P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Ok did Kenpo today. I found it a bit hard to follow so I'm looking forward to trying it again next week when I will know what to do a bit more. I did find it challenging and worked up quite a sweat by the end so I am hoping some good things were happening. I'm not sure my moves were as aggressive as Tony would like - I'm thinking I just looked crazy hopping around the living room - but that's ok!

    Getting my stretch bands tomorrow so I'll be ready for chest on Monday. I'm feeling like I'm getting used to being low on carbs, it's getting easier. Does it matter than I'm always under on protein? I am getting what I would normally have said was an ample amount of protein but not as much as MFP has as my max. Is that really just a "max" and it's fine not to get to it? Or should I strive for more? I'm not sure how I could even do it realistically so I may not like the answer to this question!

    Keep up the good work everyone and of course, as others have mentioned, feel free to add me!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Ok did Kenpo today. I found it a bit hard to follow so I'm looking forward to trying it again next week when I will know what to do a bit more. I did find it challenging and worked up quite a sweat by the end so I am hoping some good things were happening. I'm not sure my moves were as aggressive as Tony would like - I'm thinking I just looked crazy hopping around the living room - but that's ok!

    Getting my stretch bands tomorrow so I'll be ready for chest on Monday. I'm feeling like I'm getting used to being low on carbs, it's getting easier. Does it matter than I'm always under on protein? I am getting what I would normally have said was an ample amount of protein but not as much as MFP has as my max. Is that really just a "max" and it's fine not to get to it? Or should I strive for more? I'm not sure how I could even do it realistically so I may not like the answer to this question!

    Keep up the good work everyone and of course, as others have mentioned, feel free to add me!

    It takes a little while to get the sequence down. Like most of the DVD's half of the difficulty is knowing what's coming next.

    As far as the protein question. It depends on how far you are under. A few grams, no big deal. 100 grams, bigger deal. I would worry more with meeting your calorie goals and maintaining the low carb portion. Protein and fat should fill in the calorie gap. Protein shakes are the best way to supplement if you think you aren't getting enough. Most of them have about 30 grams per scoop with little/no carbs or fat.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Taking a nice long walk for my day off today, then gonna stretch a bit to be nice to my poor tired leg muscles.
    I posted my before pictures in my profile...

    Everybody stoked to start week 2 tomorrow morning?
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    did turbo jam 20 minute workout and learn/burn. my step mom worked out with me tonight. been kinda nice having a workout partner. my son did all 6 workouts of p90x with me this week.

    ready for week 2
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Did Plyo x yesterday with some modified moves and now I'm sore all over...looking forward to shoulders and arms today.
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    I just found this thread and would love to join in if that's okay? I am on day 9 right now of P90X. Hope everyone is doing well! :smile:
  • First I must say that I am proud of ALL of you for bringing it last week!!

    I am also proud of myself for the workouts completed last week and the effort I put forth! Ready to "bring it" harder this week =) I wanted to share my NSV with the group!!!

    I successfully pulled off the "crane pose" for the first time since I have been doing P90X. For some reason, I just couldn't get it together until it finally happened this weekend!! I almost fell out of it because I was so excited....LOL. I was smiling so big....is that allowed in yoga? Tony makes it sound so serious...HEHE.

    GL this week EVERYONE!!!
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Just finished day #3 (shoulders & arms), nice workout, I really enjoyed the bonus round at the end.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    I just found this thread. I started last Monday. I'm on day 8 with Shoulders and back. Can I join too??? I have before pics and measurements already.:flowerforyou:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I just found this thread. I started last Monday. I'm on day 8 with Shoulders and back. Can I join too??? I have before pics and measurements already.:flowerforyou:

    Shoulders and Back?? Day 8 should be Chest and Back, are you doing power 90 or P90X?? I don't think there is a DVD for shoulders and Back.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    That's awesome that your sun has been joining you Syd!! I'm going to try to get my mom to do it with me when I go home in a few months.

    Did chest and back this morning! I think I managed to push a lot harder than the first time round. I'm curious if I will be sore again? I kinda hope so! AbRipperX still makes me want to die though... It's NOT getting easier.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I am starting for the very first time today. Mind if I join your group? I could use the support!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    anyone can join this group , welcome !

    im a night shifter, as i tried to sleep today for work, the phone rung at 8, 9, and 3 times between 10-11. and again at noon. im up and frustrated now. cant wait to see tony today. i got alot of stress to blow off.
  • I logged on today and found this thread and would love to join as well :-D I am on day 6 right now of P90X. I did Legs and back last night and Wooo Weee what a workout:flowerforyou: I can use any and all support I can get, Im on a mission to get my sexy back!!
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Shoulders and Back?? Day 8 should be Chest and Back, are you doing power 90 or P90X?? I don't think there is a DVD for shoulders and Back.

    Oops, that's what I ment to say.:blushing:
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    I just found this thread. I started last Monday. I'm on day 8 with Shoulders and back. Can I join too??? I have before pics and measurements already.:flowerforyou:

    Shoulders and Back?? Day 8 should be Chest and Back, are you doing power 90 or P90X?? I don't think there is a DVD for shoulders and Back.

    Oops, my mistake. Shoulder and back. yes, I'm doing P90X.:blushing:
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 8/90 is done...learned my lesson from now on i do ab ripper x first, i was wore out and struggled more with the ab ripper. i will admit my push-ups suck, but today i did 6-8 on each one before i had to go to my knees. actually started getting a cramp in my hips while doing dive bombers. lol burned all my stress out , feel better.
  • I would love to join you all as well. I am on day 6/90.

    I need to modify lots of my moves but I am doing it!
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    First, Id like to welcome all of the new comers! Do Your Best, And Forget The Rest!

    Second, Im a week ahead of the start date, so im starting week three today and crushed Chest and Back. However I didnt pace myself. had to do the last few sets of pushups from my knees to get my reps(still pushed till i felt the burn). But i cant bend my arms enough to touch my thumbs to my shoulders. WHAT A PUMP!

    Push it hard, it feels good in the end.
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Hello peyton115, jamielr84, jhendricks5, girl1beagle4 and phenomanaldove! Of course the more the merrier and we're glad you're here! Girl1beagle4: do you by chance have a beagle?? Or perhaps 4?

    I can't believe I'm already starting week 2! I'm trying to really push it this week now that I know what to expect. My upper body is definitely my area of weakness so an hour of strength is HARD, but in a good way ya know?

    Syd1980: your morning sounds very stressful. I admire you for burning your stress through exercise rather than eating (my usual strategy)

    bootlebop1979: I know what you mean about the yoga! I feel like I am going along ok and as soon as I think "I'm doing awesome" I fall on my face...good thing no one can see me!

    Keep it up guys!! Oh and feel free to add me - I guess I should have said that at the beginning :)
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