The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Sounds good to me. Agree on it being voluntary and even anonymous (although we're currently chiming in).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Sounds good to me. Agree on it being voluntary and even anonymous (although we're currently chiming in).

    Ya, no way to surprise them either..
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member


    This group is so inspiring! I hurt my upper back like Day 1 into this challenge and I was really miffed I couldn't start adding miles to my ticker. I think this is a good kick in the pants to take my core work a little more seriously this year.
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    2/1 - 5k
    3/1 - 7k
    5/1 - 1k walk ( well it all counts :) )
    6/1 - 3k
    7/1 - 2.5k
    8/1 - 7k


    Really steady treadmill run today. 200m walk to warm up then did the rest at 7.5-7.6kph. Not fast but did not walk or slow down. Endurance must be building. Need to somehow add some speed. This challenge thread is on fire - can't keep up even with checking daily.

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited January 2016
    But of course @Elise4270, giving Stan @Stoshew71 the shirt is the least we can do--just a token of appreciation, that's all! @Virkati absolutely on the @skippygirlsmom t-shirt too. she's been awesome every time I asked a question too. Count me in!
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    January Goal—will try for 140 km, half marathon Feb 7 and I’m behind in my training

    1/6—3.89 km or so…first run after being sick…still congested and a bit sick
    1/7—3.40 km—still feeling icky so keeping it short. Just ran around my complex
    1/8—5.29 km..about to kill my lungs. Sick of the congestion
    1/9—5.01 km
    1/10—10.48 km
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Update on the Group Shirts

    11 people voted:
    Power Blue got 4.5 votes
    Columbia Blue 3
    Royal 2.5
    Power yellow 0
    Lime 3
    Power Orange 6

    So far it is Power Blue and Power Orange.
    Please go to that link above and vote if you haven't already and are interested.
    So far, @Elise4270 is my central shipper unless @Virkati wants that job instead.
    I will need that person to PM their snail mail addy to me if you are interested in the job (free shipping to you).
    The more people who are interested in shirts, the less expensive they become.

    OK! One more favor for everyone interested in a Group Shirts. Please go in and let me know how many shirts you plan on ordering. This will estimate the price of the shirt. The more people interested in a shirt(s) then the cheaper each shirt will be. If you already said you wanted a shirt, I need you to do it again. This time all I need is a quantity. Hopefully we can get at least 25 shirts ordered. Once I know the estimated quantity, I can then set up the order form and send that link out to everyone.

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2016
    Why did I ever think cross-country skiing might make a good "cross training"?! I signed up for a class which started today. Somehow I imagined it as nice gliding through the snow, but I spent the majority of the time falling. Skis glide off in all directions when you are just standing around innocently, trying to pay attention to the instructor; and on the downhill bits it gets faster and faster until you try that weird V-braking thing and fall. Repeatedly. If there is a word that's the antonym to "progidy" or "being a natural" in skiing, that's me. I will have so many bruises tomorrow!

    ... but anyway, after I got that whining out of my system, look what I bought today (in the morning, before all the sliding and falling happened and I still had the energy...)! I was going to crawl straight out of the hot tub and into bed, but since I know how everyone loves pictures of new running shoes, I just had to share these first:

    Yes, I got a bit carried away and bought two pairs. I blame you all for not discouraging me from my shoe-shopping plans!
    I guess I could have stopped with the Saucony Cortana 4 (the white & weird-pink ones).
    But the boring-colored Nike Wildhorse are actually men's shoes, so they don't count, right? They seem to fit well enough, but I'll have to see how they fit on a longer run (appently, at the same lengths mens shoes are wider in the heel and more narrow at the toes compared to women's shoes, at least that's what I was told). But since there is now a "Wildhorse 3", they must have really wanted to be rid of the "1", so the price was low enough to give it a shot.

    P.S.: and I like the idea off anonymously :p chipping in on some thank-you shirts.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @runner_girl83 Wow, that's a great medal. Congrats!

    @5BeautifulDays Sub 30 5k, wow, fantastic! I did a fast run on a treadmill this week for the first time (not as fast as yous), and despite walking a few minutes on the mill as a cooldown, my legs felt sort of wobbly after I stepped off. Really weird to experience when no boats and waves were involved ;-P

    @kristinegift I've never had watering eyes after cold runs so far. When I run with my glasses instead of contact lenses, they have the annoying habit to fog up completely, but that's easy enough to fix by taking them off and wiping them. Not really an option for the eyes...

    @GBrady43068 You're really well on target for your goal, looks like you'll be exceeding it even.

    @ceciliaslater Kudos on that new distance PR! 15 miles, wow, that's even more than a half marathon!

    ... caught up, now I can go to bed to be a little rested for the planned long run tomorrow. Happy running y'all :-)
  • bitsinator
    bitsinator Posts: 30 Member
    Today was the first 5-miler I've done in 6 months ... slow and sore, but it's done.

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    @Virkati - hoping the new meds work

    @runner_girl83 - congrats on the first medal.

    Today was my "long" run. Not exactly long but first one in a couple weeks so easing back. Just under 10k (9.5)
    I wore my new vest with a warmer long sleeve. It was perfect weather, partly cloudy and -1C.

    I nailed every run this week. I missed on day of training but my coach didn't schedule in a rest day (I suspect because I have been taking several rest days on my own) so it worked out well.

    I *might* be back. I may even have to up my goal



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    January Running Totals (miles)
    1/1 - 10.17 warm up + 7.5 mile race
    1/2 - 12.29 long slow run
    1/3 - 5.16 easy with fast finish
    1/4 - 6.01 easy
    1/5 - 11.09 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/6 - 5.95 group run
    1/7 - 8.04 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/8 - scheduled rest day
    1/9 - 16.48 warm up + Winter Warrior Half

    January to date total - 75.19
    Goal - 51 to 62 miles per week, per training plan
    expected January total - 245 to 251 miles

    Sunday through Saturday training week came in at 52.73 miles, versus a target of 51 miles. My bad.

    Today's notes: I knew I needed 15 miles to round out the week's target mileage, but I was running the Winter Warrior Half Marathon. This is a loop course, four loops of roughly 3.25 miles each. I had not seen the course before today, and decided it was worth being a mile and half past target this week to do my warm up as a loop of the course in daylight. Yes, it was worth it.

    Gun time was at 4 PM. The weather was not winter-like; it was 42° at the gun, and no more than 10 mph wind. I ran in shorts, with a long sleeve tech shirt plus a singlet on top, and my lightest gloves. It was too warm for my lightest winter running hat, so I wore a summer running hat with a brim; the course had street lights, so it wasn't a big deal having the brim interfere with my headlamp after dark.

    The first lap and about half of the second lap was like a normal race. Then I started lapping the walkers and slower runners. On laps 3 and 4 I couldn't run good tangents because of the crowds I had to pass; but I had expected this. It's part of the experience for a race organized in laps. It wasn't as bad as last year, on a course with 5 shorter laps.

    For a while I thought I might have a shot at breaking 1:30 on a mostly flat course, but it was not to be. The combination of normal fatigue later in the race and having to deal with passing crowds in the last half of the race slowed me to a gun time of 1:30:59, which is 2 minutes faster than I ran Winter Warrior last year, under much better running conditions this year. My time was good enough for 22nd overall out of 958 finishing (974 registered and starting), and 1st of 12 in the male 60-64 age group.

    I'm happy with this one. It was a lot of fun, and it wasn't necessary to set a PR or to break 1:30 today.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY - need to register)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Foward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY - need to register)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    1st of 12 in the male 60-64 age group.
    Grats on the AG placement!

    Doing my first HM next weekend, and I'm getting a little nervous with excitement. I know I'll finish it, and as long as I do under 2:30, I'll be thrilled. But those butterflies are not going away... :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    Went ahead and did my 15 mile run today. That makes 4 days in a row of running, since Saturday is usually my rest day. It was snowing, but the roads were only wet. Temp is supposed to drop all day today, down to about 19 tomorrow morning, so I was worried about ice if I waited until tomorrow.

    Overall, it was a good run. Very consistent pace in the upper 10s (a couple miles in the low 11s). And, for the first time on a long run, I didn't walk or stop once! And it was a PR distance for me. Longest previous was 14 miles.

    Think that puts my at 38.5 miles for the month. Will double check on Monday!

    Omg! That a suburb accomplishment! I'm opting to do my scheduled long run tomorrow. Forecast is less wind and more sunshine.


    Also @MobyCarp! Rock on with first!
  • ekoth_09
    ekoth_09 Posts: 50 Member
    Haven't gotten much of anything in since I haven't been feeling well. I did do some walking today, hoping to start jogging again soon.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    This thread is hard to keep up with! Happy to see loads of people around though.

    The training program I am using increased my mileage quite a bit this week, plus I've been using the indoor track at work over lunch.

    So, I'm at 24.6/84 miles for the month. I way overdid it yesterday, so I'm taking a complete rest day today, and will do some walking tomorrow.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Checking in with this before I read, or I spend too much time flipping between the pages!

    1/1 5 @ 10:36 on the treadmill
    1/2 4.75 @ 10:42 on the park trail (20.75/20 miles for the week)

    1/3 5.25 @ 11:14 (5.0 @ 10:51, .25 walking) on the trails near my house. It was a beautiful, blustery day!
    1/4 10 @ 12:00 on the treadmill. While running from Indominus Rex.
    1/5 3 @ 11:14 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/6 Rest Day and feeling fairly sore from yesterday's PT (and maybe Monday's run?)
    1/7 4.75 @ 11:53 on the park trail.
    1/8 3.5 @ 10:07 (3 at 9:48 and .5 at 12:00) plus strength training
    1/9 3.5 @ 12:22 (3 at 11:26, plus .5 at a walk) loping around the neighborhood with St. Woolos the Barbarian, aka The Poopinest Dog in the East, aka Woogie the Worst Running Partner Ever. It's a good thing he's cute!
    (30/30 for the week)

    Upcoming Races:
    January 18: MLK 8K at Burke Lake Park, VA
    February 14: Run Your Heart Out 5K, Fairfax, VA
    February 21: Disney Princess HM, Orlando, FL
    March 6: Reston 10-miler, Reston, VA
    March 12: Lucky Leprechaun 5K, Reston, VA

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    New Yr 10K - 1:11:58.. Not a PB but not far off it either (PB 1:06:44)... AND *drum roll** I got my first medal!


    Your medal reminds me of Doctor Who! Cool! I want a Doctor Who medal! lol
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited January 2016
    Why did I ever think cross-country skiing might make a good "cross training"?! I signed up for a class which started today. Somehow I imagined it as nice gliding through the snow, but I spent the majority of the time falling. Skis glide off in all directions when you are just standing around innocently, trying to pay attention to the instructor; and on the downhill bits it gets faster and faster until you try that weird V-braking thing and fall. Repeatedly. If there is a word that's the antonym to "progidy" or "being a natural" in skiing, that's me. I will have so many bruises tomorrow!

    Oh my goodness I can just see the skiing happening (or not, as the case may be!) I am the same with downhill skiing. When I'm moving, that is. I mostly stand at the top of the hill and worry about how slowly I can crawl down it. I saw a really cool thing, today, though...a guy on roller skis! He had poles and was just zipping around the pond in my neighborhood, but his skis had wheels.

    Your sorta weird pink shoes are gorgeous, btw. Congrats on the new kicks!

    ETA: @_nikkiwolf_ I wear glasses when I run as well. They do make nice shields against the cold wind and help with keeping the watering to a minimum. That said, they also fog up when I stop running so I can't see a thing, and when it's raining I feel like I need little windshield wipers! I hate taking them off to wipe them down, because I'm quite blind and I'm terrified I'm going to trip and fall (and probably wind up breaking them!)