Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MzSophiaJ
    MzSophiaJ Posts: 28 Member
    Hello my name is Sophia and I am new to this group. I am a mother of 3 young boys and wife to and on a journey to lose 50 lbs (8 off so far and more to come as I have not weighed myself in nearly a month ).

    I wanted to know of I can join this group?
  • MzSophiaJ
    MzSophiaJ Posts: 28 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am really excited as today was the first time nearly everyone I spoke to at my church today commented on how much weight I have lost. And family are starting to comment too. Looking forward to continuing this journey. Next Saturday I weigh in for the first time in 1 month. I took a break from weighing as I was getting obsessed with the scales. Excited to see what it says. This week I am upping exercise and getting and staying on track after a week of being unwell. I am meeting my parents end of March which is the first time since starring this journey and starting to get a little nervous for them to see me but I am trusting God that it's not bout anyone else's opinion but doing what is right and best. Anyway happy Sundays. All the best x
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am very excited, my flight is now booked to Chicago for the Shamrock Shuffle. Looking forward to spending time with Karen and whoever decides to join us.

    Welcome Sophia. Good luck with your journey.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- Ahh! I'm so excited!! I just sent you a way-too-long email about the Chicago details. LOL

    @everyone-- I currently have 2 hotel rooms reserved for the Shamrock Shuffle, so if anyone else is planning to come, please let me know ASAP. I will be canceling the 2nd room in the next couple of weeks.

    @sophia & lesa-- Welcome!!

    @libra-- Wow, 18 lbs down--go you!!

    I'll be back later for Sunday Share!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 11/41 AP essays
    2. 10/59 JRP journals

    Fitness Goals for the month of February:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 3/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 3 = 2/3 runs, 2/1 5k; Week 4 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice. 2/2 DONE

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 16/29

    You vs Year Challenge:
    80k done/ 920k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym RAN AT HOME
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited February 2016
    Monday Check in ...
    There's one day left to February, but I'm 'ending' the month today as that's how my week falls.

    In February, my total weight loss was 1.92% of my body weight .. or 4.8 pounds
    My calories were no higher than my goal on 20/28 days, how ever the average daily calories were at goal
    February Protein Challenge, I reached 77 grams on 18/18 days, however the average daily protein was 79 grams
    My maconutrients were still too high on fat and carbs and I will continue working on that next month.

    We have talked on this thread about our March challenge ... and I know that not everyone will be able to work on @RobinEgg's suggestion of strengthing our lower body during the month, starting with our ankles ... however, I did some research on the topic and found some really interesting data I wanted to share with you all. You might find these helpful .... 3 You Tube videos, and one article ... the links are

    AFM ...
    Since March 1 is tomorrow ... I want to share my March goals with you today. I have an idea that I won't be posting quite as frequently on here this coming month as I have been in the past ... cause I have bitten off a lot of goals to work on.

    Nutrition Goal for March
    Calories Goal - maximum of 1611 net cals per day
    Carbs Goal - maximum of 161 grams per day (40%)
    Fat Goal - maximum of 54 grams per day (30%)
    Protein Goal - maximum of 121 grams per day (30%)
    Fitness Goal - active and participation in various challenges.

    These are the challenges I have for March.

    Challenges for March - Physical
    1. RobinEgg's Ankle Strengthening
    I will be doing the movements and maneuvers described in the videos and articles I shared above. I'm not certain how to measure this challenge except that I hope it will help me to do better at the Squat and Walking

    2. 30-Day Squat challenge begins 3/1
    The goal starts with my doing a minimum of 10 wall squats on the first and progressing throughout the month to being able to perform 70 regular squats by the end of the month, per day all in good form

    3. Amazing Race challenge begins on 3/7and ends on 5/2
    This race is a number of minutes walked in a week challenge. There will also be additional challenges thrown in that I may or may not participate in.

    Personal Challenges for March -- aside from nutrition and Physical
    1 Make meal plans and prep food for easy cooking so I don't order out or carb out
    2 Finish the housework and move on with spring cleaning
    3 Trim all the flowering shrubs before they bud out.
    4 Cut back and clear away all the naturalized weedy growth around the perimeter of the back yard
    5 Prepare the indoor seed starting location and start the seeds (vegetables and flowers)

    I hope everyone will have a good month in March with whatever they are working to achieve. For some of us that is improved physicall fitness, for others it's weight loss, and for some of us it's a combination.

    Follow through with consistent focus.

    PS .... I, too, want to welcome the folks who are new and returning to this thread. Good fortunes to you in your endeavors on here. It's a lot of hard work and easy to feel like giving up ... but the choice to go backwards is never a good one. Like Kaye says ... Onward and Downward!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I forgot to get back here for Sunday Share last night, so I will combine it with today's Monday Check-in:
    My share is that I've realized how little I've been pushing myself lately--both in the gym and with nutrition. That being said, my personal goals for March will include working to do that more often.

    Saturday's 8k was the first time I really felt spent at the gym in a while, and though my legs were still feeling it today, I made myself go to the gym and complete a 1-mile run followed by 2 miles on the elliptical.

    I will keep my running goals, but increase the goals a bit to make myself work harder. I'm only 15k away from running my first 100k this year. That will still only be 10% of the UA challenge goal of 100k this year, but it's a milestone I will be happy to meet. In addition, I will focus on doing a better job stretching after each run as a means of meeting robin's monthly goal idea. Thanks for the links, niki!!

    I will also keep my protein goal, but add a salad of veggie serving each day. I'm not so good at preparing veggies as side dishes (love them, I just don't do it), so I will do more of that or add additional veggies to my current meals.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 11/41 AP essays
    2. 10/59 JRP journals

    Fitness Goals for the month of March:
    I will run 3x/week and at least 1 5k/week
    Week 1 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish twice with no walking breaks: x/2
    I will run an 8k three times: x/3

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein x/31
    salad or veggies x/31

    You vs Year Challenge:
    85k done/ 915k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Share A Smile!
    March 1 is host to a little-known holiday that we’d love to see more people celebrate. It’s Share A Smile Day, a time to spread joy through the simple act of displaying your toothy grin.
    We don’t know the origin of Share A Smile Day, but we think it’s a great cause. It’s on occasion with one simple purpose: to make people happy.
    Share Your Smile
    Want to participate in Share A Smile Day? All you have to do is smile. Give a big, friendly grin to family, friends, coworkers and everyone you meet. Chances are good you’ll get a happy smile in return.
    Some people may not be used to receiving smiles from strangers. That’s something we can change. If we all take a moment to just smile, and even say hello, the art of smiling will become a little more common.
    Give A Smile
    You can share your smile, and you can also help light up someone else’s face. March 1 is a perfect opportunity.
    Call an old friend, write someone a letter or even leave a nice comment on somebody’s Facebook page. It doesn’t take much to give a smile. Just let someone you care about know you’re thinking about them. Reach out to someone you haven’t seen in a while and give them a reason to beam.
    Smiling Is Healthy
    Smiling isn’t just fun, it also healthy. A good smile can improve your mood and lift the spirits of those around you. It also has some real health benefits.
    Doctors and scientists have studied the effects of smiling. They’ve determined that it can help lower blood pressure and stress. Smiling can also improve your immune system. When you flash your pearly whites, your body produces serotonin and brings a little extra joy into your life.
    Why Wait?
    March 1 is Share A Smile Day, but you don’t have to wait. Every day is a good time for a great smile. Spread happiness and cheer in the easiest possible way. Share your pearly whites all year long.

    Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it. ~Heather Morgan


  • civpro1
    civpro1 Posts: 18 Member
  • civpro1
    civpro1 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I am still learning MFP and so far I like it. I have well over 100 pounds to lose and staying motivated is my biggest obstacle so far.

    I probably wont be a super active poster, but I do like to read. I have a fibit charge hr and am really surprised how well it works.

    Thank you all.

  • mommasharn58
    mommasharn58 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! Me too! Just started. Joined LA fitness and began tracking food and exercise. I know it seems daunting, but we can do this!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well its march 1st and time to get back to work :) I went to the gym this morning and went to the zumba class my trainer teaches. It was fun and I kept up fairly well. Defenitley gave me a frame of reference. I did zumba gold when I was first starting at the y and the class was really hard on me. Todays class was defeniltey a workout but not anything that felt like it might kill me. Yay for progress :) Not going to be able to walk the dogs today since it is pissing rain. If I get my dog walking thing up and going and the clients want their dogs walked in the rain thats fine but this women isnt going out there without the motivation of getting paid lol. Otherwise I am just moving along. Trying to make some better food choices though I am still over to much but at least I am under maintenance so thats something. Well thats about it for me just wanted to stop in and say hi. Have a great day everyone :):) oh yeah lets play a game water tag..your it :)
  • shonabardecki
    shonabardecki Posts: 26 Member
    HAPPY MARCH 1st..from a very cold winter wonderland in northern illinois! !!

    My main goal is to stick with this..if I could actually lose 100lbs.... I'd be a happy camper.
    However I just have my eyes set on the first 10!! :#
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    HAPPY MARCH 1st..from a very cold winter wonderland in northern illinois! !!

    My main goal is to stick with this..if I could actually lose 100lbs.... I'd be a happy camper.
    However I just have my eyes set on the first 10!! :#

    Good for you ... looking at the whole amount at one time can be overwhelming ... looking at it in 5 or 10 pound increments makes it do-able.

    I have a 50 pound goal for 2016 but am taking it 5 pounds at a time.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited March 2016



    Here's what we've got for March, Ladies and Gentleman. As with all our Monthly Challenges, they are Personal and you are responsible for reporting your daily, or semi-,or weekly, (etc) results whenever you post to this discussion. There are no rewards but your own satisfaction for doing the challenge all 31 days of the month.

    You would record it as follows:i.e.: lets say its March 1 and you've eaten your veggies today so you'd write down Veggies today: 1/1, the next day if you didn't eat any veggies would be recorded as 1/2 ( 1 veggie eaten on 1 day out of 2 days of the month.) You can put this at the end of your post with a little statement right before it. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    The veggie challenge is pretty simple. Its just an expansion of Niki's suggestion that we emphasize salads this month. I think that's a great suggestion. A person can go ahead and have a salad every day of the month, or, any veggie he/she prefers. A veggie a day YAY!!

    The WORK THOSE LEGS challenge is the ankle challenge idea just expanded a bit since we have serious advanced runners in our group, as well as some beginners, and some people, such as myself, who are limited in distance.
    So, you can choose for yourself, based on your own ability, after viewing the instructional video's posted by Nikion, what you would like to do, and then follow through on that exercise, or one of your own, for the month. Just for us, give a brief description of that exercise in your post.

    We are all interested in each others results. It is encouraging to each other. Remember, the more conversation we have, the more support is generated for those who are struggling, those who are getting tired, those who are losing interest. Those of you who choose to just read but not post are NOT helping your fellow MFPer. You're letting us do all the heavy stuff! So come on, post!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I see a lot of newcomes and I welcome each and every one of you! I've gotten all your names in my little black book now so you MUST come back!!! LOL!!! :smiley: I'm so glad you found us. Its hard to lose a lot of weight and its isolating too. Not too many people understand the little problems, like how our elbows stick out a bit more and sometimes we even hit door frames with them! Life gets frustrating for us!! Its not our fat, its that a lot of stuff is buillt too small, right? I KNOW!!!

    So, they won't change all that stuff, so we are giving in and changing ourselves. One day about 18 months from now we will be able to slide between clothes carousels in our favorite clothing stores - its been a long time since we've done that without knocking something off the rack- but it is feasible, yes it is!!!

    Again, so glad you've taken the step to join our community - see you tomorrow?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thank you @RobinsEgg ...

    I know it's not Wednesday morning yet and I should wait until then cause I still might eat or do something ... but it's almost 9 PM and I and very tired ... so what's the chance that I'll do anything more about food or exercise tonight? ... Right. Not a chance in hell, so I might as well report ... and go to bed.

    This morning started off great for having slept a third night in a row on the couch instead of in bed. I was up with the dawn brightening my picture window ... and having a very interesting dream that was kind of x-rated. In my dream I was 36 years old and in the company of my lover; and I was really hot ... I mean body wise ... lithe, strong, and with a butt he loved to look at as I walked. I did a lot of walking back then, and hadn't been too long at a desk job yet so hadn't gotten that sitting-spread yet.

    I started right off with a high fiber breakfast and after the last of the morning coffee, I hit the exercise mat on my living room floor. First I did some of those relax the muscles in your legs and feet maneuvers from one of the video's, then I did 50 ... yes 50 ... partial squats. I made sure that I was keeping my weight on the heels and that the toes were free. After every 10 or 12, I stopped and did some more lower leg maneuvers to stretch the muscles. Tomorrow I need to do 55 of them.

    Then I plopped down onto my knees and shins on the mat and did 13 upper body push-ups. I hope I did them right, because I needed to have my hands in fists instead of spread out on account of pain in my wristis if I put weight on them. I'm gonna try for 13 again tomorrow. I think it took about 1 minute as I counted with my exhale and know from past experience that I inhale/exhale slowing for 13 counts in 60 seconds when I'm doing exercise.

    Finally, I decided, since I was down there already I'd try a full body plank. I'd seen a video recently that helped me get into the posture. Previously, I'd tried to lay on my belly and lift myself up into the position ... no success. This time, I was still in the pushup position on my knees and shins, so I simply pushed my head forward as I tucked my toes under and rocked myself back onto them at the same time ... and I was in a plank! I tucked my tummy up and my booty down so that my back was supported by whatever core muscles I have ... and I held that pose for a whole count of .... 5 ... then I was completely exhausted and lowered myself to the ground.

    No ... you won't get a detailed account every day ... but I am just so excited that I was able to do these 3 things today and wanted to explain them in detail. I guess all those months of doing standup planks against my counter as i nuked my breakfast porridge and brewed my coffee paid off some .. both in strengthening my arms and shoulders to engaging my core and stretching the achilles tendon.

    March challenge
    Veggies ... 1/1
    Legs --- 1/1
    Calories ... 1/1
    Protein ... 1/1

    I'm off and running!
    Night all.
    Follow Through with Consistent Focus
  • clinsky1231
    clinsky1231 Posts: 4 Member

    I am new to the group, new to the app, and really wanting to kick my weight loss in to high gear and actually stick with it this time. So a little bio about myself:

    I have always been more heavy set but have hit an all time high since having my daughter 19 months ago. Last August, I fell and broke my right ankle (6 pins and a rod) and sprained my left ankle (still hurts!) at the same time and am still having a hard time moving my ankles without too much pain. I am looking forward to following along with the videos and hoping that they help my ankles!

    While I was down with my ankles, my sister bought me an Advocare 24 day challenge and I lost 17 pounds that I haven't gained back!! It was easy for me to follow the challenge because it told you when and what to eat. But now that I am in the "real world" and on my own, if I even eat, I eat like crap. So the discipline is going to be my biggest challenge.

    My husband is so easily motivated and can workout wherever he is and got a six pack in a matter of two months. I seem to have to follow along with videos or be in a gym using machines to motivate myself to work out. I will be visiting youtube for some more videos to follow!

    So following along with Niki's post above,

    March Challenge
    Veggies 1/1
    Legs 0/1
    Calories 1/1

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goal- to keep exercising and doing my best to eat healthy. Eat more veggies...

    Doing well but tired. I did spend time with friends tonight and enjoyed the company. Another goal is to time to spend with friends.

    I did walk at the gym so that helped and I are some pizza but not a whole meal so that helped.

    Have a great night.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    I am new here. I am currently 258 with a final goal weight of (eventually) 130 lbs. I am female and 5'6". I am a stay at home mom, and I home school both of my boys.

    I have struggled with not being able to lose weight since I had my 2nd and last child about 10 years ago. Prior to his birth, I was able to lose weight fairly easily with minimal effort. Over the years I have tried just about every diet supplement, every fad diet, and saw a nutritionist for a year.

    Recently we just moved, and I finally got a doctor who was willing to do blood work, thyroid test, metabolic panel, etc. I was happy because my previous nutritionist and I both thought that there must be something going on. But, alas, according to my blood work and tests...there is nothing wrong! Except I am now....prediabetic.

    I still think that there is something unknown that is wrong because not only (despite all efforts over 10 years) have I never lost a single pound...I have really not "gained" either. I have a slow yearly gain of 2-4 lbs, but that really isn't "gain". I totally gave up for a year and stopped working out, ate whatever I wanted. And I really should have gained a ton....but still only had the 2-4 lb gain.

    I am currently in week 3 of a 12 week diabetes prevention program, and they use this site to check my info which is why I am here. I also use a fitbit watch and the aria weight scale. I also measure body measurements and use a digital food scale. So, I am very dedicated and serious because honestly...if nothing works this time I'm just gonna settle for being how I am.