

  • jaydasbuddy
    jaydasbuddy Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello all, just saw this thread and wondered if it's going to continue to the New Year. Hope this will be a fabulous 2016 for everyone! --Penny (Jaydasbuddy )
  • jaydasbuddy
    jaydasbuddy Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all, just saw this thread and wondered if it's going to continue to the New Year.
    Hello all, just saw this thread and wondered if it's going to continue to the New Year.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,575 Member
    Hello all, just saw this thread and wondered if it's going to continue to the New Year.

    a new one is done every month
  • jnpmac
    jnpmac Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to fitness pal. My declining health and increasing weight have convinced me that it's time to get myself together. Right now, I'm moving more (it's hard for me to walk much right now), saying goodbye to sugar, and drinking more water. Once my leg improves, I plan to talk long walks with my husband and the family dog. Looking forward to a great new year, and I wish the same for all of you.--Janine
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,940 Member

    welcome.gif I am happy to see new faces in our friendly community. I hope you will continue to read and post here. There will be a new thread for January 2016 posted in the evening (PST) tomorrow. Be looking for it so you can find us and bookmark the thread.

    194904olsgis3xqe.gif I had a wonderful time as the leader for the high intermediate line dance class this morning. We danced 14 dances in two hours including several that were a huge challenge for me. The class was small but we had great fun. Tomorrow I'll be leading the intermediate class that is closer to my level of expertise. I'm sorry that the teacher is ill but happy for me to have the challenge.

    <3 Barbie
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Finally caught up on all the posts, but I didn't take notes so I can't respond to everyone. :(

    I am off work now until January 4th. Yea! Tomorrow, we are going to go bowling and then to see the new Star Wars movie at a new theater here in town that serves food while you watch the movie. Should be a fun afternoon. We'll be home by dinnertime so the girls can go out with their friends. Then hubby and I will just hang out at home. I'm sure he'll head to bed early and I'll watch the ball drop on TV by myself, but I've gotten used to that over the past few years. New Years Eve is just not worth the hassle of going out somewhere anymore. Does that mean I'm turning into an old fuddy duddy? Oh well.

    If I don't catch you before then, hope you all have a pleasant New Years Eve. Talk to you in 2016!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,575 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 12.54min, 13.8amph, 152mhr, 2.9mi = 161c
    spin- 35min, 82ar, 126aw, 13g 131ahr, 156mhr, 14.2mi = 318c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.23min, 13amph, 147mhr, 1.3mi = 103c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.55min, 8.8amph, 157mhr, 2.6mi = 216c
    total cal 798

    ar = average revolutions -how fast i'm pedaling per minute
    aw = average watts -how much power i'm putting out per minute
    g or ag = average gear -on spin bike, they are 1-24
    ahr = average heart rate
    mhr = maximum heart rate
    c = calories
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Beth – Did y’all get a ‘sugar’ rush with all the chocolate candy. Before Christmas I saw a huge box of Stover’s candy at Kmart. I always like the ones with nuts in them, not too crazy about the one with nougat in them. I used to take them out and press on the bottoms to see if they hate nuts; especially when there were enough. My Daddy would get so mad at me for doing that. I’d still look for candy with nuts in them.

    Exermom – DH keeps telling me to HIT the deer; but, I think it is instinctive in people (especially if they don't understand deer and hunter) to swerve. DH stresses it to me because we live in an area where they are abundant. People do not realize that more deer are killed by cars and illness every year than killed by hunters. Most hunters, if they don’t eat venison; will take the deer to the taxidermist and he will donate the venison to a soup kitchen or shelter.

    Death and funerals weeks later – they put them in coolers; like a Medical Examiner has, especially in the north when the ground freezes. Can’t dig a grave.

    Linda – sometimes you have to ‘let go and let God’ be involved in what grown children do. No different than letting go of your children at different ages so they learn to walk, talk, go to school, do anything they need to learn in order to grow up; saying all that my DH is still working because our DOS works for him. I wonder what will happen if DH is unable to work – would he step up to the plate and go to bat; or would he attempt to find a job at nearly 40-years-old? I ‘think’ he would actually step up, at least for a while, and go to bat for his family. I certainly could not help them, although I do help them with school tuition now. That would cease to be if DH unable to work. He is 74 and still working as hard as he did at 35. They are polar opposites. Husband is more of a Type-A personality; DOS is a little on the ‘lackadaisical’ personality.

    Kayak_kutie and Mary – I would not take my puppy (6 months old) into a pet store to walk around for any reason; I carried her into get a bath. She doesn’t like it much; but, she sure loves the hair dryer. I don’t go barefooted except at the house. I hate sticky floors – means it is washed/mopped with dirty water. I do walk outside barefooted and DH fusses at me all the time; now I wear my Crocks. Cracker has “Grinch” feet so when she goes out and the grass is wet; her feet need to be dried off. I think she is ‘loving’ DH about as much as she loves me … even though I am her “Mama Human”. She’ll lay under DH’s chair on the floor beside him. She follows him to the bathroom and sits/lays in front of the door. It it is cracked she is going to nudge it to get inside.

    Tina – good for you for re-losing the 10 pounds you had gained back. That is an inspiration to a lot who have re-gained weight (or hit a plateau).

    Kim from N. California – At least in the Deep South; New Year’s Day traditional meal consists of ‘howl jowls’ (I usually buy pork chops, sometimes I will slice up a brick of salt pork and fry it for long life; greens for $$$, black-eyed-peas for luck; and some good old-fashioned cornbread. ALSO, what you do on New Year’s Day will be what you do all year long; for example – cleaning up all day – NOT something I do. I’ll make the bed; load the dishwasher; but, other than that … I am going to take it easy.

    Jnkmom – Men make terrible sick people; kids are a lot better – you can tell them to go to bed, stop whining, etc., but not to a grown man. LOL! Yesterday brought DH home after we met for lunch. He has been moaning and groaning about not peeing or pooping for 2 solid days. He started cussing and I knew he was in a lot of pain; so I told him he could let me drive him to ER or I could call an ambulance; but being constipated was not something you mess around with. His bowels could rupture and he’d be dead before we could get him to a hospital, even in an ambulance. I begged him to let me do so, he moaned and groaned and then, with tears in his eyes, he said, ‘ok’. Four hours later we were home; ER MD did not have to put in a catheter; said that if he had the same issue (and NOT to let it go as long as he had, he needed to return) before his visit to his Urologist. By the time the ER MD had gotten to him he had peed – all over himself. They brought him a ‘huge’ diaper; and some paper scrubs that were a foot too long for him. LOL!!!!! He said that he was going to have to hold it up by the crotch to keep from wetting the floor. But, he felt so much better after he peed. The discharge nurse said she had bowel problems and while she isn’t a MD, she gave us a lot of good information – from personal experience. I think we got more out of talking to her than we did with the MD.

    Husband told me ‘how to drive’ up there and then I had to drive at night; but, I was not about to let him drive … he turned red as an apple every time he moved or moaned and groaned. Feeling much better and I think we now have 4 different products to soften it up. He bought 2 and I did without knowing the other had.

    Mindy in Slushy Boston – Thanks! Only 3 more points off my BMI – I will be ‘in the NORMAL range’ … no longer overweight. Then we will sit down and discuss what I should weigh with my bone structure and age. 162.5lbs now! I can’t even smile enough to show just how happy I am! DH thinks I am doing great and I appreciate his support.

    Lhannon062709 – Our DYS and DDnL#1 and DSGD live in Vidalia, LA; she works as a hair dresser in Natchez, MS. Son said the Mississippi was up! Two more feet (or more) from the time DH and DOS were out there hunting. He used to work at a plantation on the Mississippi and he went over to help them move all the mounts and furniture upstairs in the Lodge. They think that the ‘new’ house the owner is building on the same spot burned down to the ground in 20 minutes flat is going to be ‘ok’. It sits up on the highest ground of the entire place. If you look out your window for the nearest tower with a red light on it at a point … that is where he used to work. Stayed friends with the owners and workers so he still gets to hunt there, one condition is that he help with any moving or clean-up that needs to be done. A few years ago, the Mississippi was so high that it came up to the floor joists of the main living area (which was one story off the ground). Not his boss’s house, the guest house where the manager (nephew) used to live. Oh, if you like pizza, they own the Johnny’s Pizza place in Vidalia (on the right-hand side of the highway that crosses the Mississippi (Todd and Vicki). You got a much better deal with getting a river side view. Natchez, MS is so hilly you might not have seen a lot of the city lights at night. I’ve never stayed there; but, I know where it is. Big wheel ship right below it. They were going to close it as a casino and move it somewhere. Don’t know if they did or not. It was there in August of this year.

    Carol – thanks on the congrats about weight. Once when DH and I were out of town, his brother came over to keep the boys for us. That night lightning struck the house across the street and set it on fire. One of the dormers burnt. Said that it was like an explosion and lit up the entire house, including the bedroom on the back of the house. Neighbor came running over screaming for him to call the fire department. I think she beat on everybody’s door. DBnL said they all sat straight up in the bed. I wonder how this did for a Vietnam Vet. He was pretty shook up about it.

    Katla – I’m really sorry that you have the flu. I thought I was getting it 3 weeks ago; but, not so; this Monday when I had the same symptoms I thought, ‘oh, no; not again. Turned out I have a UTI. UGH!

    Pipcd34 – Thanks … how are you and Kirby doing with your PT?

    Mary – also deer racks are good for puppies to chew on. Not with any meat on them (unless you cook it). You should not allow a puppy or even a grown dog to eat bloody raw meat – they get the taste of blood in their system and that can make them start attacking to kill. Not something you want your puppies/dogs to do. That was a piece of info from vet who knows DH and DSs all hunt. They pick up ‘sheds’ at the end of the season, wash them good, and give them to their dogs to chew on.

    Terri in Milwaukee – Some stores have coupon bins where you can donate your coupons you don use and pick out ones that you will. I don’t know if that is a practice where you live, or not.
    Mary from Minnesota – puppies sleep a LOT; when they wake up take him outside and then PRAISE them a LOT when they succeed outside … take them to a particular area where you want them to go to do their business. They pick up on this pretty quickly.

    Drkatiebug – Congrats on joining a gym.

    Mia and Terri – I did the same thing to my DYS when he was nursing and looked up at me with a smile while still nursing and bit me (no teeth thankfully; but it still hurt); I grabbed his arm and bit down without thinking about it. He did not cry; but, he leaned back and looked at me funny. Never clamped down again. When he would roll his tongue around my nipple and smile, I thump him on his nose. He finally learned that I meant business. DOS would stop as soon as he heard DH’s car door slam; had to tell him to call me when he was an hour out from the house so I could nurse him completely. DYS always had his arm waving in a Figure 8; and when DH would grab his moving arm and lean over to kiss me, he’d grunt!

    Becca – I am so bloated from this UTI and trying to flush it through me … I think I have had 12 cups of water/coffee. Maybe the coffee wasn’t such a good idea. Normally it does not bother me; but, on 2 different medications and it just did not taste the same. My tummy looks like I am at least 4 months pregnant (especially in this top). Took my bra off and that made me feel better; but, can’t hold in my tummy muscles – too tired and it hurts to do so. So I am just laid out on my chair (about to turn on the heating pad).

    Raining all day long, late last night, too … supposed to rain through Friday and then turn cooler. Washed clothes and it bubbled. So dishes in dishwasher will wait until later, “Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day>” At least we are not in a flood zone. BF watched water almost come up to her brick wall on the patio; went to go look at the pool and it is sitting under water. Water was receding; but, now it has started raining again; and we are supposed to have rain through Friday. Might get her son to bring some sandbags to put at the rear of her patio. Or move her Oriental rugs up the stairs and some of her other good things; she is a renter and has ‘renters’ insurance; but, not flood insurance and doesn’t know if the owners have it (that area flooded big time back in ’94) and doesn’t know, if they do, if it would cover damage to her stuff.

    Lenora, from totally wet and saturated South GA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hello all, just saw this thread and wondered if it's going to continue to the New Year. Hope this will be a fabulous 2016 for everyone! --Penny (Jaydasbuddy )

    Last day of month Barbiecat posts a new link for the next month. Done monthly ...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,940 Member
    :)Linda, I haven't stayed up til midnight on New Year's Eve for decades....even when it turned to 2000 and there were so many special celebrations all over the world, I didn't stay up....I just recorded the ABC news coverage and went to bed and watched it all a little bit at a time over the next few days. We'll go to bed tomorrow night at our usual 7:30 PM and hope that we're not awakened by fireworks at midnight.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,575 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,758 Member
    Lenora ... I made myself sick to my stomach with the chocolates. Now the boxes have "maps" of which candy is what. But we were talking about how we used to try and figure out which were our favorites.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I’m loving all the doggie and cat photos.

    Yogi: Happy birthday! Hope mommy spoils you with treats and toys. :p

    Katla: Hope the yoga helps you feel stronger and more energetic. Time to let that flu gone for good.

    Kim: Lobsters are my idea of the ultimate treat, and I’m guessing you and your mom know how to prepare them well. Enjoy.

    Barbie: I like that list from Gretchen Rubin. I’m going to re-read her book over the next two days as I contemplate 2016 goals. Seems like yesterday I was writing January 2015 goals…..

    Tracie: Welcome back. Keep dropping in, reading and responding as the spirit moves you.

    Beth: Cleaning and stocking a healthy kitchen…bravo.

    Heather: Hope that rain lets up.

    Vicki: Yay for finding a walking partner. Here’s to a healthy New Year for both of you, and the baby that gets your basket.

    Becca: Great goals.

    Grandmallie: Safe drive back.

    Dr. Katie: That gym membership is a super deal! Hope it becomes a happy habit for you.

    Meg: Sorry about DDs car. At least the scrap proceeds cover the cost of a full ham and cauliflower.

    Annestrei: Welcome to our group. It’s never too late to start a healthy regime.

    Sylvia: Homemade peanut brittle sounds yummy. I’m sure you’ll find a willing taker.

    Peach: Stay safe in the storms. Looks like more rain headed your way.

    Margaret: Prayers for your DH and hugs to you.

    Jaydasbuddy and Janine: Welcome! Check back here soon to get the link Barbie posts every month to continue in this community every month.

    Barbie: Good to hear you’re dancing again!

    Linda: I agree with you about nye. I don’t even pretend to try to make it to midnight. I went to Times Square one year, and the memory of that experience will hold me for decades. DH and I will be up early on the 1st to watch one of my favorite events of the year: The Tournament of Roses Parade. If this makes me a old fuddy-duddy, oh well. B)

    Have been in a funk again, mostly work related. I have been working a few hours every day even though technically I am on paid time off. A colleague who is also stuck working during the holiday because of work overload called me today. We vented to each other and it helped my mood. This has been a particularly hard and lonely holiday season and I’m ready to get going on a new year.

    On the health and fitness front, I feel fantastic. :) 2015 was my first year of keeping a written log of my weight, on a daily basis (except the 70+ days I was travelling). If I don’t totally blow it tomorrow, I’m on track to record a net loss of 5 pounds for this year. I was stuck on a plateau through June, so really got it done during the last 6 months. I know the pace of my loss is super slow, but as long as I’m moving in the right direction, doing the right things, with the right attitude, I’m grateful!!!

    Stay well, friends. We can do this this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Pip - Yogi is so beautiful. Hugs and wish him happy birthday

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Beth, a whole box of candy sounds a little over the top, but so glad ya’ll had fun acting like kids!!! Isn’t it fun to just do something fun and/or silly once in a while?

    Michele NC, a huge congrats for keeping that weight down. You are so inspiring!! Hope you enjoy the movie.

    Tina, it is good to hear from you. Congrats on your weight loss. Will look forward to you being around more next year.

    Janetr, wishing you and DH safe travels and a fun time while you are there.

    Mary, I’m curious as to why you took the door off the dog crate? I’ve crate trained most of ours and never heard of that. Or was it the closet you took the doors off of? I kept re-reading it.. It is funny how fast they can learn something they like; like a treat. Lol

    Joyce, I’m so happy for you that the marriage seems better lately, but sorry for the reason. What a bummer about your eyes. I hope the doctors can figure out a solution. Please take care!!!

    Mindy, I cringed when you said that Labs are typically “naughty”. How dare you???? LOL I’m not saying there aren’t some but none that I have known. Now “chewing” is another thing. They do love to chew!!! Now, to fuss at you; it’s one thing when we overfeed ourselves but cut back on that poor dog’s food. He really won’t open the fridge but most of them will eat what we give them. I know you love him so ease off on the chow. So glad you had a great time with the kids. (((Hugs)))

    Eaine, they have organizations to help with that kind of binge drinking. Lol I’m surprised you didn’t wake up with a headache. It is nice to hear what a great time you had.

    Lisa, I’m not good at using a laptop in my lap either. Lol I see people on TV do it all the time and I always think, “Really?”. So glad ya’ll are having a good time. If you go through Hattiesburg on the way to Biloxi, say hi for me. That is where I was born.

    Lillian, enjoy that vacation. Yep, that paper shuffling makes it look like work has happened.

    Katla, thanks for not sharing with me this time. I don’t know anyone that wants you to share, but I sure hope you can get rid of it soon!!! Wise decision to not make the road trip even though I know you wanted to go.

    Karen, thanks for the reminder that sometimes our simple set backs are so unimportant compared to others. Glad you had a good trip to SC.

    Pip. Give Yogi a big Happy Birthday hug from me. I didn’t realize he was such a youngun’.

    Terri, good for you on resisting more cereal when you have a coupon. I would never buy it but DH still eats it most days. Do you keep a candle and lighter/matches in your car in the winter? When we lived in Milwaukee we were told to do that in case we got stranded in the winter and that it would keep the inside of the car warm enough to keep us from freezing. That was back in the days before cell phones.

    Tracie, I remember you and thought you had just dumped us for something else. Glad you are back and we are now expecting great things from you in the new year. Lol

    Vicki, good for you on starting the walking routine. Doing the New Year’s baby basket sounds like fun.

    Mia, too funny.

    Kay, way to go on joining the gym!!! You will be getting in tip top shape in no time.

    Linda, cute picture!!!!

    Anne, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. Please tell us a little more about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with your name and location. Come often and join right in. Barbie will start a new thread the last night of each month so just look for the new link that she will post. Glad to have you join us.

    Sylvia, be sure to give that candy away! Peanuts you could have eaten a few at a time. lol

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got a few Christmas items put away today but still plenty to go. Haven’t been able to get the Wii working properly yet but haven’t spent too much time on it.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I lost the post I just finished composing. This has happened twice recently, and is really frustrating. I'll try againin the morning. Sending good wishes to everyone.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We are in Tye, TX, just outside of Abilene. We had clear, dry roads all the way. Ran into heavy fog the last hour or so. Tomorrow will be a very short driving day. We have to be parked and kicked back by 3:00 pm to watch our Sooners win the Orange Bowl.

    Janetr okc
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I think I read everything since my last post. It's hard to see everything with these great big long floaters all over the place. Meg, the doctor did the regular dilation. Even though I am jsut now reading it, you wrote it after my appointment so I wouldn't have got it anyway. Just like I figured, my left eye needs laser surgery big time. About all I could read for him was that the thing I was looking at was blue tinted and had a frame around it! My right eye has posterior vitreous detachment. Yep, big words. I am sure many of you will get it also since it is age related and nothing else. He said the specialist will suck the vitreous humor out that has leaked out and replace it with new. I didn't know they made artificial vitreous humor or maybe they take it from people who donate thier bodies. I think I am a little crazy. I do know that trying to read gives me a huge headache so who knows what I will be able to do until I can be seen. They are going to call me tomorrow with an appointment.

    How is it that as you are reading that you have so much to say and once you get that big blank white space called reply it all goes out the window???

    I know there was something in particular I was going to say to Linda. Well hi Linda.

    My eyes are telling me to hang up! Nite nite, Joyce, Indiana