

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi, I am Karen from NY, I am a music teacher of 25 years, have a daughter about to graduate from H.S. My husband and I share the same b-day so we got married on that day, that way nobody forgets anniversary!

    For years I had been slowly eating myself to poor health. I am only 5'4" and used to have a fast metabolism, b.p. was getting high and aches and pains were worsening the more sedentary i became. I realized I did not wish to feel that way anymore, with careful logging and better food choices, I started moving, starting losing weight and voila, had more energy and woohooo, no longer need the b.p. medicine that doc wanted to increase! That alone has been very reinforcing for me to stick with it this time.

    This wonderful group can be overwhelming but just reading everyday and posting occasionally has been a fun outlet for me as well as a reminder that everybody has something, (keeps me from throwing myself a pity-party)

    Everybody here has their quiet strength, humor and experience and will gladly share it with one another.

    Karen from NY

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    FitKat123 wrote: »
    Hi, I'd like to participate in this thread. I fell and injured myself right before Mother's Day and then received a Fitbit from my daughter as a gift. I thought too bad I can't use it. But I thought I would just checkout Myfitnesspal and log what I eat just to see how poorly or not, I've been eating. And then, somehow, I got hooked. I actually lost weight. I haven't logged in a while and have gained a bit of holiday weight. So, I'm back on track. My resolution is to move more and sit less. I have a desk job but I do have a standing desk, which I will use more. The sitting less at home is actually making me clean more, so it's a win win. The Fitbit is now in use.

    welcome.gif It's kind of corny to say "the longest journey starts with a single step" but just getting out of your chair from time to time is a great beginning to a life of more activity.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    t4402.gif Lenora, thank you for the comprehensive directions you wrote to help newer people navigate this thread and MFP.
  • tawnyasevere530
    tawnyasevere530 Posts: 7 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Thanks for starting this off, Barbie.

    I have a plan for 2016 so I'll put it out here. I have gathered pieces of the full picture over this past year and used different pieces at different times. Time to put the three together:
    1. Nutrition - I saw a nutritionist 5 times this year and she taught me the correct way to eat in regards to carb counting, grains, protein and carb balance, calorie range.
    2. P90x3 - started this two weeks ago and intend to stick with it for increasing strength and flexibility.
    3. Accountability - MFP - this group, the Weight Loss Challenge on MFP, logging (and stickers on the calendar!)

    Call it my 3 legged stool.
    I'll have to copy this out to a notepad so I have it to evaluate my progress against.

    Starting tomorrow. Tonight all bets are off.

    Happy New Year's Eve

    Kimses in MA


  • tawnyasevere530
    tawnyasevere530 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm new here and just started with this app on 1/7/16. I have 80 or so pounds to lose. Has anybody but me considered bariatric surgery, specifically the sleeve? I've gained weight over the past 3 years when I became immobilizes with a broken ankle then hip problems until I had a hip replacement on June 29, 2015. I'm just starting to be able to get around better (back problems after walking cockeyed for so long made recovery from hip replacement take much longer). I'm hoping to continue the momentum I have going so I can get this weight off and get on with my life.

    I'm looking forward to forming friendships and offering support and encouragement.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    stats for the day:
    ob- 36.17min, 6.5-7.5speed, 9.04ap/min. mi, 159maxhr, = 382c
    other - physical therapy exercises - 5 min, 2 sets 10 each = 43c
    other - laundry, put away outside xmas lights, pressure wash car, etc - 421c
    846cal total
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif My name is Barbie and I've been posting on this thread and MFP since February 2009. I am 69 years old and was 62 when I started here. Weight has been a problem for me all my life. I weighed 112 in 4th grade and was bullied into diets by my mother until I left home. She used to tell people "Barbie has two grandmothers with big rear ends and she inherited both of them." Healthy eating and exercise helped me keep my weight from getting way out of control, but I didn't find a way to lose the weight I wanted until I found MFP. When I stared here I weighed 183 and in August 2010 I reached my goal weight--110 pounds. Then in 2013 three health care professionals told me that my weight was too low and I should gain weight for bone health...so I gradually added weight until I reached 125 which pleased the doctors. I've maintained that weight within a few pounds since 2014. I am retired from teaching grade one in public school....now I teach line dancing and enjoy retirement. I live with my husband (the love of my life) and two standard poodles and a cat. I walk and go to line dance classes and ride my exercise bike for exercise. Recently I started having pain and tingling in my legs and still don't have a diagnosis of what it is except that it seems to be nerve related. Fortunately I can still do most of the exercise I like to do. I live on the North Olympic Peninsula in Washington state in a peaceful community where I can walk my dogs very early in the morning and when the sun comes up, I can see the Olympic mountains.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    The plan for today was to do a Full Body Blast DVD and the a Yoga Detox. Only the Yoga Detox didn't download correctly so there wasn't any sound. Instead I did an AM Yoga by Rodney Yee. Let me tell you, that guy has one good lookin' bod

    The plan for tomorrow is to do the last segment of the Butt Lift DVD I have, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Becca - I bet that shower helped you feel better. I know a good shower always makes me feel better. Get well fast, hun. You're always a ray of sunlight in here, so we want you in tip top form. I don't think I could go just one day without just eyemakeup. I'd be too horrified if someone saw me "naked" (that probably doesn't bother you, tho)

    Donna - I'm with you -- christmas is over, I'm ready for Spring!

    Miriam - I never knew that you could figure out Leap Year by dividing by 4. Thanks for telling me

    cullie - ahhh...know Blue Bell well from when we lived in Kennett Square.

    DJ - I wouldn't be surprised if the European chickens took their cue (about size) from me!

    drkatiebug - I don't think you're the only person who skims pages. I think we all do at times, I know that there are times when I have to.

    Lisa - I love your answer to Kimses about the job

    Sylvia - when I have asparagus, I have to snap off the "woody" part. Otherwise I just can't eat it. I feel bad when I buy it, it's almost like I'm throwing out 1/2 of it. That's one of the reasons I only buy it when it's on sale. Does anyone have any way to cook the asparagus so that it isn't woody and you can use the whole spear? So glad you had such a good day at the studio. How's your "roomie" working out? Let me know the next time you're in NC, maybe we can meet? Loved the cartoon "you're retaining food".

    Clelia - welcome! You're smart to take baby steps. Even if you don't lose 10 by Feb. 4 but only 3, a loss is a loss. But I do hope you make your mini-goal

    sweetnsouth - welcome to another North Carolinean! What part are you in? I guess the only restrictions you could say that we have in this group is that we don't discuss politics or religion. Other than that -- everything's fair game. Congrats on that loss!

    Welcome everyone new! Not sure if people posted before or not, so I'll just give a general shout out to people.

    walk2heath - which yoga DVD's do you like the best? Tell me about the strange changes that happen to our bodies. A while ago I was looking at myself in the mirror and said "where the h*** did this come from" referring to this roll of flab. I watch what I eat, don't go off very often, I'm a big exerciser, yet where did that come from? Congrats on surviving the cancer

    Pole Penny and Becca - trees don't talk back, either!

    Pole Penny - that's something how small those trees grow! Amazing!

    Took the ornaments off the tree (boo), took the popcorn off and when we have some really nice weather for a while, I'll just dump it at the back of the property for the birds to eat. Now I'll have to go toWalMart since Vince needs milk

    Margaret - what beautiful flowers!

    Donna - oh how I remember taking care of elderly family members! Every weekend I would drive from PA to NJ to spend it with my father, go shopping for him, drive home and stop to see MIL at the ALF she was at. Unfortunately, both are gone now, but it was a chore while I was going thru it. what kind of problem are you having with your feet?

    I'm Michele. Raised in northern NJ, moved to Stroudsburg PA, then Kennett Square PA, now in Newton, NC. Been married for 37 years to the same wonderful guy. Like crafting (but don't find quilting to be very relaxing), am teaching myself to crochet, do x-stitch, plastic canvas. Like to cook and try new recipes, especially trying to lighten them up. I am married to one of the pickest eaters on the face of the earth so I'm always trying to find ways to disguise healthy food for him. Also really like exercising. Just get bored doing the same thing so I am constantly changing things up. Am on MFP mainly for maintenance, but I've found that if I don't log, I can easily get the "overestimate" bug. Anything else?

    Michele in NC
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    What a wonderful idea Sylvia of reintroducing ourselves. I've learned things about some of you that I never knew.

    I'm Chris in MA. I live outside of Boston and am fortunate to have a business in the oldest seaport in the country, beautiful Gloucester, MA (remember "The Perfect Storm"?). Jake, my rescue Brittany, goes to work with me (he is head of the complaint department) so I am forced to walk everyday. I've been divorced for 20 years and a long term relationship ended abruptly in May 2014. My only son, his wife and his step-daughter daughter moved in with me last year and are mostly a joy to have around.

    I'll be 60 in July and have been battling the bulge most of my adult, life but especially since my 40's. I tried WW, Jenny Craig, Diet Workshop joining gyms, fad diets and believed the hype that women couldn't lose as quickly or successfully as men and especially once they got older. The bigger I got the unhappier I became. I stopped caring how I looked and dreaded clothes shopping, something I had loved to do when i was thinner. In May 2014 I suffered a huge financial setback and then my long term relationship ended. I was a mess. I weighed over 190 lbs. and was squeezing into size 14 jeans on my 5'4-3/4" frame.

    I decided that there were so many things in my life that were going bad that I had no control over, the food and drink I consumed was something I could control. And I was angry, really, really angry, and I took to my dusty elliptical machine to work off the anger. I began on September 8, 2014 with a goal of losing 43 lbs. and wearing size 10 jeans.

    I had dabbled on MFP in the past but got serious on 9/8/14 and have logged everyday since. I began exercising initially 3 times a week and eventually got to exercising every day. I slowly incorporated good habits until they became second nature and my new way of living. I hit my goal on December 11,2015 and now wear size 6-8 jeans. I am in better shape now than I was 20 years ago and I am tickled that I can wear really cute clothes that I buy in thrift stores. I look to these ladies for encouragement, ideas, laughter, hugs, and that much needed pat on the back.

    No gimmicks, no special food, no magical potions, just calories in, calories out (CICO). Be patient and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad meal, day, week, month, year. Just dust yourself off and begin again.

    Teri...my good friend wanted to have a bowling party for her 60th birthday at the new bowling/pub emporium that opened in town. The men competed against the women and I am thrilled to tell you I was the winner on the woman's team! And it was the same score as the winner of the men's team, a whopping 112. None of us have bowled in decades and we had a blast.

    I really needed some fun because I've been dealing with some really big personal setbacks the past 3 weeks. I'm trying to move forward but finding it very difficult. Prayers would be most welcome. I took comfort in food, drink and friends this weekend but will be back on track tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.
    Chris in MA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) Several people mentioned that we talk about anything but politics and religion, it occurred to me that we probably also shouldn't talk about the football teams in the playoffs leading up to the Super Bowl.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay - my turn!! :)

    Hi - I am Lillian from Saskatchewan, Canada. I live in a small town near Lloydminster, SK/AB and commute 120 kms to the city to work. I have worked as a Public Servant for the Government of Saskatchewan for 38 years. I may retire this year - but I am still young - 56. Married to the same sweetie pie for 31 years. 2 grown boys - both married (2 weeks apart), had their firstborns three weeks apart. Now I have 3 grandchildren and another one on the way!! :)

    My highest weight was 208. I seen a Naturopath doctor and was told I had Heavy Metals poisoning. Probably from working in an office that was in the same building as diesel trucks. After 8 months of cleansing, I started to reintroduce foods only to discover that I have sensitivity to yeast and sugar. My weight is currently hovering around the 177 - 180. I would like to weigh 165 and if I would just get at it - I could almost make it!!

    I love the outdoors when I can get there, I walk outside with my dog - only on weekends and only when I can't hear the coyotes howling!! I love to garden, scrapbook and curling.

    Do I have stress in my life - well.... I am currently dealing with my mom moving into long term care - currently in respite. My mom is blind and all this moving around is totally upsetting her. My mom fell in late November and broke her hip and her shoulder so she is not moving very well.....

    My MIL is 88 and likes to write cheques. Just little ones - she wasn't allowed to do it when she was married but when her husband passed away - Well - she can write all the cheques she wants ...LOL!!

    And some days - DH can stress everyone out...

    Now I need to go and shine my sink (do the dishes) before I head off to bed... 5 a.m. comes early!!

    And now if Barbie would give lessons on how she gets all the moving things in her post - that would be great

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Friends - one of the things I really like about this thread is there are so many ladies from everywhere! I guess I'm just a little country bumpkin lol

    Michele - I enjoy being able to take of my elderly mom and MIL. It is very tiring at times, but it'll be okay. As for the feet......who really knows what the problem is right now. The doctor thinks it may be nerve related. They ache all the time. Even when I'm sleeping and move my feet. Hmmmmmm......

    Barbie - I wish someone would tell me to gain some weight! Awesome that you did reach your goal!

    Night night. Back to work tomorrow. Gotta be there at 6!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi! I'll just jump in here. My name is Terri and I live in a seaside town near Belfast, hence, Irish Terri, as there are others called Terri on the thread. I will celebrate my golden wedding anniversary (50 years) next July. DH is a gem of a man. We have 2 daughters, 1 granddaughter in 3rd year at Cambridge, 1 grandson in 1st year at Queen's Uni, Belfast, and one grandson, just started in Grammar School, (Junior High to all you Yanks).

    I am 69 and retired from teaching 14 years ago. I was in charge of Junior School Maths in a school with about 1500 pupils. However, I am still involved with education through a life long learning charity, which keeps me fairly busy, as I run 4 study groups and belong to another 10 or so.

    I joined MFP just over a year ago at 206 lbs, and found these wonderful ladies in August, just before I had hip replacement surgery in September. I had hit 220 early in 2014, and needed to lose weight, before I could have my hip done. It was hard going until I started logging and moving more. I have gradually reprogrammed myself to eat healthy and clean and work out and walk regularly. My goal was to lose 1lb a week for the year, and then re-evaluate. I was only a few lbs short of my end of year goal, mainly because I slacked off in December. Gained a few lbs but have almost shifted them again and am looking forward to losing another 25 in 2016. My mini goal was to look buff for DD#2 getting married in August, and I was delighted with the result.

    I run a Creative Writing group, and write poetry. I am compiling an anthology for publishing at the moment. I am into all things craft, languages, art, and Shakespeare, to name just a few of my interests, and, these days, I seldom do anything that I don't want to do.

    I love all the bios. Great idea for regular and newcomers.


    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, I thought of you when my brother posted a video on Facebook. He just got back on his bike in June after taking two years off from riding. He is an electronics engineer, so has all the devices that measure everything- heart rate, effort, incline, miles, change in heart rate from minute to minute, etc. One of his devices must be a Strava, because they compiled a video of his stats from June to Jan 1. I cannot copy the cute video here but did write down his stats for you: 2316 miles, 148 hours and 20 minutes, and 93,444 feet gained in altitude in 6 months. Oh, and he still plays soccer in a league at age 62.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • sweetnsouthernsass
    sweetnsouthernsass Posts: 58 Member
    Margaret the flowers are beautiful!

    I loved reading all the intros, there are quite a few ladies on here! Nice to meet you all.

    After this weekend, I have concluded, that one of my "weight problems" is that we eat out too much. I can only eat so many salads.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Hi. I'm new here and just started with this app on 1/7/16. I have 80 or so pounds to lose. Has anybody but me considered bariatric surgery, specifically the sleeve? I've gained weight over the past 3 years when I became immobilizes with a broken ankle then hip problems until I had a hip replacement on June 29, 2015. I'm just starting to be able to get around better (back problems after walking cockeyed for so long made recovery from hip replacement take much longer). I'm hoping to continue the momentum I have going so I can get this weight off and get on with my life.

    I'm looking forward to forming friendships and offering support and encouragement.


    I had gastric bypass two years ago and lost 125#. I had both knees replaced in2015 (not at the same time :)). I don't know anyone personally that had the sleeve surgery. I feel great and had no problems. I turned 66 in November. Good luck what ever you decide and welcome to a terrific group of ladies.

    Janetr okc