person we know you to be, she is darn lucky to have had you. ((((Hugs))))

    Barbie, when you make those great plans to sleep late, you have to remember to tell Brandy. Somehow I get the impression that ours know when we want to sleep late and purposely decide they want out early. weee.gif

    Lenora, hope you are feeling better soon.

    CarolGA, isn’t it frustrating working on something like the radio? I hope you get it resolved soon.

    Cheri, so happy for you that you are getting to enjoy both families this year. Sorry about the compressed nerve but hopefully the PT will help.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I was so very tired last night and did sleep well but still a little tired this morning. I have linedance this afternoon an need the exercise so I will make myself go. I finally got started putting the decorations on the tree this morning. Each year for the past 15 or so, I would get an ornament with all the pet's names on it. It did make me sad this morning hanging the one's with Max's name on them. He was just such a huge part of our family for the past 10 years and I really miss him.smiley-sad010.gifI didn't do well with last month's goals. I'm thinking of working to maintain this month and start anew next year, but haven't decided yet. I still need to work on portion control. Even thought I eat the right foods, I've decided I'm somewhat of a pig. I just really like food, what can I say?

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I did kettle bell swings this morning. I am waiting for a guy to come over and spray foam the cement walls in the basement that they did not do when they were here a couple weeks ago. I feel really exhausted after all that company. Less than three weeks and we will be celebrating an early Christmas with my children and some extended family members. It seems like this year has gone really fast.

    DJ - sorry to hear that you did not sleep very well last night. Sometimes we just have to make ourselves exercise. You will be so glad that you did. I cannot believe they sent my DD home from the hospital either. I went there on Monday and immediately called the Mayo and got her an appointment for Wednesday. When we did see the head plastic surgeon I think he was shocked that she had not had surgery already. The front part of her upper and lower job she could push out with her tongue. That is why they needed to wire her mouth shut.

    Heather - I am sorry about your phone issues. I know what you are going through from past experience.

    Peach - i'm glad to hear that you got your battery in your car. I know that there is a reset for the other electronics. I hope you get it figured out without having to bring it in.

    Margaret - my DD said that two of the doctors that were working on her were fighting for her to stay in the hospital but the one that was in charge discharged her. I don't even think that they had looked at the x-rays to know that her face was broken in five places. We are just thankful that the two plastic surgeons did such a nice job of stitching her nose back together.


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    edited December 2015
    Oooooohhhh Mary - such a terrible tale about your DD. You are a great mum! <3

    DJ - there was no address to email to, so I sent a long letter of formal complaint to the disabled access, which were the only ones that had an email and asked them to forward it. It will probably get lost and ignored, but I tried. ;)
    What a useless bunch! And they are still sending me welcome messages! ! ! ! ! ! !
    I have now deleted most things off the phone and taken out the sim.

    Supper calls. :D
    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    The adoption hearing has finally been set! December 23 at 11am! I am so happy to get this last formality over with!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    I went to water aerobics again this morning, and even had to start the car to warm up to get the ice off the wind shield. That's really not too common here. It's funny, I lived in Denver, CO the first 48 years of my life with cold, snow, etc. Now I'm spoiled with the warmer climate of Oklahoma. I do want enough snow around Christmas to cover the ground tho, but we usually don't get it :( Came home and took down my harvest decorations, working on laundry from the trip and encouraging Jack to get down the Christmas tree and decorations so I can work on that. I'm just going to put the big tree up and decorate the fireplace as we will leave for AZ the 29th of December. My kids will not be leaving my house until the 27th so that gives my one day to do laundry and pack up the motor home for a month long trip.

    Well I didn't do so well with November's goal. Due to total knee replacement the end of September, I did not exercise much (other than physical therapy on the knee), then got the sinus infection and upper respiratory crud, then had to make on unplanned trip to MO, so didn't go to the YMCA for the entire month of November either. So following are November's goals and updated December goals, not much change in them.

    November Goals:
    Water aerobics 4-5 days per week. (didn't happen at all)
    30-60 minutes on stationary bike daily. (did very sporadically)
    Get sugar OUT of my mouth. (did well until the week in MO, Mama S cooked and baked and I ate it) :(
    Drink 9-10 glasses of water daily. (one goal accomplished, back to drinking as much as I should)
    Remember this is for ME, a life time journey, not a destination.

    December Goals:
    Water aerobics 4-5 days per week.
    30-60 minutes on stationary bike daily.
    Keep sugar OUT of my mouth.
    Drink 9-10 glasses of water daily.
    Remember this is for ME, a life time journey, not a destination.

    I appreciate all of you so much. I too cannot believe we are about at the end of 2015. Seems like only yesterday when we were sure the world would be thrown into confusion with the arrival of the year 2000. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Anne - you did great jumping in the way you did. We have lots of people here from NC. I'm in Newton. Welcome!

    Gayle - that must have been very traumatic for you! My heart goes out to you.

    Joyce - thanks for that link. I'd never heard of something like that! It would certainly be something different. Gotta think on the design, now. I go to a different Catholic church since they have a mass at midnight on Christmas Eve. My church doesn't.

    Did an hour of a a cardio fat blaster for the spinning bike. Basically, it's sprints and hill climbs. The plan for tomorrow is to take a water aerobics class then I'm supposed to volunteer at a fundraiser at this church in Conover. Then in the evening we have ceramics to go to and I told one lady that I play mahjongg at her house that I'd pick up her card table. We'll probably take it to her since we'll most likely have the Outlook and she has a big dip in her driveway (I always bottom out so now I park up the street) but the Outlook will clear that dip.

    Irish Terri - I also love to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. That's one of our traditions.

    After exercising went to Aldi, then home to make these mac & cheese cups to take to Mexican Train tonight and some cookies to give to the gal who I usually reserve the conference room for Newcomers board meetings.

    Carol in GA - have a safe travel to the funeral and back. So sad

    Karen from NY - stretching is important for everyone, especially someone like me who exercises a lot. You need muscle balance.

    Sylvia - it's good that you found the dead mouse. Our first cat brought a rabbit into the house which died behind the buffet in the dining room. For the longest time there was this HORRIBLE smell and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I tried everything...even lighting scented candles. Then one day we moved the buffet only to find it decomposing. How nice that you'll be sharing your space!!! I tend to like the workout tops that are a cotton/spandex blend. Most of the ones are nylon/spandex but to me the cotton/spandex ones breathe more. Vince used to call two of our cats Udi and Cousey (Osama BinLaden's sons, however their names are spelled) because they would catch a mouse, then make a "ring" with their paws and bat it back and forth until it "broke" (died). Then they'd just get up and walk away.

    Mary - I remember a while ago I was taking a class at the college near me that involved weights. I couldn't get over it -- here I was, twice the age of most of the people in the class, and I was lifting heavier weights than them! If anything, it was a boost to my ego! What a story about your daughter

    After going to Aldi stopped at PetSmart. Need to get Loki more Pill Pockets. We need more canned cat food, but I'm not sure when we'll get it but we absolutely need the Pill Pockets so I got them and a few cans of different cat foods for the cats to try to see if they like it

    Vicki - I think you did very well only gaining 1.4pounds

    The guy came today to finishin the landscaping. There was a little bit more mulch that he needed to put down. I'm surprised he came since it's raining. He forgot the bill so he'll bring it here around 7:30, I'll be up and will probably go to the Y afterwards

    Terri in Milwaukee - (((HUGS)))

    Miriam - we had a day bed in our previous home and everyone would congregate on it. I think because it was so much like their bed

    DJ - I'm just really sad that Denise has wanted my rings all her life and now she won't be getting them. I suspect, but I admit that I don't have proof, that Pete's mother convinced him to buy the ring. I don't think he's strong enough to stand up to her and say "no ma, that's not what Denise wants". He did tell her that she said she wanted my rings, but evidentally she told him that Denise can wear them on the other hand. AAAA....no. These are heirlooms, not an afterthought that you wear on your other hand. To be honest, even Jessica and Vince agree that the ring he got is gaudy. It's not something that Denise would pick out for herself. I don't know if when Denise is here for Christmas I should mention to her that she can ask Pete if he wouldn't mind if she took those diamonds and made a necklace she can wear on her wedding day and then also have the rings that she's always wanted. I won't say anything to him, Denise has to. To be honest, I am of the opinion that his mother is going to be running their marriage. Pete told me that she's looking for a home for them. Really? Yes, Vince's parents helped us buy our first home, but they let us pick it out. I think they knew there were problems, but they let us learn from our mistakes.

    Which brings me to another question: see, when Vince and I got married my father wanted to run the whole show, invite who he wanted to invite, have the band HE wanted "because I'm paying". In the end we paid for the wedding ourselves because we didn't want people at the reception that we didn't even know, we wanted people who were close to us, even if my father didn't know that person.

    I know Denise, and she'd like only the best of everything. AAAA.....compromises will have to be met. We aren't made of money. I have a feeling that his mother is going to be an influence as to the place, the food, etc. etc. etc. And of course the mother is going to want only the best since she isn't paying. I understand that she's told Denise that she needs to be looking for venues. AAAAAAA....no, you decide on a date THEN work with the venues and maybe adjust. Why this big rush??????? OK, everyone, how much input did you all have as to the finances of a wedding?

    Joyce - so glad you found a good paring knife. It feels good when we find something that we're looking for, doesn't it?

    Rosie - sending good thoughts your way

    Miriam - what a christmas present you and the girls will be getting!

    Gotta go the MD for a followup on my foot but want to post this to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - we told two of our DDs how much money we would give them and just gave it to them. Then if they wanted to spend more they had to figure out where that money was coming from. My DD involved me and my DH in the food and drink selection. I of course help her pick out her wedding dress and helped with her and her showers and decorating. My DH' S DD did not involve us in anything. She just took the money.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Looking forward to reading all the posts for December. My best wishes to everyone.

    Elaine, England.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    November goals

    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days 20 minutes
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9. 10,000 steps a day
    10. Do the five day fast diet

    1. Check!
    2. Check!
    3. I didn't do the Kettlebell swings every day but at least 90% of them.
    4. Check!
    5. Check!
    6. Still working on drinking 8 cups of water.
    7. Check!
    8. Check!
    9. This one I am not focusing on because of the weather and I am too busy remodeling my house.
    10. Check!

    I am very happy with my progress last month!

    December goals
    1. Increase weights on Stronglifts 5x5
    2. Weight lift at least 3 x a week
    3. Kettle bell swing nonweight lifting days 20 minutes
    4. 8 hour diet window
    5. 8 power foods
    6. 8 cups of water
    7. Follow night time snacking prevention methods
    8. Lose 5 lbs
    9. Do the five day fast
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I can't believe it's December already. I missed an appointment with the oral surgeon this afternoon. Oops. I thought it was on the 10th.

    Taking hubby to drop off his car to get a new windshield after I pick up the two little ones, then he and I will go to the middle school to pick up the oldest after choir practice at 5:15.

    My new friend and studio partner never came in today. He said he would try to come in to iron out the details, but apparently he couldn't make it. He doesn't have a car so his sister drives him around or he uses public transportation. Maybe tomorrow.

    Gotta run. Have a great afternoon.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Barbie – Thanks for keeping us going another month. I know this thread is my major motivator, and I treasure each and every one of you ! ! !

    DJ – I will happily post the picture in December, and again later in the month or anytime in the future that he graces us with a costume. // and yes, I do get paid to work, so it’s ok for me to be busy at work. Today I learned how to utilize the Electronic Medical Records to keep notes that I need for patient follow-ups and such. Good thing that after 4 ½ years, I am finally being trained to do my job.

    Elaine – Hugs and Prayers for your memories of Christmas. My FIL passed on Dec. 26 a few years ago. MIL was certain it would be Dec. 25 just to ruin Christmas for her, since she loves it and he didn’t. But he kindly waited another day. We all gathered on Thanksgiving to watch him eat dinner and talk. He was conscious enough to know everyone at that time. I’m so happy that you can find the joy and peace that you all deserve.

    Patceoh - Hugs and Prayers for Makeala and all the loved ones ! ! !

    Elaine – I know you will find your zest again soon. Don’t give up – you are worth the effort ! ! !

    Joyce – what a bummer about cutting yourself. I hope it heals quickly, and that you get better and better at using that particular knife.

    Rosie – Hugs and swift healing for your shingles. I hope the pain remains tolerable.

    Allison – More hugs for you. It can be SO painful, but you have friends here. I know my DD will come around eventually, and I pray yours does soon, too ! ! !

    Gloria – be strong and soft – you are doing difficult yet amazing things. Feel the hugs ! ! !

    I’m a nervous wreck right now. I’m trying to teach DH to call medical claims and billing and such, to keep on top of insurance coverage and such, and I just got a call from a collections agent saying my mammogram is in collections. I called the claims department, and she said DH did a good job talking to her last week, and she has it handled, just needs to get on their website for details and confirmation. I hope she calls me back soon. I have my credit going so good right now, I can’t have an account in collections, because I don’t want my score to take a nose-dive. Nerves, nerves, nerves.

    Cheri – congrats on a successful Thanksgiving celebration ! ! !

    Miriam – Hooray ! ! !

    Michele – For my first wedding, my parents let me do almost anything I wanted, because my sister was already a single mom x2, and they had the money. The only item we stood-up to future hubby and his controlling mom was the food. They wanted cold buffet (sandwiches, etc) and my Dad said “my relatives are not driving 4 hours to be served sandwiches, we are having hot buffet.” For my second wedding we invited just our parents (and my DD) to Las Vegas in February after DH was done with the National Bowling Tournament. Then when the weather got warm, we had an Open House in our restaurant. New MIL didn’t like the way I was doing things, and she had a JP wedding, so I handed her my checkbook and told her she could do whatever she wanted except the cake. That made her happy. That’s all the experience I have. Hope this helps a little. Hugs and Luck ! ! !

    – I need to go back and read about the accident, but I’m still sending hugs and prayers over and over and over ! ! !

    I believe there were other tragedies I missed while I wasn’t reading, so please know that I offer everyone the sincerest Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    My supervisor's boyfriend used to work for Samsung, so I'm going to give him my tablet and fitness watch to see if he can get it hooked up for me. I rode the bike for 10 minutes twice today, mostly because the handbike was in use. The bike was torture, because my flare is right hip and right ankle, but I put a comedy channel on Pandora, and survived. Lots of stretching between patients now, just to keep the joints as limber as possible.

    I think DH has our Hotel room for Christmas. I love my in-laws, but since we don't smoke, I don't like staying at their house and having to wash all my clothes twice after getting home. I think the Hotel he got has a pool and whirlpool, so DD will probably spend more time with us than usual. That makes me happy. I know I can't have her during the times that her dad's family gets together, because she just isn't strong enough yet to stand up to them (and she's afraid of losing their love), but she loves hot tub/ whirlpools as much as I do, so she'll be around as much as work and family will allow. We will likely spend at least one day or evening in Red Wing because everyone in his family spends lots of time gambling.

    DS is working on putting together his Park/Rec basketball team. I'm not sure how many hours are in that kid's day, but he sure likes them to be busy with sports. He just grew an inch last month, and started another growth spurt this week. He ate 6 granola bars in the 30 minutes it took me to get home with supper, then he complained about his hips cracking and being stiff. Usually his feet will grow first, then he will get taller again. I just bought him bigger shoes in October. He's making me broke worse than DD did when she was growing (she loved cheap outfits cut apart and put back together to look different, so clearance and a sewing machine made her a happy teenager). DH is almost behaving with his diabetes. He takes his metformin at the same time every day, and eats 1 apple and/or orange before most meals. Sunday when I made Hamburger Helper for them, he only put 1/3 on 2 slices of bread, instead of his usual 1/2 on 3 slices of bread. Baby steps !

    My work day is almost done, and our local grocery chain has salad for 69 cents each, so I'll get 1 or 2 bags (I usually prefer romainne, but for 69 cents I will eat Dole Green).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    fancy - good going on your goals achieved

    I normally don't do goals cuz I just keep on keepin on HOWEVER, the idea is to start rehab and to be able to put my own hair in a ponytail before the month is out!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I am so bummed! As I said yesterday, the battery on my 2007 Honda Accord was dead. DH replaced it and the radio/clock won't come on (which is common for Honda's after the battery dies). So I have spent a good part of my morning trying to unlock the radio. Thank God for the internet. I have watched Youtube videos and gotten all the numbers I needed. Now, I just can't seem to follow the final directions on how to unlock. DH is trying now. I may have to take it to a repair shop to get them to do it.

    Carol - There should be a tag or a sticker inside your glove compartment and/or any books that came with it that will give you the code to reset the radio. I know my 2009 Honda did; and my 2015 does. The one on the 2009 was a sticker stuck to the upper inside portion of the glove compartment. I think you can go online with the VIN and get the code that is specific to that car, if not. Usually, you can call a Honda dealer and they will 'tell you how to do it over the phone'. I know that happened once when they took the battery out of the car.

    Got weighed in today that included the Thanksgiving Day holiday and weekend and had only gained 1/2 of a pound. I was very, very excited about it, too. DDnL#2 called Monday and said that DYS had told her about how much I had lost and that I even wore some 'skinny jeans'. YEAH! He noticed. Told her that he thought that DDnL#1 had put on a good bit of weight. She did not comment and he said, 'you're usually the one taking her side'; she told him, 'not any more, she had her chance and blew it with me'.

    Send my middle sister a picture of the macramé Christmas tree that I had threaded lights though and which is the 'only' Christmas tree we are putting up this year (and maybe even into the future). It hangs in front of the door to the 2nd bedroom in our house. Put bowties on all 7 of our deer mounts; all I have to do now is put out my Manger scenes. Now have 4 of them. Bought a Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus that 'goes' with the other figurines my BF had given me years ago. She had not realized that those 3 important figurines were a separate purchase. I decided to go with the one that did not have the Christmas Tree - did not think it was worth the $15 difference in price and the figures were the same size. IF I can figure out how to put pictures here from Windows 10 I will do it. I guess I could get my techie to help me. He did it the last time I wanted to put up a picture of "Cracker". She was so happy to see me this afternoon after spending most of the day in her crate.

    I'm coming down with the same thing that DYS had this past week. Runny nose, stuffy head, and sneezing one igh after another. Went to MD and he gave me a round of steroids. Antibiotic won't do anything to what I have and he doesn't want to give me anything that might mess with my 'bipolar' or 'seizure' meds. It took me an hour last night before I could clear my nose and go to sleep (with C-pap) ... that is a very scary feeling.

    Happy First of December!!!!! This year has flown by for me.

    - I think 6 or 7 days is a good period of time to advise parents of your grandson's birthday part at the Y. Much longer than that, it is forgotten too easily.

    - Sylvia told me about some yogurt treat that she gives her dogs; loves them. Cracker loves them, too. She only gets them when she is to go into her crate - at night and when I have to leave her while doing errands. She is quite coy about getting an extra one lately (since she got hurt) she acts like it is difficult for her to get inside it now because she has to hop over the little ledge to get to the crate bottom. I have one of those rolled edged beds to make it soft for her. Spoiled, rotten puppy that she is. :*
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Terri - the accident happened 3 years ago Labor Day weekend. She has her 6th surgery for bone grafts on her upper and lower jaw next week. I just mentioned it originally to Carol because of the motor cycle accident where he hit the branch to give hope to Carol.

    Pip - that is a great goal!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My husband brought in the butcher knife that his DD made years ago (when he was little; 74 now) and that sucker is sharp and when it gets sharpened ... you could split anything into shreds. Sorry you cut your finger; sounds lik where it was you probably needed a stitch or two. In art school, I cut my finger on a blade to a circular saw; hated 'shop' and would do just about anything to get out of it. One day in there somebody had not tightened the blade and I was standing next to the guy using it; and the blade flew off. We did not go back for a while. Learned to double-check to make sure everything was 'tight' after that. We had to have 'shop' so we could make our own stretcher frames. All those angle and things. Good thing I was good at Geometry.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Thanks for the new thread Barbie!

    My only goal was to be lighter today than I was on November 1st .... And I Forgot to weigh myself this morning! Will report back tomorrow but I suspect I'm up not down.

    Carol ... So sorry to hear about your nephew. Will keep him in my prayers.

    Sylvia... Great mouse stories! I missed the question about the birthday party notice. If you were asking how soon you should invite... Do it now. December is a crazy month and birthdays often take a back seat. My younger son was born in the 20th ... When he was younger arranging parties was a beast. Of course, maybe I got this all wrong and you didn't ask this at all... It's been one I of those days.

    Beth near Buffalo ... Where it's unseasonably warm and my magnolia tree is budding! Oh no!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thank you, Barbie, for this place for all of us.

    I am cranky at the moment... this whole being out in the middle of small-town society again is at best a mixed blessing. I'm back on the ranch until Thursday, late, and it's probably a good thing. Thinking good thoughts for those who need them most.

    My November goals were not met, refocusing for December.

    November Goals:
    • Weigh less at the end of November than I did at the end of October. Utter fail, I'm seven pounds higher than I was... I was TEN pounds higher, and took off a bit, but it's not a good thing, by any means. Someone else said they were struggling with their motivation, and that's me in a nutshell.
    • Take care of myself first! Fail - see the first one.
    • Log every calorie every day. Fail - see the first one.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day. Fail - see the first one.
    • Write 50,000 words in November for NaNoWriMo. Fail - made it through 12,000.
    • Get the RV storage lot ready for ribboncutting Nov. 16 (while taking care of myself!) This is the only goal I actually accomplished.

    December Goals: Just keeping it simple.
    • Weigh less at the end of December than I did at the end of November.
    • Log every calorie every day.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    k40026.gif Thank you for all your kind words....I love this thread and I love being connected with all of you. I don't always reply to everyone individually, but you are all in my heart. My greatest strength is following through on a commitment like posting the new thread every month....others of you have other great strengths that I don't have. Anyone who is still reading and posting on this thread is a winner.......as long as we are showing up and wanting to do better each month, we are on the right track.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtont116008.gif
  • smithharia
    smithharia Posts: 4 Member
    Yes. I am all for help with this. Have gained and lost so many times. Hope this helps. Thanks for starting it!