Most annoying "advice" anyone has given you?



  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    You'll get bulky or injured from lifting heavy.
    You'll get just as strong doing body pump as strong lifts.

    Lol. I love when I tell people I lift weights and they respond with, "Have you tried Body Pump?"
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    "Try Apple Cider Vinegar! 2 Tbls in a glass of water before meals. It'll curb your appetite and you'll lose weight!"

    Did this for a week when I first started, until I realized that I absolutely HATED the taste and that the only reason I was eating less was because it tasted like vomit and made me want to.

    Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! :)

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    "Try Apple Cider Vinegar! 2 Tbls in a glass of water before meals. It'll curb your appetite and you'll lose weight!"

    Did this for a week when I first started, until I realized that I absolutely HATED the taste and that the only reason I was eating less was because it tasted like vomit and made me want to.

    Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! :)

    Well, then it kinda worked, I suppose? lol.

    For me it's 'if you're hungry, drink water, and you'll be less hungry'. Now, I know that it does work for some people, but I'm always drinking water, so if I say that I'm hungry, no amount of water is going to cut it..
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Any advice given that includes the words 'easy' or 'easily'. You can do this 'easily' if you do x,y or z. And so on.

    May be you find it easy, lady, but don't assume everyone is the same as you ...

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2016
    oolou wrote: »
    Any advice given that includes the words 'easy' or 'easily'. You can do this 'easily' if you do x,y or z. And so on.

    May be you find it easy, lady, but don't assume everyone is the same as you ...

    I was just thinking of "easy" and "simple/simply" and "just" when reading the replies. :)
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    god damn *kitten* wraps. |IT WORKS.|

    go away and shut the *kitten* up.
  • taptap25
    taptap25 Posts: 21 Member
    That you are losing weight too fast or your goals are too extreme. I know how much I can lose in x time and I like to set ambitious goals. Ambitious but always attainable. Don't let em tell ya it cant be done
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    taptap25 wrote: »
    That you are losing weight too fast or your goals are too extreme. I know how much I can lose in x time and I like to set ambitious goals. Ambitious but always attainable. Don't let em tell ya it cant be done

    Can and should have different meanings, however. Cheers.
  • melizabird919
    melizabird919 Posts: 29 Member
    While fasting works for some, I've had too many people tell me to not eat after a certain time of day. I had someone go on and on about how they lost 20lbs not eating after 5. Of course! You were eating less!

    And as people around me started to notice I'm loosing, they ask what diet (paleo, no carb, etc, etc) I'm doing before anything else. And then try to tell me that I really need to do one of those if I want to drop more and be heathy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    While fasting works for some, I've had too many people tell me to not eat after a certain time of day. I had someone go on and on about how they lost 20lbs not eating after 5. Of course! You were eating less!

    And as people around me started to notice I'm loosing, they ask what diet (paleo, no carb, etc, etc) I'm doing before anything else. And then try to tell me that I really need to do one of those if I want to drop more and be heathy.

    Oh yeah... so many told me that I should do Intermittent Fasting because I'm so hungry. And they're pushy too! Except I'm hungrier in the morning, workout in the morning, and can't workout on an empty stomach, so about that...
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    The one that drives me crazy is the "you should try x diet, so and so lost a ton of weight on it!". I'm always tempted to ask, "Yes, but how long did they keep it off?". I'm not interested in making my weight loss temporary and I'm not going to cut out carbs, meat, etc. for the rest of my life so no extreme diets for me.

    THIS!!! just because someone they know lose weight by eliminating carbs or eating just once a day (live on green tea, lemon water and only a small plate of meal once) and running every evening (i dont know where he/she get that energy from), doesn't mean i want to do that.
    Seriously, doing it the healthier way will take longer, but it will last longer and i will be happy and healthy at the same time (not grumpy all the time).

    Its amazing how so many people think there is shortcut in losing weight.

    and very annoying when there are few who told me that i can stop losing weight because ive lose enough.

    and some telling me to eat more and i can stop losing. Its funny because im pretty sure i eat way more that those who said that. CiCo guys..CiCo..
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I'm looking at recipes on Pinterest and something called fat flush soup came up. :s
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Menix8 wrote: »
    You'll get bulky or injured from lifting heavy.
    You'll get just as strong doing body pump as strong lifts.

    Lol. I love when I tell people I lift weights and they respond with, "Have you tried Body Pump?"

    I get this too. I'm baffled by it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Ashtoretet wrote: »
    "Eat less move more." Thanks, captain obvious. It's so disheartening when people think truth trumps empathy. I wonder how they would have felt if their teachers in school had been so callous.

    I had to look up callous: adjective UK US /ˈkæl.əs/
    › ​unkind, ​cruel, and without ​sympathy or ​feeling for other ​people:

    Eating less and/or moving more is the process by which weight loss works. Maybe you felt it patronizing because you knew that, but not everybody knows or accepts it. Unless a person knows what your particular challenges with eating less and/or moving more are, it's pointless to give any more detailed advice.
  • SaraAhmad117
    SaraAhmad117 Posts: 43 Member
    I've lost almost 4 lbs in the last two weeks by tracking my calories and walking everyday. One of my friends just told me last night, "Yeah? Well I've lost the same amount in 7 days because I'm only eating breakfast! I need to lose 33 lbs by March so I'm just not eating." I told her how stupid that is and bet her that I'll lose more weight than her by eating small amounts throughout the day. Another friend was trying to convince her that she'll more likely land in the hospital by March than be 33 lbs. thinner but she wasn't listening and swore that starving herself is the only way to do it. Then she ate a huge dinner with us. Some people are just impossible. Ignore them and do what you know is right for you and your body.
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    So many girls in my work selling Juice Plus and similar rubbish. I just smile, look at them blankly and nod.
  • dizzielizzie82
    dizzielizzie82 Posts: 12 Member
    lol the wraps!! I am sure they only reduce your water retention and then blamo your back on!!
  • eleanormasters95
    eleanormasters95 Posts: 7 Member
    "I have 0% fat food here, you should get some!" - yeah that's great, and an absolute bucket load of sugar in there,too. Well Done.

    Or: "You're crazy for going gym all the time, I'm lucky, I lose weight naturally!" - (then struggles to breathe up a flight of stairs)

    "Oh go on, it's only a little chocolate bar. You gotta treat yourself sometimes!" - After I've already had my 'treat day'

    "I don't feel like I'm living life if i'm stopping myself from eating what I want." - I don't feel that way, but good for you.

    "but you're not even fat! Why are you gymming?" - there's more to the gym than becoming skinny. Bugger off, weakling.

    "Can't you take a day off? We could Netflix and Chill" - How about no.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    natboosh69 wrote: »
    So many girls in my work selling Juice Plus and similar rubbish. I just smile, look at them blankly and nod.

    Yep - in my case it's Clean 9. Because aloe vera juice has magic unicorn fairy dust properties that make you lose weight (rather than the fact you're consuming nothing but the juice, some random supplements and the odd protein shake for 9 days). The best facebook post yet I've seen advertising it says something like "it's not a quick fix it's a change of lifestyle"... oh really? Wtf.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    "Women shouldn't lift heavy weights." A coworker once told me I lifted heavy because I "want to be a man."

    I was told a woman shouldn't lift more than 3 pounds....I was STUNNED.
    Last I checked, most healthy newborns were more than 3 pounds!