The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 1 (DITR)



  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Wedn QOTD: Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    Not really active, other that with the DITR challenge. I may sporadically comment or post a question but sometimes the people on the message boards can be down right rude! I most times interact with my pals and get feedback from them to help me with my goals. My weekly goal is to exercise atleast 3X. I use the exercise tracking device on her to make sure I am keeping it up. I don't have a monthly goal.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hey guys what kinds are things are people talking about in their messages to their buddies? Not sure what to say!

    What you are struggling with, what helps, a bit about your life, why you are on mfp....
    It's difficult at first but you soon get to know eachother.

    I agree, once you get to know each other you have plenty to say about the ups and downs of your day. I talk about anything that I'm proud of (i.e. going for a run or saying no to a certain not-so-healthy food). I also talk about things I'm struggling with or just how my day is going in general.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I started the Diamond Challenge shortly after joining MFP and it has kept me pretty busy, so I haven't been active on many other boards. I love the support that I get from my Diamonds! However, now that this is my 15th week of the challenge it is coming much easier and I have more time to get involved in other groups. I plan to start looking around at some of the short term goal challenges soon.

    For now, I do have little goals that I set for myself. For example, I committed to 30DS for 90 days. Yesterday I committed to being physically active every day this summer. I never drink water (shameful), so I plan to start drinking water this summer though I have not yet set the specific goal for that.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I've done several - I found thatit helps me to have concrete goals and accountability towards meeting them!

    I did a Biggest Loser challenge when I first started on MFP in April and May, but it fell apart at the end. I'm currently also doing a 21 days of exercise in June challenge and 100 miles in June. Also on a half marathon training board.

    Weekly/Monthly - I'm currently training for a half marathon and have the goal of following the training schedule, so 5-6 days of working out - alternating running and cardio with 2 days of strength training. I also have the goal to stay as close to weekly food goals and drinking water every day (I'm actually drinking it but not always logging it, which I need to do better). In addition to MFP, I also use a running app on my phone to help support the running and see progress. There are walkers faster than my run pace right now, but it's good to be able to see concrete evidence that my speed is increasing.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I'm not really active on any other specific challanges or anything on the forums, this is my first one and i am loving it so far! I am quite active on the forums though and often post, and I try and answer quite a few 'Introduce yourself' posts as I remember how much I loved the responses I got on my very first one :o)

    My weekly goal at the moment is to exercise at least 5 times a day, and at least one day at the weekend. I do not have any monthly goals.

    Hope you have a great day everyone!!

  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response to Wed.......... I consider myself pretty active on MFP. I certainly get on it every single day. I encourage many of my personal friends to join and converse with them a lot on this site. As far as mini goals? I challenge myself on many levels. I am about 15 lbs from my goal weight. I should reach it by August. I am really trying to get my LBM where I want it. My trainer told me last night that once I get there I will want to keep going because I have potential to do some professional work in this field. He's right. I always push myself to do more. SO once I get to that goal I am considering working strategically on lean muscle. Who know's? I may be in a bikini contest.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you guys are staying active and happy summer!

    Going to post my question now for tomorrow (Wednesday)

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    Yes.. the late night snacking (LNS) thread to tally the days I do not eat past dinner/8pm
    some weeks I use the 3500 burned thread for motivation to burn a certain amount of calories a week.
    Also, starting this week I'm keeping track on my monthly calendar to run/walk at least 20 miles

    I thought this question might inspire people to try new goals and see what works for others. Small goals help me stay motivated and every bit counts!

    Lets go DITR and have a great Wednesday

    I feel as though I am moderately active in the message boards. If I see something that interests me, I will read it and sometimes give my opinion or thoughts on the subject, and sometimes lead people to articles I have ready. As far as challenges like the Diamond Challenge, I have only tried two and almot gave up. I tried joining a biggest loser challenge, but my partner never replied to my message or added me as a friend. The leader never gave me a new partner or even replied when one of my friends asked if she could be my partner. I am part of another challenge that works out pretty great for me, but it seems as though it is juts me and the girl who started it. This month it is the 10 pound slim down for June. She posts weekly challenges and then also has a weekend challenge, and that has helped me keep some really set goals. I generally look to my group for my weekly challenge, and if it's something fairly easy I'll add to it. This month I have challenged myself to do the C25K program every day instead of just 3 days a week, so long as it's not raining. This week I have challenged myself to do two workouts every day, hopefully adding up to an hour total, since the C25K is a 30 minute thing, I'll try to do something else for another half hour. I am also trying very hard this week to not go over my 1200 calorie goal. I don't eat back my exercise calories because when I did I actually started gaining weight, so it just didn't work for me! I can't wait to see everyone's goals and maybe get some ideas for myself!!! :) Have a great day my fellow Diamonds! DITR are kicking some butt this week, and so are my amazing fellow Pink Diamonds!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up all the amazing work guys! :)
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I am not active in any other MFP message boards right now. I don't really have a specific weekly goal, right now I am trying to lose 25 more lbs by August 17 and I hope to be at my goal weight by sometime between Dec and March of next year. I do have a small goal of doing the 30 Day Shred for 30 days in a row, no matter what. I bought a note book yesterday specifically for keeping track of my weightloss goals.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Wednesday. Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    Nope, I am not active in any other MFP groups, I'm just doing the Diamond Challenge for now. This is my 2nd round and this group has help me stay on track . I do make monthly and weekly goals for myself. I keep my weekly goals in a journal. The long term monthly goals are on my profile page.

    Hope everyone is having a great day:happy:
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Great Accomplishment Kristin
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD Wednesday. Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    no I am only on the diamond challenge right now and am loving it. I have in the past done fab fours and they were great too. I can only do one at a time right now cause of the timeissue for me. my goals weekly are to exercise at least 5 days with strenght traINING MIXED IN. as far as keeping track of them not to good at that either. I;ll have to ask my partnerto help me be accountable to her.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I'm pretty active on the message boards. I've been part of three 30 Day Shred challenges (2 of them were at the same time), though most of the other people fell out of the challenge before finishing. I've been part of a walking challenge each month since March. I also try to offer encouragment and support on other's threads if I can, though, I seldom feel that I have anything good or useful to add.

    I set fitness goals, usually tracked through minutes (see my tickers). I also have a thread called, "Just for Today" that I set daily goals on.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Hey guys what kinds are things are people talking about in their messages to their buddies? Not sure what to say!

    Me n my partner discuss about our plans for the day how the previous day was and just seeing her message makes me happy and eager to read what she has to say
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Hey guys what kinds are things are people talking about in their messages to their buddies? Not sure what to say!

    sorry abt the double post

    Me n my partner discuss about our plans for the day how the previous day was and just seeing her message makes me happy and eager to read what she has to say
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    No, Diamonds is my first and only MFP message board. I started my journey with a group of friends, but they have all stopped checking in so I was going alone until I found Jamaica's group a couple months ago. I have daily calorie goals and weekly exercise goals set-up on MFP. And I have mini weight loss goals. My next one is to be at my pre-pregnancy weight by my son's birthday (never mind that he will be turning 5). :ohwell:
  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    Hey everyone! I hope you guys are staying active and happy summer!

    Going to post my question now for tomorrow (Wednesday)

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    Yes.. the late night snacking (LNS) thread to tally the days I do not eat past dinner/8pm
    some weeks I use the 3500 burned thread for motivation to burn a certain amount of calories a week.
    Also, starting this week I'm keeping track on my monthly calendar to run/walk at least 20 miles

    I thought this question might inspire people to try new goals and see what works for others. Small goals help me stay motivated and every bit counts!

    Lets go DITR and have a great Wednesday

    I actually JUST discovered the LNS thread to help keep me on track. I haven't posted much in it recently, but it was definitely very inspiring. I originally saw DITR on a MFP message board, too, which seems to be working out very well for me so far ;) I don't really have a way of keeping track of it, though, so maybe I'll have to keep an eye on everyone else's answers for some tips!
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I was when I first started on MFP, but almost all of those fell apart. I found DITR a few months ago and it is the only one I'm on. I don't have time for any others!

    Your most beautiful place visited----

    Nasvhille, TN The mountains and beautiful blue skies are wonderful. My hubby is taking me back this year (we try and go every year) for another Titans football game, I can't wait!

    This week has been hectic to say the least. I am usually on this board at least twice a day but I'm teaching Pre-K VBS this week and I have 32 kids in my class. Crazy crazy! Next week will slow down a little I hope.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I'm only active with the Diamonds. I will say something now and then, but nothing regular. I do log in several times a day to check in with my MFPs. They've been amazing!

    I don't have weekly or monthly goals. I have mini-goals, and each 15lbs I lost I get a small reward. As far as a weekly goal, it's just to do better than the day before. I'm still new, so eating healthy and working out is already a huge adjustment for me. (I am working out more in a day than I used to work out in a year. Sad but true!)
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 38 Member
    Wed. QOTD ~ I do not belong to any other MFP groups. I do like to read the posts that people put on the message boards, though. I find the success stories very motivating.
    I try very hard to keep my calories at the right level. I also try to exercise 5 times per week. Next month my exercise goal is going to be to walk 100 miles.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you guys are staying active and happy summer!

    Going to post my question now for tomorrow (Wednesday)

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I am not presently active on any other boards. I have written my goals and keep them near my journal and also i have rewards i have associated with them.
    My ultimate goals are lose 56lbs (be 119lbs), get my hormones under control, fall in love and be a size six. My rewards for this goal are go on a trip abroad, brand (spanking) new wardrobe, and a makeover.
    My monthly goal is to lose 10lbs, run a mile w/o stopping, lose inch around middle, and be more out going. My rewards for these goals are to get a bathing suit that will fit me at my ultimate goal, night out on the town (bar), movies, facial
    My weekly is lose 2lbs, workout 5-6 times a week and no sweets this week. My rewards for the weekly are give myself mani/pedi and get workout music.