Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    It's been such a long time since posting here. I've kept tracking my foods and walking but I haven't lost anything yet. :( I think it's because my walking isn't consistent enough. I need to make it more of a routine, and when I eat, I make sure to eat enough and stay within my macros. I won't give up!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    WOW! This thread is really busy tonight. I am delighted to see all the renewed and continuing dedication here. it is so helpful to all of us to cheer one another on. I follow along faithfully even when I don't post.

    New people: Welcome. Come back and post often.

    Today is weigh in day for me. I was thrilled with a 2.5 pound loss this week. Finally, I have hit double digits and am back down 10 pounds from previous highs. Next goal is the next 4 pounds as that will be a low I have not seen in a while and some pants that should fit again! Yay! Hopefully, I will see that in a couple or 3 weeks.

    Again, it is nice to see you all here and so dedicated.
    Thanks for being there.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good Morning.

    Thank you @RobinsEgg (Ellen) for taking the reigns to get this thread moving in the right direction again and posting goals for the month.

    Just a quick post today, month-end so work is busy. I'll catch up with personals soon.

    My March Goals:

    1. Continue with PT 2-3 times a week (10 sessions scheduled in March so far--still long road ahead).
    2. Ride bike either at gym or outside at least twice/week
    3. I eat mostly veggies/fruit, so that shouldn't be a problem. :wink:

    March Challenge:

    1/31 Veggies
    1/10 PT
    x/10 Bike

    ETA~Just a quick update. Physical therapist told me yesterday, it will be a good six months once I come out of boot before ankle is 100%--he thinks I won’t be released from PT until summer. Ugh, it’s just unbelievable how long recovery is from this surgery. :cry: I had my MRI on Monday for my migraines, everything was normal—so good news. Internist wants a neurology consult though, so waiting to hear from them to set up that appointment.

    Have a great day!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I'm still struggling along, but it's getting very spring-like here, so I'm back to getting in good walks. Nicole is trying to organize a community walking/running group so maybe it will be easier for me to find someone to walk with.
    My Wednesday wish: That I could feel the motivation and dedication that I felt when I started MFP about 3.5 years ago. For me so much of my success is in my mental attitude.
    Welcome to all of the new people.
    Thanks for the challenge. I do need to eat more veggies so I will work on that. I failed miserably at the protien challenge, but it's a new month.
    The bathroom is coming along. DH is doing the taping and mudding this week. I'm anxious to get it all put together and start using that great big shower. @Robin I loved your curtains, but I have to admit that the color of your walls was rather a shock to me. I'm an off-white and pastel kind of person when it comes to my wall colors. Don't midunderstand. I loved it and I'm impressed that you found a drape that matched so well. I just won't be using anything like that on my walls. I think that I have figured out how to avoid painting all three rooms involved in the remodel. I'm going to do some computer matching of paint colors so that I can just paint the involved areas instead of the whole room.
    Have a great day. I'll be back.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    So, today is one week..7 days from when my diabetes prevention coach said I needed to strive to eat 1800 calories a day instead of my 1400-1500 average. I was very skeptical....the first few days I felt uncomfortably full (trying to hit that many calories but still keep fat, sugars, and sodium in check is hard...and so filling). I was so sure that I would gain weight or best case stay the same.

    But....I went from 258.6 to 257.2! I'm still a little hesitant to call this a win...since it was only a week and only a pound....but I'm a bit more hopeful and motivated to keep up the extra work to try this idea of eating more calories to lose weight thing.
  • luckylaw
    luckylaw Posts: 18 Member
    @RobinsEgg I wish I could "Like" your post above. Funny how we get used to Facebook buttons, lol.

    I'm starting again for the umpteenth time. This is day three of eating healthier. My friends are inviting me on trips and I'm just embarrassed about whether I'd have to buy an extra plane seat. I don't wish to feel that way anymore. I've been going to the gym, but nutrition is going to be the key. Good luck to all of you! I'm crossing my fingers and closing my mouth against fast food! Please let my willpower stay strong!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wednesday wish-that everyone has a successful month in getting healthy.

    A good day overall and I was able to run tonight for about 2.25 miles, this felt good. Even with the bruises on my knee and a still healing ankle, it was a good run.

    This is a busy week and I hope to keep exercising. Did walk last night and tonight workout was great. Tomorrow should be a swim day. I hope to have a friend join me but not sure that will happen, his family is sick.

    Have a great day tomorrow.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Happy hump-day everyone! :smiley: I managed to stay mostly within my macros and under my calorie goal, but the foods I've been eating aren't the healthiest. I'm at a point where I'm just trying to finish what I have because it's what I bought and I don't want to throw anything out. Once it's time for me to grocery shop again, I'll know the healthier alternatives. I've been maintaining the last few weeks so it's better than gaining I guess.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sara-- welcome back! That last few days have been about clearing out leftovers in our house as well.

    @laurie-- great job mixing up your workouts. I need to get more variety into my routine. I've been pretty focused on running though at least I've thrown in the elliptical a few times in the past couple of weeks.

    Welcome to the newlings--come visit whenever you need some support or motivation!

    @kaye-- it's so nice that your DH knows how to do all of that work himself. I'm very good at painting and can patch and caulk with the best of them, but hanging drywall, taping, and mudding are beyond the my or my DH's skill level. My parents are just like you with the white or off-white walls; I'm the opposite, but my DH likes white walls. As a result, we have color on all the walls except for one bedroom which has white walls to appease him. :smile:

    @kelley-- it amazes me how long rehab can take. I'm glad the MRI yielded no issues, but sorry there's no solution yet to end the migraines.

    @barb-- awesome that you are 10 lbs down. I am currently still about 10 lbs up from summer, so I need to follow your lead.

    @niki-- great job with the push ups and plank. The 5 seconds may not seem like much, but it's surprising how quickly that time increases if you continue the practice every night or every other night. I haven't been able to do either exercise since my shoulder injury a year and a half ago--though I haven't tried them in a couple of months so maybe it's time to see if that's changed...

    Wednesday Wish:
    That I can keep this current motivation going for more than a week. My pattern seems to be to get on track and then something (weather, work, family, anything) presents a challenge and I let it derail me. I felt that challenge today b/c I still have those essays to grade and have a meeting tomorrow and social plans all weekend. I almost let that sway me from the gym today, then I realized I can't let work take priority over my health. I will get the essays graded-- I always do.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 11/41 AP essays

    Fitness Goals for the month of March:
    I will run 3x/week and at least 1 5k/week
    Week 1 = 1/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 2 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 3 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/2 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish twice with no walking breaks: x/2
    I will run an 8k three times: x/3

    Stretch legs after each run = 1/1

    Nutrition Goal for February:
    Eat >100 g protein 2/31
    salad or veggies 2/31

    You vs Year Challenge:
    89k done/ 911k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- meeting
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    3 eggs/ cheers!
  • clinsky1231
    clinsky1231 Posts: 4 Member
    I was under on the calories, but thanks to a meal out of the freezer, almost doubled my sodium intake. So I decided to spend an hour and a half around midnight making a casserole to take to work the next two days. Hopefully it helps!!

    My new March goal is to stop drinking pop. Not so much caffeine, but pop/sweet tea has got to go!!

    I have also had 0 energy when it comes to exercise the past couple of days. Plus the time frame I had allotted in my day to work out was eaten up by my husband being interviewed for the news after a scam he was involved in. Where do you find your motivation/energy to work out? You would think being overweight and too tired to play with my daughter the way my husband does would be enough but apparently it's not. :(

    March Challenge
    Veggies 2/2
    Legs 0/2
    Calories 2/2
    Sodium 0/2
    No pop 0/2
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    I was under on the calories, but thanks to a meal out of the freezer, almost doubled my sodium intake. So I decided to spend an hour and a half around midnight making a casserole to take to work the next two days. Hopefully it helps!!

    My new March goal is to stop drinking pop. Not so much caffeine, but pop/sweet tea has got to go!!

    I have also had 0 energy when it comes to exercise the past couple of days. Plus the time frame I had allotted in my day to work out was eaten up by my husband being interviewed for the news after a scam he was involved in. Where do you find your motivation/energy to work out? You would think being overweight and too tired to play with my daughter the way my husband does would be enough but apparently it's not. :(

    March Challenge
    Veggies 2/2
    Legs 0/2
    Calories 2/2
    Sodium 0/2
    No pop 0/2

    When I was trying to eliminate sweet tea or pop, I mixed unsweetened & sweet tea (or diet & regular pop) together, in increasing proportions, until I got used to the unsweet taste. Now the full-sweet stuff makes me gag!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I wish I could learn to like soup more. I made a big pot of vegetable soup last night to clean out the fridge. Really healthy, quite low calorie, and tasy enough on the stove. And I set myself up for success! I packed a nice, varied lunch around my soup. But when I pulled it out...I just couldn't bring myself to eat it. I was defeated by the terrible Existential Sadness of Soup.

    Instead, I feel victim to the siren song of Jimmy John's french bread sandwiches. But I did keep it together enough to have the sugar snap peas and pear I'd brought with me instead of potato chips. Little victories, right?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    I wanted to share this Quote: It seemed strangely appropriate for this space. I suffer from depression. I don't know how many of you do as well.

    If you live in a forest with a scary bear and a bunch of delicious berries, you need to keep that scary bear on your mind all the time. You need to hide your food and yourself, you need to avoid the bear’s territory—and no matter how delicious those berries are, that bear is going to be bigger in your mind. This applies to internet comments, to drama, and to rejections of all kinds.

    So what do we do with this, when we’re supposed to be all self-motivated and CREATIVE? How do we keep our energy up and ourselves happy? Well, I take negativity and I embrace it. If these negative thoughts, these scary bears, are the ones that are going to stick in my mind anyway, I might as well find the bears that help me. Here are some thoughts that keep me going.

    1. Don't lose weight for looks. Someone else will ALWAYS look better than you. LOSE weight for yourself. Don't lose weight for any reason other than to please yourself - and "please" is the operating word here - think of this as pleasure, not pain!!!!

    2. Some things about being large won't ever go away - like loose skin, or thick calves maybe - you may need to mourn this the rest of your life....unless you have $20,000. for plastic surgery. Accept your flaws and allow yourself to cry over this the rest of your life. Its like that mole you hate. Its YOU!!! But then stop crying and cheer yourself up over the good changes to your body you're creating - the athleticism, the grace of movement, the strength, by gosh, the STRENGTH!!!!


    I must post earlier in the day - cuz with my new-found routine, when I run out of steam, I just drop, I just fall asleep. I can't believe I am the same person, who, 4 months ago, used to stay up late, watching not only the talk shows, but also re-runs of the DAY-TIME talk shows, working 4-5 cross-word puzzles, cleaning my house, generally keeping busy, and not getting to sleep til 3 am, and getting up at 11 am. Now, I am nodding off promptly between 9-10 pm and I am up with the first rays of light!

    Yesterday I didn't eat right in the morning, or all day, so I had to make myself scrambled eggs right before I fell into bed. NO VEGGIES I'm sad to say.

    My trips to the back doctor, one for a hip MRI, one for an L=spine MRI showed nothing that could explain my left leg pain, so I am scheduled for nerve conduction studies next Wednesday. If this shows nothing, its functional - meaning I have to live with unexplained pain - BUT that I can start PT again. Either way, I am champing at the bit to start PT!!!
    exercise 0/3
    protein 3/3
  • clinsky1231
    clinsky1231 Posts: 4 Member
    I was under on the calories, but thanks to a meal out of the freezer, almost doubled my sodium intake. So I decided to spend an hour and a half around midnight making a casserole to take to work the next two days. Hopefully it helps!!

    My new March goal is to stop drinking pop. Not so much caffeine, but pop/sweet tea has got to go!!

    I have also had 0 energy when it comes to exercise the past couple of days. Plus the time frame I had allotted in my day to work out was eaten up by my husband being interviewed for the news after a scam he was involved in. Where do you find your motivation/energy to work out? You would think being overweight and too tired to play with my daughter the way my husband does would be enough but apparently it's not. :(

    March Challenge
    Veggies 2/2
    Legs 0/2
    Calories 2/2
    Sodium 0/2
    No pop 0/2

    When I was trying to eliminate sweet tea or pop, I mixed unsweetened & sweet tea (or diet & regular pop) together, in increasing proportions, until I got used to the unsweet taste. Now the full-sweet stuff makes me gag!

    I had started doing that a while back and anytime I would get one from like McDonalds I started asking for half and half. I have slowly worked back up to sweet by itself. But I have cut out fast food joints so I either buy it by the bottle or make it myself. So I will need to keep that in mind again!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I was under on the calories, but thanks to a meal out of the freezer, almost doubled my sodium intake. So I decided to spend an hour and a half around midnight making a casserole to take to work the next two days. Hopefully it helps!!

    My new March goal is to stop drinking pop. Not so much caffeine, but pop/sweet tea has got to go!!

    I have also had 0 energy when it comes to exercise the past couple of days. Plus the time frame I had allotted in my day to work out was eaten up by my husband being interviewed for the news after a scam he was involved in. Where do you find your motivation/energy to work out? You would think being overweight and too tired to play with my daughter the way my husband does would be enough but apparently it's not. :(

    March Challenge
    Veggies 2/2
    Legs 0/2
    Calories 2/2
    Sodium 0/2
    No pop 0/2

    When I was trying to eliminate sweet tea or pop, I mixed unsweetened & sweet tea (or diet & regular pop) together, in increasing proportions, until I got used to the unsweet taste. Now the full-sweet stuff makes me gag!

    I had started doing that a while back and anytime I would get one from like McDonalds I started asking for half and half. I have slowly worked back up to sweet by itself. But I have cut out fast food joints so I either buy it by the bottle or make it myself. So I will need to keep that in mind again!!

    You are going to NAIL this!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2016
    badnoodle wrote: »
    I wish I could learn to like soup more. I made a big pot of vegetable soup last night to clean out the fridge. Really healthy, quite low calorie, and tasy enough on the stove. And I set myself up for success! I packed a nice, varied lunch around my soup. But when I pulled it out...I just couldn't bring myself to eat it. I was defeated by the terrible Existential Sadness of Soup.

    Instead, I feel victim to the siren song of Jimmy John's french bread sandwiches. But I did keep it together enough to have the sugar snap peas and pear I'd brought with me instead of potato chips. Little victories, right?

    LOL ... ya gotta actually like the soup ya make or you won't eat it! ...There have been big pots of 'clean the fridge' soups that ended up down the toilet drain instead of in my tummy. Now a days ... if I have a lot of vegetables that I need to clear out, I turn them into soup stock and freeze some for other uses later one, and keep some in the fridge for a couple of days to use for when the recipe calls for a broth/stock as part of the ingredients. Saves me money also as I don't need to buy the commercially prepared broths/stocks from the supermarket.

    Here's a tip ... French bread or, even better, some crusty and hearty sour dough or pumpernickel go real good as a side for soup.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Here's a tip ... French bread or, even better, some crusty and hearty sour dough or pumpernickel go real good as a side for soup.

    I don't know. It's just always seemed like soup isn't real food, even if you serve it with bread, or even if it has big hunks of meat or potato in it. I can't explain it.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    badnoodle wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Here's a tip ... French bread or, even better, some crusty and hearty sour dough or pumpernickel go real good as a side for soup.

    I don't know. It's just always seemed like soup isn't real food, even if you serve it with bread, or even if it has big hunks of meat or potato in it. I can't explain it.

    In my childhood, my mom served a soup every day ... so it might just be what you are used to. I don't have it every day now ... but only because I don't cook as much as I should do.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2016
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    I wanted to share this Quote: It seemed strangely appropriate for this space. I suffer from depression. I don't know how many of you do as well.

    If you live in a forest with a scary bear and a bunch of delicious berries, you need to keep that scary bear on your mind all the time. You need to hide your food and yourself, you need to avoid the bear’s territory—and no matter how delicious those berries are, that bear is going to be bigger in your mind. This applies to internet comments, to drama, and to rejections of all kinds.

    So what do we do with this, when we’re supposed to be all self-motivated and CREATIVE? How do we keep our energy up and ourselves happy? Well, I take negativity and I embrace it. If these negative thoughts, these scary bears, are the ones that are going to stick in my mind anyway, I might as well find the bears that help me. Here are some thoughts that keep me going.

    1. Don't lose weight for looks. Someone else will ALWAYS look better than you. LOSE weight for yourself. Don't lose weight for any reason other than to please yourself - and "please" is the operating word here - think of this as pleasure, not pain!!!!

    2. Some things about being large won't ever go away - like loose skin, or thick calves maybe - you may need to mourn this the rest of your life....unless you have $20,000. for plastic surgery. Accept your flaws and allow yourself to cry over this the rest of your life. Its like that mole you hate. Its YOU!!! But then stop crying and cheer yourself up over the good changes to your body you're creating - the athleticism, the grace of movement, the strength, by gosh, the STRENGTH!!!!


    I must post earlier in the day - cuz with my new-found routine, when I run out of steam, I just drop, I just fall asleep. I can't believe I am the same person, who, 4 months ago, used to stay up late, watching not only the talk shows, but also re-runs of the DAY-TIME talk shows, working 4-5 cross-word puzzles, cleaning my house, generally keeping busy, and not getting to sleep til 3 am, and getting up at 11 am. Now, I am nodding off promptly between 9-10 pm and I am up with the first rays of light!

    Yesterday I didn't eat right in the morning, or all day, so I had to make myself scrambled eggs right before I fell into bed. NO VEGGIES I'm sad to say.

    My trips to the back doctor, one for a hip MRI, one for an L=spine MRI showed nothing that could explain my left leg pain, so I am scheduled for nerve conduction studies next Wednesday. If this shows nothing, its functional - meaning I have to live with unexplained pain - BUT that I can start PT again. Either way, I am champing at the bit to start PT!!!
    exercise 0/3
    protein 3/3

    RobinsEgg ... I love the post.

    AFM - Thursday Truth ... I ate a whole Ace Bakery white baguette today .. all 6 servings of it ... it was just the way i like my bread ... on the hard and slightly stale dryness side and couldn't stop myself once I started on it ... which is just so much why I don't keep bread in my house.

    Calories today ... way over goal, thus 2/3
    Protein today ... 3/3
    Veggies today ... 3/3
    Squats today ... 55
    Follow-Through with consistent focus