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Over 200 New Year New Me Part 49



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks you guys for being so supportive ... both for weightloss and everything else! I felt some relief in just posting that I had messed up by going to the casino last weekend - I don't feel comfortable talking about it with anyone else.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over - but I still consider it a win because I didn't go over by much and had no exercise cals to use
    exercise: none - was a needed day off
    water: good - I think I got my 90oz in
    proud: it was my last nutrition class (there is one more next week but I will miss it) ... I am SO glad I took that class, and that I took it twice .. I am so close to 30 pounds lost since starting to eat differently, I can't wait! Now I have to keep up with eating this way on my own - I think I may sign up to see a nutritionist monthly just to stay accountable. I haven't decided yet.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    My 17 year old DD got her first C... in english (which she hates) for missing 3 assignments. Her response is that she was confused about what they were and if they actually had to be turned in. My response of course was that she should have asked, and did other people know to turn them in ... yes. The final grades have been turned in, but I made her email the teacher and ask if there is anything she can do to still improve her grade. I'm guessing the answer will be no - but I thought she should try. She was very unhappy about doing the email ... but she doesn't seem to care that she got a 'C'. If she had gotten a 'C' because she tried but just didn't do well, I would be more understanding. But this just seems lazy. I think another consequence is that I am going to make her see a writing tutor this summer to help her write her college admission essays. I wanted her to do that anyhow, but now I don't think it will be a choice.
    This is such a hard age.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    My 17 year old DD got her first C...

    Wow our girls must be on the same wavelength. Mine got hers in AP Stats. Bummer what it does to the overall GPA!

    Praying next year in PSEO revives her love of learning.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just got back from the doctor and she is very concerned about my 14 yo upper back. I have been looking at her upper back and asking my husband if it looked right he kept telling me it is just because she is thin. So I mentioned it to the doctor today and when she had Haley take off her shirt and bend over. She said "OH MY what is that?" scared me to death. I asked are you concerned? She said "YES, very that does not look right" so now we have to go in for x-rays on Friday and we will be getting referred over to a specialist in the next couple of weeks. I HATE HATE it when something is wrong with my children. I am one of those mom's who has to choke back tears if they even remotely think something is wrong with my kids. I have never been a cryer. until I had kids, do what you want to me say what you want and I have thick skin. Do something to my kids or have something wrong with them and I cry. Lord help me!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just got back from the doctor and she is very concerned about my 14 yo upper back. I have been looking at her upper back and asking my husband if it looked right he kept telling me it is just because she is thin. So I mentioned it to the doctor today and when she had Haley take off her shirt and bend over. She said "OH MY what is that?" scared me to death. I asked are you concerned? She said "YES, very that does not look right" so now we have to go in for x-rays on Friday and we will be getting referred over to a specialist in the next couple of weeks. I HATE HATE it when something is wrong with my children. I am one of those mom's who has to choke back tears if they even remotely think something is wrong with my kids. I have never been a cryer. until I had kids, do what you want to me say what you want and I have thick skin. Do something to my kids or have something wrong with them and I cry. Lord help me!

    I'm sorry momma24 ... I hope it will all go well, I'll be thinking of you and your daughter.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    My 17 year old DD got her first C...

    Wow our girls must be on the same wavelength. Mine got hers in AP Stats. Bummer what it does to the overall GPA!

    Praying next year in PSEO revives her love of learning.

    I'm glad I'm not alone, my daughter's C was also in an AP class ... so I guess at least they are harder classes and weighted higher, but still ... it is frustrating when you know they could have done better fairly easily.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- I so hope everything turns out alright with your daughter. :flowerforyou:

    I wasn't much of a crier until I got pregnant. Today I cried in Walgreens because they wouldn't let me use my $3.00 Register Rewards coupon on a bag of candy that was $2.99. Hilarious, yes; sad, yes.

    (I wanted them to just adjust the value of the coupon to $2.99 but this particular cashier wouldn't. No other cashier has ever had a problem doing it before but I respected her & went back to find something to buy that was at least $3. I ended up with the same kind & amount of candy but just in 3 boxes instead of 1 bag. Whatever.).
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma - I love your challenge! I'm sorry your daughter has you worried - the good thing is that you brought it to the attention of the doctor and now you'll find out what's up. At 14 there are so many options that aren't there just a few years later :smile:

    Julie - can't wait to see pics of the little one and the little you!

    Chris - if you show up on Fridays and say "Sorry I'm not positing today" it will still make all of our days a little brighter we miss you!

    Me - Where the Heck have I been? I'm a slacker! Actually I've been swamped at work (and loving it).

    lstPaul - I think it's great you feel able to talk about hard stuff here. I know what you mean because I think I can handle stuff all the time then when I can't (cookies at the house) I go through this "WHEN WILL I LEARN" anger/sad stage. I'm trying to learn to avoid the situation rather than "learn to moderate it". IF there are others around I'll risk it but NEVER by myself. If that makes sense?:flowerforyou:

    I went to the doctor yesterday and I have my "final" reconstruction surgery scheduled for July 20! This is where they replace the saline tissue expanders with the permanent silicone implants. I asked for wine, chocolate or EVOO filled implants but I guess no one has realized what a GREAT idea that would be. Maybe chocolate hot fudge Sunday topping for the silicone feel?

    The good news is that I was cleared to work out again! So starting from total wimp lets see how far I can get by 7/20! Then I'll have two weeks of next to nothing, then two weeks of light then I should be healed and allowed to swim and everything! Whoot!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Checking in for Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday -

    Saturday -:grumble:
    Sunday :angry:
    Monday :noway:
    Tuesday :indifferent:

    Calories - OK but I've eaten most of them in chocolate :sick:
    Water - not great
    Exercise - uhm...
    Proud: I'll go home, feed the rest of the cookies to the dogs and chickens, and enjoy some iced tea.

    :heart: you all bunches!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good to see you Melinda!

    check in for Wednesday

    Calories: NOT GOOD:explode:
    water: I honestly don't know if I met this goal for today
    exercise: Not a lick

    Proud: I honestly do not feel so proud today. But let me try to think of something... I know have no plans of quitting this is going to happen for me. I am proud that I am still here.

    I read an article today on weight loss and it just talked about the negative talk we talk to ourselves. Like I can't do that everyday It said to make a list of things that you do everyday without fail. like going to work, or kissing your mate goodbye and so forth. We do it because we find value in it and it is worth it to us. Our thinking has to change to eating right today is worth it to me. It is worth the effort. The outcome is worth all the effort and start thinking a long those lines. I am not sure that I explained it as well as the article but I don't have several pages to explain it all. I hope you got the gist
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - glad to hear you can work out again and you have yoru final date

    momma - Sorry about your daughter , i am in tears when they give my girls shots, the day serena busted her head open i couldn't even be in the room i was just a mess.

    Check in for the last two days
    cals - over
    exercices - 55 min
    water - maybe 1 cup not good

    today -
    Cals - under i am like way under i keep eating and still under 1200 net today
    Exercise - 50 min
    water - nada
    Proud - That i have been teetering with being on and off, but i am still here and determined to do it.

    I have found my favorite new food. I was talking to some people about trying to replace some of my foods with a little less processed food, and one of my friends gave me lots of suggestions , but with being such a picky eater that i am i was not sure. There is this peanut butter you make at the store, like the coffe grinder, it is a honey roasted peanut butter OMG it is like crack !!! It is just hte peanuts ground up pretty much, less cals by a little bit thatn my normal jiffy but it is freaking good. I tried one of the jar nautral ones before and i just couldn't do it much. But this stuff is awesome, we went and bought more tonight.
  • jandagar
    jandagar Posts: 3 Member
    Checking in for the past week-- I don't get on a computer much, and the iPhone app doesn't have communities... I will try to check in with you ladies more often! I know it helps when I do!!!

    Thursday, June 16th
    Went waaaayyyyyy over on calories and didn't record any water. Was a stressful week, and gave into temptation BIG TIME!

    Friday, June 17th
    Had a decent day of food, exercised through cleaning at the church for three hours (mainly vacuuming), and ended up with lots of extra calories on the board. No recorded water.

    Saturday, June 18th
    Some exercise, but ate the spare calories plus a little. Drank 10 glasses of water.

    Sunday, June 19th
    Had a great food day, but no recorded water.

    Monday, June 20th
    Over on food and no exercise. Monday nights we eat supper at my grandmother's, and she cooked chicken and dressing. Could not quit eating it, it tasted soooo good.

    Tuesday, June 21st
    Did really well until supper. Cooked what my husband wanted to eat, eat supper, then went back to the cupboard to what I originally wanted. So disgusted. Would have been better to fix my meal separate! No exercise, no recorded water.

    Wednesday, June 22nd
    Did great today! Had extra calories on the board early tonight, and was able to go to Dairy Queen and get a hot fudge sundae with my husband! Still no water or exercise.

    I will attempt to eat within my calories, and go to my scheduled exercise session at the gym. I will drink at least 4 cups of water.

    Momma, I am up for the challenge, and will be back Friday night to check in and determine my goals for the next week.

    Julie, congratulations, and we will pray for you and your baby during delivery!

    I pray that you are all having a peaceful and successful week. Talk with you soon!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Great check-ins ladies!! Good stuff!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over. 1997. Melinda - done in by wine and cheese - I know you feel that!
    Water - GREAT!! 96 oz
    Exercise - Nada. Had planned on going running outside with a friend, but it was raining. So instead we had wine and cheese (a natural trade!)
    Proud - Had a good day at work :-)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning/afternoon, ladies!

    Sherry: My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope everything is okay with your daughter. I don't have kids but I cry (or sob) whenever I think something is wrong with one of my animals. It's awful and proof that I should probably never have kids...I'd be a wreck ALL the time.

    Melinda: Yay for having clearance to work out again and for having the date scheduled for your final reconstruction. Woo hoo!

    Angela: Glad you checked in. I was hoping you were still around!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Slightly over
    Water: 9 glasses
    Exercise: Volunteer work - holding back and overly excited horse for 40 minutes had to count for something!
    Proud: I asked other horse owners for their advice on training a horse to load into a small trailer. I tend to usually research on my own or try various methods and hate asking for help. This is a big step for me and I'm going to try all of the tricks suggested!

    Have a great day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Also wanted to remind you all that tomorrow we start with our goals posting the ultimate goal to be met in July and then our weekly goals. I am going to repost mine tomorrow just to feel a bit more official.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: I think good but I didn't keep close enough track
    proud: I'm still working hard on weightloss

    momma24: I think you hit the nail on the head with your comments about making this an priority for every day. A good friend and I have often talked about how hard it is to know why sometimes we are in the 'groove' for healthy eating and sometimes we just can't seem to find the motivation, and I think it is completely making it a priority every, single day. And of course we can't be perfect, but if it is a priority then getting back on track is all that much easier.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I've really thought about my goals and think I have both a good weight goal and a good non-weight goal for the month.

    Off to Zumba now, but will be back to check in and reply to everyone!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies, I got in touch with Ann's cousin who is a fellow mfp'er and she says that Ann is doing great and losing weight just now coming onto mfp much. I asked her to let Ann know that we miss her.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    It is me again. I was also thinking would should start a new thread tomorrow so that we can have a new thread with our new goals. I guess I am thinking a new fresh thread with new fresh goals. Just a thought.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Love the idea of a new thread Sherry!

    ANOTHER hot yoga class for me tonight...on fire!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    It is me again. I was also thinking would should start a new thread tomorrow so that we can have a new thread with our new goals. I guess I am thinking a new fresh thread with new fresh goals. Just a thought.

    I just realized I said "would should" and I meant to say "we should" I am always ahead of myself.:laugh: :laugh: