Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    @SumnyUK I had never heard of Park run until you mentioned it. I googled it and they don't have any runs in my area, but I am trying to become more of a regular runner. There is a group run on Tuesday nights put on my a local pub that I've considered joining. I still feel pretty slow though, so I'm a bit intimidated to join a group just yet. But it's on my radar!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @angie_kins Good luck on your 5K, you're going to do great!

    @lml852014 1 pound is a big deal, don't discount it!

    @deidrabugg I love your positivity plan for the weekend :)

    @GillianSmith2 sounds like you have a great weekend planned for your birthday! I'm glad you're telling guilt to take a hike!

    @CariTJR congrats on the 2 pound loss!!!

    @bluepoppies777 don't stress about the weight, with all the healthy and positive changes you're making the number will follow. Keep focusing on your wonderful activity and eating healthy and you'll be there in no time! Also, I love your sweatpants meme! Stretchy waistbands are why yoga pants and I are besties

    Welcome all new posters! Keep coming back :)

    I am so excited for the weekend. I've been running around like a crazy person at work for the last couple of days will all of our presentations/appointments/meetings/open houses. Thank goodness it makes the day go by quickly. I'm excited to just chill out and read my book this weekend.

    I'm also grateful that MN is finally above freezing!!! I got to run outside this morning and not feel like I was going to die of hypothermia! It also means my dog gets way more walks so he's not dying of boredom (I feel so bad when we're trapped in the house)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    angie_kins wrote: »
    @SumnyUK I had never heard of Park run until you mentioned it. I googled it and they don't have any runs in my area, but I am trying to become more of a regular runner. There is a group run on Tuesday nights put on my a local pub that I've considered joining. I still feel pretty slow though, so I'm a bit intimidated to join a group just yet. But it's on my radar!

    HI! I am VERY slow runner, and at first was very intimidated that "runners" would judge me, and all I can say is that the running community is one of the most supportive places you can be!! last year my goal was to increase distance (went from a 5k to a half marathon) This year it is speed. Don't let intimidation stop you from doing anything! If my chunky rear can do it so can you!

    +1. Runners are awesome people and they don't care at all how fast or slow you go. I hope you give it a try and let us know how it goes!
  • britneywentland
    britneywentland Posts: 3 Member
    Finally bought myself a scale yesterday...Sadly I've lost no weight. I feel like it will never come off! I'm always under calories and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Sometimes i feel like it's not worth it. However if i keep going to the gym hopefully something well eventually come from it :) trying to keep positive!
  • deidrabugg
    deidrabugg Posts: 3 Member
    Finally bought myself a scale yesterday...Sadly I've lost no weight. I feel like it will never come off! I'm always under calories and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Sometimes i feel like it's not worth it. However if i keep going to the gym hopefully something well eventually come from it :) trying to keep positive!

    You might want to try testing body fat or measurements as well. There might be some muscle gain which would not move the scale. My first week I was down less than 1 pound but lost an inch each leg. Keep at it, and don't be discouraged
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Keep it up, @britneywentland !!! The weight loss will come, it will!! Keep working out, drink lots of water and keep logging every single thing you eat. You can do it!! I was also feeling down about it today, but let's not let it stop us from trying!!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    angie_kins wrote: »
    @SumnyUK I had never heard of Park run until you mentioned it. I googled it and they don't have any runs in my area, but I am trying to become more of a regular runner. There is a group run on Tuesday nights put on my a local pub that I've considered joining. I still feel pretty slow though, so I'm a bit intimidated to join a group just yet. But it's on my radar!

    Google local clubs in your area, honestly, I am without a doubt the slowest runner in the world, I don't run, I wouldn't even call it a jog, there are snails that move faster than me, but I joined a club and they are super supportive, everyone is so lovely. You won't regret it.
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    @angie_kins How did the 5k go? Hope you had a great time! The running group arranged by the pub sounds great. I wish my local did something like that. As everybody else have said - just join in, runners tend to be very understanding of everybody being at their own level.

    @britneywentland as others have said, it WILL come if you stick to the routine. But plateaus are always very discouraging, so keep checking in and soak up a little motivation from the group.

    @Rachel0778 Hope you're enjoying the chill (but lack of chill outdoors) after the stressful week. Rest is important :)

    I've done my run for the weekend. A lovely 5k along the canal that runs through the village. Very rural, quite muddy, but always lovely. Met two swans that didn't seem bothered and a chap with a metal detector who found it beneath him to respond to my cheerful hello. So when I ran back and met him again, I made a point of saying hello even louder! I've been struggling with Achilles tendon pain for the last many months (which is one of the reasons my running has been non-existing), so now that I'm back on MFP I have created a custom exercise for tracking my eccentric heel drops (online advice suggests 180 of 'em every day); I'm hoping the tracker will keep me on track and help encourage me to get them done. For I am sick and tired of aches and pains just for going for a short run.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I love the positivity and posts in here!! I'd love to be a part of this! Everyone seems uplifting- and the memes are HILARIOUS!
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    5k complete! I had a great time, we had fantastic weather, and I ran almost the whole way!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Yeah Angie!! Good job!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'm going to a big family dinner tonight, turkey dinner. Gahhh!! Going to try not to lie on the table and eat everything in sight!!! Lol
    Going to have to work out extra hard tomorrow... Yikes!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Weighed in this morning and list 2 lbs. I'm so excited. I had such a crappy week. I haven't felt good and only made it to the gym 2 days. I know it has to b the tracking of my food. I have never done that any other time I have tried to lose weight. Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    Included in my binge yesterday were: fried oreos, a chocolate covered corn dog, moo shu pork, fried dumplings, and a fried egg roll. I tried to log as best as I could and, thanks to my 5k, I came in under my calorie goal for the day! I'll take it! Hope you are all having a great weekend!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    @ngolden3320 I don't know the exact stat, but I've heard that it is 80% diet and 20% exercise with weight loss. So good for you for losing this week!
    @angie_kins that's funny, fried Oreos?! Never heard of that before! I did all right at the big family turkey dinner last night. Went over my cals by a few hundred, but actually did not over eat! A few people at the table said they are way too much at they were uncomfortably full. I felt just right, so I will take that as a win!
    It is so gorgeous here, tulip buds are coming up! Too bad I have to work this afternoon or I would go on my first bike ride of the year!
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    @angie_kins Well done on your 5k. Smashing! The fried Oreos (?!!) were well deserved to celebrate.

    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like you did just perfect at the turkey dinner. It's great when you can enjoy to over indulge a little but still feel in control.

    My day yesterday ended with way to much overindulgence. I was doing perfectly fine and even had room in the calorie budget for half a bottle of wine. What is it they say about alcohol and poor judgement? Anyway, after the wine, I had the brilliant idea to eat a fairly large pack of salted peanuts. That was close to 1,000 calories just for an after dinner snack. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    I have had an absolute blast this weekend. Celebrating my birthday and also a friends hen night. And the best thing is even with all the extra food calories I've logged I only went over by 40 for the whole weekend. I think it was the dancing that saved me, but my feet are killing me now.

    I hope you've all had a great weekend :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @angie_kins - Well done on the 5k, I’m hoping to get up to that level by the end of the summer, you're an inspiration.

    @Sumny – You too, I’m only just starting up again after years of not running, so you guys give me the kick I need to keep going. Don’t worry about the peanuts, I’m sure the running will have counter balanced those.

    @ngolden – Well done! It’s the food deficit that will make you lose weight, the exercise is basically just a bonus to make you healthier.

    @Bluepoppies – NSV for you then. Spring is in the air by the sounds of it, won’t be long before we can all get outside!

    @Gillian - So glad you had a brilliant weekend for your Birthday, and well done for managing to stay on track (pretty much), there's a lot to be said for getting on that dancefloor!

    I went skiing yesterday for a couple of hours, just a practice run with friends we’re going to Austria with in April, and it was good fun. My Fitbit doesn’t track skiing though, which is a bit disappointing, but my floor climb for the day was 81 floors! Err, no, I think that might have been me using the button lift that did that! Haha. Running Club tonight and my legs are definitely feeling it after yesterday, i'll need to push on through later....
    Hope you all had good weekends.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sounds like everyone had fantastic weekends!

    @GillianSmith2 it sounds like you did amazing on your birthday weekend, way to go!

    @SumnyUK I'm the same way with wine. Drinking without salty snacks just doesn't happen!

    @bluepoppies777 way to go on the dinner party, that is a huge NSV! I hope you're able to get out on the bike soon to enjoy the beautiful early Spring

    @angie_kins deep fried oreos and a 5K? I am so unbelievably jealous of your weekend!

    @ngolden3320 way to go on the loss! Weight loss is 80% in the kitchen 20% in the gym so you've definitely got the right idea!

    @JatieKo621 Welcome!

    @britneywentland The scale is just one measure of your success. Are you eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins? Are you moving your body more? Those are the real markers of success for a healthy lifestyle, the weight will come with time

    I had an amazing weekend. I decided to eat at maintenance since I was feeling overly hungry and didn't want to go into my old binging habits and I'm glad I did. This morning I packed my khaki's for work and they are seriously a size too small now. I'm going to spend the entire day pulling up my pants and I'm not at all sad about it! (well maybe a little sad since I like these pants). I'm considering getting on the scale tomorrow to see if anything has changed, but we'll see how I feel in the morning. I like what I've been doing and I like how I'm feeling and I definitely don't want to get psyched out about a number that is one marker of the equation.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Monday morning check in time! Got up this morning at 5:30 and went to the gym for my first spin and sculpt class. I have only done spin, it was hard but I liked it! Came home and weighed myself and was so happy! Broke the plateau and lost 1.5 lbs!! Woo HOOO!!! Feeling good!
    I reached my first goal, now I will set my final goal, 34 more lbs. hopefully I can do that by end of summer!
    Something I have been thinking about is believing you can lose weight, and it will help it happen. I've noticed that positive thoughts about weight loss really help. If I am down and thinking I'm not going to lose anything, it's like a self fulfilling prophesy. So my point is, be positive, and believe in yourself and it will happen!