

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Good morning all! Sick child today and hope its not strep. He had a friend here this weekend who I think had strep when he left. Boys are doing great at their new school - one worry gone.

    Here's what I've learned so far this week. I need to be more compassionate toward my DG#1. He's angry and his anger feeds my anger and vise versa. That doesn't help either of us. So while I remember to smile I will also seek guidance for more compassion.

    I am going to do the wall push ups! I can do them as I don't have to get on the floor! Here's a beginners video for anyone else who is interested https://youtu.be/F2OXzjF0nnA.

    Thank goodness I don't have to worry about a husband too I have enough to do just to fix me!

    So my goals for today will be to SMILE more, remember to use compassion, and do wall pushups!

    You all inspire me and make me thankful for what I do and don't have in my life.

    Love and HUGS to all -

    Gloria - cat-with-kittens-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Cheri: If you've been taking calcium supplements, I'd recommend taking a look at how much calcium you're taking. I recently had a high calcium reading and made some big changes in my use of supplements. I was taking Citracal calcium plus D3. I had calcium levels high enough that my doctor said they could cause a heart attack. It isn't an evil product, but I was taking too much of it. Then she went on a month long vacation and left me dangling. I cut way back on the Citracal, increased the D3 and asked for another blood test. My levels were just fine for the second test. I've since found another doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    Well on the advice of my gyno I was taking a supplement in addition to what I was getting calcium wise in my multi vitamin. So for now I have stopped the calcium supplement. Only getting what is in vitamin for now. Thanks!

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Janet Thanks for the inspiration.
  • brenderc1
    brenderc1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, starting up again after a year and a half health issue. Boy, I seemed to have gone in the wrong direction weight and healthwise. I seem to be on an upturn in the health department, so I hope I can resume working out. I am a bit disheartened, but I will try a little bit more every day. I can use support! Would love to meet some motivated people :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squat-1X5X 95/105/115, 5X5X 125
    Sumo squats-5X5X 110
    0HP-1X5X 45/50/55, 5X5X 60
    BP-1X5X 65/70, 5X5X 75
    BR-5X5X 85
    DL-1X5X 150

    My insomnia was horrible last night I went to bed at 10:15 and did not fall asleep until 5:15 this morning. So did not actually get out of bed until 10:15. My workout out went well today. It was 0HP and DL today and I did a deload only on the BP of 5 pounds. Now it is time to do the 6X10 push up challenge. How is everybody doing on this?

    Terri- Great job! I am starting to do mine right now! It is very fun having somebody to work out with!

    Gloria- Great job on getting in on the push-up challenge! Thanks for posting that video!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    5th set done at 1:15pm <3 It is so much easier than even thinking about doing 50 pushups in a row. My posture is better, and I think my tummy is pulling in a little, too (probably not yet for real, but it feels like that, so I'm taking it as an NSV! ! !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    AFternoon all! We are under a winter storm warning here in Grand Haven. The news is predicting 6-11 inches between now and tomorrow evening. I am kind of excited! But it is snowing now and the flakes are so big and fluffy, they look like feathers; and when the wind whips off the lake it sends the twirling and swirling like little white feather tornadoes. The kids are loving it! We took walks the past few days because it was so warm and sunny (60 last Friday!) and now they are hoping to get the sleds out to go sledding in the back yard, tomorrow.

    Mary, Terri, Barbie, and Heather- I love reading your work-out posts and stats! You too, Pip! You all inspire me to get my butt in gear! I started a morning cardio/strength training regimen here at home. I chose seven exercises and I pick five each day and do each one for a minute then rest for one minute, then repeat 3 times. Gives me a half hour work out, I do 15 minute meditation/tai chi to cool down and pull my brain together for the day, shower and start my day. I have had to move my walks to the evening, as my day starts so early. I am so glad it is staying lighter later!

    Hello newbies! - Welcome! I see a lot of you posting "starting again" or "getting back on track". Don't stress about a failed day, week, month, year! You are trying again! Did you know that a baby tries and fails 500 times before they succeed at walking?! Amazing! Who are we to be embarrassed or ashamed that we failed or that we are trying again? Just don't stop trying! I am still on that journey. I get up, move in the right direction, then stumble and fall. But I get back up! We get back up! We got this! The power of many!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    5th set done at 1:15pm <3 It is so much easier than even thinking about doing 50 pushups in a row. My posture is better, and I think my tummy is pulling in a little, too (probably not yet for real, but it feels like that, so I'm taking it as an NSV! ! !

    You would be surprised how quickly push-ups tighten up your abs and arms! Great job! I am on my third set. I will take my puppy for a walk and when I get back I will do a couple more.

    I have to take my puppy for his first puppy class this evening. I hope that he enjoys being around other puppies.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    It says there are 109 new messages since my last post! I can't hope to do more than skim through them at this point.

    Tomorrow night we are having a big meeting at the library to recruit new members for our art co-op. I'm scared to death! They want me to do some of the talking at the meeting. My topic is "What is an art Co-Op, what are the benefits to the artists, and what kind of artists are we looking for". We put out stuff on facebook to promote the meeting and got lots of response, and then this morning there was a huge headline news story in the newspaper about it. We WERE the lead story! (Yes, it's a small town.) So I'm terrified that there are going to be a LOT of people there and I have to talk like I know what I'm doing. I'm practically dizzy with dread. I can hardly breathe! We have settled on a building, gotten some verbal commitments for some funding, and have a list of artists who are interested already. We will see how many stay interested when it comes time to cough up their seed money. This has been a LOT of work!

    I have not slept well for weeks. My hips and lower back are hurting horribly again. I called the doc yesterday and asked for a different anti-inflammatory or a stronger dose. She changed my prescription to a different one, that I take twice a day, but she said I really need to have injections in my hips and spine. I'm not sure I like the sound of that. I took the new one last night after dinner and did not see any improvement overnight. Maybe it will take a few days. Fingers crossed.

    Things have sort of evened out for the moment with the kids. Son has been more rational lately. We took them to dinner last night and he came along, which is unusual. I haven't heard a word from the school or child services. No telling how long that stuff takes to happen.

    I have a neighbor at the studio who has a very sweet dog named Bo. Bo has lived his life on a chain and got loose a lot. I took him back many times but he kept getting loose. The animal control people know him very well. Another neighbor, Jason, loves Bo as much as I do, and he even takes Bo to the park to play every day. Well, Jason asked if I would mind if he put up a fence for Bo. Bo's actual yard is tiny, so I told Jason he could use a big part of my yard, and so Jason built Bo a nice fence. He made it with livestock panels, and it's sturdy but easy to knock down if need be. Well, Bo is doing great in his new fence. The trouble is, that his family doesn't pay any attention to him at all. It breaks my heart. They sometimes feed him (Jason and I mostly do that - they claim they don't have the money although they have tattoos all over their bodies and her hair is a different color every week), but they never play with him or talk to him or anything. Jason and I are the only ones who do, except when my grandkids are over. They visit him. Well, Yesterday, I found out that the family has a brand new puppy. One of those tiny, fluffy, designer dogs. It makes me want to scream!!!! What is wrong with people!!

    Gotta go get busy. I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well it is Wednesday and I am working the short shift just until 3 and have my meeting with the big boss. Then I am off until next Tuesday. We are leaving for Iowa in the morning and so looking forward to seeing the grandchildren and other family. Going to be a quick trip but so looking to getting out of town. Yesterday I had my doctors appointment and he started me on a low dose of something to protect my kidneys as my UA showed protein and then he also froze a spot on my arm. Then went to the eye doctor and getting new glasses. Glad to have that done.

    Kim--Love the new dinning room, what a great idea, We have to use our garage when we have large family dinners. I just put tables in and call it good.

    Betty--Sending hugs! Adult children are not easy to deal with and you can not sent them to their rooms.

    Allison--Sorry for what Tom is doing, but you vent here all you want, that is what we are for. Maybe we can get a group together and have a little talk with Mr. Tom.

    Cheri--Hugs and we are here for you anytime.

    Terri--You have every right to be proud and I enjoy hearing about how he is doing at all the games he bowls.

    Gayle--Sending hugs and prayers for your family.

    Rori--So glad you are feeling better and thanks for the wise words. What if our loved ones are doing the best they can, I have to work on that.

    Janetr--You handled that airport so much better then I would of. Congrates on the NSV.

    Heather--So glad you heard from DS#1. I don't care how old our children are we want the best for them and worry.

    Gloria--Thanks for the info on wall push ups. I'd count that NSV also.

    About time to go have my meeting and just want it over. Doing quarterly review and they are a joke. Will just smile. Then will go home and get things ready to leave in the morning. I will not be able to check in until we get home Sunday night or Monday. But know I remember each of you in my daily prayers. We can do this.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Vicki - Have a great time! <3

    Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Vicki, I'll bring the gunny sack if you bring the skillet. We can have a talk with Mr. Tom. It's LONG overdue.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    It says there are 109 new messages since my last post! I can't hope to do more than skim through them at this point.

    Tomorrow night we are having a big meeting at the library to recruit new members for our art co-op. I'm scared to death! They want me to do some of the talking at the meeting. My topic is "What is an art Co-Op, what are the benefits to the artists, and what kind of artists are we looking for". We put out stuff on facebook to promote the meeting and got lots of response, and then this morning there was a huge headline news story in the newspaper about it. We WERE the lead story! (Yes, it's a small town.) So I'm terrified that there are going to be a LOT of people there and I have to talk like I know what I'm doing. I'm practically dizzy with dread. I can hardly breathe! We have settled on a building, gotten some verbal commitments for some funding, and have a list of artists who are interested already. We will see how many stay interested when it comes time to cough up their seed money. This has been a LOT of work!


    Hey Sylvia you are going to be absolutely wonderful, whenever you write about your art work, your process and your excitement about the coop you are electric! If it is the public speaking piece, just remember to breathe, have some written notes perhaps and practice by visualizing a very successful experience. Visualize yourself talking to the folks that love you, the folks that love art, breathe in between sentences, your work stands for itself and the fact that you are presenting it is an achievement in itself, the rest is just speaking! Congratulations already, can't wait to hear how successful this is going to be. Remember it is about the art, about the coop, about the opportunity to promote that which you and so many people love........you go get 'em!!!!!

    Karen from ny
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    whippet - sorry to hear about your pain. hope u feel better.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    We did Slim in 6 Burn it Up today. Pretty intense since it was the third level and I had never done the first two. I could not always keep up, but I moved for 60 minutes. Then I did 45 minutes on the elliptical.

    I'm subbing tomorrow then going straight to a lay servant thing that will last from 4:30 to 8:30. I doubt that I will get any exercise, but I'll be back at it on Friday morning.

    I've skimmed your posts, but no time to reply. Hugs and prayers to those who need them, congrats to those who have stuck to the plan, boots and wet noodles to those who haven't, plus a huge dose of grace. We can't be perfect all the time.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia- WoW! you made the newspaper! That is very exciting! I know what you mean about speaking in front of people I have the same issue. Karen had great advice. Unbelievable about the next-door neighbor and getting a new puppy when they don't even take care of the one they have.

    I am going to do my last three sets of push-ups now! Then I will be getting ready to take Shep to his first puppy class.


    Mary from Minnesota

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    It says there are 109 new messages since my last post! I can't hope to do more than skim through them at this point.

    Tomorrow night we are having a big meeting at the library to recruit new members for our art co-op. I'm scared to death! They want me to do some of the talking at the meeting. My topic is "What is an art Co-Op, what are the benefits to the artists, and what kind of artists are we looking for". We put out stuff on facebook to promote the meeting and got lots of response, and then this morning there was a huge headline news story in the newspaper about it. We WERE the lead story! (Yes, it's a small town.) So I'm terrified that there are going to be a LOT of people there and I have to talk like I know what I'm doing. I'm practically dizzy with dread. I can hardly breathe! We have settled on a building, gotten some verbal commitments for some funding, and have a list of artists who are interested already. We will see how many stay interested when it comes time to cough up their seed money. This has been a LOT of work!


    Hey Sylvia you are going to be absolutely wonderful, whenever you write about your art work, your process and your excitement about the coop you are electric! If it is the public speaking piece, just remember to breathe, have some written notes perhaps and practice by visualizing a very successful experience. Visualize yourself talking to the folks that love you, the folks that love art, breathe in between sentences, your work stands for itself and the fact that you are presenting it is an achievement in itself, the rest is just speaking! Congratulations already, can't wait to hear how successful this is going to be. Remember it is about the art, about the coop, about the opportunity to promote that which you and so many people love........you go get 'em!!!!!

    Karen from ny

    Sylvia- Don't be nervous about your meeting! I have attended many informative meetings at our library, usually put on by a local person who is the "expert" or "mouthpiece" for the group/activity. You have to remember that the people who are going are interested in what you have to say! That is half the battle. Maybe remind them at the start that you are a craftsman/craftswoman and not a public speaker so they will have to forgive any nervousness! You will be amazing as you warm up and talk about your art! Like Karen said "You go get 'em!!"
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member