

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Positive thots even if you don't believe in prayer.t5y7nbu43ak2.jpg
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Happy Sunday. It was -6 this morning when I came to work and only to get to 20. I would rather have 30's with snow. But this is Nebraska. Last evening DH and I tried the zumba, but he must of found an advanced one, we lasted less then 2 minutes and was laughing so hard. The furbabies were running around barking. Tonight we will try a beginners one.

    Jane--Sounds like DMIL is doing better. Glad to hear.

    Pip--Glad the new year is going well for you.

    Welcome to sweetsoutherasaa and Clelia--This is a great group. Keep coming back as this is a great group for friendship and support.

    Ok Sylvia, I will go next. My name is Vicki and I live in Grand Island, Nebraska. I have worked at the hospital just over 29 years in the administration center. Fancy word for answer phones, do doctors answering service, call codes and keep track of patients. I have been married to my second husband for 31 years, I will be 59 March 2nd. Between us we have 7 children, 28 grandchildren and 4 great grandsons. We belong to a christain motorcycle group. My highest weight that I know of was 402. I had the lap band done over two years ago with no ajustments in almost 2 years. I am down to 240 and want to lose about 70 more. But do not want to have my band ajusted anymore to do it. Welcome to this fantastic group.

    I have so enjoyed reading about everyone and refresh my mind. I also am going to copy and paste them all in one place.

    Margaret--Beautiful flowers. Hope you are feeling better, sending hugs.

    Janetr- Thanks for the knot prayer. I really needed that.

    Well ladies enjoy the rest of your weekend. Love you and remember we are not alone.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    May I add that I am enjoying the introductions. It is a good refresher even for those who have been here awhile. I still have trouble keeping some people straight in my head.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    DJ wrote: PolePenny, do you really have trees that only grow to an inch tall? “species of willow and they grow to an inch tall at most” I’m thinking that was a typo?
    Nope. No typo. Here's picture proof with my engagement ring for scale.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    Hi thanks for letting me post I'm 62 recovering from bad falls and knee injuries due to diabetes leg drag now i am off the knee braces and walking to park again boy did the weight come back if you don't walk every day...i love to garden and will be getting most of my spring summer work outs with planting hubby calls me digger..for now i am using a indoor pedal bicycle and gazelle glider..i love doing Tai Chi DVD and Yoga DVD.. I know i can drop the weight its the strange changes mother nature does to our bodies once we shift into wise woman stage of our life's things go snap crackle pop and its not the rice cereal...LOL i am a cancer survivor and feisty and a fighter..I love to come here and chat and compare notes with other women on how to get healthy..I live in a Spanish
    Speaking neighborhood so have some folks to chat too would be extra nice too..

    welcome.gif this is a great place for chatting and getting support and encouragement....we all seem to have some sort of physical limitation that requires creative ways to exercise. I have a recumbent exercise bike in my living room so I can ride and knit while watching TV.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sylvia loved the scale at the docs, laughed out loud. Me to a tee.

    Margaret so very thoughtful of your husband. The roses a gorgeous shade.

    DJ Doing the happy dance with you on the two pound loss. (Had to throw the dang pom poms out) :)

    Katiebug I agree, I'm loving it. Been on here since June and have learned tons today. Thanks everybody for participating.

    Penny Wow, just wow. :)

    Janetr okc
  • annm0213
    annm0213 Posts: 2 Member
    My December goals were to just survive the holidays. I did that so now it's time to move on. My January goals are to get healthy and stop procrastinating. I am not getting any younger and I need to get moving now.
    1--eat healthy--this means cut out the crap. I have been making smoothies for breakfast and packing a healthy lunch to take to work. I don't snack on junk anymore, I have fruit and nuts and other good for me snacks available.
    2--get my big butt to the gym--part of my problem was that I was too tired to go to the gym after work, even though I passed it every day on my way home. So I am approaching it differently. I get up an hour earlier and go before work. I feel better that I am getting in the workout and I can still get home at my regular time and relax. I also found out that the gym offers a Yoga class early in the morning one day a week, so I am super excited about that. It was something else I always wanted to do, but could never find the time.
    So far I have lost almost 5 pounds since Christmas and I feel like I am motivated to keep going. This will be my year.
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    edited January 2016
    I guess I didn't introduce myself when I first got on here! Not the first time I've messed up and surely not the last!

    So here goes: I'm Donna and I live in West Virginia. I'm married to my best friend and love for going on 36 years. We have 4 children, three boys and a girl. Two sons are married and we have 1 grandson and 2 granddaughters. Hubby is 62 and still working. He's just not ready to retire yet. I'm 55 and still working. I work for the BOE. Probably about 4-5 years more for me.

    We are very involved taking care of our elderly mothers. That is a job in itself. Thank God we both have siblings to help out.

    I've always struggled with my weight. Not a lot of pounds but nevertheless extra pounds. In October 2009 I had a hysterectomy and when I went back to work, I couldn't get up 2 flights of stairs without sucking for air. Then in February 2010 I decided I couldn't stand myself and my "fluffiness" anymore so I joined WW for the umpteenth time. That time was different for me and I lost 44 pounds over the next 2 years but never reached that magic goal! I lost down to 159 which felt so good, but I just couldn't get the time to go to the meetings and the online plan didn't work out for me. I've gained back up to 176 and I'm struggling to get back on track before I'm totally out of "one-derland."

    Totally my fault that I'm where I am. I found this group on MFP and I think this is the support I really need to get back in the saddle again. Not only that, but maybe I can be a help to someone else on here!

    Oh one more thing. I have been having trouble with my feet, ankles, and hips for a while. Like 4-5 years. Went to podiatrist in December and the doctor said nothing shows wrong with my feet in the X-rays. Wants me to have an EMG to rule out a compressed nerve in my back before proceeding with anything further on my feet. Just one more thing for me to be stressed about......

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Becca wrote:
    Being philosophical in Oregon...and no I won't go out and start talking to trees.......

    Why not? I talk to trees a lot! :flowerforyou: They're great listeners, and since their responses come from your own imagination they always very wise and say exactly what you want them to say.

    Of course the trees I talk to are the ones in northern Norway, so they're very small. (Here in Svalbard we only have a couple species of willow and they grow to an inch tall at most.) In Oregon you might be talking to giants. I can see that being a bit more intimidating. >:)

    Just back from the gym and (hooray!) my husband went along this time. He did a good stint on the treadmill while I threw my weight(s) around. Small step forward! Now time for lunch.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

    Penny I have family (both sides) that reside in Trondheim Norway :-) I tend to not really talk to trees, I just stand among them and LISTEN and watch. HYPNOTIZING!!
    Good work with the weights....show them who's boss girl!!
    Tree whisperer
    In Oregon
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Becca how are you feeling today, gf? (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    well it has been a long day...
    just ate mac and cheese neutral: .. I am really tired.. made a roaster chicken and meatloaf
    Tom finished the backsplash and it looks stunning,,,
    he is a handy guy..he is tired too and we will hit the hay early...
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Penny, great photo. My daughter asked how they got the ring so BIG! Finally it sunk in that the trees were that tiny!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Becca how are you feeling today, gf? (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc

    My nose has woken up and I can BREATHE....It was a couple of days of the "sleep on one side then turn *blow nose* then roll over...*blow nose*. Hard to sleep!! Thanks for asking! (hugs)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    To the new gal that said this was a closed group, she never introduced herself, or anything. I have a "new member" feature built in to my computer, and it didn't go off. She said none of the key words like, "Hi I am New, may I join this little group, or how do I join". My computer picks up on those. With all the bells and whistles too!


    Becca, sweet southernersass introduced herself on page 25.

    I'm sorry, sweetsouthernsass. We didn't mean to ignore you. This is a very chatty, fast moving group. To keep up, we (well, at least I) often skim pages at a time, so we miss things. Welcome! Please come back. I promise we really are a friendly, supportive (but possibly crazy at times) group.

    um DrKatiebug, I will plead the 5th and say it was all my colds fault. But I am getting better :-)
    uh wait....did DrKatiebug call me crazy...hahahahaha.....ok I will take that as a compliment. It's better than calling me weird (which most Oregonians are proudly by the way).
    that crazy Oregonian...(hmm it has a nice ring to it) snickers..

    Ha! Love you, Becca. What does that say about us when we take being called crazy as a compliment?

    DrKatiebug bwahaha......crazy is the new normal right? I try not to evaluate the "Many Moods of Becca (sounds like a great movie right?) I just look at my emotions as permanent buttons that keep me "living life AWAKE and not living life mentally not present or asleep. I know of a couple of my friends that live their lives asleep, no emotions, things I say should make them utterly roaring mad but there is no response from them. They figure if they don't mentally show up in life, then they won't be held accountable, and they won't disappoint people. Aw, but people can't and shouldn't function like that. Its just not healthy.
    that has BLUE SKIES today :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Cheri NE OHio Aw you're welcome. I am all about visuals, and says reprogram my brain. I have many years of re-booting to do!
    "an old computer of a brain with a heck of of motherboard"
    In Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon In the past we had a "sunscreen cabinet". From face lotion, to kids, to sprays, from 9-50 protection. Sadly once at the resort, my husband got "turned into the office" for putting sun lotion on my youngest son "too thoroughly"....My husband walked calmly to the office and explained "its what you do when you're at a nudist resort you nuts!" The lady that complained had hit on my husband earlier and he has turned her down....so she had gotten uppity about that I guess. She was told to politely leave..so crazy things do happen at those places!!
    was a nudist now not as much
    in clear, crisp and cold Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    DJ - Great going on the 2 pounds! :flowerforyou: You are sooooooo near target now! :D

    Janetr - Love the knot prayer! :laugh:

    Penny - we used to live on the coast for a while and I loved it, but I did miss big trees. Don't think yours would really help. :bigsmile: We have some gorgeous trees round here, including some really ancient oaks.

    Got to tackle the dreaded mobile phone company tomorrow. I'm still being billed for the phone I returned. Wish me luck. I can't even get into my account on the website. :sad: Last time I rang them it took about an hour for them to answer and my reception in this house is terrible so I have to hang out of an upstairs window. :sad: Dreading it.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Loved the idea of collecting the intro info into a single document-I will love looking back when I am confused (daily LOL)

    Heather - does the mobile company have a chat on line feature? I have found that to be very helpful.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Priceless and so true! Thanks, Sylvia. :heart:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    When you go to a 'nudist' beach, community, or do it at home in your fence-in back yard - you soon learn that the 'body' is not what interests you ... it's the person. Best conservationists around. :D Sister and our respective spouses went to Hallover (phonetic spelling?) Beach, FL; the man who 'policed' the beach had an interesting tattoo on the side of his butt ... 'USDA Government Inspected in a ring with Grade A inside the circle'. He'd run off the people who did nasty things in the sand (like digging a hole, laying on it on their stomachs and then masturbating ... or taking picture which was NOT allowed). He'd run off people trying to take pictures where boardwalk had steps at them. All the rest had hedges growing up, to block off the street that ran beside the boardwalk. Those just gawking. They'd have activities you could join in; I won the sand sculpting contest and won a T-shirt that I sleep in during the summer that says: "I got my Allover at Hallover" It was a 'flamingo' one of the things i collect. I have about 70 of them, no two are alike. The regular city police would run off those that were on the boardwalk gawking, too.

    When my sons was younger; I did not try to hide my body from them, nor did their Dad. We would not 'flaunt' it; but, if they walked in on use we did not go 'ballistic'. I think my DDnL#1 is so ashamed of her body now that she hides from the girls and screams at them if they come into the same bathroom when she is showering. My DOS grabbed the two youngest ones one day and shoved them into the shower with her telling her that they needed to see the things they did not have yet; but, would. Breasts and pubic hair. She stayed mad at all of them for weeks.

    I sometimes wish that I could be 'succinct' when posting or replying to post; but, that is the 'writer' in me, I guess.
