What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    edited December 2015
    Have you ever played the 5 Why's Game? If you have kids, I bet they have. ;)

    Do this for a goal you're thinking about striving for.
    Ask yourself why.
    Then ask yourself why again....
    Do this for a total of 5 times and you'll get to the route of why you want to do that. It will open your eyes to the true meanings behind it.

    I want to lose weight. Why?
    I want to feel better. Why?
    I want to be able to play with my kids like the other fathers do. Why?
    Because I hate it when I can't do something with my kids. Why?
    Because my kids matter to me. Why?
    Because I want to be around for them for a long time, and want them to be a good role model for them.

    There you have it. Now you know why you want to lose weight. Now do something each and every day to remind yourself of that why. Take a picture of your kids. You won't give up now when it gets hard.

    If you're comfortable enough, post below something that you used this method with, and what you've realized is your "Why" for that goal.


  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 266 Member
    bevkidd1 wrote: »
    My "WHY(s)" are
    1. My family also has Diabetes throughout. So I am trying to keep that at bay for as long as I can.
    2. I'm tired of being tired all the time.
    3. The constant knee, ankle and back pain can sometimes be unbearable.
    4. I want to not be so stiff when I stand up that I have to stand in one place a few seconds before I can move.
    5. I have almost no self esteem. I want to feel good about myself. I have always been overweight and self conscious.
    6. I want to be able to walk into any store, grab a piece of clothing off any rack and know it's going to fit without trying it on and take it home.
    7. I don't take medications at this time and I want to keep it that way.

    I think that's enough for now. If I think of any more I will cone back and add them here.

    Those are all great reasons "WHY!" Thank you for sharing. What do you find is the most difficult for you to achieve your goals? Exercising, eating right, or receiving enough support to keep you going?

    Well, right now I would have to say the food. I eat, I hurt...no matter what I eat. Due to the sur
    bevkidd1 wrote: »
    My "WHY(s)" are
    1. My family also has Diabetes throughout. So I am trying to keep that at bay for as long as I can.
    2. I'm tired of being tired all the time.
    3. The constant knee, ankle and back pain can sometimes be unbearable.
    4. I want to not be so stiff when I stand up that I have to stand in one place a few seconds before I can move.
    5. I have almost no self esteem. I want to feel good about myself. I have always been overweight and self conscious.
    6. I want to be able to walk into any store, grab a piece of clothing off any rack and know it's going to fit without trying it on and take it home.
    7. I don't take medications at this time and I want to keep it that way.

    I think that's enough for now. If I think of any more I will cone back and add them here.

    Those are all great reasons "WHY!" Thank you for sharing. What do you find is the most difficult for you to achieve your goals? Exercising, eating right, or receiving enough support to keep you going?

    Well, right now I would have to say the food. I eat, i hurt. Back in October I had surgery (not weightloss surgery) and now, no matter what I eat I hurt. I'm seeing a nutritionist who suggested I see a gastro doctor because I'm still having problems with food and he is concerned that there may be something else to my pain when I eat.

    I saw a gastro doctor before
    bevkidd1 wrote: »
    My "WHY(s)" are
    1. My family also has Diabetes throughout. So I am trying to keep that at bay for as long as I can.
    2. I'm tired of being tired all the time.
    3. The constant knee, ankle and back pain can sometimes be unbearable.
    4. I want to not be so stiff when I stand up that I have to stand in one place a few seconds before I can move.
    5. I have almost no self esteem. I want to feel good about myself. I have always been overweight and self conscious.
    6. I want to be able to walk into any store, grab a piece of clothing off any rack and know it's going to fit without trying it on and take it home.
    7. I don't take medications at this time and I want to keep it that way.

    I think that's enough for now. If I think of any more I will cone back and add them here.

    Those are all great reasons "WHY!" Thank you for sharing. What do you find is the most difficult for you to achieve your goals? Exercising, eating right, or receiving enough support to keep you going?

    Right now it's definitely the food. I have had a problem with food since July of this year so in October I had surgery (not weightloss surgery) and I am still having issues. Everything I eat, hurts. It just seems to not be getting any better.

    I am seeing a nutritionist at work and he suggested seeing a gastro doctor. Now, I saw one back in August I think it was and he did not agree with my doctors findings of my issue. I will not go back to that doctors office because I don't like the way he spoke to and treated me, but I will seek out a different gastro doctor.

    I either get it under control or stop eating, one of the two.
  • nbradford75
    nbradford75 Posts: 14 Member
    • I want to feel better
    • I want to go on business trips with coworkers and walk to destinations and not be so red & winded they ask if I need to sit down, with deep concern on their face
    • I want to throw away my inhaler
    • I want to paint my toe nails without having to wedge myself in the corner of the couch just to reach my feet
    • I want to buy jeans at a NORMAL store (and not Lane Bryant)
    • I want to feel comfortable in my own skin

    But mostly, I want to avoid the medical difficulties that my parents and sister are currently trying desperately to combat, including diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and joint deterioration.

    Those are great why's! Good luck!
  • nbradford75
    nbradford75 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone,
    More often than not, I see the same statement come from a lot of people about their fitness journey. "I started up, but then I quite xx amount of days later." Or, " I made it 2-3 months, but couldn't keep up with it." So I started thinking, what is it that keeps people from continuing on? What was it that kept me going on? I read or listened to a small segment by Darren Hardy called Making the shift, I believe that was it, and he touched on the subject of what is it that drives us to pursue something. The main reason, your WHY has to be strong enough.

    Imagine that you are on a high rise building and there is a skinny platform about 30 feet long going from your roof top to the building across the way from you. You are asked to cross to the other side. Chances are, you probably don't want to. Now imagine there is a $10 bill on the other side. You might be more tempted, but is it enough to really make you want to do that? Probably not. Now, imagine your child or loved one is in danger on that other side. I'm willing to bet that you are going to do everything you can to get to that side. What changed? Your WHY changed. Crossing a 30 foot platform just for the thrill of it or $10 wasn't a big enough reason why, but a loved in danger might be.

    Now, imagine applying that same mindset to your fitness journey and life style change. Is your WHY big enough? I believe one of the reasons why some people don't make it past that few day or couple month period is that there WHY isn't big enough, so the willingness to stick it out and achieve their goal isn't really there.

    My why goes beyond wanting to look good in shorts or have 6 pack abs. Mine is to avoid a hereditary disease and live long enough to see my children's children grow up. My family has a history of diabetes. Both great grandparents, my grandfather, mother, and uncle all have or had diabetes. My uncle was just diagnosed a few years ago, and my mother, god bless her, lost the fight a few months back. A couple of years ago I weighed the most I ever had, didn't care what I ate or drank because I assumed I would be one of the lucky ones that the disease skipped. I then realized that was a bad mindset, so I changed it. I made the choice to want to eat better, exercise, and prevent the possibility of contracting diabetes and being insulin dependent. I did not want to leave it up to chance. Sure, I would exercise a little, go for a run here and there, eat something healthier, but my WHY wasn't defined, Therefore I was inconsistent and not really doing myself any favors. So, I changed my WHY.

    I understand that at times, life can get in the way and slow us down. An injury, drastic change in your lifestyle routine, but when it boils down it it, your reason will remain the foundation for your success. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or you have been making a lifestyle change for years. Do you truly know why you are exercising? Do you really know why you have chosen to eat a little cleaner? When you understand why it is important to YOU, you are more likely to succeed and stick with it.

    I hope this has you thinking a little bit. If so, then what is your WHY?

    I learned about this from a guy named Hyrum Smith. It was a powerful lecture. It was a couple of years ago now so thanks for the reminder.
    I'd guess my why's aren't unique...
    I want to reverse the hereditary diseases I have.
    I don't want to have to worry about if there's a weight limit to something
    I want my adventurous spirit to match my appearance
    I want to be around for my family and be an active participant in my daughter's life
    I want to wear a ridiculous pair of red stilettos :smiley:
  • Ioras88
    Ioras88 Posts: 57 Member
    Oh geez.

    My why?
    Here's a thing: I've always been physically weaker than other people of my age or build. Now, I'm not looking for gaining big muscles. That's unrealistic anyway since I'm a woman and I'm not into lifting weights since lifting heavy things over time actually only makes my body ache. Doesn't matter if I do things right or not. I wasn't build for manual labour and also not for lifting weights.
    So losing some weight, getting healthier, going to fitness (that's circuit training btw) will hopefully help me when I'm older.
    Another thing:
    I'm suffering from depressions. Those also make my muscles chronically tense. Getting healthier also helps a bit with that.

    Also a selfish need:
    I want to fit into smaller pants. I'm currently having lots of problems finding pants that fit me, especially with this abominable 'skinny fit' trend currently going on. Last time I looked for pants I actually found some pairs that fit me at the hip but not at the legs. Wth?? Whoever designed this has never seen a real woman. People with a wide hip often also have wide legs. This is terrible.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Yeah, I don't get the skinny fit either. Especially skinny jeans for guys, What is up with that? I don't get it. Thank you for sharing!
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    "Whoever designed this has never seen a real woman."

    What makes me laugh is that the 2x and 3x clothes I've been relegated to have super-long arms and legs. As if the clothing industry thought when we gained weight our limbs also got longer! I too would like to go back to buying regular clothes, and not look ridiculous in them.
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    Why lose weight ? Because everyone tells you to do so and treats you horribly until you do so . As a woman we have lost the right and permission to be imperfect there is a perpetual message about women . a woman can only be happy if she is considered to be perfect ;weight perfect ,body perfect, mothering skills perfect ,marriage perfect , cook perfect, etc and being anything less is bad and unwomanly our bodies change as we age we have lost the permission to have bellies and chins and lines on our necks and faces
    This is why i want to lose weight in reality its because i dont have the permission to allow my body to age anymore like my mother and grandmother did i get judged by strangers friends family neighbours random hostile men fellow airplane travellers and any one else in my vicinity who looks at my body and thinks theres a fat female over forty shes probably flatulent and has no self control lets tut at her
  • kyley_ann
    kyley_ann Posts: 25 Member
    Because I'm worth it.

    In the past I didn't believe in myself--didn't believe I could accomplish the things I wanted to do, didn't believe I was worthy of those things I wanted.

    This time I know that I'm worth it.
  • katekams
    katekams Posts: 22 Member
    shmerek wrote: »
    I want to be as strong and fit as possible in preparation for the zombie apocalypse.

    I love it :smiley:
  • katekams
    katekams Posts: 22 Member
    OK it's time for my WHYs

    I was born and raised in loving family of two wonderful parents and three great sisters whos only hobby was food and TV. I was always fat kid, fat teenager and fat young adoult. I didn't knew that I didn't had to be. That was just the way my family lived and I wasn't observant enough to see that is not the way it has to be. Only when I was 21y.o. I noticed that this can be changed. That sitting all day on my a**, eating and watching movies is not a way I want to spend my life. I never had a boyfriend and whole my life I felt unloved and unatractive. I watched beautiful people in movies and thought that they were born like that and I was not. My body hurt every day and I thought that is just a way it supposed to be. I didn't find any real friends in my childhood because I was spending my whole time at home. I'd really need some right now but my chance for life-long friendship is lost. So my biggest why is I will not miss any more chances ever again!
    It took me a lot of time to completly change my way of thinking. Now my whys are:
    - I want a flat, atractive belly and thighs (I already lost 51lbs and I'm almost at my target weight; age 26)
    - I want to show my obese parents and one sister that it's not a lifestile that they have to live (I'm scared that they will die way sooner than they should)
    - I want to be a hot girlfriend to the love of my life, hot mom (if I decide so one day), hot 40, hot 50, hot 60 and so on...
    - I want to wear business outfits and look in them like moviestars
    - one day I want to wear bikini for the first time in my life (preferably on vacation of my life on some exotic island)
    - I want to feel sexy and look sexy
    - I want to be an example that body that was overweight from the very beggining can look good and desirable one day
    - I want to always be one of the best looking people in the room
    and so many more

    I didn't thought that there will be so many whys but when I started to write them down I couldn't stop with just one or two.
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Great Amazing Post. It will be very inspiring to lot of us. My first why , i pretended it was for Diabetes but it truly was for physical appearance, I failed after 8 months. My second why was truly for my diabetes and its been a lot easier. I truly feel my new llifestyle is now for life and its really easy to follow my new values
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    My whys:

    - To not end up with the health problems that plague my family. Unfortunately I will also learn the hard way that some of it I just can't avoid, it's going to happen anyway. I'm hoping that doesn't spoil my efforts.
    - To just feel better. Haven't used my inhaler in a while. I can actually run a good distance without wheezing or feeling like I'm going to die. I actually enjoy running during my lunch break at work (I look back and say to myself "Who would have ever thought I would enjoy running, much less be able to do so?").
    - I haven't succeeded in life. Bleh job, never finished college... when I feel like crap because things are hard for me, I try to focus on the fact I have accomplished losing weight... and it works, on occasion, and makes me feel good for a few minutes of a bad day. I hope to improve on that.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    All great reasons why. Thank you for sharing. For some of you, a book came to mind that I think you might benefit from. It's called You Are a Bad *kitten*, by Jen Sincero. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. If you're not the reading type, you can get it through Audible as well. Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins is another one.

    Part of the reason while we struggle with achieving our goals is due to our limiting beliefs. We have told ourselves something negative for so ling, that it has become a reality. I have been able to change a couple of things in my life, but I still have much more to go. Old habits die hard, but by bringing them to the surface, acknowledging them, and re-writing them in my head, I am confident I will concur those limiting beliefs as well. You can too!
  • skipwa
    skipwa Posts: 14 Member
    I love this topic. My why is that my cardiologist told me to lose weight due to a genetic condition and gave me a ceiling. In 2014 I lost 15 pounds and have maintained my current weight. So aside from health reasons, I really want to avoid the scolding that i'll get if I gain the weight back!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    One of my Why's......So I can keep up with these kids :)

  • acia90
    acia90 Posts: 74 Member
    My whys:
    - joint pain, and ankle troubles!
    - more confidence about my appearance (and outta the awkward not quite plus size, but not quite regular size for clothes)
    - sexy lingerie :smile: and the confidence to rock it. And a boudoir photo session.
    - My overall health. Preventing as much as I can (diabetes, osteoporosis and a few other things run in my family).
    - to be healthy and have those habits established before trying for a baby in a couple years.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'll play.

    Why? Because I want the outside to once again match the perception I have of it on the inside.

    Why? Because the cognitive dissonance atypical BDD creates sucks eggs.

    Why? Because *you* try reconciling objectively knowing you are clinically obese and have ~100 lbs of excess body fat with your brain constantly subjectively pushing down you look fine (i.e., how you last looked almost a decade ago to the day now).

    Why? Because it makes weight loss kinda difficult.

    Why? Because you don't think of yourself as clinically obese and having ~100 lbs of excess body fat to lose when you are and do. And you can't rely on body/weight changes weight loss brings about as continued motivation/positive reinforcement because they just don't register since you already think you look fine 97-99% of the time.

    It's a viscous circle, I tells ya. :\
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Happy New Year! Ok, I'm a few days behind, but I can still say it. How was your holiday? Did you get to spend time with friends and family? I hope so. We did minus my brother in law. He is still in Afghanistan, but will be coming back stateside this month.

    So, it's a New Year, time for a NEW YOU right! You're probably getting tired of hearing that, but you know what, it's true. Time to take life by the horns and just go for it. What are your goals? WHY are they important to you? HOW do you propose to achieve them? WHAT is the final product you want to achieve? Now is your time. Write out your goals, put them up so you can see them everyday, and go for it!

    So please, share with me. I want to know. Lets do this together!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    One of the most common struggles I hear about from friends and family is that they don't have the time to exercise or meal prep. Hog wash! If you are telling yourself that, then I want you to seriously rethink that. How many times have you had to get something done before a trip or the end of the week, and you managed to get it done? How many times have you said I don't have time for this, but have time for that, but the "that" doesn't really assist you with achieving your goals?

    The truth of the matter is, you have the time, you just have to be willing to formulate a plan to make it happen, and then stick to that plan. We all have the same amount of time in a day, and there are those out there that get everything on their list done, and still have time for some "me" time. If they can do, if I can do it, then so can anyone else.

    Most of us on here are family folks. One, two, three or more kids. Throw in the cats and dogs, fish, aunts or uncles and you have a house full. Full time jobs, other extra curricular activities. The list can go on an on. Those windows of opportunity get smaller and smaller. But, if you schedule out the time you need, make it non-negotiable, and stick to it, you will find that yes it can be done, you still get your other chores done, and probably still have a little me time left.

    I have 3 kids. My girls are new teenagers. Yikes! So lots of drama there. I also have 2 dogs. My wife works full time, I work full time with a 1 hour commute, plus have a part time job as a coach. I still manage to get my workouts in 6 days a week, meal prep at least 2 times a week, and help get my kids to track, cross country, running club, archery, and gymnastics. I do end up sacrificing a little bit of sleep (I only get about 6 hours on average) but I make it work and still work towards my goals every day. You can too!

    So, the next time you tell yourself you don't have the time, is that really true, or just a smoke screen to hide you from doing what you need to do to accomplish what you want to do? Good luck today, and make every minute count!
