100+ lbs to lose support group



  • supernovadark

    I'm 28, Mexican-American, married (to an awesome guy), and I have a 4-year old son.

    I've always been fluffy, but it's getting old. I'll be happy to join you all on this journey.
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    hello all I want to lose just over 100lbs too! so nice reading about you all!

    a bit about me? well like other one here i have always been the "chubby" kid...i cant remember a time when i havent been fat. most of my weight piled on when i went to university, really didnt enjoy myself there and ate my feelings up! when i left there i couldnt find a job and pretty much sat at home being lazy! my mum then got really ill and i nearly lost her (all triggered by being diabetic!) which kicked my butt in to gear because i am at such a high risk of going down the same road...i also have gotten a job which means i am on my feet for 20hours a week so thats helping! i also have started doing sports with my doggy and i cant keep up with him AT all haha! so i want to lose weight so i can go in to competitions with him as he is awesome :smile:

    i am 20 or so days in to this and i have lost 12lbs so far just a "few" more to go:tongue:

    feel free to add me anyone! apart from the days i work i am usually lurking about on here through the day!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    I'd love to be a part of the group. I have 130+ I need to lose and am just getting started with the site. Once I figure how to send friend requests, I'm going to take some of you up on your kind offer. Having friends with the same goals will make this so much easier. Please feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Hey skinny chics - hope you all had a great Father's Day and sent any leftovers home with dear ol' dad!

    What are your goals this week?

    I will drink at least 100oz of water each day
    I will exercise at least 30 min a day
    I will eat healthy snacks
    I will not let the bewitching hour get to me (you know what I mean - the hour before dinner goes on the table)
    I will try to get 15 minutes of calisthenics in each evening
    I will not give up on myself if my scale doesn't show a loss on Friday (it will only motivate me over the weekend)

    Here's to yet another week - let's release those pounds!!!

    My goals this week?

    I will get over this hump/plateau by experimenting and trying new approaches
    I will work out for at least 255 minutes this week
    I will walk around the pond again, this time faster
    I will not let other's negativity get me down

    That last one? My doctor today basically said that I'm lying about my weight loss. That I haven't really lost that much, that my scale at home must be wrong (even though it weighs me at exactly the same as the doc's scale). That really got me down, as did having to go to the doctor on my birthday.

    Hopefully my lab work will come back and I can have a happy-day-after-birthday, huh?

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Love seeing new faces, btw! Welcome!

  • erm8449
    erm8449 Posts: 6 Member
    i planning to lose between 70-90, could i still join if it's a bit below the one hundred mark ?
  • BamaGirl_79
    I too am on the same boat. I'm glad I found this site to help me keep track of calorie intake and exercise. I am looking for a few pals that are like me and need to lose 100+. I would love to swap tips about what works and what doesn't and I definitely need the support and extra push. I'm here if you want to add me :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Kris - your doctor sounds like a real jerk. I hope your labs bring good news!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    SUPER Glad to see all these new names!!! I've sent friend requests to the new folks. If I've missed anyone, please feel free to add me. I am loving all of the support and motivation that you all give me!

    I'm having a bit of a low sugar moment, so I just had an apple. Hoping that will bring me back into acceptable range. I hate when this happens!! I should know better than to wait longer than an hour after taking my meds to eat. I'm hoping that I will soon be able to go completely OFF of one of the meds that I've been taking. The ultimate goal is to get off ALL of them! I started two months ago taking five pills a day, plus injecting insulin every night. Now, I'm down to 3.5 pills a day with the insulin. I'd say that's an NSV, huh?

    Do you all share your MFP stuff on Facebook? I've been sharing mine since Day one and I'm really glad I decided to do it. I have some incredibly supportive friends. Some that I rarely ever talk to will Like my losses and/or workout. Or even give an encouraging word or two. Some that I talk to on a regular basis continue to pat me on the back every time I do something good. I have one friend who told me that weekend that she's going to buy me some new clothes when I hit 50lbs lost. I told her she better start saving because that day is going to be here before she knows it! :-) I've had a number of friends join MFP after seeing my success and I'm so glad that they have. It's really nice to have that support!

    Anyway, hope you're all doing well and sticking to it!
  • suzyq584
    suzyq584 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Kris,

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dr. appt. He sounds like quite an *kitten*. Have you thought about changing Drs? You need someone who is on your side...a teammate in your weight loss journey, not someone who is going to drag you down!!

    We are here for you though! :flowerforyou:
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Thank you, Suzy! I have kicked it around, but we're (cross your fingers) on the verge of moving cross-country, and I don't want to change doctors now just to have to do it again in a few months. So I'm holding out. If this move falls through, then I'm going to go doctor shopping!

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    So it sounds like everyone has introduced themselves. This is a great group and I'm so happy to see some friends from other groups here.

    Maybe we could each share a few tips about how we eat differently now that we are healthy eaters?

    > My snacks are primarily veggies & humus or fresh berries
    > Sandwich & Bagel Thins can be just as gratifying as big bread & bagels if topped with something healthy
    > New Favorite Salad = baby spinach, feta cheese, walnuts & dried cranberries with a 40cal rasp vinegarette

    Plan Plan Plan - make that grocery list and include at least 3 lunch and 3 dinner menus in mind.

    Can't wait to hear what you've been doing differently!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    So it sounds like everyone has introduced themselves. This is a great group and I'm so happy to see some friends from other groups here.

    Maybe we could each share a few tips about how we eat differently now that we are healthy eaters?

    > My snacks are primarily veggies & humus or fresh berries
    > Sandwich & Bagel Thins can be just as gratifying as big bread & bagels if topped with something healthy
    > New Favorite Salad = baby spinach, feta cheese, walnuts & dried cranberries with a 40cal rasp vinegarette

    Plan Plan Plan - make that grocery list and include at least 3 lunch and 3 dinner menus in mind.

    Can't wait to hear what you've been doing differently!

    I've replaced candy bars with Builder's Bars--usually only one a day for breakfast. They don't screw up my blood sugar and they have protein and vitamins/minerals.

    I've totally ditched french fries--if I'm craving potato, I'll bake up a small-medium red potato in the oven and put a nice half-pat of butter on it and really enjoy without doing the numb "one after another" thing I did with fries.

    I've stopped "eating just to have something to do."

    I eat veggies pretty much every day.

    I keep track of everything!

  • aprildpettitt
    I want in! I really need some friends, because I've tried to do it on my own.....didn't work, did it with my mom......actually lost 14 pounds, but (bless her heart) all my mom does is talk about food and I CANNOT keep focused on food, I am either always hungry or stress eating or mindless eating.....ugha! I'm not blaming her, I just know that focusing on food is my Achille's heel and I've asked her to stop, but....haha, gotta love my mom <3 Anway, I gained it back and I don't want to be this girl anymore :(
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    I would love to be part of the group. Please send me friend requests! Oh, and don't let my ticker fool you. I need to lose 90 - 100 lbs but I thought I might just start with 70. I am currently 235 and started at 240. My lowest adult weight was 167 and I felt and looked great but really could have sttod to lose another 20-30. So, baby steps.

    I am 36 years old and have 3 kids: 2, 4, and 11. I have no energy to take them out swimming or anything active. I feel terrible about the fact that my weight is keeping me from taking them to do the fun things I did when I was a kid. Also, my 11 year old daughter is rapidly gaining weight and I can't help her until I help myself.

    I have been overweight off and on since I was 8 years old. I have been on a million different diets and have lost weight on every one. Eventually, the diet ends and I go right back to eating the same old crap and gain everything back plus some friends. I want to do this for real this time. No quick fixes, no gimmicks. I want to learn how to eat healthy and stay active. This is a lifestyle change for me. So I am cit concerned if the weight comes off slowly so long as it stays off.

    I am looking forward to a fabulous journey with you all!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Height: 5' 7"
    SW: 240 6/8/11
    CW: 235 next weigh in 6/22/11
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Welcome April - You'll find lots of support here!
  • jmh35slh
    jmh35slh Posts: 78
    I'm in too!! I've just started this journey--20 days ago--and the more help the better! :wink:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello to our new peeps! :-) Welcome!!!

    My new healthy eating habits include:

    ~Smaller portions! This was a huge thing for me, as I had gotten into the mindset of 'when you've got a chance to fill the hump, fill the hump!' So I'd eat until there was no room left!
    ~MUCHO MUCHO amounts of water. I try to drink at least two glasses (usually more like 3) of cold water right before all of my meals. It leaves me feeling super full and helps to combat all the stupid sodium!
    ~I've drastically reduced the carbs that I eat. This was another big one. I LOVE pasta, bread, potatoes and just about any other starchy food you can think of. I've tried to come up with other options that are better for you, but still address the carb cravings. Dreamfield's pasta, brown rice, whole grain breads, sweet potatoes - all much better than the regular white alternatives.
    ~Just because you're hungry, it doesn't mean you have to eat. This is something that I'm learning to understand. For all of my life, as soon as I would start to feel just the slightest bit hungry (or more likely - before I even got to that point), I would go looking for something to eat. And what I've been learning is that you don't have to. You should learn to be okay with that hungry feeling sometimes. I'm not saying I'm going to starve myself. But if I'm hungry for an hour or so before lunch, it's not going to kill me! :-)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Hey all! My name is Laura and I am currently at 312 pounds. I have been here since March, but I started my journey in January and have lost 45 pounds since then.

    I have been heavy my whole life. In 9th and tenth grade I became anorexic and ate about 500-700 calories a day in 9th grade and close to only 300-400 a day in 10th grade. I lost about 80 pounds but I was miserable and at the end of tenth grade I became a cutter and actually would have killed myself if I would have had the guts. My mom found out and a fight ensued and I ended up in the back of a police car on my way to the hospital. I was released the same night and things turned around for me after that point. My weight went up to about 190 and it stayed there until 2003, which is when I became pregnant with my son. After that I rested at 235 and kept it there until 2006 when I started gaining weight at a very fast rate. I gained over 100 pounds in under 6 months while exercising 4 days a week and doing spark people. Come to find out in April of 2007, I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin resistance. I had a really good Endocrinologist and then he left and went somewhere else and his replacement was a big jerk so I left and went back to my childhood doctor. fast forward 4 years and my body has finally started cooperating and is letting me lose weight. my final goal is to get down to 125-130 but for now will be happy just getting out of the 300s. feel free to add me as a friend! I should also mention I have had hypothyroidism since 18 months old.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I hope you are all having successful days! I've been sidelined for a few days now...suspect flu:sick: . Fever keeps coming and going so it makes it hard to do anything. The only upside is, I'm not eating a lot and getting loads of water! Keep on losing everyone! :bigsmile: