

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    You ladies are the real deal-- honest, insightful, helpful, funny. Love you all, let's make sure to be good to ourselves, we deserve it!!!

    On that note, I need to remind myself to enjoy the simple of pleasures of life, rather than mindless or impulsive eating, especially at night. Planning is everything, I have not had junkfood in my house for weeks and that is making a difference. I keep my small snacks (like nuts or fruit or little bit of cheese) in my car for when (or if) I get super stressed on the drive home.

    Truly thankful that I have this forum to read through everyday. Karen from NY <3
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Just heard my 47 year old niece was diagnosed with Parkinson's today. That's all I know, she can't talk at the moment. I know we have new meds but not sure if they work. Please prayers, I love her so! Gayle Minneapolis
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    pip ... Bored? What's with the "z"

    Miriam ... After reading some of your previous comments about misdiagnosed bipolar/obsessive ... And doing some research on my own ... Had a discussion with my older sons psychiatrist today .... Making a change in medication to see if we're on right track. Not sure he was totally convinced, but he was willing to work with us.

    I have been doing a lot of things wrong lately in regards to my weight loss efforts. I do know what to do .... Now I just need to get back at it. Tonight I'm preplanning the rest of the week's meals, I'm opening my diary again (really, who was I kidding?) and come he** or high water, I will be back at the gym ...

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited February 2016
    Cheri ... Thank you for sharing.

    Betty ... I concur ... DJ is the best poster!

    Gayle ... Sorry to hear of your niece's recent diagnosis. Will pray for her!

    Joyce ... Somehow I missed the post about your sister ... Praying for her too.

    Kim ... Loved your dining creativity!

    Terri ... Quite impressive stats Payne has! Congratulations!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Miriam – You’re so BAD! Becca is probably ‘singing in the shower again’ … her outside shower.

    Betty – Both my DH and I had to put his daughter from his first marriage out of our minds. It was very difficult especially since we had been through so much with her. Her first child was killed when she was crossing the road with friends by a ‘drunk/drugged’ teen. She’d call and cry for sometimes hours. She and her husband traded years for child custody and he had to be the one to break it to her. Our sons found out about it ‘on the news'; when a 2nd ambulance had been called and it T-boned the one she was being put in. Of course, since the parents had been notified, they gave out her name. I was in Savannah doing some training and DH and I had always had the agreement that the person that went out of town would be the one to call the other at home. When I got back to my room and saw the red light blinking; I almost passed out; when I called and he was crying; all I could say was, “OH GOD, please tell me it is not one of my boys.” Then he told me about the GD and I slid down beside the bed and cried like a baby. Her Mother finally told her to ‘get over it’ and ‘move on’. Not something she was prepared to do.

    Then, before DH’s Mother died, she started going down there ‘to help’. Yeah, she helped ... (herself) to his Mother’s belongings. One weekend when we went down (BnL went, too) found out that she had taken her to the bank and signed new signatory cards to her checking and savings account to be put on them, and not told them. Even changed her Will to show that she was on the same plane as the sons. Had a POA done giving her total control over everything. They had had prepared a Limited POA so that she could see about her medical needs. When they took her to rescind the Will; she tore up the LPOA; so they had to go back to the attorney to have it remade - @ $150 a pop. She was writing checks and never bringing down the balances; so DBnL took it and balanced it for about 4 months. He was PISSED when he found that she had had the car title transferred over to herself and was using it and had the insurance being paid for it out of DMnL's account. This and the fact that she had taken all the money in DFnL’s banking accounts and bought mutual fund with it. Probably all total a little over $100K. I think I was even more upset that she took a picture that I had painted for MnL and kept it. It was the ‘only’ one that I had not signed. I asked if she’d send it to me for the purposes of ‘signing it’ and I would return it. Nahda!

    They tried to meet up with her at the bank and place that held the mutual funds and get their names put back on them. She was names as a 3rd beneficiary on her life insurances; and, got made at DH when he asked her to provide a Death Certificate so they could cash in a $3,000 policy that she did not know about. She got mad because they would not give her 1/3rd of it. When she sent the D.C., she stuck a sticky note to it telling DH that ‘if he needed anything else, he could contact the funeral home. Now, if that does not say; I don’t want you in my life; I don’t know what does. That’s been almost 10 years ago. He specifically wrote her ‘out’ of his Will. IF, because he did this I have to notify her of a probate of his Will … I have paperwork where I checked the Clerk’s Office showing that she had pulled a POA off the Internet and used it to do all these things. In FL; it is ‘against’ the law for a person to prepare a POA for someone that gives the person making it all the power.

    We talked to an attorney; but, DH decided it was not worth it. We could have had her 'criminally' charged for 'elder abuse' or 'elder fraud'. Husband was convinced if we did we'd never hear from her again; but, we haven't heard from her anyway. I did get a ladies writing desk and china cabinet out of it; but, she took all the pictures, so we have very few of DH when he was a child; her jewelry, including a wedding band that had been written down on a page and attached to her original Will giving it to me. We found it and she had crossed our names out and put hers there instead. Well, it took me a while to get over it; but, it is MY belief that we all have to answer for the things we do to others at some point in our lives. I would not want to be in her shoes. At least I can say that I am not that selfish or greedy. DH does not even want her to be notified of his death by either me or our boys. His attitude is that she, her husband (who was a nice guy) and the child they had together are dead to him. Sad; but, he is adamant about it …. Saying that she had already gotten more than her fair share. You raise your kids in a manner that you are proud of; and, they piss in your face at some point; or at some point along the way by getting involved in breaking laws or self-destructing. I actually feel very sorry for her.

    Gaile – if you use a laptop and touchpad; you could be rubbing against it; it will disappear in a heartbeat. I manually disable mine every time because I prefer to use a mouse. Then I get mad when I drop the ‘wireless’ mouse off the arm chair. I might get a mouse with a tail to prevent that.

    Heather – my newest DDnL (#2) calls things by different names. Such as a refrigerator is an icebox. I can’t think of the other thing she says; but, I know I have this ‘deer in the headlights’ look everytime she says it. My long-term memory bank is great … it is my ‘short-term’ memory bank that is shot full of holes. Drives me crazy. Especially when I make 3 trips from the den to the kitchen and back trying to remember what I went into there for in the first place. DH, still working, thinks that I should know all about his clients. He’ll say, ‘you know … you met her …’! “NO I haven’t!” He still swears that I have. I just shake my head at him. If we are out, and he starts talking to someone (thinking I have to know them, too) I will say, ‘oh Hi, Louis has so many nice things to say about you, I’m Lenora’. That way nobody is terribly embarrassed or thought to be rude. I keep telling him, that even ‘if’ he thinks I know them, he should STILL introduce us. Sometimes he can’t think of their names; he can think of the job, the colors they used and whether they were nice or picky; but, not their names all the time. My BnL (sister's husband) thinks I have ‘selective memory’. I can even tell you the conversation we were having.

    Becca – I don’t pull my left foot up as much as I should, so stumbling and falling is something I did a lot of when I was much heavier. Now that I am down, I seem to be able to keep my balance.

    I was SOOOOO disappointed in myself at weigh-in. I knew that I had not lost anything; but, was floored to find out that 5lbs had snuck up on me. But my fat weigh is down and my muscle weight is up; so the nurse/MD said I was still good … after all the stress that both DH and I have had during the past 2 weeks and testings we’ve gone through; but, that really did not make me any happier about it. So, for the next 2 weeks I am going to really stick to my plan and see if I can get it off by the next time I weigh in. I had gone to Belk’s while waiting for my BF to be able to go to lunch. Found a really cut fur-like vest; but, I did not try it on; went back after lunch and it was gone – SOLD! I was so disappointed; bought an off-white pair of skinny jeans. I had to tell myself that ‘it probably would have been too short for me anyway’. I’m very long waisted and I think that is why I did not buy it when I saw it the first time I was there. I had already picked out 2 tops that will go with several pair of slacks that I could wear them with. Maybe it was just NOT meant to be mine.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi gals,

    Alison – cracked me up that DH has become BB (Bratty boy!) it fits… Some times knowing where someone else is coming from helps us chose a communication style or wording that will help us get what we need.

    Natalie – I have not even tried to kick the sugar habit, but so get it to be smaller and to learn to appreciate other flavors than just sweet.

    Cheri – you are one strong woman!!!!! Glad you got counseling and could learn how to deal with the challenges

    Gayle – sending hugs to you, her and the rest of the family!

    Beth – take care; it will be interesting to see if you are a “better” doc than the doc…

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Marley2591
    Marley2591 Posts: 39 Member

    I am just getting started (again...) Been diagnosed with a heart condition - cardiologist said that I have to lose weight. I have a lot of stress in my life (a very ill husband) and I eat to get through the days. Sorry to be so negative - looking for a way to get motivated. Hopefully making myself accountable by tracking my food each day. Today is the day to start!

    Cathy from Canada
  • Oreobug08
    Oreobug08 Posts: 4 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi gals,

    Alison – cracked me up that DH has become BB (Bratty boy!) it fits… Some times knowing where someone else is coming from helps us chose a communication style or wording that will help us get what we need.

    Natalie – I have not even tried to kick the sugar habit, but so get it to be smaller and to learn to appreciate other flavors than just sweet.

    Cheri – you are one strong woman!!!!! Glad you got counseling and could learn how to deal with the challenges

    Gayle – sending hugs to you, her and the rest of the family!

    Beth – take care; it will be interesting to see if you are a “better” doc than the doc…

    Kim from N. California

    Thanks, Kim. That is my current plan, but it is SO difficult.
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Hi, Cathy from Canada. You are making positive steps - yay you!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Marley2591 wrote: »

    I am just getting started (again...) Been diagnosed with a heart condition - cardiologist said that I have to lose weight. I have a lot of stress in my life (a very ill husband) and I eat to get through the days. Sorry to be so negative - looking for a way to get motivated. Hopefully making myself accountable by tracking my food each day. Today is the day to start!

    Cathy from Canada

    welcome.gif..Cathy, If you keep reading here you will read the experience of women with health problems and husbands with health problems....there are ways to live with these challenges and lose weight....never, never give up...start by logging your food and coming back to this thread.

    <3<3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited February 2016
    Cathy ... Welcome!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.12min, 13.4amph, 149mhr, 2.9mi = 150c
    jog- 28.40min, 9.15ap/min mi, 6.4-8.0sp, 155mhr, 3.1mi (5k) = 322c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.14min, 12.3amph, 152mhr 1.4mi = 89c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.46min, 9.4amph, 150mhr, 2.7mi = 164c
    total cal 725
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    the fence is done!
    pics will come when it's daylight and i can take pics!!!!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hugs for everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    :) In August I bought an awesome set of adjustable dumbbells for my weight training workout. I had barely started using them when I hurt my back and had to stop lifting weights while my back healed. As my back healed I began having symptoms of the neuropathy that has plagued me ever since. At the end of January I decided to get back to the weight training with a few modifications and since January 29 have been doing my modified stronglifts three days a week. Today I finally spent some time looking at all the weight plates that came with the set and making some changes on the dumbbells to do some of the other exercises that Mary is doing. it was like opening the package of a new toy. The weight plates are easy to change so I can change weights for different exercises.

    Today I did goblet squats 5 @ 15 lbs 5 @ 20 lbs 5 @ 22.5 lbs 5 @ 25 lbs 5 @ 27.5 lbs 5 @ 30 lbs

    I don't have a kettle bell but I did similar swings 4X10 @ 10 lbs

    I never got to doing pushups but I'll try again on Thursday

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    12,000 steps
    136 minutes of dog walking
    58 minutes riding the exercise bike
    50 minutes working in the yard
    weight training

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Barbie- you are doing fantastic!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Natalie: Great advice from Kim. Who is that darling kitty in your profile pic?

    Kim: LOVE the garage makeover into a dining room. Quite festive.

    Mary: I’m game for trying the push up challenge as soon as I’m back to working out.

    Although I’m feeling better, my energy is only 50% of normal. If I try any activity more strenuous than playing with Mars the cat, I break out in a coughing jag, or a series of what DH has dubbed “atomic sneezes”.

    Good news is tonight is the first time since Sunday AM that I’ve had any appetite, and have managed to stay up past 6 PM. I have missed my early morning workouts terribly. Maybe, just maybe I can attempt an easy walk on the treadmill tomorrow.

    While spending so much time in bed lately, I’ve been listening to Brene Brown’s “Rising Strong”. One thing she wrote hit me square between the eyes, especially as I’ve tended to be hyper-critical of DH’s declining mental faculties. Brown asks “What if that is the very best he can do. How would that change my attitude?” I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    February Goals:
    Practice Reiki every day
    Eat mindfully
    Reach out to 3 friends
    Get physical scheduled
    Get tax workbook started
    My word for 2016: Optimism
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, was just going to remind you as you go into your room 'all alone' that you are not alone. You have hundreds of women in there with you. I think you might be able to talk to your doctor about his symptoms but somehow I don't see him cooperating.

    Had my laser procedure on my left eye. Once all the blurriness and dilated eye went away I couldn't believe what reds, blues, yellows, etc look like. Everything is so bright!!!! i'd say I got my $46 worth. I enjoyed cooking for Charlie tonight. He has agreed that we need to do a whole lot more eating at home. When we go out he leaves so frustrated and usually still hungry. Here at home if he does have to sit in the bathroom for awhile, the food is still usually on the stove and the microwave is right there. And eh ate a good meal, good protein, fruit and vegetable. And he ate with a good appetite. So it has been a good day. As stinky as his stool was last night I was wondering if he is infected again. Sigh.

    Joyce, Indiana