

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Rori- yea! I hope you feel better soon!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi gals,

    Cathy – welcome, we will help you get through the days! And the forum has less calories than food. Sorry to hear you have an ill hubby.

    Natalie – I use Barbie’s saying (kinda tweeked) as a mantra “ do I want it now more than I want the end result?” say it over and over and over again… Also if possible get your favorites out of the house, or in a format that they are “appropriate” So for me I love ice cream, and I found a 80 calorie WW bar and a ½cup serving of a no-sugar ice cream for 100 calories… the bar works for me, the ½ cup serving is a bit small, so I add fruit!!!

    Joyce – I am glad you and Charlie have agreed on you cooking, maybe you can get some more healthy choices in to him too.

    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am back home, hooray!!! It was snowing this morning in Parker, CO where my oldest daughter lives. Youngest daughter was dropping me at the airport and then driving to her home in Lubbock, TX. We left early due to the snow, thank goodness. By the time we got a few miles from my daughter's we were out of the snow so DIA (Denver International Airport) was clear and sunny. DIA is always a zoo and there was a humongous snaking line to go thru security. I get to the first check point (after being sniffed by the dog) show them ID etc. tell her I have had both knees replaced she just sends me on to the metal detector. Put my coat and purse in the tray to go thru xray and walked thru the detector and, of course, set it off. Told them I had both knees replaced. They point me to the full body scanner. I have to stand there and wait and wait for an agent to come and operate the scanner. The scanner shows places at both knees, my chest and my left ankle/foot. She takes me aside pats down my chest and left ankle and tells me to give her my left shoe to "check out" and off she goes with my shoe. I'm standing there with one shoe on and one off and waiting, another TSA asks what I'm waiting for, I say my shoe so she goes off and eventually comes back with my left shoe, Whew, good to go, right? Wrong. I go looking for my bin with my purse, containing all ID's and boarding pass of course, and my coat. Nope can't find it anywhere. I tell the TSA agent standing there that my belongings are not here he says check with her, points to another TSA. She asks did it have a brown purse and black coat, YES I answer, as you can guess I was losing my patience. She says ok, I just took it over the the "unclaimed" desk. I'm like WHAT you guys had me over there patting me down, whisking away with my shoe and then my belongs are "unclaimed"? Arghhh. Ok, so I go to the unclaimed desk describe my items and 45 , FORTY FIVE MINUTES later I'm finally heading to my plane. Thank goodness we had left the house very early due to the snow and so that my daughter and granddaughter could get on the road home. The flight itself was thankfully short and uneventful.

    My weight is now up about 4 lbs from my lowest at the bariatric surgeon's weigh in. I go back to him for 6 month check up a week from today (just over two years from surgery). I'll be very close to previous weight by then. Considering during the time since last weigh in I have had knee replacement surgery, bad sinus infection, Thanksgiving in MO at Jack's moms, shingles, Christmas with 20 people for dinner, five weeks in AZ and then a quick trip to Denver for my great nephews funeral, I think that's not too bad. Now I am so ready to get back on schedule, back to my routine of water aerobics, treadmill and stationery bike and just enjoying life.

    I have tried to read all posts and keep up, however I think I finally ended up skipping a few pages. We have so much going on here. I'm praying for all of those in need of healing, cheering those on that are struggling and doing the happy dance with all of you with successes. But most of all I am so glad to be a part of this great group of big-hearted, caring ladies. Love you all.

    Home and happy,
    Janetr in OKC

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Gayle so sorry about your niece. Tough diagnosis at such a young age.

    Rori hope you feel better soon.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Rori - hope you continue to improve and get back to 100%. I thot of you while going thru my fiasco at DIA, I truly admire those who travel as much as you do and maintain their sanity. I was also glad to hear that your husband's healing is progressing so well.

    Barbie - as always, I am in awe of you. You are my role model. You and Mary both plant in me that little seed that maybe I CAN do that, maybe I can give it a shot and least and do my best. I have tried so much and have accomplished so many things that I would never have believed possible due to your encouragement and example. Again in Denver this time, many relatives and old friends did not recognize me. The husband of one of my great nieces asked my daughter where's your Mom she said over there and pointed in my direction he looked over and said where, my daughter said "the skinny one". Wow, I almost cried :)

    Joyce - so great to hear that the eye procedure was such a success. I felt exactly the same after my cataract surgery. Hope you and DH can continue on the way to healthier eating. Good job.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 45 minutes of an ExtremeCardio DVD. Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow. I did it in the back of the clubhouse on my laptop. Glad I brought some DVD's down here with me. I did forget how humid it is down here and forgot to bring a towel with me. Oh well.... I did have a 24oz of water bottle, tho. Wish I'd brought down more exercise clothes, I get so sweaty. Well, one of the problems is that I don't have a whole lot.

    Kim - what a great place to host friends!

    Joyce - I've never seen Biggest Loser. To me, it is a bit on the phoney side, they prepare all the meals and are there to have you exercise. What happens when the people are on their own? I did see "My Diet Is Better Than Yours", after a few weeks with the trainer the people were totally on their own. The diet that won? the one that emphasized portion control.

    1776... - hope you feel better fast

    Heather - when I worked for the Y at my annual review, I would get high marks for everything EXCEPT remembering member's names. I tell you things about a person, but their name? Forget it.

    I'm so glad I have different clothes down here. I have short sleeved shirts, 3/4 length, sleeveless, two pairs of shorts, bras. The weather down here changes so much that it's nice to have different changes.

    KJ - Denise loves to shop, and if someone else is paying, she only wants THE BEST. So we were in a store one time, she was looking at these really expensive clothes. I started dancing in the store to "Felice Navidad". You have never seen a child leave a store so fast!!!!!

    Beth - I wish, too, that there was an entry in the database for "everything but the kitchen sink". There needs to be one....lol

    debbie - welcome to a great place for motivation!

    I really like exercising early in the morning, so I think I'm going to be limited to only being able to do cardio while down here. Oh well.....

    After exercising took a short "wash off the sweat" shower, did a bit of crossstitch (I'm making a blanket which is going to take a LOOONNNNGGG time since it's pretty complicated), went to CVS to get vitamins and items on sale, then to this place to donate the file cabinet we had, looked for an end table for the other bedroom but instead I found a Caribbean Joe shirt for $2.50 and we got a painting (Vince was surprised it was only $20 -- I wasn't) , then to Lowes (Hardware) for a new toilet seat cover, then WalMart, then to a ceramics store here to get some items, but we do need to go back before we get the uHaul. I don't know why they didn't pour the dolphin for me, I told them I wanted it. Now home to make dinner. Baked the lasagna for Vince for tonight

    Kim - what an elegant setting you had for your dinner. I'm in awe

    Terri in Milwaukee - I'm excited when I get even one strike, Payne's stats sure are impressive.

    You know something, when bryan was little he used to walk on his toes. He outgrew it. I wonder....... Miriam, what are your thoughts?

    Natalie - I haven't totally kicked the sugar addiction, but one thing that has helped me greatly to cut down on my sugar cravings was to have something sour. Like on my salad have only vinegar, at one point I would just have a bit of vinegar, have some of the True Lemon (powdered lemon -- no calories) in my water. If I find that I really MUST have something sweet, I keep a package of those mini raisin boxes and the dried fruit is quite sweet and seems to satisfy my sweets craving.

    Gayle - so sorry to hear about your niece. My thoughts are with you

    barbie - those adjustable weights, can you tell me some about them? How low can they go, and how high? How easy is it to change weight? I'm wondering if something like that wouldn't be better than having multiple sets of dumbbells.

    janetr - how nice to be called "the skinny one". I know it felt so good.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Gayle- I'm sorry to hear about your niece. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr - I'm glad you made it home. You have been through so much in such a short time. (((Hugs))) What a wonderful compliment to be called skinny!

    Michele - your commitment to exercise on the road is very inspirational! You are amazing!

    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Yesterday me and my younger daughter, Amanda, and my 15 year old grand-daughter, Felicity,9k1wajg6mjxc.jpg
    took a beautiful walk.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • binkwinky
    binkwinky Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to fitness pal and would love to make friends to share this journey. I was in good shape up until last December when i had surgery. Then had another. Not major but knee and foot so they broke my routine of good eating and gym. Got on the Dr scale and saw i was about 15 lbs more than i an comfortable with, found the app and now keeping track so i can shed a little before I'm 110% back on my feet. The past few days were okay with the calorie counting but today I'm feeling a little hungrier. Any suggestions on low calorie foods that fill you up?? I'd appreciate it. Also if someone would message and let me know how to friend people I'd appreciate it. OK goodnight from me see you tomorrow!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Michele - Thank you. I truly am a long way from skinny, but so much better than I used to be. This best thing is, my health is so much better and I feel so good. How long will you and Vince stay in Florida? Are you feeling better by now, hope so.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - thank you, it surprised me that my daughter referred to me as "skinny" but it was nice to hear, tho I'm not really. :) I do think the exercise has made a difference in size even if not in weight.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Cheri~ wow, you description sounds like a carbon copy of Tom...just seems to get worse the older he gets.. but he WILL NOT go for counseling I can tell you that...
    was having chest pains most of the day yesterday.. took some tums before going to sleep last night..
    fell asleep before 7 pm and slept until 3 am
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Hi! New to MFP, wanting to shape up and lose some weight. I live in SE Portland - David Douglas/Centennial/Parkrose are my comfort zone, My two sons are grown and my oldest grandchild graduates High school this year. I have always been athletic but ruptured an Achilles tendon 6 years ago. I have packed on about 10 pounds for each of those years and my goal is to drop from my current weight of 185, to my goal of 140. I work a mid/swing shift, love to roller skate, have planet fitness membership, enjoy swimming, yoga, walking, etc.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all!
    Done my exercises. :D I woke up late today to find DH already up and making tea and breakfast. Oooops! I usually make the first cup of tea,but he couldn't wait any longer as the man was coming to take the car away for service.

    The weights I am using are three sets of dumbbells, 7.5 kgs, 9 kgs and 2 kgs. I waver between the first two, depending on how strong I'm feeling. :laugh: I use them for bicep curls, then I lift one above my head with both hands for triceps, then use one at a time with one foot on the bed for triceps. I use the 2kg ones for side arm raises, but might go up to 5kg ones soon. I don't do a lot of weights, because it comes at the end of a long workout on the machines plus floor exercises, which are a kind of Pilates/yoga/balance. But it seems to be just enough to give me muscle definition and improve my strength. Like Mary and Barbie I highly recommend some form of weight lifting, even a little can improve our strength, which is very important as we get older and is great for bone health.
    I do all these weight exercises in my bedroom on a space no bigger than a yoga mat and sit on my bed for some of them as I have a bad knee. I keep the weights in a cupboard under the spare TV. I bought the dumbbells from Amazon. The poor postman!
    I hope this is helpful to any new people who want to make a start, but can't imagine going to a gym to do it. I have a second hand copy of STRONG WOMEN STAY YOUNG from Amazon that Barbie recommended. It is very easy to follow if you are just starting out with baby steps. Remember - anything is better than nothing. :flowerforyou:

    Rori - so glad you are beginning to feel better. <3 You are such a hard working and determined person I can imagine that a gradually failing husband must be very frustrating. What is his diagnosis? Sounds like you will have some hard choices ahead, but I'm sure you will make good decisions. Compassion for ourselves is essential, but sometimes the hardest lesson to learn.

    Janetr - I am sure you will get right back on track. You are right, you have done incredibly well to keep the weight gain to such a small figure. Well done on the skinny compliment! :flowerforyou:

    Katla - I would hug you any time! :love:

    Cheri - Thank you for sharing your story. It's impossible for me to imagine staying with such a husband, but we all have our reasons and it helps to read your history. I understand better now. :flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Heather UK

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Working like crazy but just stopped for lunch. Reading on my phone. SUN on the mountain outside my window!

    Darn phone keeps autocorrecting windows to Windows. Guess what kind I have...