GIRLS UNDER 5' 4" with less than 30 lbs to loose!



  • Chrasschick
    Chrasschick Posts: 7 Member
    I'll join!! I am 160cm (5'3")

    CW 65kg (143lb)
    GW 58kg (127lb)
    To go 7kg (16lb)
  • KrisLee223
    KrisLee223 Posts: 27 Member
    5'4 with 33 lbs to lose...anyone interested in doing the Shred with me?
  • I'm 5'1" and 145lbs, want to lose 25lbs. I'm in :) And great idea by the way
  • I'd love to :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I'm a shortie too... 5'2" and currently 141!!! I'm so thrilled to have lost the first 40 pounds, now for the final 10 or so. I know my ticker says 6 pounds to go, and that's really my goal (normal BMI range), but I think now that I'm this close and feel this great, I may try for another 5 after that. That would put me at 130 and I haven't been that small since I was 19!!!!! I'll be 40 next year and want to be a hot mama!

    Running is my main thing right now, although I do try to strength train twice a week as well. I'm finding muscles and bones I forgot I had, which is awesome, and I have had to buy all new clothes since I'm literally 1/2 the size I was last summer!!!! From a 14-16 to an 8!!!! Wow, who knew counting calories and working out really worked??? Just kidding, it's so simple, but so hard. I'll get there. It's not a race for me, this will be my lifestyle until I die! Started training for my first 1/2 marathon last week, so I'm excited to hit that milestone in September! So glad I'm not the only shortie out there!!!!
  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    ME! 5'3 with the last 16lbs!
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I'm a shortie too... 5'2" and currently 141!!! I'm so thrilled to have lost the first 40 pounds, now for the final 10 or so. I know my ticker says 6 pounds to go, and that's really my goal (normal BMI range), but I think now that I'm this close and feel this great, I may try for another 5 after that. That would put me at 130 and I haven't been that small since I was 19!!!!! I'll be 40 next year and want to be a hot mama!

    Running is my main thing right now, although I do try to strength train twice a week as well. I'm finding muscles and bones I forgot I had, which is awesome, and I have had to buy all new clothes since I'm literally 1/2 the size I was last summer!!!! From a 14-16 to an 8!!!! Wow, who knew counting calories and working out really worked??? Just kidding, it's so simple, but so hard. I'll get there. It's not a race for me, this will be my lifestyle until I die! Started training for my first 1/2 marathon last week, so I'm excited to hit that milestone in September! So glad I'm not the only shortie out there!!!!

    We're almost exactly the same size. What do you do for strength training? I just do pushups and crunches.
  • JHR323
    JHR323 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi All! I want in on this group :) I'm 5'0" with 7 - 12 lbs that I'd still like to lose. I'd be satisfied with 110, but I'd really like to get to around 105 for my wedding in September ;)

    When I started my WLJ, I was doing WW. I then added P90 and lost about 10 lbs with that program. WW hasn't been working for me as well lately, so I'm experimenting with counting calories and tracking points to see which is the way to go with where I'm at now. I've been doing Turbo Fire for about 3 weeks, and have actually gained 2 lbs since starting it (was down to 115, now at a consistent 117). Kind of a bummer, but my body has changed, and I'm wearing smaller clothes. So, eh! Not sure if I'll actually get down to the number on the scale that I'd like to see, but I'd rather have a certain body composition if the number isn't attainable.

    MFP has my calories set at 1200. I struggle with eating enough and keeping my metabolism revved. Trying to get better at eating back some of my exercise calories and eating more during the day. I tend to eat too many of my calories in the evening.

    Happy to have found a MFP group for petites! We definitely have a different WLJ than other average sized people.
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everybody! I am 5'3 and want to lose 30-35lbs and I would love to join this group!! This group is definitely what I need to help motivate me to do just that! It is always more inspiring to see people in your same height group to get a better and more realistic image of what your goal weight will look like when you get there:bigsmile:
  • MrsSchmidty7
    MrsSchmidty7 Posts: 45 Member
    I'd like to join too! I have about 8 lbs to lose, and I'm 5"3 as well... I mostly just want to look good in the clothes I already have and lose the muffin top!

    What can we do keep motivated an motivate eachother? Maybe we should do some challenges or something??
  • trk24
    trk24 Posts: 18 Member
    I wanna join!! 5'3" with 15 pounds to lose. Have been here for 11 days and haven't lost a pound yet. I think my scale hates me, I am having trouble getting all my calories in, seem to hoard them instead of spend them, but working my tail off at the gym. Confused about calorie intake. MFP starts at 1200 but trainer says 1500 at least. All info so confusing. But whatever it is, I am not getting enough I guess since it is not showing on the scale yet.

    Love MFP, need lots of help! Your group will be great for me.
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    5'3" and 20 lbs to go.
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    5'3" && not really sure how much I want to lose... Somewhere between 10-20 pounds. I guess i am not sure because I don't know what my body is going to look like each step of the way. 160ish now, got big boobs and hips and an hourglass figure wiiiiith some bulky muscle. Mainly want to lose/tone up the belly area! Good luck girls, any advice is greatly appreciated. :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    5'4 with 6 lbs. left to go . . .
  • 9420toy
    9420toy Posts: 12 Member
    Well geesh am I da shortest here...I'm 4'11 3/4 to 5'0 sumwhere between there & 150 would look nice but I wanna push for more count me in lol
  • KKJ24
    KKJ24 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5'2 and need to lose 20lbs! count me in!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    5'2" with 20-30 pounds to lose. I'm 145ish and would like to be between 115-125! I'm sure it won't happen too fast, but then again the weight gain didn't happen to quickly either.
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm between 5'1 and 5'2 and want to lose at least another 5-10 pounds. I currently weigh 130 and definitely want to get down to 125 and evaluate from there and then get down to 120 without losing my curves. :-) Yay short girls! :-)
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Also you all are welcome to add me if you want - I ""OFFICIALLY"" am starting tomorrow since I will finally have a scale ( I currently "guessed" what I weighed )
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    I'm in as well. 5'1 here. I'm looking to lose 10 to 15 pounds.
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