30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 completed at 5 am!!! Anyone else feel like that is the longest 20 mins of your life? Haha. I had surgery about a month ago and I haven't worked out since, so I knew it was gona be tough. It wasn't AS bad as I thought though; I think I'll stick to level one for about 5 days, then move on to Level 2. My legs are shaking everytime I get up from my desk. Haha. Tomorrow is gona hurt so good :)

    Just keep thinkin about how great I'll look in that bikini next month!!!!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I just started the 30DS - today is day 3. And I am pleasantly surprised that 20ish mins can do so much! I feel tighter all over already.

    My only question is - what do I put it as in my exercise diary? Calasthenics (spelling? lol)? I want to make sure I'm calculating my burned calories correctly. Considering I'm sweating and panting within 2 mins I'm guessing vigarous effort - :)

    I read in a lot of different threads that the most accurate way to count it besides a HRM -which I don't have, is to log it as circuit training, general. I am 5"5 and I log 20 minutes so about 183 calories I burn!


    L1D2 is done! I wasn't too sore!I only did a 14 minute warmup jog around the neighborhood first though instead of 22 minutes. I just didn't want to overdo it, you know? I'm wondering if I will be more sore tomorrow than I was today? My upper arms are what has been killing me. I think its because I'm somewhat in shape and that's why it isn't hurting as bad if I hadn't been exercising so much in college and the past few weeks.

    I'll admit, I was screaming profanities at the screen this morning though. OUCH! I focused on trying not too take as many catch-your-breath breaks as yesterday and I think I suceeded, I'll keep working on it tomorrow. I also need to focus on doing the exercises accurately. While I'm trying to stay on pace, I tend to get a little sloppy and not correct my form if it falters!

    Alright, I know myself and a couple others agreed those side lunges were killers. SERIOUSLY! Holy moly! Today was even worse, I was just about in tears when it was time to do them! LOL! I tried to use both 5lb weights, but it was too difficult for right now, so I'm going to stick with holding one out in front of me for the next few days and gradually add it in there when my sore arms have had time to heal!

    @bmfrazie - I didn't measure my calves, just because I don't care too much about them at this point in time! I'm more worried about getting the kangaroo pouch of fat from my stomach and getting some inches off of my thunderthighs! HAHA
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    I just started the 30DS - today is day 3. And I am pleasantly surprised that 20ish mins can do so much! I feel tighter all over already.

    My only question is - what do I put it as in my exercise diary? Calasthenics (spelling? lol)? I want to make sure I'm calculating my burned calories correctly. Considering I'm sweating and panting within 2 mins I'm guessing vigarous effort - :)

    I read in a lot of different threads that the most accurate way to count it besides a HRM -which I don't have, is to log it as circuit training, general. I am 5"5 and I log 20 minutes so about 183 calories I burn!


    L1D2 is done! I wasn't too sore!I only did a 14 minute warmup jog around the neighborhood first though instead of 22 minutes. I just didn't want to overdo it, you know? I'm wondering if I will be more sore tomorrow than I was today? My upper arms are what has been killing me. I think its because I'm somewhat in shape and that's why it isn't hurting as bad if I hadn't been exercising so much in college and the past few weeks.

    I'll admit, I was screaming profanities at the screen this morning though. OUCH! I focused on trying not too take as many catch-your-breath breaks as yesterday and I think I suceeded, I'll keep working on it tomorrow. I also need to focus on doing the exercises accurately. While I'm trying to stay on pace, I tend to get a little sloppy and not correct my form if it falters!

    Alright, I know myself and a couple others agreed those side lunges were killers. SERIOUSLY! Holy moly! Today was even worse, I was just about in tears when it was time to do them! LOL! I tried to use both 5lb weights, but it was too difficult for right now, so I'm going to stick with holding one out in front of me for the next few days and gradually add it in there when my sore arms have had time to heal!

    @bmfrazie - I didn't measure my calves, just because I don't care too much about them at this point in time! I'm more worried about getting the kangaroo pouch of fat from my stomach and getting some inches off of my thunderthighs! HAHA

    OK - i went and put it in as circuit ... same calorie burn as calesthenics :) So I guess I wasn't too far off. THANKS!!
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    DON'T FORGET ~ it's quality not quantity! Jillian Michael's even says you are better off doing 10 proper pushups than 30 wrong ones! It's OK to slow down - you don't have to "keep up" - just do what you are capable of. You want to push yourself but you don't want to be a spaz about it :wink: :laugh:
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Got woken up too early.. Now drinking a few cups of coffee hoping to get the energy to do day 3 of the shred.. Already talking friend IRL to start doing it. To help keep me accountable. Let's do this!! :)
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    L1D2 done. I have to admit I was pretty sore this morning when I woke up but now that I am done with day 2 I feel a lot better. I took my measurements and will post them later. Can't wait to get to day 30 and see the results!!!!!
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    Day 1 Level 1 down! I think I'm gonna go keel over now!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    So L1D2 is DONE! I actually took less breaks today. It definitely hurt but the farther I got into it, the less I felt the soreness. I just hope the soreness isn't worse tomorrow! I'm actually really proud I did it. I've never been able to workout on a day I felt sore, and that has been my problem..waiting for the soreness to go away, then just quitting altogether. Not this time :)

    Good job everyone who made it past day 1! :flowerforyou:
  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    Level 1- day four...past day 2 it gets easier.
  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    I had trouble backing out of my driveway the first time around. It gets better.:smile:
  • liza8888
    liza8888 Posts: 24 Member
    L1 D2 done!! I was sore but I actually felt less sore after I did the workout! I think I'm going to do Level 1 until Sunday and then try Level 2 next monday. I did try it once before and remember it is a killer.

    I've been doing my pushups against a wall. I am terrible at them and someone once told me that will still give you a good workout.

    Loved the comment about not being able to bend down to put the dvd in today!! :)

    Never posted my measurements yesterday but I'll just post weight -181 as of yesterday; hoping to get down to 165 eventually.
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    I just tried to get up from my chair at work (I sit at a desk all day) and my legs wouldn't work! lol I fell right back into the chair.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Finished day 2 at L1...IMHO it was a lot easier the second day (granted yesterday I was more sore starting out due to the previous day's workout), so interested to see what days 3-30 will bring!
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    L1D2 completed.

    Legs not so jelly like today, but am finding little aches here and there when I twist around, or make an unusual move.

    Felt the burn in my legs today, and in my arms doing the squat and push with weights. Although I got sweaty and very hot, I think overall I found it a little easier today, probably because I proved to myself yesterday that I can do it and knew what to expect.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I just tried to get up from my chair at work (I sit at a desk all day) and my legs wouldn't work! lol I fell right back into the chair.

    This morning I got up and all was right, went to the gym for my strength training workout. And then the same thing happened to me getting up from my chair at work. The back of my thighs and rear are killing me. Back at it tonight! :-)
  • rs2361
    rs2361 Posts: 40 Member
    still waiting for my dvd!
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Started off atrociously today - managed about 4 girly pushups because the muscles near my armpits (pecs?) literally wouldn't hold me up! I've always had rubbish upper body strength though, so I'm not expecting miracles too quickly.
    Still had to give up on the last 2 dumbbell raises on the side lunges though. OUCH!

    Well done to all the shredders today! :flowerforyou:
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    So my arms are still a little sore, less than yesterday. However, I am experiencing soreness in my inner thighs today. I'm thinking it was the squat air punches! I can barely bend to sit on the toilet! HAHA! (TMI - I know!) At least I know it's working though!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    So my arms are still a little sore, less than yesterday. However, I am experiencing soreness in my inner thighs today. I'm thinking it was the squat air punches! I can barely bend to sit on the toilet! HAHA! (TMI - I know!) At least I know it's working though!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    So my arms are still a little sore, less than yesterday. However, I am experiencing soreness in my inner thighs today. I'm thinking it was the squat air punches! I can barely bend to sit on the toilet! HAHA! (TMI - I know!) At least I know it's working though!

    I hear you I dropped something today and it was really hard to bend over and pick it up... lol
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