Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, I hear ya. Some days and weeks are hard, and sometimes we don't even know why. Could be the moon or our mood or ???. Sometimes a pink sprinkle donut can be our kryptonite. But the most important thing is to keep trying. Trying to make healthy choices, trying to keep motivated, trying to be kind to ourselves. This group is awesome and we all appreciate the honesty and the laughs, the shared frustration and the wins. Enjoy your weekend, and I'm sure that next week you will be back to killing it!! And holy, have an awesome time at that concert!!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Hahaha shy your Zumba story is gas!!! I often joke to my leader about drinking alcohol to improve our moves but never actually tried it!!! :D
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Also, I laughed at the Zumba story, Shy! That was hilarious!! Sounds like the same kind of trouble my group of friends would get up to!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @ShyCush6 That Zumba story is hilarious! Omg, I could never drink before exercise or I would do the technicolour yawn too!

    So, pizza happened last night bc hubby was working late and we had piano recitals to go to. I went way over my cals but I don't care! >:) Lol also, lost another .6 lbs which brings me up I about 1.5 this week. Don't know how but I'll take it! Some weeks I work my butt off and lose nothing and other weeks I'm a sloth and lose. Lesson: keep going and don't worry about it! :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - We survived the concert (barely). Some sore muscles (from the insane dance party), a black eye (i tossed a water bottle to my BFF and she didn't catch it...her face did), and a little dignity (she also fell face first in the hallway) were the only causalities.

    Aaron was amazing... we were so close to the stage my neck hurt half way thru the show because I had to look up for so long. We met some fun people, ate ridiculous and drank way too much but we danced some serious calories off after the concert. I was dripping sweat!! It was EPIC! :D At least we thought so - it may look different on the security cameras! LOL!


  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Mornin' y'all & welcome to Monday!

    Happy to report a loss this morning-I'm at 210. Glad to see that lower number. Got my food planned for the day, got my gym time set, and it's looking good today.

    This past weekend was my birthday and I know I over ate. But I'm not going to freak out over it, nor am I letting it derail my day today. It's gonna be a good day. Or else....

    As an aside. I didn't realize that a.r.s.e. is considered a cuss word >:) Sorry, y'all lol!
  • indygirl217
    indygirl217 Posts: 35 Member
    Damn Superbowl Sunday. It was a buffet of fried foods, junk foods and desserts. But I didn't do so bad. I knew I was going to a superbowl party, so I ate really well during the day. I had oatmeal for breakfast and a chicken salad for lunch. Both very delicious. I even walked an additional 20 minutes because I knew I was going to be a bad bad girl. All in all, I stayed under my calorie goal (barely, the walking really helped) and I didn't pig out. I'm proud of myself. Take that Superbowl Sunday.
  • emily_365
    emily_365 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Emily! I'm 17 and I'm 155 lbs and my goal is to lose 30. Last year I became more active and healthy than I ever had in my life and I loved how I looked. My body look great and toned and it made me feel confident. At the time, I was doing Pilates so it really sculpted my body. During the summer I had a great beach body for the first time in my life. I didn't stick to Pilates every day by then but I'd go to the gym and jog/run. Eventually I got really busy with work and gained just a tad bit of weight by the end of the summer. When school started, I was a freshman in college and started to gain a TON of weight too quickly to even realize it. Before I knew it, I had gained about 15-20 lbs and now here I am. My main goal is to get back to a healthy lifestyle that I'm not tempted to eat unhealthy food all the time and I'll have the energy to exercise so much more. I current started boxing classes that last about 1 hour but they're pretty intense than any other exercise I've ever tried and it leaves my pretty sore so I only do it every other day. I'm current on 1200 calories per day, not including the extra calories I might earn from exercising. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF HEALTHY MEALS TO KEEP ME ENERGIZED AND FULL THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    hi everyone, i hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the superbowl. That is another one of your special days that us Brits don't celebrate. we are pretty boring when it comes to things like that :(. so tomorrow is pancake day. do you celebrate that??? what will you be having on your pancakes if you do. i would normally have fresh squeezed orange and a ton of sugar sprinkled all over. Not sure if i will bother this year :neutral: im not even sure what the calories would be in one serving and considering its normal to have 3 or 4 its going to be waaaayyyy over the top. oh and its not something you can have just one of :blush: as they smell and taste just tooo good.
    Feeling a bit better after having a cold but still not back on form. i will however be doing some walking and exercise this week... its amazing how sluggish you can feel by NOT doing exercise even when your ill :( i really missed my walking last week.

    on the plus side i lost another 1.5lb so that makes 2lbs total for last week :smiley:

    have a great day everyone
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 I'm sorry to hear you were having a rough week- I really hope this week is looking up for you. I started my week really wishing I was the puppy with the stuffed animal!

    @zenjen13 I love your attitude with the pizza. There's nothing wrong with indulging sometimes.

    @ChangeIsADecision sounds like your weekend was a blast!

    @irishjeepgirl1969 Happy Birthday!!!

    @indygirl217 Wow! Way to go!!! The Superbowl doesn't have anything on you!

    @GillianSmith2 Congrats on your loss

    I did not do so well this weekend. The night before my birthday was amazing. We danced the night away...and only got 4 hours of sleep going into Sunday. I couldn't get back to sleep Sunday morning so I lazed around the house. My significant other then dragged me to a SuperBowl party. Sunday is my actual birthday and I was super tired, hungover, and royally pissed that football was 'stealing' my day. You can imagine how this went. I didn't want to be rude, so I ate my feelings, big time.

    So now today I'm still exhausted since we didn't get home at a decent hour from the superbowl and my stomach is sore! At least today is a new day.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Sorry to hear some of you have been feeling a bit below par lately, I blame the weather, honestly, everyone feels better when the sun shines, these cold dark months make everyone feel sluggish and miserable. Add in the colds/infections etc, and Winter has a lot to answer for. On the plus side, it is slowly getting lighter again now, Spring will soon be with us! I hope you all have better weeks this week.
    Congrats to everyone who lost this last week, you're all doing so brilliantly, and to those who didn't, don't give up, it WILL come off eventually, you're doing brilliantly too.
    Super Bowl Sunday sounds like a blast, I guess the closest we have to that is the FA Cup Final if you're a football (soccer) fan, or we've got the 6 Nations Rugby Tournament currently in full swing. Come on England!
    As Gillian said we have 'Pancake Day' tomorrow, this is one of my favourite days of the year (easily pleased). I love pancakes, with either lemon juice and sugar, or Nutella on them. I'm just about to go and work out how I can juggle my daily calories to ensure I can fit at least two into my day! Yum.
    Running club tonight, and we've just been hit by Storm Imogen who's bringing with her 100mph winds - I might be flying rather than running later, yikes!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello from beautiful sunny Whistler!!! ☃. Having a fabulous time, not really entering what I'm eating (probably too scared to see what it will actually add up to)!!! Also enjoying wine and baileys. Yummo!! I decided yesterday that it is ok to let myself enjoy a weekend, not gorging myself, but letting loose a little. If I'm up when I get home, so be it. I'm having fun with friends and family and making memories.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I have a friend who is so strict with herself for months at a time, and then gets fed up, falls off the wagon (and the cliff) and gives up, eats the world and goes nutso! I want to try to balance the health, diet and fun, and I may be a little more on the fun side this weekend but I'm good with that as long as it is not every weekend. Have an awesome day everyone!! XO
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @CariTJR i have just worked out that 1 british pancake with squeezed orange and sugar is approx 200 calories each. I think i can fit 1 or 2 in if i do a kickboxing class tomorrow... it would be so worth it :wink: and well done on your run :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @CariTJR i have just worked out that 1 british pancake with squeezed orange and sugar is approx 200 calories each. I think i can fit 1 or 2 in if i do a kickboxing class tomorrow... it would be so worth it :wink: and well done on your run :)

    Looks like I won't be eating any 'dinner' tomorrow then, it'll just be pancakes for me!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Running Club was hard. 2 mins runs, 1 min walk, in very strong winds, for an hour solid. I was trying to run up a hill at one point, and the wind was so strong it was literally pushing me back down again. I must have looked like one of those cartoon characters when they're running on the spot and their legs are going round but they're not going anywhere lol.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like a fun trip! Don't worry about it, enjoy all that Baileys and good food with the snow and fresh air!

    @Rachel0778 Happy belated Birthday! Sorry it was a mix of good and not so good. Super Bowl isn't a thing in my family as we don't have live tv but from what I hear from y'all it sounds like a good time!

    Well, I managed to have a good week with over a lb lost! Feeling much better and had a great yoga class last night. My teacher was inspired by my fitness tracker stats so he pushed us even more, it was awesome! No yoga next week bc it's Family Day next Monday and then we're off to Cuba where many mojitos will be had.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @CariTJR You are killing it with the running! I admire that. I'm not a runner but my sister is so I hear from her about it all the time. I really dislike being out in the wind, it makes my face hurt! Lol keep up the good work!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy pancake day!!!! I've never heard of that before, but it sounds pretty awesome because I love pancakes!!! Just a question, is it pancakes for breakfast? Or all meals? Or just eat them once any time today? Enjoy!!!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited February 2016
    @bluepoppies777 - There are many different versions of where 'pancake day' originated from, but the most common is that today (Shrove Tuesday) is the last day before Lent starts (Ash Wednesday), when you're meant to give up rich foods and do penance for 40 days, so people would use up all the stuff from their cupboards in preparation, i.e. eggs, milk, sugar etc, and make pancakes. You can eat them when ever you like, but most people tend to have them after their main meal in the evenings.
    Personally i'd be happy to eat them all day every day, but then i'd have to go running club every night! Ha!