30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Completed day 4 yesterday, day 5 will happen later on today. I'm pretty proud that I haven't missed a day (started on Tuesday). I'm getting better at some of the moves, but those dang jump rope thingies KILL my calves! Between that and the side lung/arm raises, we'll just have to see if by day 10 I'll be able to do everything at full strength.

    Happy Saturday to you all!
  • KKJ24
    KKJ24 Posts: 19 Member
    ah! I started it today, 6/18...is it too late to join!?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Not at all! Welcome to the group. :smile:
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Well, I missed day 3 of the shred yesterday. I got out of work late and we spent the evening (until 10:30) with friends for their anniversary. So I did day 3 today. I think I may already be getting stronger! I seemed to get through the push-ups with a little more ease. I also went kayaking with my husband and son today. We kayaked 14 miles. It took us about 3 hours or so, but I only logged 2 hours because I think I spent an hour just floating along. It was a gorgeous day on the river!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Day 5 is done! I am definitely getting stronger. The cardio that I was struggling with I was able to push thru. And pushups? No problem now! I'm really excited about that. I don't think I'm going to bother weighing myself this week b/c TOM is coming soon, and even though I am chugging water now, I'm sure I'm retaining a ton of it. But I think I will post my halfway measurements and weight loss (hopefully!) when that time comes.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Potato chips are EVIL! That is why I don't keep them in the house. I can't maintain control when I eat them. I have no idea how many I just ate. Ugh. My husband picked them up for the babysitter Friday night and there are a lot left. I think I am just going to throw them out. I just hate doing that. I know that there are hungry people that I'm sure would love to have those potato chips, but I can't have them in the house. I was planning on a light lunch because we are probably going out for a fathers day dinner tonight and I wanted to save calories. Oh well, I am chalking it up as a lessoned learned and I will just have to work out harder later tonight!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    The wife and I started 30DS on Saturday 6/18. Looking forward to Day 2 this afternoon. Not many guys talk about doing the JM dvds but I am curious to the results I will see and doing it alongside the wife for accountability. Lots of great success stories out there and on this site which makes for great motivation and inspiration. Day 1 wasn't too bad, we need to get some 3lb weights for the wife, the 5lb was too much for her for all the exercises. She is feeling pretty sore today! It kicked my butt too with the bicylce crunches and lunge lifts! Need to work on coordination! Here's hoping for great results!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Potato chips are EVIL! That is why I don't keep them in the house. I can't maintain control when I eat them. I have no idea how many I just ate. Ugh. My husband picked them up for the babysitter Friday night and there are a lot left. I think I am just going to throw them out. I just hate doing that. I know that there are hungry people that I'm sure would love to have those potato chips, but I can't have them in the house. I was planning on a light lunch because we are probably going out for a fathers day dinner tonight and I wanted to save calories. Oh well, I am chalking it up as a lessoned learned and I will just have to work out harder later tonight!

    I know that guilty feeling throwing away such food. I dunno if you live in a big city or area, but you could always give fresh food to someone on the street! They always appreciate it any helping hand. Just don't give them stale chips or something rotten because no one deserves to eat that. :)
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Dern it! I meant to do day 5 yesterday (didn't want to take a rest day) but I FELL ASLEEP ON THE COUCH! Tried to put the baby to bed, and he ended up putting me to bed! Shoot. I'm contemplating doing it twice in one day to make up, but does that even make sense?
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Dern it! I meant to do day 5 yesterday (didn't want to take a rest day) but I FELL ASLEEP ON THE COUCH! Tried to put the baby to bed, and he ended up putting me to bed! Shoot. I'm contemplating doing it twice in one day to make up, but does that even make sense?

    I dunno if that's really going to help or not. I think it's the amount of time spent over 30+ days that matters instead of doing two-a-days for 15+ days.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I was way too exhausted to work out Saturday when I got home from work - of course it didn't help I knew I had to get back up in 8 hrs and go back to work for another 12hrs. But I did get through todays workout after working, so all is not lost :)
  • Rakeda1210
    Rakeda1210 Posts: 44
    Dern it! I meant to do day 5 yesterday (didn't want to take a rest day) but I FELL ASLEEP ON THE COUCH! Tried to put the baby to bed, and he ended up putting me to bed! Shoot. I'm contemplating doing it twice in one day to make up, but does that even make sense?

    I dunno if that's really going to help or not. I think it's the amount of time spent over 30+ days that matters instead of doing two-a-days for 15+ days.

    I figured as much...just ended up doing it once, plus did a little "Just Dance" with my daughter. I had a little preview of level 2 and o_O Those moves look scary! If I'm having a hard time on level one, I can't even imagine day one of level 2!!! Aaaah!
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    So today was weigh-in day. I've had a roller coaster of a weigh-ins this past week. I had been trying to weigh myself every day, and as of last Sunday I was down to 134.5. When we started 30DS on Wednesday (3 days later!) I was back up to 139. I have absolutely no idea why. Now, today, I am down to 137. I just don't understand! I am watching my calories and we've been shredding! Now maybe I should have just waited til next week when TOM was over, but I'm kinda frustrated. How much do you think TOM affects your weigh-in? Or are we just trying to justify weight gain?
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    So today was weigh-in day. I've had a roller coaster of a weigh-ins this past week. I had been trying to weigh myself every day, and as of last Sunday I was down to 134.5. When we started 30DS on Wednesday (3 days later!) I was back up to 139. I have absolutely no idea why. Now, today, I am down to 137. I just don't understand! I am watching my calories and we've been shredding! Now maybe I should have just waited til next week when TOM was over, but I'm kinda frustrated. How much do you think TOM affects your weigh-in? Or are we just trying to justify weight gain?

    I absolutely think it affects weight gain. Your body is retaining quite a bit of water during TOM. I consistently show a gain each month and then within a few days of it starting, I am right back down.
  • paramedic52
    paramedic52 Posts: 63 Member
    Finished todays 30DS. Feel good now, but really experienced major thigh muscle cramping! OMG, it was horrible. Trying to really stretch those muscles out, but I'm having a hard time getting into a position where I feel the stretch in my upper quads. Any suggestions?
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Finished L1D6 today. It was kinda tough though. I dunno if I'm just tired or what, but I pushed through. I am getting anxious about L2. I hope I can finish L1 strongly enough after 10 days to go right into L2.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Monday Monday, Shredders!! Looks like we all survived the weekend!!!

    Welcome aboard to KK and 37! I love the husband and wife team! 37's post makes me wonder what weights you guys are using. I'm using 5lbs, but some of the exercises are too easy - especially the back work when we're pulling the weight back and the bicep work on the floor. I'm thinking of increasing the weights for those.

    Paramedic - You have a tough job and I'm sure you'll all go go go when you're at work, so give yourself a break. GREAT job doing the workout after work the other day.

    Keda - I'm not sure about doubling up on the workouts. I was thinking about it too, but I think that might lead to an injury since we're all still adjusting to the workout at this point. If you do double up, let us know how it goes for you.

    Andrea - 14 miles of kayaking!!! You go!!!I am way too afraid that I'll filp the kayak over to even attempt it. Give me a row boat during sunset (let the boyfriend row) and I'm happy. lol.

    Dannie - Do you find that it keeps you motivated to weigh yourself everyday? How are the rest of you weighing yourself? I only weigh myself on Fridays. The scale seems to stress me out too much when I used to weigh daily - the inconsistency of the numbers drove me crazy!!

    Ok, so we should be around day 5(ish) of the workout. Do you feel that you're ready to move to level 2 in a few days?
    Here's your challenge - Are there any moves that you can't do all the way through? Focus on the move that is hardest for you - it looks like there's a trend with the side lunges/front raise, push ups, front lunge/arm raise. Focus on the one move that is hardest for you to complete and DO IT!!!! Complete it by tomorrow!!! Let us know what the move is and how you did! I'm going to go with the front lunge/arm raise.
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Day 4 or 5 now, cant remember, might take a rest or if im feeling more awake later then do day 5 (or 6?!) then!
    its the press ups i am useless at!! :(
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Soo I missed a second day last night. Mondays are going to be tough. I get up at 5:00 am for work, go right from work to school until 10:00 pm and then back up at 5:00 am Tuesday for work. I may be making Monday a rest day. So today will be day 5. I am going to focus on the side lunges with the arm raises. I make it all the way through, but I need to work on form. I am anxious to get through the next 5 workouts because that means I get to start level 2 on Sunday! I'm a little nervous about the difficulty, but I think I will be ready to change it up by the end of this week.

    Good luck to everyone on their eating today and have a great workout!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I woke up this morning with a head cold. A head cold?!?!?! In the summer? I felt so nasty that I didn't think I could do my elliptical this morning - I tried but just couldn't do it - it's not that I didn't want to do it, I physically couldn't. In a way, I'm counting that as a NSV. I WANTED to workout, but my body just said no! I did some strength training instead. At least I did something.

    I'm going to try to shred when I get home from work tonight. I'm pumping myself with tea and some meds, so I hope I'm at 70-80% later today.

    Have you pushed yourself and done a workout with a cold? How did it feel after?