Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Drivendiva- The Shamrock Shuffle in on April 5 in Chicago. We will welcome cheerleaders. It is an 8k run, which is about 5 miles. Karen has reserved a couple of hotel rooms and Susan also has a line a on place to stay.

    zcb- I can tell you that many organizations would love to have a volunteer who can help with things like website updates, Facebook posts and other activities that people don't have time to accomplish during the day but they need to be done. Is there a local park nearby that has a friends group, if so contact them and see what projects they have coming up. They could always use help with volunteer coordinating for events. This would enable you to talk to a variety of people plus helping a wonderful organization as well. Just a thought on a way to get involved. Good news about your check up going well.

    mwander- I am a middle school science teacher, 8th grade. Our kids are crazy right now. My Christmas break is 10 days away. We are not out until the 23rd, ugh.

    I am looking forward to a day off tomorrow. I need a mental break from school and the kids. I will be spending the day with a girlfriend. We are shopping then making cookies tomorrow. This will be a nice change of pace.
    The nice thing is I can sleep in tomorrow and that will be nice.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Human Rights Day!
    Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December every year
    The date was chosen to honour the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations. The formal establishment of Human Rights Day occurred at the 317th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on 4 December 1950, when the General Assembly declared resolution 423(V), inviting all member states and any other interested organizations to celebrate the day as they saw fit.[1][2]
    The day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. In addition it is traditionally on 10 December that the five-yearly United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights and Nobel Peace Prize are awarded. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations active in the human rights field also schedule special events to commemorate the day, as do many civil and social-cause organizations.

    ” It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to.” ~Annie Gottlier


  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    Morgori wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Christmas Card Day!

    Date When Celebrated : Always December 9
    Christmas Card Day, honors Sir Henry Cole (1818 - 1874) of England. Cole created the first commercial Christmas Card in 1843.
    Just a few decades ago, sending Christmas cards through the mail was a holiday "must". Sending cards through the mail continues to be very popular. The cost and time for writing and sending cards has caused many people to stop sending them. Free Ecards have surged in popularity. Animated Christmas and seasonal Ecards have made sending and receiving them a lot of fun.
    Today is a good day to send out your Christmas cards and holiday greetings. If you have yet to do so, use today to get a start.

    “There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly.” ~Publius Terentius Afer



    Really interesting info
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    I had included a smiley and a Thanks!! Great info--I'll share w my mom:)
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Tuesday Goals ... I resent my macro goals today and have to make a renewed effort to meal plan to get the percentags that I have set for myself. This came about after the statistician in me came out today. I looked back over the last 100 days of food diary and saw that my values are all over the place with no true uniformity. Thinking that might be why I only lost 3 pounds during this time ... and need to nip it before the weight loss comes to a complete stop. Thus, I am renewing my pledge to stick to and report on this goal here, like we did with the calorie challenges last year. I've also made a renewed committment to physical activity, and will be reporting on that as well. The calories for exercise will be taken from the MFP database as I don't have any other means to calculate it. I found a group of activities that I know I can do and made a list with length of time and calories burned to use.

    For me ... at my age and weight ... list of activities:
    . 15 minutes of walking at a slow pace (2.0 mph) = 70 calories
    . 15 minutes of cooking/food prep = 50 calories
    . 5 minutes of general dancing = 40 calories
    . 15 minutes of line dancing = 125 calories
    . 45 minutes of cleaning with light/moderate effort = 200 calories
    . 5 minutes of light bike riding = 50 calories
    . 30 minutes of low-impact aerobics = 280 calories
    . 15 minutes of circuit training/general = 220 calories
    . 30 minutes of Yoga - 130 calories
    . 30 minutes of Tai Chi = 200 calories
    . 15 minutes of treading water = 110 calories
    . 15 minutes of swimming laps, freestyle, light/moderate effort = 190 calories
    . 5 minutes of eliptical trainer = 80 calories
    . 5 minutes of stationary rowing, light effort = 33 clories
    . 15 minutes of home light/moderate calisthenics = 100 calories

    This starts today and going forward I will report on Mondays as that is always my check-in Day. Here's the format:

    Calories at goal <=> 100 ... 0/0 days
    Macros at goal 40C/40P/20F within 10% ... 0/0 days
    Total exercise calories burned this week ... 0

    Lets see if this will make a difference and get me closer to the goal I set for the end of December! At the rate I have been going I will not reach my ultimate goal by my 72nd birthday ... after all, I will be 71 in just over 3 months!!!

    @everyone... keep plugging along! This is a project that needs constant renewal of committment and energy!
    follow-through N

    WOW!! Great information! Sometimes when I put my exercise in, MFP shows some huge amount of calories I've burned, which doesn't seem correct:)
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    DrivenDiva wrote: »
    I keep losing this thread, but so glad to have found it once more! Hey group. ***waving***

    Just chugging along and trying to get my head straight for the holiday parties ahead. I've started by on Dr. Ian Smith's Four-Day Diet book just to keep me eating clean this week so I can indulge a little this weekend. Unfortunately, I just don't have the motivation to work out at all. Plus a nagging case of plantar fasciitis keeps me wanting to do nothing involving standing for long periods. I have to see a podiatrist soon to get fitted for orthodics/shoe inserts.

    A while back some of Chicago/Illinoisans mentioned participating in the Shamrock Shuffle. The best I may be able to do is cheer you guys on, if these feet o'mine are not better by then. Can yall share with me the details on that if you have it?

    If you are using your phone to view this thread, you can hit the little star next to the thread and it will be saved---later, when u go into Community to see what's going on, you can hit the star at the very top of the screen to see your favorite threads =) I hope this helps!
  • rmullins1981
    rmullins1981 Posts: 8 Member
    Thursday... I have found out that my drinking is tied together with me gaining weight... I printed out 3 months worth of credit card statements and bank statements. I only highlighted when i ate out and when i went to the store to get alcohol. I was shocked and that put things into prospective. Since then i have been in recovery.

    It is easy right now to be motivated. I have started watching calories and not drinking for about 2 weeks. I feel great. I will keep on keeping on....
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    DrivenDiva wrote: »
    I keep losing this thread, but so glad to have found it once more! Hey group. ***waving***

    Just chugging along and trying to get my head straight for the holiday parties ahead. I've started by on Dr. Ian Smith's Four-Day Diet book just to keep me eating clean this week so I can indulge a little this weekend. Unfortunately, I just don't have the motivation to work out at all. Plus a nagging case of plantar fasciitis keeps me wanting to do nothing involving standing for long periods. I have to see a podiatrist soon to get fitted for orthodics/shoe inserts.

    A while back some of Chicago/Illinoisans mentioned participating in the Shamrock Shuffle. The best I may be able to do is cheer you guys on, if these feet o'mine are not better by then. Can yall share with me the details on that if you have it?

    If you are using your phone to view this thread, you can hit the little star next to the thread and it will be saved---later, when u go into Community to see what's going on, you can hit the star at the very top of the screen to see your favorite threads =) I hope this helps!

    Ah-a! Perfect.. thanks for the tip! I will do just that! ;-)

  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    Thursday... I have found out that my drinking is tied together with me gaining weight... I printed out 3 months worth of credit card statements and bank statements. I only highlighted when i ate out and when i went to the store to get alcohol. I was shocked and that put things into prospective. Since then i have been in recovery.

    It is easy right now to be motivated. I have started watching calories and not drinking for about 2 weeks. I feel great. I will keep on keeping on....

    Congrats to you and best wishes on the road to recovery!!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    Thursday Truth- I'm TERRIFIED about a simple test tomorrow, namely an A1c blood test. Because I'm an adult, the best veins for phlebotomy are in my left arm, specifically the crook of my elbow, or (when lying down, as is my life right now) the back of my right hand. Sadly, I use my hands a lot, so testing in either of those zones would cause long-term injury, lameness that would last the rest of the week, and off-and-on pain during hand-centric activity. Essentially, the only site that phlebotomists can use with a clean conscience is my right leg/foot because I have no sensation in that region. Unfortunately, it seems that heel sticks are only for babies. Furthermore, since my doctor has told me that it's okay to eat/drink before the test, I have no intention of living NPO, so general anesthesia is not an option, and local anesthesia/cold spray only makes the pain worse. :scream: Anyone who wishes to send prayers/positive thoughts, or even advice is welcome to do so.
    Rant over, my apologies for the long post. It does feel good to get that off my chest, though. Phew!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Kristinearden ... yes, I've read that MFP exercise calories can be higher than what is true ... I am unconcerned at this time about that as it is not an exact science at any time, for anyone; just a benchmark measurement. The list of actiities is intended for me to see how even normal everyday activities will burn up some calories as an ecouragement to move more than I currently do.

    @rmullins1981...I had to take a closer look at your profile when i saw your post because you resemble my brother so much in it. Yes, it is amazing how many extra calories there are in alcohol.

    @zcb94 ...I get blood draws for an A1c plus other labs purpose several times a year so I'm having a hard time understanding why it is such an issue in your particular case. The tehnician takes it either from the crook of either arm or from the top of my hand ... and the only issues I ever have is a possible black and blue mark because of leaked blood under the skin. Guess I'm pretty lucky.

    AFM ... My Thursday Truth is that I'm on my third day of working on my new personal challenge. On Day one my calories were way too low, and on day 2 they were way too high ... but just like the 3 Bears and Goldilocks, today was just right. Exercise wise ... not so good. I am still doing too much sitting and not enough moving around.

    I have a busy several days ahead of me and probably won't get back to this thread until check-in day ... so I hope everyone keeps plugging away at their fittness goals ... remember ... it's all about small changes done consistently over time that make the difference.
    Follow-through, Niki
  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    @Lauriek70 - I hope you enjoyed your mental health day! That bites that you're not out until the 23rd! I'm dying to get through this countdown to break! 8th graders are a unique beast this time of year!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    @Nikion901, you sure are! How do they manage to do it humanely for you?
    It really hurts me and does great damage as I mentioned before. Then again, I have an alarmingly low pain tolerance, and bruise more easily than an apple after being dropped from atop the Empire State Building. This is why I'm ready to demand either a lower body draw or that the nurse/phlebotomist go rob a local blood bank of Type O for the test. Thoughts?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Sorry I haven’t been around much, busy time of year at work.

    @Laurie~ Ah, a mental health day—we all need those! :wink: Hope you enjoyed your day.

    @zcb94~ Interesting about the blood work. I tend to have very small veins so nurses/phlebotomists tend to have issues finding veins. I had surgery in October and the nurse gave up after trying 3 spots; eventually the anesthesiologist got it—first try. :astonished: There are a couple of tricks though to make it easier—one is to drink plenty of water (it helps your veins to float); second is to make sure you are warm, veins tend to shrink when you’re cold so ask them to place a hot pack on your arm for 10-15 minutes—gets the blood flowing and the veins are easier to see. Lastly, if you have small veins like I do ask them to use a butterfly needle—its smaller so less chance of it blowing a vein and its less painful than a regular needle. Venous punctures don’t tend to be painful for me, but then I have a high pain tolerance. But if you are more sensitive to blood draws, this type of needle may ease the procedure. I find it interesting that your doc said it was okay to eat prior to an A1C test, that is generally a fasting blood test--it's more accurate when a patient is NPO 8 hours beforehand.

    AFM~Not much to report. I did transition from the cast to a boot last week, which has been harder than I anticipated—pain increased substantially, but I'm managing it for the most part. Next appointment with him is Christmas Eve, no word yet on when I'll start PT. We don’t get any time off over the holidays, except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day—I earn a lot of PTO and generally take vacation but with a two-week vacation in May I’m not taking any time off this year. It’s a long time until May! :cry:
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    edited December 2015
    @kah68, I do that, but it's still hard. Therefore, I'll definitely insist on a lower body stick, even if I have to be mildly rude to get things done (although I really don't like to snap at anybody, tbh)! It's interesting that you say that a diabetic should be fully NPO (no food or drink, not even a sip of water) as opposed to a simple fast (nothing but small sips of water) prior to A1c testing. As you mentioned, water is good for the blood/veins. :confused: Therefore, I did eat breakfast, so if there's a problem, that's tough toenails! :lol:
    AFM- Friday Fitness: I'm sorely tempted to do a quick dance sometime today, to get blood flowing and pump up the endorphins, which would probably get me out of this stupid blue funk! I'll report back when I've decided how to proceed.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    The United Nations Children’s Fund is a United Nations Program headquartered in New York City that provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. It is one of the members of the United Nations Development Group and its Executive Committee.
    UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. Ludwik Rajchman, a Polish bacteriologist, is regarded as the founder of UNICEF and was its first chairman from 1946 to 1950. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this previous title.
    For more information, go to

    ” The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.” ~G.K. Chesterton”


  • jewell0607
    jewell0607 Posts: 38 Member
    Thursday... I have found out that my drinking is tied together with me gaining weight... I printed out 3 months worth of credit card statements and bank statements. I only highlighted when i ate out and when i went to the store to get alcohol. I was shocked and that put things into prospective. Since then i have been in recovery.

    It is easy right now to be motivated. I have started watching calories and not drinking for about 2 weeks. I feel great. I will keep on keeping on....

    Congratulations! Such an amazing step to take...and feeling great is its own motivation.
  • jewell0607
    jewell0607 Posts: 38 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Monday Check-in ... weight stayed the same this past week at this mornings weigh-in. That said, I suspect I am retaining some water weight because my salt and carb intake was a bit higher the past 2 days than normal.
    In this mornings mail I had a link to a recipe especially designed for diabetics that sounds good and, as serendipity would have it, I have all the ingredients on hand, ready to put together. Thought I'd share it with you all because it sounds so good. I'll be preparing it for tonight's dinner, with leftovers. I'm cutting the recipe in half. The recipe is from Everyday Health.

    Curried Chicken With Sweet Potatoes and Cauliflower

    Looks delicious. I'm struggling at the moment to bring my glucose level back down (its been wonky since ;my doctor moved me from Actos to Glipizide), and this seems like a solid recipe to try.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    @kah68, I do that, but it's still hard. Therefore, I'll definitely insist on a lower body stick, even if I have to be mildly rude to get things done (although I really don't like to snap at anybody, tbh)! It's interesting that you say that a diabetic should be fully NPO (no food or drink, not even a sip of water) as opposed to a simple fast (nothing but small sips of water) prior to A1c testing. As you mentioned, water is good for the blood/veins. :confused: Therefore, I did eat breakfast, so if there's a problem, that's tough toenails! :lol:
    AFM- Friday Fitness: I'm sorely tempted to do a quick dance sometime today, to get blood flowing and pump up the endorphins, which would probably get me out of this stupid blue funk! I'll report back when I've decided how to proceed.
    Update: it turns out I don't have to be stuck until next week, if that, and sticking to my normal healthy diet is fine. Furthermore, the nurse has promised to try her best to use only my non-wounded leg/either foot. Whew! Yay!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everybody! I'd have posted sooner but I had a repeat attack virus on the computer and sent it off to be properly repaired and I don't recommend the place I sent it to, because it sat there 3 days and was not fixed properly, then I was again dropped from I-net service for several days as we argued over my service contract bill, which I did finally win the battle and did receive a huge credit and now I owe nothing until my January bill. Whew lots of hassle but I stay with the fight If I feel I am right.

    Well, in the meantime, we've had lots of interesting people join. Welcome each one of you!. You all seem to have your own separate mountains to climb in addition to just eating less and moving more.

    Well, dog gone it, that's life. We aren't all born natural athletes, with lots of money and time. We are simple peasants, with only a hope of making ourselves more acceptable to our own desire or dream. We hope we can move more easily. We hope we can climb that flight of stairs. We hope we can save some money and not waste it on junk that just passes through our digestive system and leaves lumps of fatty fat on our *kitten*, and a depressed mood on our face.

    Well, its hard - its not a matter of determination - of saying OK - I'm stopping the behavior that got me here and I'm starting this wonderful new plan. Its more like that great post by Nikion several posts ago where she closely inspects just exactly what kind of exercise she actually CAN do and what amount of burn she will get out of it. She's quite factual in that post.

    Lots of other determinations abound - if you are moving extremely slowly, if your mood just won't get out of the ditch and doesn't match the mood of others around you, you need to consider whether you have depression and deal with that. Depression is not something you fix mentally. It needs a doctors' and a prescription's help.

    And, you can't argue with me on that. I actually have been tested genetically, quite recently, and proven that I lack the receptors for dopamine. Frankly, I'd be dead - at my own hand - if I weren't taking anti-depressants specific for dopamine. So, if you've had an on-going problem with inability to enjoy life, check it out.

    Physical problems, boy they abound here. Poor Kelley (Kah) and her ankle surgery - she was quite the athlete after she worked up to that stage, then BOOM! her ankle injury laid her out. She fought and resisted surgery like a trooper for a while, but became convinced that the surgery would be the best route. And she is quite chipper in reporting occasionally about her progress.

    Me- I'm a 64 year old lady who started this column with great hopes and I did quite well. I lost 60 lbs and was going great and so happy with my loss. But I got felled with some mysterious ailments - that means more than 1 - and as time passed also had worsening arthritis.

    Yesterday I saw the Ortho Surgeon who told me both thumbs were basically destroyed and needed to be replaced and I am scheduled for left thumb replacement on Dec. 31 - boy do I know how to "ring" in the New Year.

    @Skinnyjeans I sure was looking forward to the Shamrock Shuffle. But I have now 3 surgeries on my plate. The second hand surgery will follow the first one in 8 weeks and then I will have a Right Knee total replacement. So I'm out - so sorry. But I'm looking forward to much better movement and grip strength.