Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So I was bad at posting yesterday! Lots of great posts I caught up on! Love it! Tuesday was a much better day for me with my journey! Unfortunately my daughter was sick so I worked a half day and my work day was slammed! Ugh! Although that is good and makes eating from boredom non-existent!
    Monday I had 14K steps! Tuesday only 9k... but I WILL make up for the shortage today! LOL! Thanks for all those joining in the challenge!!
    I have a meeting tonight so I am hoping to get them all in before I leave for it so I am caught up for the day!
    Keeping posting and doing great girls! Love all the positive posts!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 -- sorry you had a rough weekend - but wow -- it looks like you had FUN! And those memories are worth it -- you will get rid of those extra pounds!!
    I had a rough weekend, but not because of having fun LOL!! I was just home doing stuff, but did not eat enough protein on saturday, and as a result I was hungry in the evenng, and got into the ice cream, bagels, minature marshmallows -- anything that was in sight!! And I didn't stop with overeating on saturday -- it lead into sunday when Hubby wanted sausage for breakfast, with eggs and pancakes. So needless to say, come sunday nite, I was so upset with myself.

    But I had a good day yesterday, and today, so far, I am doing OK. I am trying to drink more water, and keep the sugar and carbs low. I am trying to give up diet soda, but I still do have 1 in the mornings for the caffeine. (I am not a coffee drinker, but I need that kick to get me going) . But last weekend, I had bought some sugar-free Diet Sprite --- thinking that instead of a glass of wine, I would just drink this in the evening. I know they say that artificial sweeteners actually make you crave sugar, and I am starting to believe this! I was doing OK until I drank that soda, and then craved something sweet all evening. Somehow I do OK during the day, but I think evenings are harder for me anyhow.

    But it is one day at a time. We can all do this. I have a MFP friend that lost 100 lbs last year - and she said she committed herself to doing this for 1 year. So I am committing myself to do this for 1 month. I am hoping after 1 month that will lead to 2 months, 3 months, etc!

    @tazzy2911 - great job on your 4 lbs loss!! Do you like the new WW program? My goal is to get back to my lifetime weight so I can go for free. Like you said, weighing in person really makes a person stick to it.
    Way to go Joan! You can do it and one month will lead to 2 and 3, etc!! Glad I am not the only one with a bad weekend! Water is my goal for this week as well! Let's do this girl!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Joan6630 - I can relate! I had a few days last week that I wanted to literally eat the world! And of course busted into the chips and other things. I thought buying "healthy" beet and sweet potato chips would be a good thing. Not when you eat half the bag while sitting on the couch! So I was mad at myself too!
    I am so glad that I found this app 3 months ago and connected with awesome people who are in the same boat and struggle with the same things. It's so nice to share and know that I have support and I am not a crazy person who can't control the food intake at times! I wondered today, if you are the type of person who loves food and eating, will you always be that person, even after you lose weight? I kind of think so, that even when I hit my goal I will have to always be aware and working at it. Kind of depressing in a way! But I guess if I know that about myself, then I can learn from it and take action!

    I am in that same boat!! I do love food and my family seems to celebrate with food! Everything! Birthdays, anniversaries, sport events... we all love food and beer! Yikes! I have a goal to lose 8 lbs by our family get together in the Dells at the water park... Back into a swim suit... yikes! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    got2rockit wrote: »
    Hi everyone...I've been lurking on this site for a couple days now. I also like the idea of a place to post regularly. I have been on mfp for awhile. Struggled with actual weightloss, but I have made some positive changes in diet. I love working out, but currently quite inconsistent with it. I need to get back on track! I have a good 50lbs to lose. Lost .6 last week...I'll take it! LOL! I'm a 47 year old mama of 2 teenagers. Married and work full time.

    Welcome! Can't wait to join you on the journey! Check in often! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    mweckler wrote: »
    So I was doing really good before the Christmas break then I got 2 weeks off of work and did not go to the gym once. I then decided to have one too many cheat meals, and when I returned to work I kept right on track with eating bad. I have until April to start dropping the pounds before a family trip to Disney and I do not want to be mistaken for Ursula while I am there. Yes the fact that I am a man with a beard will not stop it from happening kids see what they want to see ( that was a joke)

    Welcome!! We would love to have you!! Hope you enjoy it and it helps with your journey! None of us want to look like Ursula! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    danan01 wrote: »
    Yay-I hit 11,000 steps yesterday! Lets see if I can get there today!
    Happy Dance!! Way to go girl!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    You GUYS!!! OH.MY.GOSH!!!

    I started on MFP on January 2nd.. I quickly dropped about 2 lbs in a couple days, so I wrote that off as just that my stomach was full of new years food lol. I weighed that Monday and I was 187.4. Since then I've barely lost any weight, we're talking under a pound. BUT, today I took my measurements again just hoping for a miracle and I LOST AN INCH AROUND BOTH MY HIPS AND MY WAIST!!! This is SO what I needed today to keep me going.

    It's working :D
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    That's amazing. It definitely comes off slower than your mind wants it to. I just keep telling myself that .8lbs here and .5 lbs there add up over time. I also find that I tend to gain a little before I lose or after working out (not really sure why). I trend my weight on Happy Scales and that prevents a mental panic moment. Taking measurements is great because sometimes you notice that before the scale drops.
    I also love the clothes challenge... I have my skinny jeans and it's the best feeling when they are baggy!! Shooting to get there again soon! Right now fat jeans fit good. =(

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    caegem wrote: »
    Would Love some MFP friends! Its nice to have people to cheer you on and to keep you going! I have been on and off here for a few years now, and this year I really want to reach my goal! Please add me!

    Feel free to check in often! I will cheer as much as I can!!
  • smilezishere
    smilezishere Posts: 106 Member
    My frustrations are injuries and little pains here and there. Might just be my age. But they're total setbacks!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I've been logging and using myfitnesspal again for two weeks, on off for a few years now.. i better get weighed this next few days but i'm dreading it. I think i'm scared its not working. What do you tell yourself so you can believe this is going to work.. I've tried so many times in the past and I just give up at my slow progress.. I don't seem to be able to get under 10 stone..

    Believe in yourself! You can do this. It's a slow process but the weight will come off.. whether is is .5, .8 or .2 lbs at a time. (zenjen13 quote) It all adds up and you can do this! We are all here struggling and you are just as strong as the next person! You got this!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    LWilkowski wrote: »
    How do you guys stayed motivated? Weight loss has been a struggle with me for about 25 years. I've now got a friend and we're trying to be accountable to each other in regards to walking more. As usual I do good for the first few days, but then I just loose interest.

    We will be accountable with you! Check in with us often! It's great to see others struggling with the same thing so you realize you are not alone! It's also great to see and share your success! We will always cheer you and hopefully motivate you to keep going! Plus once you start seeing results, the motivation builds within yourself!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Love this!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Woot! Woot! Just hit 10K for the day! Leaving work in 45 min so I can still get ahead some! Proud... started out slow this morning!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Woot! Woot! Just hit 10K for the day! Leaving work in 45 min so I can still get ahead some! Proud... started out slow this morning!

    woot woot you go girl. smash it :smiley:
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    Woot! Woot! Just hit 10K for the day! Leaving work in 45 min so I can still get ahead some! Proud... started out slow this morning!

    Great job! I'm sick today so I'm just a slug but I'm OK with that. I didn't even walk with the Little to the bus this morning BC I felt so crap but forced myself to do the afternoon. Keep it going girls, you're doing great and it's about consistency NOT speed.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - I had a "i feel like a half busted can of biscuits" kind of day! But I did get a short workout in this AM and a walk at lunch...I ate pretty good stayed below my calories. So we'll see how tmrw goes! Very tired.... tired of winter - LOL - Here in Southern IN - we've only had about 3 DAYS of winter so far!
  • aemommy1973
    aemommy1973 Posts: 13 Member
    Great job Shyanne!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    LWilkowski wrote: »
    How do you guys stayed motivated? Weight loss has been a struggle with me for about 25 years. I've now got a friend and we're trying to be accountable to each other in regards to walking more. As usual I do good for the first few days, but then I just loose interest.

    My partner bought me a Fitbit for Christmas, i've found this really good for motivation, I love hitting my step count each day it makes me feel like i've 'beat the Fitbit' and accomplished something haha. I've also found some Fitbit friends through MFP and we've all grouped together to enter challenges and try and beat each others step counts, there's lots of different challenges you can enter. It might not be for everyone, but i'm definitely finding it makes me get up and move around a lot more. :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    edited January 2016
    #dailycheckin - My brain grumbles every time my alarm goes off at 4:45am!! It's so early.... but I was up and ready to sweat this AM! Did PiYo Sweat and who would have thought BURPEES would be done in yoga!! But if you do PiYo Sweat.... you will do BURPEES! Sheesh! Felt good tho! I also finished my day UNDER my calories yesterday! B) Have a great day.... more to come later.