The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • terrifrost
    terrifrost Posts: 397 Member
    Goal: 100km
    2/1: 12km done!
    3/1: 5km done!
    5/1: 5km done!
    9/1: 16km done!

    Total: 38km
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited January 2016
    The asskicking meds are starting to kick some asss...3 days in. I *think* I'm on the mend finally and I expect to be out running at some point this week! When that happens I'll post my amended goal for this month and leave the terrible beginning of this year in the dust!!
  • cheriesanta
    cheriesanta Posts: 9 Member

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @virkati - I'm with you! I've been sick just 4 days but it feels like forever. Still got a bad cough so debating a run tomorrow. Not sure what it will do to my goal, or my HM on 2/7. :grimace:
    @runner_girl83 - 1st Medal! WTG!
    @MobyCarp -- wow! Awesome time even if it wasn't what you wanted and nice prize!
    @juliet3455 - oh my gosh - that is unbelievably cold. No words....
    @Ch1psNQueso - signing up for a race is a good idea. I love running even when I don't have one planned but I've discovered I like to have a race to look forward to.
    @kristinegift - I love it when I have a run day like that. Usually just getting out the door makes it better!
    @MorningGhost14 - lol on your new pic.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats @MobyCarp!!!

    @juliet3455 - Any distance in that cold is a win!

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @ddmom0811 This thing started on New Years Day and it wasn't until TODAY that I don't feel mostly dead. The cough was the reason I never tried to push through it. It was hard enough to breathe after a coughing fit, and I knew that (*for me*, with my history of bronchitis, and now asthma) it was a bad idea. And I had to let go of any goals for this month. My half isn't until May so I have lots of time to make up for the time I've lost. If your half is next month, I'd be really really careful about this illness. You know you what feels right. I truly hope you feel better soon.
  • cheriesanta
    cheriesanta Posts: 9 Member


    Ran six today and did spin. I think my 100 goal was a bit far reaching. Feb. prob. more likely to do 100 as I up my mileage. But I am inspired and encouraged by the varied runners and each getting it done this month!
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited January 2016
    With the weather at the start of today's Disney marathon at 68 degrees with 98% humidity, I knew it wouldn't be optimal for running a perfect race. Although I knew I was in good enough shape to try for a 7:15 pace (coming off a flat 7 pace for a half marathon 2 months back), when I went out in the humid weather I found my heart rate up around 170 at a 7:40 pace (a touch below my lactic threshold and 10BPM faster than when I ran even marathon splits in May) in the first few miles, and instead of further backing off due to the weather I decided to try to sustain it for the marathon.

    I felt ok crossing the half marathon mark at 1:40:25, but around mile 18, my body started to give out as I just didn't have the juice to push my heart up to a 175-180 to sustain the pace, and I slipped up to an 8 for miles 19/20, then 8:40 for the last 6 miles giving me a 1:48:33 split for the second half. Although I crossed the finish line in 3:29:08, about 15 minutes faster than my May marathon, I definitely (and very painfully) learned my lesson and probably cost myself about 4-5 minutes with the wrong pacing strategy. Still, I suspect the weather cost me about 10 minutes, my pacing about 4, and having gone into the race about 10lb heavier than my goal, I think I'll still have a shot at a 3:10 at Pittsburgh in May, but will need to be a bit more careful and hope that the weather gods come through.

    1/3 - 10 miles (5 speedwork, 5 slow)
    1/4 - 7 miles
    1/6 - 3 miles (@ MP)
    1/9 - 2 miles (pre race tuneup)
    1/10 - 26.5 miles (Disney marathon in 3:29:08)

    Total: 48.5 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 131.5 miles
  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Today was meant to be a rest day, but decided to get out there and do a slow run, building my long runs slowly back up to where they were last year at around 7-8 miles.

    1/1 - 3.36
    2/1 - 3.08
    5/1 - 3.08
    8/1 - 3.25
    9/1 - 3.08
    10/1 - 4.66

    Total 20.51/35
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Ohhim Those are pretty challenging marathon conditions. I know a couple people from my running group who also ran the marathon today (one was completing the Dopey Challenge) and they were not excited about the forecast. But yours is still a really fantatsic time, and some more helpful weather and more training should put 3:10 within your sights for sure!
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @kristinegift ... nice running this weekend... and great mileage for the month so far! But I have no idea how you can run with a group... I would be pi$$ed off and crabby the whole I give you extra credit for doing the herd thing...
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @kristinegift ... nice running this weekend... and great mileage for the month so far! But I have no idea how you can run with a group... I would be pi$$ed off and crabby the whole I give you extra credit for doing the herd thing...

    @MorningGhost14 Oh thanks! This is the highest mileage I've had since the first week of November, and it feels so good! And re: group runs: I actually didn't think I would like running with a group so much. Usually on Saturdays about 12-20 people meet up and we break off into groups naturally by pace, so it's less a herd and more a small cluster ;) It's great for keeping me from running too fast though since I'm also talking almost the entire time. I'm usually in the fastest group and we only pace 8:40-9:00. BUT I do prefer to do my longest runs solo; everyone in my group thinks I'm nuts, but those 16-22 mile solo runs are such great mental preparation for a race.
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    21 out of 45 complete :)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2016
    @rune1990 So are you doing the Zombies virtual race? I signed up this week!
    I've never done a virtual race before, but I heard about them in this challenge for the first time and have been curious ever since. Since I got hooked on the Zombies, run! app a few weeks ago, the combination was too good to pass up.

    @kateparry84 Congrats on your longest ever run, well done :+1:

    @Ohhim 98% humidity sounds like a killer! I hope you aren't upset about the way the race went - a marathon in less than 3:30 is impressive, and an improvement of 15 minutes in half a year no less!

    I wore one pair of my new shoes (the Saucony Cortanas) for my long run today. I was debating if it wouldn't be safer to do a shorter test run first, but I just couldn't resist ;)
    The poor shoes got soaked abound km-7, where the road turned into a shallow river I had to wade through (it's been raining non-stop since last night...), but that's hardly their fault. Other than that, my feet (and me) were happy all the way. At one point the sun even came out for a bit.

    Todays run leaves me with a little more than 30km for the week :)
    - 04.01.2016 5.3 km
    - 05.01.2016 rest day
    - 06.01.2016 3.0 km treadmill + strength training
    - 07.01.2016 6.0 km
    - 08.01.2016 5.3 km - I'm going to call it a "hill training run", because I ran the "small evil hill" three times in a row.
    - 09.01.2016 strength training + cross country skiing
    - 10.01.2016 12.1 km rainy long run with new shoes
    42.4 km of 110 km done
  • Lench0902
    Lench0902 Posts: 24 Member
    1/6: 1 mile
    1/7: 2 miles
    1/9: 1.5 miles
    1/10: 4 miles

    Goal: 8.5 of 30 miles
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited January 2016
    A little 5km Real Estate Run through the Misery Mountain Sub-Division with 6 members of the Herd.
    Might be the last Km for these shoes ( or the Tongues weren't pulled up ) as I had hot spots on the Top of both Big Toes. Never had this happen on any of my previous shoes and it is the first time I have had any issues with my Mizuno's ( 5 pairs Km out 0 Shoe Caused Injuries ) Skin was rubbed off; so tomorrows planned 20 km could be a challenge. Maybe something failed in them yesterday in the cold? Will switch them out of rotation until warmer temps return and the skin is healed before trying them again on a short run. They only have 230 km on them so should be good for another 230-270km. :/

    @MorningGhost14 I don't mind running with the club members in the Pack/Herd as it is a very small group and we have multiple pace groups so someone always match's your pace or you can cut out on your own.
    When it comes to races my biggest event had a little over 300 runners with no pace corrals. So the first 3 km were frustrating catching people and passing. Especially the Sunday Runners and Stroller Pushers who were 3-5 wide across the trail and oblivious to the Traffic Jam they were causing. A few of the runners right behind them finally got tired of calling out for them to move over and give us a passing side so they just pushed - elbowed passed them which finally made them wake up and get into single file. Then the floodgates were opened and 20-30 runners blasted past them. They mumbled-grumbled and complained to each and every one of us who passed them.

    01/01 –0.0 Km – 140 km – 0.0 Km
    01/01 –6.0 Km – 134 km – 6.0 Km
    01/02 –7.0 Km – 127 km – 13.0 Km
    01/03 –5.0 Km – 122 km – 18.0 Km
    01/04 –10.0 Km – 112 km – 28.0 Km
    01/06 –7.0 Km – 105 km – 35.0 Km
    01/09 –7.0 Km – 98 km – 42.0 Km
    01/10 –5.0 Km – 93 km – 47.0 Km

  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    So, there are 22 pages on here to read since my last post, oops! I'll have a read when I'm tucked up in bed on my laptop shortly, the app isn't ideal for lots of reading.

    Jan Monthly running challenge

    1st Jan - 3.1miles
    2nd Jan - 4.5miles
    5th Jan - 2.75miles
    8th Jan - 3.25miles
    10th Jan - 4.00miles

    MTD - 17.6/50miles

    Looking ominously like I might actually make my goal this month, if not exceed! Shows the value of having a set race in mind to train towards.

    Upcoming races:
    31st Jan - Hyde Park 10km
    27th Feb - Richmond Park 10km
    19th Mar - Spring Riverside 10km
    3rd Apr - Paddock Wood Half Marathon
    8th May - Run Hackney Half Marathon
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Easy 6 km this morning. Av HR 125; max HR 134.

    1 Jan 13.4 km
    2 Jan Rest
    3 Jan 6.3 km
    4 Jan 5.4 km
    5 Jan Rest
    6 Jan 8.3 km
    7 Jan 5.3 km
    8 Jan Rest
    9 Jan 15.3 km
    10 Jan Rest
    11 Jan 6.1 km

    Total: 60/150 km

    Doing all my training slow and easy to increase mileage for my first marathon in July and stay injury free.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    I cussed the last hill, the last mile.. I'm gonna be sore. Hip specialist appointment tomorrow, that'll be fun, all stiff and sore as he does the pretzel exam. I'm outta BCAA's... Maybe I'll get lucky and DH will bring some home.... Balls. I need a nap.

    2/1......5.20 walk
    9/1......4.3 treadmill walk.

    36.12/100+ Miles

    Upcoming races:

    02/06/16 Hot Chocolate 15K Dallas
    03/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    03/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    04/24/16 OKC Memorial undecided distance
    Run the year 2016 36.12/2016
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/01 - 10 miles
    02/01 - 10.4 km
    03/01 - 10.4 km
    04/01 - 10.3 km
    05/01 - 12.5 km
    06/01 - 12.5 km
    07/01 - 10.6 km
    08/01 - 12.6 km
    09/01 - 10.6 km
    10/01 - 22.5 km

    tot 134/500 km

    good weekend, feeling better

    thanks to everyone for the support and congratulations to all amazing runners for their achievements this week end

    I did push a little this morning, I desperately needed to run a HM and I did it

    then went to the sport centre for a visit and a sport massage

    I was so so so happy to speak to a professional that deals with other people that run long distances everyday and understand why we do it, offering a good recovery plan where I don't have to stop but I just need to be sensible

    the sport massage was the most painful thing I've done since I've broken my arm 30 years ago, ffs! but then I felt much much better,I feel like having 2 springs for legs, instead of 2 oak trunks. let's see tomorrow how I'll be

    my hip probs are due to a combination among running, long commuting and office job. I might have a very tiny stress fracture on the foot that is healing. so quite good news. what I do need to do is to introduce weigh training.

    today I was ok for 12k, so I decided to keep going, and felt some small discomfort at around 18-19k.

    ok, I won't achieve this month goal, but I'll be out there tomorrow, and that's what matter.

    (just need to hope though milk man won't run me over!)

    @MorningGhost14 thanks, your post was inspirational for me as well

    @MobyCarp you are amazing!