I have more than 50 lbs to lose. Comment and I'll add you as a friend!



  • CanaDana11
    CanaDana11 Posts: 43 Member
    @Mommycouture added!
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've got around that much to lose.
  • LindaHark
    LindaHark Posts: 3 Member
    I'm tired of being overweight. I need to lose weight and to exercise. I want to get off my medications, fit in smaller clothes, walk without being out of breath. Tracking will keep me accountable. I'm also drinking more work but that's ok cause I love it!
  • ejbasile
    ejbasile Posts: 1 Member
    I have 50+ to lose and am finding the only thing working for me is mostly whole foods, drinking half my weight to a gallon in water, and being sure my fiber count is right at 27-30 grams per day on top of the 1200 calories MFP suggests. I started about 9 months ago and did lost 29 lbs before getting off track for 3 months and putting on 11. Back to trying to get that 50 off now! You can do it! First 2 weeks are the hardest and then things get better!!
  • 2019fitmex
    2019fitmex Posts: 2 Member
    90 lbs to go for me
  • MayRodz82
    MayRodz82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this app and trying to lose 70lbs.
  • connieelaine24
    connieelaine24 Posts: 59 Member
    I've been working towards my goal for the past 14 months. Its been a journey of patience and I'm still moving forward. Hang in there!
  • stevepoling
    stevepoling Posts: 6 Member
    A year ago I weighed 100 lbs more than today. All it took was a lot of work. The first month I ate normally, but radically increased my exercise. Since I am 60 years old I feared injury, so I walked, no running. (Running would have required a rest day for each running day.) Since my aerobic capacity sucked, I kept the speed and incline down on my treadmill. Good thing b/c the lower level of exertion netted more fat burning. After six weeks I was up to 150 mins per day. To do this I had to start getting up at 5:45 am and getting to bed before 10:00 pm. This reduced opportunities to snack. The first month I lost 17 pounds and started to think I could lose more. About March I decided to lose 60 by my 60th birthday. I missed that goal by two weeks. Then I decided to go for an even 100 pounds. At each stage in the process my tactics had to change. First get active. Then limit intake. Then focus on avoiding carbs while getting enough protein to maintain lean body mass. None of it was rocket science, but it did require focus and awareness of what my body did in response to changing activity and eating.
  • Angelakgrant
    Angelakgrant Posts: 2 Member
    Same here -my goal is to lose 57lbs. Sounds scary, impossible and just discouraging all at the same time. And when you're in it and trying to make the right choices -it's constantly on your mind. Stress just goes up, which can make it harder. I'm glad I found this app -it really helps with motivation and a fun way to keep track. Good luck on your journey!
  • tiffanysotoxo
    tiffanysotoxo Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm trying to lose 80lbs total, but I'll be happy with just losing 50! Sending a request :smile:
  • miracle
    miracle Posts: 12 Member
    I have 80 pounds to lose. I would love the support and encouragement!!!!
  • micahchanelle
    micahchanelle Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking to lose 50 as well. That would put me around 155. I was 140 when I got pregnant with my son nearly 10 years ago. I never lost that weight. I had another baby in March 2015. I started that pregnancy at 196, I had her at 206. After my daughter I gained 15lbs!! My cholesterol is high, blood pressure is high and my knees are giving out under this weight. I'm also looking for others to share this journey with! Feel free to add me, I'll add you back and together we can bring our sexy back!
  • misssouth98
    misssouth98 Posts: 3 Member
    Where to begin. After 40+ years of being the fat person, I had finally started loosing weight. Using WW had had dropped from 316 to almost 200. Then in 2013 my husband had surgery and was in the hospital for 3 months. My exercise routine (not to mention any kind of good foods) went out the window. Even though he came home in 3 months, it was 8 before I was able to go back to the gym. I am back at the gym but not before the damage was done. Both physically and mentally. Feeling very much a looser. The whole time I was loosing the weight I don't think i really changed my "thinking". That has made this all the harder to start again. Making first goal of the year to be getting a full hour of exercise at the gym.
  • flosalamak
    flosalamak Posts: 6 Member
    We can all do it.. I have 50 lbs to lose, last week was my first week.. weigh in tomorrow... Mind over matter.. Good Luck everyone!!!
  • CanaDana11
    CanaDana11 Posts: 43 Member
    flosalamak wrote: »
    We can all do it.. I have 50 lbs to lose, last week was my first week.. weigh in tomorrow... Mind over matter.. Good Luck everyone!!!

    My weigh in is tomorrow too!!
  • LazyGuy91
    LazyGuy91 Posts: 171 Member
    Looking to lose over 100lbs in the long run. One and all, feel free to add me!
  • caitlinplathe
    caitlinplathe Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 50+ pounds! Would love to help motivate you
  • CanaDana11
    CanaDana11 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 50+ pounds! Would love to help motivate you

    Thanks! I think everyone in this thread should just start adding everyone!! Haha

  • floresceleste28
    floresceleste28 Posts: 3 Member
    Started a little over a week ago.. Trying to lose 30lbs.. Starbucks and sweet tea seemed to be the hardest to give up.but I have been reaching my calorie goals.
  • lavonnechavez
    lavonnechavez Posts: 9 Member
    61 here