

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, so you are wanting to find a place that teaches the art of safe falling? I thought you were looking for a spot in which to fall. What can I say, my mind just goes off on these trips every once in a while. Good idea because ice is definitely dangerous.

    Rori, I’d be jealous of my cruise if I weren’t going on it. LOL I would absolutely love to schedule one with as many of us as could go, sometime.

    Withasmile, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. Also we ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often and join right in.

    MicheleNC, I have black carpet also and with light seats. I did get some great heavy rubber floor mats with carpet inserts at Costco. I have really enjoyed them.

    CheriGee, I agree. It’s hard to mess with a tired doggie.

    Allie, so sorry you got the bug. Sending healing thoughts for a speedy recovery. (((Hugs)))

    Kim, it is impressive what you did to make ends meet when you were out of work. It is amazing how different the young people of today are. They don’t even think of such things for the most part. Good for you!

    KJL, sorry for the skunk smell but thank goodness he didn’t get you. That would have meant the smell would go with you wherever you went.

    Sylvia, cute Cleaning Syndrome. smiley-laughing021.gif

    Allie, you know you need to stay away from work so I hope you won’t give it another thought. ((((Hugs))))

    Anna, welcome. Congrats on finding your new DH when you did. This is a great place for support and I never miss a day of logging in here except when I’m on a cruise. FB has become a few times a week when I find the time. Come often and join right in.

    Penny, as much as I know you hate to turn away work, good for you on knowing when to say no. And I don’t know what in the world you could be talking about on a steady countdown???? giggle.gif wave.gif

    Miriam, cat is too cute and so are the girls.

    CarolNC, glad your bursitis is better. Mine was bothering me today and I had to cut line dancing short because of it. It actually helps a little to rub it so I wonder if a massage would help? Hummm???

    Margaret, I know what you mean about getting home if the snow continues. Probably a good choice to stay home. (((Hugs)))

    Mjones, welcome. Controlling your attitude is a great step towards a positive outcome. Good for you!!! Sorry the last 4 months haven’t been the best but I look forward to hearing all about the good things in your future!!!

    Pat, I love that you are posting again. I missed you! I can’t remember where you live? Your weather sounds like what we’ve been having.

    Terri, your daughter is auditioning for the Voice? That is so exciting!! I agree that is a once in a lifetime event and your DS bowls often, so glad you are going to be with her. Have fun.

    Heather, I agree that it is important to tell others that we appreciate what they do. I try to tell DH all the time and make sure he knows it’s not just a generic “Thank You” but that I truly mean it. I try to remember to tell my friends and ladies in The Women of the Moose as well as others that I deal with on a regular basis….people need to hear it when they are appreciated.

    Joyce, glad you are always comfy in your bed. That is so nice. I have to admit that mine is very comfortable sometimes and not at all other times. I wonder if it has anything to do with the pain level in my old bones?

    Mindy, so happy your DD got the job. Definitely let your boss know you are interested in the trainer position if it is more $$$. Remember the door and window narrative. (((Hugs)))

    Kay, sounds like you got a great work out. You are going to be looking like Mary before we know it. showoff.gif

    Sue, I was thinking the same thing about learning to fall. The last time I fell it was so fast that I don’t think I could have done anything other than what I did. It will be interesting to hear more. For now I just concentrate very hard on not falling. At least since I’ve lost weight, I can get up. m0111.gif

    Beth, I don’t blame you for not making your DS go through that. I have a friend that got them and they didn’t help her migraines at all so she never did it again.

    Heather, thanks for the laugh while reading about your art. I don’t understand why you didn’t post a picture of the model??? m0126.gif You are soooo funny!

    I have read all but page 7 and just have to go to bed. My back has been acting up all day and my hips had me shorten my line dancing. Tomorrow I’ll finish getting things together for cruise and Thursday I’ll get my nails done. Even have to have pretty toes, since I’ll be wearing sandals. Tee hee hee

    Only 4 days, but who’s counting? t57009.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. You ladies are great! rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • CheriGee2
    CheriGee2 Posts: 24 Member
    It's been a cold day in New Mexico. Overnight we were dusted with snow. I'm sure there was a bunch of snow in the mountains, but where we live (close to the AZ border) we don't get snow very much. We do get lots of wind, especially in the spring. Anyway, by noon all the snow was gone from sight.

    My February goals:
    1. log into MFP each day to add food
    2. drink more water
    3. add exercise three times per week

    Grits and Sluts, So sad, the people from GA you were talking about, especially that little boy. You're totally right; he will be affected his entire life by the happenings of these few minutes.
    TerriRichardson112, your cupboards are priceless. I should have you come to New Mexico and help me organize my craft room. It's one of my favorite places to be, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with the mess.
    Sapphires4me, it was nice to read about your family. Sorry to hear that your daughter is dealing with MS. Have you heard that a lot of people with MS are getting relief from going on a grain free diet? I try to follow Dr. William Davis "Wheat Belly" way of eating, and am on a board on Facebook. It's exciting to hear the people who have found relief from symptoms of MS. It is amazing what can happen when people use food instead of medicine. I'm also a heavy-duty reader. Right now I'm re-reading a Jeffrey Deaver Lincoln Rhyme book and enjoying every word.
    Karen from NY so very sad to read about your daughter's friends brother committing suicide. Many, many years ago I worked on a telephone suicide telephone line in Michigan. I felt overwhelmed by the sadness in these precious souls whose life was so hard for them to take. I only worked there around 6 months because I didn't feel like I was the right person for that position. All I wanted to do was cry. If we could only reach through the telephone line and take these people by the hand and lead them into the sunlight. If only . . .
    Annr I like the new TOPS pledge. Like you, it is in my memory bank. Many time when I'm grocery shopping, I will find myself repeating this pledge while choosing the food to put in my cart. I have weigh in tomorrow morning. Hope to find myself skinnier, but I know I'll enjoy the meeting and support of my friends.
    pipcd34 the picture of your precious dog is amazing. Those soulful eyes.
    Joyce in Indiana we signed up for United Health Care this year. Where did you hear about the $50 for OTC supplies? Did you go to the web site? Would appreciate the way to sign up for this. Thanks!

    I hope I'm doing this "answering thing" right. Sure I'll get the gist pretty soon. There were so many other people I wanted to respond to, but will try again tomorrow. Good night to you lovely ladies. I see several new posters and wish them welcome. Remember: "Be good to yourself." CheriGee2
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Katla- thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to up calories and still lose. I usually don't eat back exercise calories but I think I've been not eating enough and slowed my metabolism down and don't have any energy and have hit a plateau!

    Margaret - I'm sorry you feel! Sending healing prayers your way! We don't have any snow up here! Thanks for the picture of what we have to look forward to!

    Pip - you had a very good day! Great news for you and Bulwinkle.

    Godmomkim - your bread sounds delicious! Willpower!


    Mary from Minnesota

    We have a foot n still snowing ! Roads getting bad but still have work tomorrow. Take it slow, snow routes should be plowed. Gayle
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Yvonne – Library has a copy; but, it’s checked, so they have a hold on it for me. They called either Saturday or Monday to tell me they have a copy back in. I have not felt like going to pick it up. I need to see if DH will pick it up for me when her leaves town.

    Kim from N. California – I can remember when my oldest sister would make fresh bread; her house smelled down-right Heavenly

    Bwcetc – I think I am going to call my GYN’s office about maybe getting in to see her (hopefully he’ll be in. He had surgery on Monday … so he might be rotating out. Something needs to be done … I’m tired of feeling and walking like I am about to drop a 15lb. bowling ball on the floor. This has been a really miserable 5 days. He is the only MD (other than my psychiatrist) that I’m not ashamed to be ‘graphic’ with. I’m not sure that my GP will do a pelvic on me … he’ll refer me to Bill. I was his ‘first’ problem child with a ‘mole’ pregnancy. In 40 years he has not seen but 2 women with the same problem. Now, they have all those fancy 3-D and 4-D imaging; more sophisticated stuff in their office.

    Kim from NC – I find that those lessons we end up learning the ‘hard way’ tend to stick with us throughout our lives.

    Yvonne – My youngest son bought mattress like maybe a sleep number and decuded he’d save a bit of $$$ putting it up himself. He says that he now wishes that they had sent someone to do. He says that his tends to make the 2 of them sink if the middle. The first time he slept in DDnL#2’s bed … he slept al night with no pain. Her bed consists of a California King mattress and her Dad built storage under the bottom for it to rest on. He sleeps like a rock when they go into town. Tosses and turns on the sleep number mattress at the lake. When I had my 2 sleep studies for ‘sleep apnea’ – they had the numbered mattresses. The one done at the hospital was so much better than the one at the Lung MD’s office. IF I have to have another one done … I want to go back to the hospital. Never could get to sleep with or without the mask at the MD’s office. The hospital ‘popped’ for really good ones.

    Becca – When I am sick … DH will ‘tuck me back in the bed’. It’s like a cocoon. That is so reassuring. But, this hasn’t been an easy weekend/beginning of the week for me. I am in on the part about “I’m am an intelligent person; I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me. I keep reminding myself … DON”T give in. “Aura” be damned. My DDnL#2 swears by coconut oil. She says a ‘little dab will do you’. Burman Shave.

    Behave like I told you would; I am artist, too. We had some interesting nude models. I also enjoyed the draw with non-dominant hand without looking at anything other than the model. Some of my best ‘ink’ drawings were done this way

    Miriam – I’d question having to make an appointment at an animal shelter; that’d be like DFACS calling to make an appointment for a home check. MMmmmmmmm

    Katla = I think a lot of it was meanness … but, we were in middle school, too. Her Dad beat us but good. We did not get to ride the donkey for a week and we had to lead the other girl around on the donkey whenever she wanted us to. Hard lessons learned stick with you. I hope I’m not considered a ‘mean girl’ NOW.
    My Cracker is a Rat Jack … long legs of a Rat Terrier and face of a JRT. She’s a mess. Been trying to get a snapshot of her sleeping on her back; but, then my cell goes dead. RATS! Maybe the French Spaniel is a mix between a French Poodle and a Spaniel. They are now breeding mixed dogs breeds and I think that AKC an eth other whatever – recognizes them a breed like any other full bred breed. She had a cone of shame but we kept telling her ‘how beautiful she was’ and she’d hold her head up and and strut. It was funny. When she gets in the bed by my chair … she’ll lay her head up on the side like it is a pillow. That was caused by her trying to get comfortable. We finally popped for a good bed … after original came apart in my washer. LORDY Mercy ,,,, what a mess! We never thought about baby shirts or dresses.

    Margaret – Love the flower pictures. Good to have out when it is snowing – we’re ‘supposed’ to have an Early Spring. Down here in Pecan territory. We don’t know it is Spring until the Pecan tree start budding out. For some reason … in this case you can’t fool “Mother Nature” … or God’s Perfect Plan.

    DJ – I have a friend who lives with a man that another friend set up a date by telling that she needed work on her deck. She is a gorgeous woman; he did not let that gem slide through his fingers. She won’t get married again after living with an alcoholic many, many years; she put his @$$ on the sidewalk when he balled up his fist at their grown daughter while he was drunk. Had never shown any signs of being ‘physically abusive’ … she wanted to ‘kill him’ and pressed charges again him and got a Retraining Order against him. This guy she is dating ‘loves her so’. See the about every 3 months. He has taken her on cruises to the Mediterranean, to China, Europe, to the Caribbean; and, I can’t even count the other places they traveled. We all enjoy seeing her pictures along with about 6 other ladies from high school. They are leaving this week to go to Australia. Her father was very strict and only allowed her to go out with the boys she had date. They’re going to the northern most part. He told her that it would be warmer up there.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    17761776 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Katla- thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to up calories and still lose. I usually don't eat back exercise calories but I think I've been not eating enough and slowed my metabolism down and don't have any energy and have hit a plateau!

    Margaret - I'm sorry you feel! Sending healing prayers your way! We don't have any snow up here! Thanks for the picture of what we have to look forward to!

    Pip - you had a very good day! Great news for you and Bulwinkle.

    Godmomkim - your bread sounds delicious! Willpower!


    Mary from Minnesota

    We have a foot n still snowing ! Roads getting bad but still have work tomorrow. Take it slow, snow routes should be plowed. Gayle

    WoW! That is a lot of snow! I wish we could have had that! The snowmobilers would have loved it! Drive safe tomorrow!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    edited February 2016
    morning ladies~
    feeling better today, must have been a 24 hr bug..working 1-5 today ..and have tomorrow off,need to go grocery shopping and get my hair cut..
    Tom is ticked at me for something and I dont know why.. Oh well..he will get over it..
    He texted me that I have to figure it out~ end of conversation.... now how am I supposed to read the man's mind.. is he ticked that i took time off from work? that the fit bit came without a paper receipt? who knows..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Leonora - it sounds to me as if you have some kind of prolapse. If I were you I would just tell them you are sitting there until someone sees you. Your doctor sounds like a complete @×+#÷ . Even a practice nurse could take a look and see what's up.

    Today is a writing day. I promise. o:)

    Having Avgolemono for lunch, made with the guinea fowl stock I made a few weeks ago. One of my favourite things in all the world. <3 For dinner I'm making turkey burgers. I always use a lot of defrosted spinach, well drained, to mix with it, along with scallions, garlic and Worcestershire sauce. Bit of chilli. Very yum. We have two each for dinner and keep one each, cold, to have for lunch the following day. Actually, as I am going out to lunch, my DH will have both of them. :D
    Having it with a spoonful of rice, sliced tomato with basil and broccoli.

    The plumber came early to sort out DH's new shower. Some builder had switched off the pump.!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: Talk about a red face. DH is a bit DIY challenged. The pressure is MUCH better now! :laugh:
    DH has also ordered himself a new wrist watch. One that recharges through light. He has had his old one for 15+ years.
    Mine is the first birthday present DH bought me after we met. I chose it with him. :laugh: Still like it. I like a big man's watch that is easy to read. I have it sideways on by my bed so I can see it in the morning without glasses.

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Margaret- Love your pics! The fairy garden looks sweet! I think I will be building one this year on the north side of my house. It is shady, so moss and lily of the valley and violets do really well there. Also, my daycare kids don't play on that side (no room for them), so they can look; but not destroy a fairy garden!

    Karen- My heart just aches for your daughter and her friends/friend's family. Aching for you, too. One of my son's friends committed suicide when he was 16. It was/is just heartbreaking to live through. Feeling such a loss of words to comfort the family and my own son. Every time I hear of this kind of loss, it just tears me up. It has been six years since it happened, but this young man stays in my thoughts. It moved my son to work a suicide hotline and just opened up his heart to people who need help. Every April 21 we light a candle, in our home, in memory of this boy. Love and hugs to you.

    Heather in UK - I think it is so great that you are taking art/drawing classes! One question: what is the tool you were using to draw with? (I can't remember the name- brio/blio???) I love how they had you draw without lifting your pencil/pen and that your lady ended up...ummmmm...with a little something extra! It reminds me of when my daycare kids begin to understand the difference in males and females and ALL of their drawings become anatomically correct. Just had a four year old boy draw a picture of a sunny day, and he put a penis on the sun "because the sun is a boy". A few years ago, I had a couple of little girls that were drawing with chalk on my driveway; all of their pictures had all of the body parts and I had the only X-rated driveway in the neighborhood!

    Anne WI- So glad today is going better for you! Keep on doing what you can. Baby steps.

    Sapphires4me- your name has slipped my mind (Annie?).??. It is so hard when our kids are far away. I have never been one for technology. I really hate to see how media-centric and tech-centric this upcoming generation has become; that said, I can't say enough about what a lifesaver Skype was for me when my daughter did a year study abroad while she was in college. A godsend!

    Katie- Thank god for Aleve, right?! I remember doing so much upper body/arm work in one work out, that I couldn't straighten my arms the next day. LOL! I felt like Popeye, because my arms were bent at the elbow most of the next day. Maybe that is why you see so many body builders walking around with their arms in that bent elbow/almost flexing position...maybe their arm muscles are sore and frozen like that! I love Sleepytime tea, too. Although I love a good glass of wine before I go to bed, I sleep better with the tea!

    CheriGee2- glad I could make you smile with the cougar comment! Sometimes our husbands are cute and funny; when they aren't making us want to kill them! ;)

    It is Wednesday!!! Not wanting to speed up time; but when the week starts out and you wake up on Tuesday thinking/wishing it was Friday...it is time for the week to be over. Have a lot on my plate. Like Allison, and probably many of the rest of you at one time or another, I have been, and will be ,zipping from one home to another. Bringing meals, taking people to their respective doctor's appointments, sitting with people while their primary caregivers get some much needed time away. Anyway, I have a pot roast started in my crockpot this morning! Yea! Just not having to think about fixing dinner at the end of the day feels like a mini-vacation! Skipped my morning walk to do it, but I can get in a walk this evening since I won't be cooking!

    My first daycare child arrived at 5:30 this morning with a full 16oz hot cocoa that daddy bought her on the way here (she's 3)! Thanks daddy! She spilled it twice before making it to the table. Decided she wanted the top off. Got mad when I said that she could have the top off but "let's put some of it in another cup, so your cocoa doesn't spill, and you can have it after you finish what's in THIS cup." Yep. Hissy fit at 5:35 in the morning, cup of hot cocoa thrown across the table. Thanks again, dad. 6:00am three year old girl asleep on the couch. The rest of my kiddos are arriving soon. Lots to do today, so hopefully this is not an example of the mood the rest of the kids will be in!

    Happy Hump Day Everyone!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Sapphires4me
    Sapphires4me Posts: 93 Member
    Katia49 - French Spaniel is not an AKC breed. We got her from Breeder in Quebec. Amazing dog. Looks like cross between a Brittany and English Setter.

    Margaretturk- Great garden pics to get us all in the mood for spring, no matter what it may look like outside our window.

    DamitJanit - Have fun on your cruise. Our next cruise is in April 2017, out of Galveston Texas and we are going to Belize, Cozumel and Honduras. Really looking forward to it.

    Terri -- Good luck to your daughter on the voice.

    Sue - I too had a fall on ice many many years ago. Landed on my tailbone! Sat on a blowup donut for about 6 months. Not fun.

    CheriGee2 - Yes, my daughter stared working with a nutritionist right after she was diagnosed and went Gluten Free and Dairy Free. While it made her feel amazingly good digestively it did not have any affect on the MS and one year later she had 6 new lesions. Now just starting on new MS medicine and finding good balance with all of it.

    KJLaMore – Thanks, yes seeing their face makes everything better some days.

    Lenora – thanks for the welcome and the new author to look up.

    Just want to say thanks to all the ladies in this group. Very welcoming and I love sitting down and catching up with everyone. Positive thoughts out to everyone!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Drove through downtown Atlanta in the fog at 6 AM yesterday. Since I seldom drive in the dark, it was an experience I don't wish to repeat. My Sis and I had an appointment with a lawyer to see where we stood on the house we have with our Mom (a living estate). Didn't really learn much but did get to see my new niece who is 3 wks old and weighs a little over 5 lbs. So tiny! Turned out this lawyer knew my brother who is the circuit judge for 3 counties.

    Rain storms made their way here this morning. It's still raining but should stop soon and then turn very cold again.

    DJ ~ Hope you have wonderful weather for your cruise.

    Mindy ~ Sorry you didn't get the job you interviewed for but glad your daughter got one.

    Beth ~ Hope your son's migraines get better miraculously!

    Lenora ~ Love reading about your family and growing up in small town GA.

    Miriam ~ That cat is too cute. Is that the one that bit you?


  • angeleyes1015
    angeleyes1015 Posts: 7 Member
    here for support to stay on track. put on 12 pounds with my husband in the hospital almost half of December and already needed to lose weight.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    The pictures were from garden tours I went on in summer's past.

    It is amazing how much time, effort, and love people put into their gardens. I like to put them on slide show and enjoy the gardens again. No calories.

    One of my friends asked what I do to keep from eating. Looking at these gardens is one of them.

    :heart: Margaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Yvonne – At the office where I work, many people have brought in yoga balls. Mine is a little short for working at my desk, but I bounce on it during breaks (which are also taken at my desk, but I rest my brain from most everything that does not require immediate attention). I hope it also improves my posture. // Hugs and prayers for you and your Dad’s situation.

    – The banana bread with coconut flour did not get made. I don’t know what I’m thinking trying to do anything “house-wife-ish” during the transition from bowling to baseball season. I just ate the over-ripe bananas with my oatmeal this week instead. But thanks for attempting the kick in the pants that I need. Do you think the pan I bought for making homemade twinkies would make good mini banana breads? // + Miriam – In Winona MN the shelter there schedules their volunteers, and they prefer to limit a person to once per week, so you don’t get burned-out from it. But, that volunteer position includes cleaning and feeding. They prefer to have someone coming twice per day for the cats. We never volunteered for the dogs, but I know they had people who came to walk the dogs.

    Katla – I’m in your camp about alcohol. While I like the flavor of beer and wine and pina colada, I don’t like what it does to my brain during and after. Plus, with a non-driving teenage athlete, I just can’t take the chance of getting in the car. And since I rarely drink, it only takes 1 for me. Plus, it just isn’t worth the calories. I respect the decisions of those who do find it worthwhile, and I’m not a complete non-drinker, as I will take full advantage of the free drinks next month in Reno. Mimosa for breakfast? Yes thank you ! I will likely get myself to the gym every day, and DH wants to hit up some Historical tours, or a museum.

    Margaret – the faerie garden is adorable. Thanks for sharing ! ! !

    – You have the power ! ! !

    Pip – congrats on your lifted weight restrictions; good news for Bullwinkle, too ! ! !

    DJ – add me to your list of envious of your cruise. I have never been on one, but hear they are amazing and fun ! ! ! Send us Oceanic vibes for peace and warmth as often as possible.

    - what type of aura do you have? I hope you and/or your doc find what is wrong and a painfree solution. One of my cousins had a mesh put in after her second child, and she is very happy with the results.

    I had a big NSV last night. I was having trouble staying asleep, and I did NOT eat. I walked slowly around the house and drank water (which then made it impossible to hit the snooze button when it was time to start my day at 3:30am). I tried crochet, and just sitting, in the dark, listening to ocean sounds, nothing was enough, but I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat. Yay ! // I did, however make the conscious decision to have another serving of the cherry torte that a patient brought yesterday. She makes the most amazing treats, and I savored every spoonful.

    Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes for DD on Sunday ! ! ! She states that this is step 2 of 4 before hopefully being invited to Hollywood to be on the show. She has natural talent, but hasn't been using it for a few years now. I hope she has a positive experience, regardless of the outcome. Forgive my poor memory, but I think the last performance she had was about 6 years ago, when she was singing the National Anthem at the Semi-pro and University Football Games in Winona. // My Dad and the lady I went to the Wynonna concert with are also going along, because they have never been to Navy Pier.

    I still don't have a "date" for the Three Dog Night concert this Friday, so I think I will get a bite to eat after work, then come back and exercise for awhile, then get to the concert exactly on time, and enjoy my alone time. And again I hope the people around me aren't too bothered by my singing, because I plan on having a blast. Maybe I will wear one of my tiaras again, too.

    Okay, back to work. It is quiet today, so I should get caught up on my paperwork.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Pip You are a powerhouse!
    Katla I was thinking about the "right way to fall" last night. A gymnast friend told me to roll up in a ball. Then I started thinking about when I broke my elbow and wrist (separate times) and each time it happened so fast I had no idea what was going on until I was on the ground. Maybe the only solution is to move to Florida. Or, possibly, wrap ourselves in bubble wrap. But I hear you! I'm so afraid of falling. When I go down steep stairs I hold on really tight because it's like I can see what the fall would be like. And ice is the demon.

    I slept until 9:30 today because I was still feeling poopy from a cold. I also did it because I can. Into the second week of unemployment and I'm a slug. However, lots of interviews happening so I feel productive.

    Today, log the full days food. Yoga and elliptical. Getting a late start, but off I go!

    Kimses in MA

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Pip - So happy to read that both you and Bullwinkle had good news doctor visits. Yay! things are looking up in the Pipster household.