

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi spirited old farts....lmao!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Heather, glad you had a great time with your friend. Cool riding in First Class. You mentioned the recent study that says women in their 50’s who can do a moderate physical task live longer. I hope that applies to those in their 60’s as well.

    Yvonne, it sounds like you accomplished a big goal last month. Give yourself credit. Remember that once a goal is reached we can set a new one, even in the middle of the month. We can also do something extra on any given day of the month even though it’s not a goal or above and beyond a goal. Good for you on moving forward about the antidepressant. ((((Hugs))))

    Mary, we’ve had dogs for years and I’ve never heard that about pumpkin for tummy problems. Just goes to prove we’re never too old to learn. Glad Shep is okay.

    KJ, I’m sending healing thoughts and virtual Chicken Soup. Hope you are back in the pink soon. blowing-runny-nose.gif Dang, and sometimes I thought I was a bad mommy! Lol

    Maryann, welcome. Life always seems to throw us curve balls. You will find this a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in. On UTube there are videos for “chair exercises” that I have done when my back was acting up. You can also use dumb bells or even resistance bands sitting. Good luck.

    MicheleNC, I don’t know how to change what shows on your homepage. I like my notifications in time order and always have to click on that. How does FB know what is most important to me? LOL I have never been an avid user other than to check and see what my friends are posting.

    Kay, I used to enjoy shopping but now it is work to me. How in the world did your Mom do that? Did she buy anything?

    Allie, I guess that is a good compromise although I still don’t see where you needed to compromise in this situation? You are just such a giving person. I guess it’s okay that you gave up your Easter Sunday plans.

    Anna, welcome. It is amazing the ladies here with knee problems plus a few others, but I guess that is our age? Glad you have your surgery set. Doing arm exercises is great so you will have the strength to use the walker after surgery. This is a great place for support and information so come often.

    CJ, so sorry about your DH’s condition. That is so hard to watch and experience. (((Hugs)))

    Sylvia, that’s good that your studio buddy won’t be leaving. Like you said, the little extra money is nice.

    Barbie, I hope you have a great trip!! Words are fine as long as we get to hear from you.

    Gina, how many calories do some of your gooey desserts have? *Just curious*

    Katla, congrats on the wrist healing!!!

    KJ, on facebook when I see any political postings I just zoom right by them. In fact I find I zoom right by most of what is posted. Lol

    Behny, welcome. I lost 60 pounds with consistent eating and exercise and now my last 20 pounds seem stuck like glue. I just feel and look so much better that I don’t even care so much at how long it takes to get them off. Hang in there and never give up!

    Heather, congrats on more new clothes. I hope it fits! Your travels are always such fun for us!!! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My friends, it seems that flu season is late this year. I keep hearing of more and more people getting it, so be careful and remember all of our safety precautions that we can take. I’ve struggled to zoom through all the pages I got behind but will post this with one to go. Yesterday I moved a wooden TV stand up the stairs by rolling it end over end. (DH has COPD and a heart condition so I just didn’t want him involved.) Then did lots of bending and squatting to unload the old TV stand and set up the new one. My back was hurting some last night and I figured I wouldn’t be able to walk this morning when I got up. Thankfully I could barely feel it. Today I’ve baked muffins, done some vacuuming and cleaning and tried to catch up here. Maybe tomorrow? LOL I love you ladies.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I find it fascinating what topics spark a conversation on here. Congrats to the first person who used the word "cheat." I do think we're all on the same page (well, surely not all, but at least most), we just use different words. So, of course I have to chime in. I belong to the camp that believes no food is forbidden as long as you log it. Some are just smarter than others in that you can have more to eat while easily staying within your plan. I think I may be the only one in the group who uses the word "boundaries" in reference to my relationship with food, but maybe not. Although I personally don't care for the word "cheat" I'm perfectly fine with others using it if it works for them.

    KJ, your story about the whopper is most interesting. They obviously invoke a nostalgic feeling within you. If I had to choose a similar food, it would probably have to be Little Debbie Nutty Buddy bars. I love those things, and cannot have them in the house. But every now and then...... I really like your idea of heading off to the beach with them!

    I'm still working hard to learn the correct terminology of all of my exercises. When you say, for example, 3x15x8, does that mean 3 sets of 15 reps at 8 lbs? I want to sound cool like MFPs.

    Today was upper body again. We did everything with Dumbbells, 3 sets of 15. I started with 8 lbs and dropped to 5 about halfway through. Bicep curls, hammer curls, Shoulder press, bent over fly, lateral raises, then we did a six minute abs video. I did 15 minutes of cardio to warm up, but I still need to get in another two miles of steps. Off to do it now.
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    behnybaby wrote: »
    62 here and this seems to be such a cozy group I would love to join. Have another 65 pounds to reach my goal, since every pound seems to refuse to leave with ease Christmas is my the long term target. I would love that for beginning of August for my 63rd Birthday. No matter which date it will be I will look forward to a fun and enjoyable journey.
    Wishing you all well and prayers being sent for a peaceful happy day for all.

    welcome.gif I started on MFP and on this thread when I was 62 and was able to lose about 60 pounds and keep it off. Take it one day at a time and log every bite and seek every opportunity to be active.

    :) Barbie from overcast NW Washington

    Been here on MFP a few years, since June last year was a true start though and September seriously and consistent logging weigh and logging. I have some lengthy spans when I do not lose but just coast for a while then all of a sudden I lose something again. I get a bit frustrated but I just keep on going.
    Going home on Saturday, can not wait.
    For March my goals are:
    a. continue to follow a regimen of paleo
    b. go to the gym 5 times during the week
    c. Weigh and log every bite
    d. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water
    e. Keep to 7 hr sleep schedule
    f. Be Happy and Have Fun.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Enjoy your trip!!!! :bigsmile:

    csofield & kimses: I suspect we are quite a bit alike in our approach to eating. My strategy is portion control and no foods are forbidden except those I stay away from due to lactose intolerance. I just need to know what it is and how much I ate. My strategies are logging, portion control, & exercise. If I go over on calories I can always use exercise to "burn it off." I am happy with this system and it works well for me. :heart:

    Heather: What do you mean when you say you are now on families? :huh:

    Boston Mindy: Congratulations on your great progress! :smiley:

    Cathy in Canada: (((hugs)))

    Anna in NE Iowa: I agree with you on the topic of logging. If you log what you eat & drink accurately, you have not cheated. You have made free choices and taken responsibility for them. :flowerforyou:

    DH checked in with his surgeon and is healing well. We went over to the hospital cafeteria and bought peanut butter cookies. :devil: I will be exercising to earn mine. :wink: We've been invited to DS & DDIL's place this weekend and are gearing up for it. I still plan to take my riding lesson on Saturday and leave afterward. I don't want to cancel. We'll need to make decisions as we go along. The kids want to go sailing on a fancy boat and have set up a test sail that we will share. My old boat boots didn't fit right and I gave them away long ago, so I bought a new pair at West Marine today for just under $50. They are likely to last me for decades and I was pleased with the price. I expected to pay more. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Lots of posts read.
    Continuing to log all my food.
    Drinking water.
    Trying to move more.
    Using the cross trainer.
    15 minute Decluttering, love the site, great people adding comments and photos. Feeling a lot better knowing that I am achieving something. Some great ideas. It was someone on this site that pointed me to the Decluttering posts. Printed all the calendars, made a folder and I am receiving the weekly emails detailing the missions. Really enjoying these 25 minute mission, makes you want to do more.
    Sending everyone best wishes with your goals.
  • thickbluebug
    thickbluebug Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone. I am michibug. I can't exercise as much as I would like due to health problems. I do walk a fairly lot. Been doing smarter carb since 1999. I have to stay on the wagon due to my blood sugar and other health problems. Y'all seem like a fun bunch in here. Will definitely read back some more pages to get caught up.

  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    Ok, I see the cheat thread going on, I have to agree with drkatiebug, just do not like the word CHEAT for me it refers to a punishable offence, so if I CHEAT it is off my paleo usually gluten and believe me if I eat it I have been punished, occasionally a sweet or some naughty dairy. I log everything because I would only be lying or cheating myself.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited March 2016
    Katla - I mean I am learning all the words for family relationships. I was most interested in grandmother, grandfather and grandchildren. :laugh: I have just finished learning all the colours. So I could say, if I was so minded, " My father's grandfather had three blue children and a green grandchild." :noway: I can say, "My older brother's wife has an old purple coat and dirty shoes. My sister's shoes are clean and her new dress is red"
    The word for dirty sounds like "s**t"
    Have a great weekend! <3

    DJ - Great removals! You must have muscles on your muscles!

    Heather UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It has been a very uneventful birthday for me. But with my DH, there is no eventful anything! I did say we could go to Dairy Queen because I feel bad enough today I need comfort food and a hot dog is one of my comfort foods. I have a coupon for my birthday from DQ for a blizzard so I will get a mini blizzard. Those things are only about 6 ounces and still close to 400 calories. I hope I have opened my husbands eyes as to what he is eating when he orders a large. my goofy brother who can always make a person laugh and feel so good about themselves called and it is always a treat to get a call from him. He is the one who was a chaplain at a hospice and his team had been together for 26 years and when the company did downsizing they chose to give them all the pink slips. This team had gotten national awards and we have never been able to understand there thoughts on letting go a team like that. So now at 58 he is now going to be a school bus driver. I hope the effects of being a bus driver doesn't break his wonderful spirit.

    We went to the hospital today and turned in our paperwork to start our monthly payouts from Charlies retirement account.

    My secret passion for food is Milk Duds. I never eat them in front of other people.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Sitting at the airport people watching. Am I terrible to say it makes me feel pretty good about myself and how far I've come?

    Indulgence food for me, the one thing I just can't control so if I get my hands on it the day is a total loss......licorice! Weird I know.

    Did my first physical therapy today. Isolated which muscle is strained and wow. I feel it now! She warned me it would be tender afterwards. We did determine I have a very high pain tolerance. Well yes, four kids birthed with no drugs and I don't get shots for dental work. ( odd thing about me is the vibrations of the drill put me to sleep. Lol)

    Marcelyn in Houston.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Sitting at the airport people watching. Am I terrible to say it makes me feel pretty good about myself and how far I've come?

    Indulgence food for me, the one thing I just can't control so if I get my hands on it the day is a total loss......licorice! Weird I know.

    Did my first physical therapy today. Isolated which muscle is strained and wow. I feel it now! She warned me it would be tender afterwards. We did determine I have a very high pain tolerance. Well yes, four kids birthed with no drugs and I don't get shots for dental work. ( odd thing about me is the vibrations of the drill put me to sleep. Lol)

    Marcelyn in Houston.

    When I Got my tattoo on my back I almost fell asleep but the dental work I could never do. Lol

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Well hello again ladies and I am very glad to say that. I got a virus on my computer that hijacked MFP and would not let me log on, log my food or exercise. It was malware version of DSNunlocker, very nasty thing. Tried to get rid of it with help from family but no go, finally had to take it in. It is so nice to have my computer back and be able to read about you ladies and chat again. It had to do with ads so I am tempted to go to the premium. Is anyone using it? Do you like it and feel it is worth the price?

    Barbie - Safe travels.

    Katla - Glad you are done with the ortho.

    I have now done my mammogram and have an appointment with a pulmonologist March 16. I really don't like doing all the new doctor stuff since moving but so far they all seem to know their stuff. Glad I am able to print chart information from the computer though as they don't seem very prompt at getting history from SD doctors.

    Take care, Sue from WA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    I'm still working hard to learn the correct terminology of all of my exercises. When you say, for example, 3x15x8, does that mean 3 sets of 15 reps at 8 lbs? I want to sound cool like MFPs.

    Today was upper body again. We did everything with Dumbbells, 3 sets of 15. I started with 8 lbs and dropped to 5 about halfway through. Bicep curls, hammer curls, Shoulder press, bent over fly, lateral raises, then we did a six minute abs video. I did 15 minutes of cardio to warm up, but I still need to get in another two miles of steps. Off to do it now.

    Yes! You are correct! 5x5x30 = 5 sets of 5reps at 30#. Now you know the lingo and you are doing great on your workouts!

    When I use the word cheat it means I ate something I don't normally eat on my program. And I give myself one day of this kind of eating. I do still log and I try to stay within my calorie allotment. There are several programs that also recommend this type of eating.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    sue- if you or anybody else ever has a issue with their computer my DH is almost son-in-law can fix anybody's computer of any virus from the phone. There are legitimate businesses that do this.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »

    I have now done my mammogram and have an appointment with a pulmonologist March 16. I really don't like doing all the new doctor stuff since moving but so far they all seem to know their stuff. Glad I am able to print chart information from the computer though as they don't seem very prompt at getting history from SD doctors.

    Take care, Sue from WA

    Welcome back!

    We have moved several times and everytime it's a new adventure setting up doctors. So I feel your pain. Thankfully so many doctors have Patient Portals now and we can print off our latest visit summaries, medicines etc to take to the new doctors. Hubs doesn't understand the trouble and that's because he doesn't need to establish a new Primary Care Physician, a Breast Surgeon, a Gynecologist, a Rhematologist, a Neurologist etc....each time we move!

    Snowing here in NE oHIo and says it will continue for the night into tomorrow. Don't imagine it will stay long as the temps promise to warm up next week.

    Husband had another good phone interview today. This one with Ohio Northern University. Hopefully when all is said and done he will have a few offers to choose from and not just one that he HAS to take. He says we are okay financially at least until June. So that is good.

    Did my SWSY workout today. That's the 2 she recommends each week. Easing back into things here.

    Enjoy your evenings,

    Cheri in snowy Fairlawn, oHIo
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    lcolpo wrote: »
    Hello - New to this board. Back on MFP after 1 year. My word(s) for March. Just do it! Sounds cliché, I know, but I can't seem to get myself motivated to do anything! Joined back at the Gym last week. Haven't gone. Got a couple of fitness apps. Haven't used them. Food? Don't get me started. I lost 50 pounds with MFP 5 years ago, so here's hoping I can get back on the wagon and lose that 50 again!

    We will do this together! FYI-This board is awesome; so much positivity and support! I lost 60 lbs. with MFP several years back and of course got lax and gained it back. You are ahead of me on the gym, still trying to decide on the right one for me especially since I love water Zumba.

    Heather - You lool awesome in that pic; thanks for sharing it with us!

    Trying to stay healthy so I can go visit my new grandson in a few weeks. Unfortunately, went to work after being gone at my other job and one of the employees is coughing and sneezing all over the place. I disinfected my work station (that we share :( and used a ton of hand sanitizer. Hope it works!!

    I will try to read more posts later tonight. Have a good evening all!
  • CraftyLiz55
    CraftyLiz55 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. New to this page and I love reading the motivational comments and support you give each other. My name is Liz and I live in San Antonio TX. About to turn 61 in April. Started using MFP in 2014 but really got into it in January 2016. Been going to a Senior Center everyday to workout which usually involves treadmill daily and weights 2X week. Since January have lost 10 pounds; have about 35 more to go. I'm proudly owned by 5 indoor cats who rule my house. Over the years have learned that I'd rather bake than cook--not usually a good thing for weight loss. Struggle with high blood pressure but it's controlled with meds.

    Goals for March:
    Increase treadmill speed from 3.2mph to 3.4mph by 31st
    Add a day for weights at home

    Liz in SA
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Ok my mind is starting to run away with me.. So from the 22nd to the 30th of this month, this will be my schedule...22nd and 23rd have to stay overnight with Faith, do dinner,pills etc...., 24,25thand 26th going to Cape Cod, do you remember my last trip up there? visiting 2 elderly friends in 2 different nursing homes and I left at 12:30 in the morning.. well sort of the same scenario, but taking my nuther mother Doris with me,so we wont be leaving early.. but Doris is 85 and I will be doing the driving back and forth, and to and fro from the nursing homes.. then come home,I will stay overnight here at home the 26th and then up to Faith through the following thursday, no mind you that is between work, and going to feed my DFIL and getting to the gym sometime in there..
    We will make time while at the Cape to hit a few Christmas Tree Shops and the beach, and the birdwatchers general store in Orleans.. but I am getting tired just thinking about it..

    Allie I had to take a nap just reading about your upcoming 'restful YOU time'
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sue I got tired of all of the ads and banners etc (even on MFP - the armor all ads used to open all the time) until someone suggested I use Adblock. Best thing I ever got. No more intruding ads - not no ads but the ones that are still there are not the kind that interfere with your internet usage. Its a free download and I have had no problems.Do you have an anti virus program on your computer?
