Congratulating MFP friends who make bad choices



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I have no problem hitting "Like" if someone eats something that might be considered by a bunch of food-nannies to be "junk-food". I also have no problem hitting "Like" if someone goes over their calorie goal, or even if they are going well under it.

    They are taking the time to log their food, they are doing what is needed to track progress. Not everyone wins each battle every day, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to BE HONEST with yourself and log the food. If you look back and see you were doing something wrong, you can correct it.

    So, if someone logs something in their food diary, even if I think it's not what I would personally do, they were victorious for that day and deserve encouragement.

    People do not respond positively to criticism when they are insecure about themselves. A place like this is rife with people who are doing this and may feel a bit insecure, and therefore have friends to help keep them motivated. Giving them grief is not going to cause them to want to continue, or to seek friendships on MFP as a source of motivation.

    My 2 cents.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    Well, i fully intend to pick up a chinesetake away on my way home from the gym later

    yes thats right A CHINESE TAKEAWAY!!!

    the thing is, I will not be choosing the same 5 dishes me and my husband have spent years buying and spliting between us, last time we had one we brought 1 dish and split that.
    so there is a massive difference.
    I also will be logging my takeaway, so this is all good, after eating well all week and being at the gym 4 days a week.

    what would be bad is iof we got the usually 5 dishes and I didnt log it.

    and I will aslo still be in my daily calorie goal.

    I dare anyone try tell me im falling off the wagon or that iv done bad for having said takeawy.
    im busting my *kitten*, feeling positive and doing well (even if thats my opinion and not yours)

    but frankly whatever your opinion is or whatever your goals are they are not mine, so im likely to stick to mine and ignore yours.

    Also several times iv read on here that you should NOT completely cut out anything during your weight loss that you dont intend to cut out for ever.


    I love the stuff, but whislt making good choices "I" choose to have it now and again as a treat and I choose to have a smaller meal <<<< all of this is GOOD right? wait dont answer that, your opinion is irrelivant :bigsmile:
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I tend not to comment on people's actual food items unless they bring it up in their feed. I guess I figure that just the act of logging is hard enough for me somedays, so I consider it a victory when someone logs. I'm someone that tends to avoid logging when I feel guilty about what I ate or if I over eat. At the same time I keep an open diary in an effort to hold myself accountable. It's something I'm working on. Also, I see so many comments/posts become miscontrued and misunderstood because it's hard to properly capture and convey tone online. I worry about people being inadvertently shamed.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I tend not to comment on people's actual food items unless they bring it up in their feed. I guess I figure that just the act of logging is hard enough for me somedays, so I consider it a victory when someone logs. I'm someone that tends to avoid logging when I feel guilty about what I ate or if I over eat. At the same time I keep an open diary in an effort to hold myself accountable. It's something I'm working on. Also, I see so many comments/posts become miscontrued and misunderstood because it's hard to properly capture and convey tone online. I worry about people being inadvertently shamed.


  • Dourpussdora
    Dourpussdora Posts: 48 Member
    as long as people are staying within their calorie allowance whats wrong with the occasional treat???? if u were to say to me that I would never be allowed a slice of pizza, chocolate etc again id give up before id even started!!. Nothing wrong with a little bit of what u like every now and then as long as u stick to your allowance
  • myssjaxson
    myssjaxson Posts: 89 Member
    This is why my diary is closed.

    Same for me. If I want advice on my diet I would open it, but that's why I have (6) doctors and a nutritionist. I expect judgment when I ask for it/invite it. Any other time, its kinda rude and unnecessary IMO.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited January 2016
    Several thoughts on this thread.

    1) How the hell did I miss this on its first go-round? Such a beautiful trainwreck!

    2) How the he11 did you even find this to necro it?
    as long as people are staying within their calorie allowance whats wrong with the occasional treat???? if u were to say to me that I would never be allowed a slice of pizza, chocolate etc again id give up before id even started!!. Nothing wrong with a little bit of what u like every now and then as long as u stick to your allowance

    3) OP ate Domino's on Sunday.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Several thoughts on this thread.

    1) How the hell did I miss this on its first go-round. Such a beautiful trainwreck!

    2) How the he11 did you even find this to necro it?
    as long as people are staying within their calorie allowance whats wrong with the occasional treat???? if u were to say to me that I would never be allowed a slice of pizza, chocolate etc again id give up before id even started!!. Nothing wrong with a little bit of what u like every now and then as long as u stick to your allowance

    3) OP ate Domino's on Sunday.

    Maybe you should friend him to tell him that was a poor choice.

    (There's much better pizza in the world!)
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    A classic. I especially love the opening line of the OP.
    This is a bit of a problem around here.

    It's so understated and provocative.
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    Well, I guess they told you. I have a problem when people say 'bad' food. There is no bad food, only bad attitude towards it. If you are exercising portion control, eating healthy most days, then a treat once in a while is not only good for you, but it is encouraged to keep you sane.
    I came on MFP to log my food, and get a handle on carbs and protein to help control my blood sugar, not necessarily lose weight. The choices I have made, some healthy, some not so much, have helped me understand what my choices do to my pancreas and sugars.
    My doctor called me today to say my blood sugars are good. GOOD. So, even with the Harvey's burger once in awhile, and chocolate mousse, I've got it under control.
    Now I'll focus on the weight loss.
    So, I hate to sound rude, but mind your own business.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    This is why my diary is closed.

    YAASSSS.. This ^^^^ B)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited January 2016
    GatorDeb1 wrote: »

    He eats whole pizzas folded in two like a sandwich while running. You should try to make him see the error of his ways.

    And now I want a pizza sandwich..nom nom nom

    My lunch was a chicken breast, broccoli and a big salad

    And a small container of orange sherbet if you want to get judgy ;)
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    GatorDeb1 wrote: »

    He eats whole pizzas folded in two like a sandwich while running. You should try to make him see the error of his ways.

    And now I want a pizza sandwich..nom nom nom

    My lunch was a chicken breast, broccoli and a big salad

    And a small container of orange sherbet if you want to get judgy ;)
    Man, HEB sells a seasonal watermelon sherbet that I've been craving for weeks. I have to wait until the summer to satisfy my craving.

  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    My bigger issue with the OP is that he calls the dinner section of his diary "NomNoms At Night".
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    The wagon I am on involves eating delicious food that ranges from veggies and lean proteins to burgers and pizzas. I haven't fallen off of my delicious wagon, I'm just enjoying my life.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited January 2016
    Several thoughts on this thread.

    1) How the hell did I miss this on its first go-round? Such a beautiful trainwreck!

    2) How the he11 did you even find this to necro it?
    as long as people are staying within their calorie allowance whats wrong with the occasional treat???? if u were to say to me that I would never be allowed a slice of pizza, chocolate etc again id give up before id even started!!. Nothing wrong with a little bit of what u like every now and then as long as u stick to your allowance

    3) OP ate Domino's on Sunday.

    + 1 on all of this (although props to you for checking OP's diary before posting. I bow to your beard superior intellect.)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    My bigger issue with the OP is that he calls the dinner section of his diary "NomNoms At Night".

    Eeewwww. That made me think of my friend who is still nursing her 3 year old. (not that I am trying to start a debate about what the right age to stop nursing your child is - just that her kid calls it nom noms and it totally grossed me out when you pointed that out).
  • S0vi
    S0vi Posts: 29 Member
    If you're reading anyone's diary you're doing it wrong. MFP is for lifting, logging, and Junk pics. Also mind your own business who, cares if people blindly hit the like button so they can prove they're being an active friend? I wonder how many friends you have and how much time you spend studying their diary's. That's a bit creepy to me.
  • S0vi
    S0vi Posts: 29 Member

    Oh I love this.
  • DerangedPixi
    DerangedPixi Posts: 84 Member
    Or no. I never even look at my friends diary, I am a terrible friend though.