
  • newfie026
    newfie026 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Lisa, an ESL teacher living in Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada. Around three years ago, I discovered myfitnesspal and managed to lose over 50 pounds in about a year and a half. I've tried maintaining and all that, but I decided that at 5'2", plus or minus 140 seemed to be my limit. I exercise using my fitbit and logging fitstar workouts, I love them! I try to be careful, but I don't let it stop me from drinking my glass of wine and eating junk, sometimes. I do log everything, though. In 2016, I would love to get to the low 130s, never managed it before even as a teenager.. I love to knit, so one of my motivators to not gain weight is to knit myself sweaters. I need less yarn to make a sweater now, and I do not want that to change!!

    If I can help anyone, just let me know. I'm still watching what I eat and trying to stay as healthy as possible so I am still in the game with you all.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I've been reading everyone's post and a little scared to jump in. Jumping in means accountability as well as support. You all seem very nice and have so much going on. I keep reading and finding inspiration. I turn 50 next week. My goal for January has been to log my food every day and I'm doing terrible so far. I'm off work today and had said I would start decluttering my bedroom because I have new furniture coming next week. I'm still laying in the bath on my phone reading your post. :blush: I worked out today and logged my breakfast which is a big start in the right direction. And here I am posting so maybe I'll set a timer and take a baby step on my bedroom. I've been on MFP for over a year now and lost and gained it back. Only consistent logging keeps me on track. I have a grown DD and DS with the best DH a woman could ask for.
    Here I come 50. Ready or not.

    Lynn in NC

    Welcome! Being accountable takes a lot of commitment, for each of us. What I have realized thru all this process is change is messy, its emotional but afterwards is liberating and empowering! For me having a day that I:
    -log my food honestly
    -drink my 80 oz of fluid
    is a great day. Mentally I do a "check" symbol in head at night. You got this friend!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Kimses - your vegetable meal sounds delicious! The picture of your vegetables looked very appetizing yesterday.

    Pip - good luck on your car!

    Welcome to all the new ladies!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Bluefunk57
    Bluefunk57 Posts: 4 Member
    I appreciate this site - the blogs - all of it! I started watching/counting calories in December. This meant that for once in my life I lost weight over the holidays instead of gaining. My resolution is not New year's; it is New Me!! Yesterday, I started cleaning out my cupboards. Feels great to get rid of what I don't really want to eat or wear. I will be 58 in July. Two years ago I had cosmetic surgeries(bandaids). And now I am doing the real work. First time in my life since I was 30 something that I feel like I have the proper perspective to reach a good healthy weight. First times for lots of things - all positive. I am proud to be a part of the fitness pal family. All you girls are so inspiring! Thank you so much for your comments. Think I will post a pic soon so that I don't miss the opportunity for a before and after!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi everyone! I want to be here with all you creative motivated people. I just re-started 10 days ago. I too am doing the pitch, sort and clean...my house, my mind and my body. I am 50 years old and am in very bad physical condition. I had a stroke 9 years ago because of a heart defect I didn't know existed. I worked very hard at getting most of my deficits back so now its time to get in shape so that I can walk and breathe at the same time. I also have a few family events happening this year and I want to be able to enjoy myself and not be embarrassed of being in photographs. I am about 75 pounds overweight. I have several short term goals like adding exercise, drinking more water, logging daily but doing these will help me to this goal to reach 35 pound loss by June 18th (my sister's wedding) and another 20 pounds by October 1st (my daughter's wedding).

    Hello from a gal in Oregon! Pitching and organizing is a great start. It's like putting all your ducks in a row mentally and makes it a good mental starting point. This is a great group of ladies, in various stages of their journeys. You have a vast resource of information at your fingertips :-) And the fact that we are from do many different locations makes it like visiting the Natl. Geographic channel every time you check in. Its cool ! So now its time to start paying attention to yourself and putting yourself first :-) You deserve it!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    We had a busy weekend: basketball followed by bowling on Saturday, then bowling again Sunday. DS was spot on for H.S. bowling Saturday, but barely bowled his average at Sunday’s tournament.

    Sylvia – Love the earrings. I would have guessed they were 2 halves of a heart. Love the table, too.

    – Everything in that room is so bright and cheery. I think I’m in love with those colors.

    Kim – How exciting for you that you have friends fighting over you to spend the Holidays . Cheers ! ! ! And great job losing that ½ pound. You Can Do This ! ! !

    Grits/Kim – I won’t eat ketchup at all, and I’m still surprised every time I see DS put it on fries or a burger, because DH won’t eat it, either. In fact, when I was in Girl Scouts, our troup leader MADE us put it into meatloaf once, so now I won’t even try meatloaf. I know I’m weird !

    KJLaMore – Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Allison – Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! I saw a marriage counselor during both of my marriages, and the experiences were remarkably different from each other. Husband #1 was verbally abusive, un-medicated Bipolar, and eventually came to realize his ideal spouse is a man (and I couldn’t be happier for him now, because I can see that he now has the kind of life-happiness that he never had with me). When I told the counselor that I was done and ready to separate, he did everything in his power to help me and my DD get through that life change as stronger people. When husband #2 had his mid-life indiscretion, I and we saw separate and combined counselors, who both did everything in their power to work us through the process of staying together (and we will continue to work on it forever). I honestly would have had a terrible time if I had attempted to get through either life-changing events on my own, or with the support that my “friends” thought I needed (some said stay, some said get out, but no one was truly as supportive as they thought). Your experiences, past, present, and future, are unique to you and your relationship, and you definitely deserve the support of an expert who is unbiased and supportive in your journey. I hope and pray that you find the strength, help, and Love that you deserve, and that this can all come to peace ! ! !

    Stickers again for every day of the weekend. The most triumphant was for yesterday. A bowling Dad bought a large pizza for the boys, and they were too busy/nervous/concentrating to eat it, so he told the parents to dig in, and I only ate 1 small square ! Win ! ! ! We also went to a pizza buffet after H.S. bowling on Saturday, and I had a huge plate of salad, then went back for 1 cheesy breadstick and 1 brownie, and that is ALL ! ! ! I guess I can control my urges when I put my mind to it.

    Quinoa - I mix it in my breakfast, like with cream of rice, or old fashioned oatmeal. The directions on the bag says to rinse before boiling, but I don’t have a strainer with tine-enough holes, so I just skip that step.

    Yesterday we had to pay extra to the plumber because a chunk of our sump pump pipe froze and the water was not draining out to the yard. Then Wednesday we are getting estimates on the wall and tile for the tub/shower. Luckily my co-worker’s brother will do that work, so I won’t worry about him wandering around my house while no one is home. I’m hoping the garbage bag that I duct taped to the wall will be enough so he doesn’t need to start working on it until we leave for Reno in March. My DH is not good at following instructions to NOT do something, because he thinks anything he does will not increase damage, so it is best for the shower to be fixed while we are gone. DS won’t care if he needs to shower in Grandpa’s half of the house.

    I struggled working out this morning, because the fitness center was only 58 degrees. Well, now it is down to 55, so I wore my coat and spent the entire hour lunch in the breakroom. At least my office is 70. But my bones and joints know it is below zero, so I must make myself move regardless of the pain and stiffness.

    Alright, I again am NEVER going to get caught up with reading, so apologies to everyone I missed. I offer you all my sincerest hugs and prayers ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (high of 5 above today, heatwave)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    After eating that smoked turkey from the MIL's home, I am retaining water from all the salt in it. And I overate with her blueberry cobbler. AAAACK This morning I am 234. from 232.6

    OK today I have my food planned out, and sipping my 32 oz of Crystal Light as I type....(guuulp).

    My lunch will be two Wasa crisp squares, two triangles of Wee brie, some alternating fresh spinach leaves and turkey slices (healthy turkey not sodium laced) pressed into the creamy brie cheese, 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese, and 1 cup of pink grapefruit segments.

    My dinner will be 5 boiled baby carrots cut lengthwise, with 1 tsp light margarine, and 1 tsp of brown sugar and 1/4 cup of walnuts thrown in. Then for my main course I shall saute some diced tomatoes and spinach with spices, and steam a 4 oz tilapia fish fillet. I shall sprinkle 1 tsp of parmesan cheese over the whole main course.

    Snacks for the evening I shall eat my 100 calorie bag of popcorn.

    Sounds heavenly doesn't it!!! OK I am a wee bit OCD with it all, but its a good OCD right? the fact that I would LOVE to eat like this forever has promise! It's not a program that Slimfast told me to eat, or blasted Jenny Craig, or a menu from some magazine. Its my taste buds talking to my brain. (I have gone to the ZEN side....just slap me now.... )

    Zen Queen of the food preparation world
    in Oregon
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the group, but I have been using MFP since July. My husband and I have lost over 40 pounds each since then. He has lost 45 pounds and I have lost 42. We are both retired which probably has helped because there are no work lunches and so forth to deal with. We are spending most of our time taking care of our 49 year old son who is dying of cancer. The doctors did not expect him to last this long, and I think he is going on sheer will. On December 21 the hospice doctor expected him gone by Christmas. Instead he bounced back to celebrate Christmas on December 26. So we all just keep going. Some days he is real good, others I expect to walk into his room and find him gone.

    For exercise, I have been using a variety of Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs They are aerobic walking workouts that really give me a good workout. I would like to add some yoga for folks with osteoporosis, but I have not yet found a DVD that I can use. I did find a good book, but I am having trouble following the instructions. My daughter does yoga as part of her exercise program and has said that she will try to help me.

    My goal for 2016 is to lose another 25-30 pounds.

    Thanks for "listening."

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the group, but I have been using MFP since July. My husband and I have lost over 40 pounds each since then. He has lost 45 pounds and I have lost 42. We are both retired which probably has helped because there are no work lunches and so forth to deal with. We are spending most of our time taking care of our 49 year old son who is dying of cancer. The doctors did not expect him to last this long, and I think he is going on sheer will. On December 21 the hospice doctor expected him gone by Christmas. Instead he bounced back to celebrate Christmas on December 26. So we all just keep going. Some days he is real good, others I expect to walk into his room and find him gone.

    For exercise, I have been using a variety of Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs They are aerobic walking workouts that really give me a good workout. I would like to add some yoga for folks with osteoporosis, but I have not yet found a DVD that I can use. I did find a good book, but I am having trouble following the instructions. My daughter does yoga as part of her exercise program and has said that she will try to help me.

    My goal for 2016 is to lose another 25-30 pounds.

    Thanks for "listening."


    Welcome to this amazing group! Congrats on the work you and your husband have done thus far. You two should be so proud of yourselves. So sorry to hear about your son. I can't imagine what you deal with on a daily basis, but my heart goes out to you.

    I would imagine you find little bits of good among all the heartache. What else can you do? It sounds like he is at the best place he could be, home with people that love him.

    I admire you for doing yoga. When I think of yoga, I always see this picture that was on Facebook showing all these Irish ladies lying prone over furniture, on the floor, in my brain. If you are Irish no disrespect:-)


    Nice to meet you!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Bonnie - I am so sorry to hear about your son. You have come to a great place for support and motivation! (((Hugs))) There are a few ladies that do Yoga on here that might be able to help you. Michele is what I consider to be the DVD queen so she might be able to help find you a DVD that would work.


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Welcome to all the 'newbies'. We can give support; but, I agree motivation has to come from you. Don't worry about motivation being a problem, keep posting and all will support you and hopefully that will start to motivate you. We all have our stones to carry and nobody is going to throw stones. Add the name you want to be called, tell us a little about yourself; and where you come from, exact or general location. Keep it up! Posting everything you eat and drink will keep you accountable, for yourself. We don't see that unless you want us to. Personally, I've been put on a low caloric intake; and I drink a lot of water (some coffee). Measure everything you eat or drink. Portion control is everything. Ask your MD about the number of daily calories you need to be in so that you can lose. Most numbers you see are actually just to maintain your weight. We're all here for you.

    Dawson, GA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    Quinoa warning.... Terri in Milwaukie talked about adding it to her oatmeal, but one thing that I thought of is all the fiber in that meal. I mean oatmeal has fiber and quinoa has fiber, and lets say you add some apple slices which has fiber then suddenly, this meal isn't such a happy meal in your innards.... just pointing that out.

    I made myself a quinoa salad once. I added some chicken cubes, some edamame, some broccoli slaw, and some balsamic vinegar. It seemed all so innocent, but that evening..... I think I Lamaze breathed thru my bathroom time.....It was AWFUL!!!!! Never again will I combine so many protein and fiber related items in one meal EVER!

  • ginadaye
    ginadaye Posts: 39 Member
    Just did 2.6-2.8 mph on my treadmill for 30 min. Hope you all don't laugh at that. I'm 65, with a bad knee and it's the best I can do! Lol I do arm exercises with weights every other day...been doing that about 2 weeks. Yesterday I added abdominal exercises.

    Had an omelete for brunch, a pear for a snack and having spinach chicken salad for dinner. I most always have 2 SF popcicles in the evening...I look forward to it! I need to drink more water, but don't seem to be able to consistently do that.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    OH Becca - Lamaze breathing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL

    Welcome all the newbies!

    Gina - not even sure why we would laugh at any one walking on a treadmill :) now if you sit on the treadmill eating bonbons we'd remind you to log them!!!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Bonnie, I have been through the hospice experience with a cousin who was retarded. I cannot imagine your pain dealing with a son dying. Know that you are in my thoughts.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited January 2016
    Kim - I'm pretty sure that the other green veg steamed will go fine with the frozen spinach. I do drain my spinach really well and have been known to squeeze it in kitchen towel to get out the last drop. I'm a boiler though for veg, not a steamer as that's too much trouble, though I know it retains more vitamins. :embarassed:

    Welcome new people! So sorry to hear about your son, Bonnie. :flowerforyou: <3 Amazing that you have managed to stick with your diet.

    I transferred an old, rough towel from the guest loo to the duster pile this evening. I've been hating that towel for so long, but as I only had two I thought I needed it as "back up". No, I didn't. :drinker: Also tore up some credit card statements from 2009. :ohwell:

    Love Heather UK who has yoga tomorrow morning. :bigsmile:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Pip - Double YEAYYYYY. :drinker:

    Heather UK