Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Darklords wrote: »
    Good Morning Ladies, I hope everyone is well. It's been a rough week for me but it is starting to get better. I managed to be so good last week-end at the Christmas parties but broke last night. Went to a friends house with a bunch of other woman and out came the wine :( feeling a bit guilty for it today but moving past it. It's a new day and things can only get better right :) Shy I am keeping up with my steps and have made it a point to do a walk at some point thru out the day, even if it is 15 mins. Hope everyone has a great week-end. Yous are wonderful and should be very proud of yourselves!!

    Awesome on he steps!! I've been sticking to my 10K! Beating my sister on the fitbit challenge! Yay! She even has bought my daughter one so we can compete with her as well! That might take me stepping up my game! =)
    Shrug off the wine... it happens! As long as you enjoyed yourself, it was worth it and you will think twice next time the option comes along! Maybe not hit it as hard but you got to enjoy life as well!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hey guys!
    I'm checking in today to share some frustration.
    I've been working hard, staying within my calorie goal each day and exercising here and there too. At the beginning, about a month ago, it was going really well! I lost 10lbs just like that. Then there was a pause, but I managed to lose another 7. Now, I seem to have gained back that 7 and I don't know why. I'm still eating within my goals and I exercise here and there still.

    Can anyone help me with some tips or ways i can boost my weight loss again?

    Plus, I don't know if this goes for anyone else... But every time I exercise it seems like it's putting my weight loss on pause. Like, on pause for a week at least. I know you "build muscle" but even from like 30 mins of an elliptical?

    Sorry for the Monday morning drag haha

    Hey Amanda, sorry you have such a swing with the weight. You have to look at it like you know exercising is helping... because it is!!! It all takes time. If you can try to squeeze in even 20 minutes a day it helps! Water weight is a big player. Just know everything you do is helping you and even some steps back will soon change to steps forward. Exercise can never hurt your weight loss! Keep doing what you are doing and the results will come!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I hope you've all had a good weekend.

    Its been a party weekend for me so my calories have been way over whoops :blush: back on it today and the rest of the time before Christmas.

    My new nephew was allowed home yesterday :smiley:

    I am feeling absolutely great with lots of people noticing that ive lost weight :smiley:

    Happy dance time :smiley:

    Keep up the great work everyone.

    You earned this!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    #dailycheckin - I'm a bit frustrated with MFP - It's crazy how different a lot of the database food listings are for calorie counts. If you look up an orange... the range for an orange, there's a 30 calories difference between some listings. I realize almost each one of them the serving size is different but there again, how do I know if my orange was 60 grams or 100 grams? Does anyone else get frustrated with this?

    Sorry to be a Negative Nancy.... I'm just ~blah~ today and i know I shouldn't be. Too much do to at work and home... 'Tis the Season. :)

    I agree.. I hate that! I usually lean towards the highest. Then I feel like I am helping myself! =)
    Hope you had a great weekend and Monday is rounding up to an end so let's say goodbye Monday blues!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So I had a busy weekend! Friday night was a date night to Menards & Cabela's! Yes.. I am old and I am married! LOL! Saturday, I wrapped up some more shopping and then headed to Red Lobster... I limited myself all day and got a box as soon as my meal came out and put half in it!! Then I went to see a play, that my nephew performed in and stopped at the bar for my brother-in-laws bday! So a few casual drinks.. way to late at night! Ugh! Sunday I also met some friends at the bar for the football game. Limited myself to 2 beers! So I did curve on my food intake some to help that as well! Damn alcohol!! Been working on my steps and riding my bike while at work, so all is good! Hoping to see some loss before the big Christmas weekends begin!
  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 128 Member
    #dailycheckin - I'm a bit frustrated with MFP - It's crazy how different a lot of the database food listings are for calorie counts. If you look up an orange... the range for an orange, there's a 30 calories difference between some listings. I realize almost each one of them the serving size is different but there again, how do I know if my orange was 60 grams or 100 grams? Does anyone else get frustrated with this?

    Sorry to be a Negative Nancy.... I'm just ~blah~ today and i know I shouldn't be. Too much do to at work and home... 'Tis the Season. :)

    You have to weigh them, as much of a pain as it is. Once you weigh them for a while you can start to get an idea on the servings in different sizes. I just started weighing bananas because I decided to quit guessing.

  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning! I hope everyone's week is off to a great start. I'm headed out for a run, the first in many months. I'm not sure about where everyone is located, but here the weather has been very warm. Dare I say too warm?

    Last week my eating and steps were a mess. This week is off to a great start and I feel so much better!! It's always amazing to me how much better I feel when I eat clean. If I just didn't love chips so much, I would be golden. I think I need to start doing a daily check-in here to better hold myself accountable.

    Have a great day!
  • virginia5289
    virginia5289 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new here, started this quite some time ago and "fell off the wagon: so to speak. My goal is to lose 25-35 pounds by summer and to just be more healthy overall :smile: I'd love to meet some new positive and inspiring people!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    It is so nice outside right now! I was so looking forward to stopping at the track on my way home from work today to get a good, long walk in. That was until I realized an appointment I thought was tomorrow after work is actually today after work. Ugh. And I think its supposed to rain tomorrow. I just want one night where I don't have anything to do when I leave work! This time of year it seems like there is something to do every day! I hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Welcome to all the newbies! This is a great bunch of people here! I look forward to reading the updates every day! Way to go everyone!
  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 128 Member
    Hello everyone, I havent been as activly latley, still logging (some days better than others lol) I pulled something in my back last week and that kept me from working out for a few days. Last nigth we got 8" of snow, so I guess no outside running for a while ! Im working at getting back on track with my eating!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    #dailycheckin - I'm a bit frustrated with MFP - It's crazy how different a lot of the database food listings are for calorie counts. If you look up an orange... the range for an orange, there's a 30 calories difference between some listings. I realize almost each one of them the serving size is different but there again, how do I know if my orange was 60 grams or 100 grams? Does anyone else get frustrated with this?

    Sorry to be a Negative Nancy.... I'm just ~blah~ today and i know I shouldn't be. Too much do to at work and home... 'Tis the Season. :)

    You have to weigh them, as much of a pain as it is. Once you weigh them for a while you can start to get an idea on the servings in different sizes. I just started weighing bananas because I decided to quit guessing.

    Yep, this! ^^^ Since I started weighing my food I have been losing my target weight per week. It's maybe not as crucial for an orange but when you're adding rice or cheese to your plate you would be shocked at how quickly it adds up in grams. I got myself a $10 scale and I keep a notebook and pen with it. I weigh and tare my plate at meals and it really takes no time at all. I will prelog my dinner and adjust the gram quantity afterwards to save time.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    back in May myself and a couple of friends decided to do a splits challenge. i have never been able to do the splits even as a child. But i set out to achieve a goal just to see how far i could go. The first few months i had pretty fast progress and then over the last couple of months the progress slowed and i didnt feel like i was getting any further. Tonight at the gym i managed to get the furthest yet so i thought i would upload a photo just to show that if you set a goal and stick to it you can succeed6c4th18h57zx.jpg
  • susanamussen5307
    susanamussen5307 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is susan, and I have just had what I assume will be my final child, and now it is time to get back to my 2003 form! Fingers crossed!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Started my day off with a run! Thank goodness as the rest of my day, my steps have been awful. Eating is ok but getting away from water!! Ugh!! I have to step it up!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Good Morning! I hope everyone's week is off to a great start. I'm headed out for a run, the first in many months. I'm not sure about where everyone is located, but here the weather has been very warm. Dare I say too warm?

    Last week my eating and steps were a mess. This week is off to a great start and I feel so much better!! It's always amazing to me how much better I feel when I eat clean. If I just didn't love chips so much, I would be golden. I think I need to start doing a daily check-in here to better hold myself accountable.

    Have a great day!

    We would love to hear from you daily! Glad this week is going better! Keep up the good work!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi! I'm new here, started this quite some time ago and "fell off the wagon: so to speak. My goal is to lose 25-35 pounds by summer and to just be more healthy overall :smile: I'd love to meet some new positive and inspiring people!

    Welcome! Check in often! We can do this together!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello everyone, I havent been as activly latley, still logging (some days better than others lol) I pulled something in my back last week and that kept me from working out for a few days. Last nigth we got 8" of snow, so I guess no outside running for a while ! Im working at getting back on track with my eating!

    Good to hear fro you. Sorry about your back and the snow... Yuck! =) Although we have been really lucky this year!! Keep logging and checking in!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    back in May myself and a couple of friends decided to do a splits challenge. i have never been able to do the splits even as a child. But i set out to achieve a goal just to see how far i could go. The first few months i had pretty fast progress and then over the last couple of months the progress slowed and i didnt feel like i was getting any further. Tonight at the gym i managed to get the furthest yet so i thought i would upload a photo just to show that if you set a goal and stick to it you can succeed

    Woot! Woot! Way to go Gill!! That's great!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    My name is susan, and I have just had what I assume will be my final child, and now it is time to get back to my 2003 form! Fingers crossed!

    Welcome Susan! Check in often! We will help you along this journey!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hi! I'm new here, started this quite some time ago and "fell off the wagon: so to speak. My goal is to lose 25-35 pounds by summer and to just be more healthy overall :smile: I'd love to meet some new positive and inspiring people!

    Hi Virginia... this is a great thread. To get motivated, to vent, to get support... Come on in! B)