Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    It is sooooo tough to stay on track sometimes!
    I got on the scale this morning, and it did not say what I wanted it to. Ive had a great week food/exercise wise and I am exactly the same weight as last Friday. GRRR
    So then i started my day crabby which lead to an argument with not only my 13 yr old daughter, but then my Husband. today, I just would like to throw the towel in.
    Beer and nachos fix everything, right???

    Jen... I am right there with you! Damn treat day at work yesterday and I am not looking pretty. Happy Scale was not Happy this morning! =( I was pissy and frustrated as well! Trying to do better today but just irritated as you work so hard to take off and it's so easy to put back on! It should be the same both ways! Not going to lie.. I will have some beer tonight but I'm going to try not to be too bad... I think I'll offer to drive then I know I'll be good!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    This one is for you Gill!!! You are a sexy beast!! :)

    Love it Joy! Gill is doing amazing!!! You guys turn my frown upside down!! ;)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Blimey, maybe Joy & Jen should move in together today. They can drink beer and eat nacho's and not be cranky with each other. lol

    Add me in!! I'll join with the Beer & Chocolate... eww sounds bad... but oh so good!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    @bluepoppies777 - Love it, and you are on! 1.0 LB by next Thursday!!

    I'm in!!! Let's do this girls!!!!
  • MarianneH
    MarianneH Posts: 1 Member
    I was on this site for a while too, and I was successful at first but then I got very tired of tracking and stopped. That's one of my problems, I don't like tracking even though I know it's one of the best ways to get control of my eating habits back. I'm back to this program again because I recently put on 25lbs and have been trying with effort to loose it since Thanksgiving. I started with Weight Watcher and lost 13lbs by Christmas, but plateaued since they changed to the new smart points system, for some reason that's just not working for me and it was stressing me out...I'm very shy about my weight struggles and get discouraged easily so I'm hoping that by having conversations with people and being upfront with my struggles, setbacks and successes it will motivate me to keep trying no matter how sick of tracking I get; or how badly I don't want to workout; or how badly I want that bag of potato chips. My goal is to not only track my food intake, but to share with you how I'm feeling.

    I've been very frustrated since Christmas because I have lost an once even though I've been tracking. It's time for a new tactic...talking to people! Please help me stay encouraged.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Thank you all so much for your kind words. It has all happened with the help and support that each and everyone of you has given. This group is definitely the place to be. YOU GUYS ROCK :)
    Im also with you for the 1lb loss by next week :) I need to keep focused as the next few pounds may be the hardest to lose yet.

    @MarianneH welcome. You have definitely landed in the right place. Post often and we will all support you the best we can :)
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    This group rocks. I have decided i will go for a run when I get home, and if i go 3 miles, then I can have two beers without guilt

    Now this is my kind off motivation, running = alcohol! Lol
  • SamPhillips09
    SamPhillips09 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I've recently just started using my MFP but could definitely use some motivation! I'm 28, and live on the Orkney Islands at the top of Scotland. There are plenty of outdoor spaces for me to take the kids but sometimes I end up in a bit of a rut :( I am aiming to lose between 40-50 lbs :)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Walked uphill on the dreadmill yesterday. Today my shins are super tight. Anyone have any suggestions? Tomorrow is weigh in day. I am a little worried after last week and the TOM weight gain every time I stepped on the scale. Happy Scale better work its magic.

    So my dad took my girls to Carrabba's Italian Grill last night for Jenna's 18th birthday. They brought me home a salad with grilled shrimp & scallops for lunch today. It looks good, but not what I would have chosen if I would have been there. So I guess it best that I didn't go. :o The also brought home a piece of their chocolate cake. If you have never had it let me tell you it is the best flippin chocolate cake I have ever had. I took 2 bites and it was enough (not even close to enough) but that is all I ate. I sure hope someone eats the rest before I get home from work. :# If not it will be a little >:) calling my name.

    Hope everyone has a good day. :)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Nichole @ngolden3320 Happy Friday, well done on only having 2 bites :) im not sure i could do that. For tight muscles I would normally go for a slow walk trying to take longer steps than normal to stretch the muscles out or if you can not get out to walk sit with your legs straight and flex your feet up and down slowly making sure you feel the stretch. hope that helps :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Jen - Basically MFP has already worked a deficit of calories into your daily goal, ...2000 calories a day on any normal given day doing your usual stuff, this is called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, your TDEE, this is also your 'maintenance' figure. need to eat 1500 calories a day, 500 calorie deficit. So when you exercise say you burn an extra 500 calories, your deficit has now gone down to 1000, because you've got the MFP daily deficit of 500 already worked into your daily calorie goal, and your exercise deficit of 500. ... you HAVE to eat back your exercise calories because MFP has already given you a deficit, and if you don't eat them back you've got too much of a deficit going on, but then there are those who find if they do eat them back the weight doesn't shift. ..It's up to you basically. ... Does that make sense? .. :smile:

    @CariTJR - This was awesome!! I never took into account MFP already giving you a deficit for your TDEE!! Totally makes sense!
    Jen, in the beginning I ate back all of my exercise calories, and I lost. But now that I am more active, and I've lost 30, it is becoming harder to make that scale go down. So now I am trying not to eat my exercise cals back. So it is up to you, you just have to go with what your body is doing!

    @bluepoppies777 - I think i will do that same. Eat back some if I'm hungry.
    CariTJR wrote: »
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    This group rocks. I have decided i will go for a run when I get home, and if i go 3 miles, then I can have two beers without guilt

    Now this is my kind off motivation, running = alcohol! Lol

    You gurlz are AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE this.... I did the same thing except I walked last night after work b/c i wanted to have a green beer with my friends! But i made myself walk first - before dinner...before beer - One Must Walk! :D
  • uoflgirl89
    uoflgirl89 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2016
    so got on the scale this morning and I am down 1.6 lbs, but I wonder if I am down a little more since its the TOM.. I noticed I carry water weight especially towards the end and for about 3 days after. So who knows, we will see next Friday. So I've had a rough week and was terrified there would be no loss this week, but low and behold I did. Maybe those after dinner walks have paid off. Made me feel a little better after all the crazy this week. Hope everyone has an awesome Friday and a great weekend.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Woo hoo! It's Friday!!! :) I was reading all that talk about the running apps and I am intrigued now. I have been trying to run a little bit when I do my walks and it seems to be getting better each time I do it. But I am only up to being able to run about 1 minute at a time. But that is better than nothing-and its progress! Maybe I will have to check out one of those apps.

    Gill-Awesome progress pic! Way to go!

    Jen (@jkhoffe) - Hope your day started off a bit better today. It's usually margaritas and nachos for me! But the wine and chocolate sounds good too! Running=Beers! That's a great way to do it!

    Shy-you are right. It is so easy to put the weight back on. It seems like you can work so hard for days or weeks even to lose one pound. But one bad meal and the scale can go back up 3 pounds overnight! I know it is usually just water weight, but it can be discouraging just seeing those numbers. But we just have to keep going! The numbers will go down!

    Marianne & Sam - Welcome! You are in the right place!

    Nichole - Great job on only two bites! I probably would have started off with two bites. But I would have come back for two more, and then two more... until it was gone and I was kicking myself! Great willpower! If it is still there when you get home - go for two more bites! A nice treat for a few days if you can make it last!

    I am excited - the scale wend down another 1.1 lbs this morning. But here comes the weekend again. I am going to try to do my best to keep those numbers down! I made it below the 210 mark, and I want to stay there now! No going back! On a side note - I did have two people ask me yesterday if I was losing weight! Finally people are noticing! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome Newcomers!

    Jen @jkhoffe How did the run go? Running for beers is my mantra too ;)

    Nichole @ngolden3320 Do you have access to a foam roller? I had awful shin splints at the beginning of my marathon training and the myofascial release with the foam roller really helped. I am impressed that you only stopped at 2 bites. Knowing me, that slice would have been devoured!

    Jen @ChangeIsADecision Good job putting health first! (and the wonderful beer that follows)

    Amber @uoflgirl89 and Dana @danan01 CONGRATS on your losses!!! That's great news!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jake and I went to an amazing concert last night. They had artists on stage painting to the music which made it a really cool experience! I had more alcohol than I was planning, but for Paddy's Day it could have been A LOT worse! My body clock had me up at 6:15 am this morning so I'm hoping I don't hit a wall around noon. The Wellness Committee is hosting a pound class (You use weighted drumsticks and incorporate them into a beat driven dance music class). I'm excited to see how it goes!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    This is me this week! EATING!!!! Happy Meme Friday everyone! Hopefully all of you who celebrated St. Paddy's Day aren't feeling too under the weather. haha! I did have a beer with dinner last night, but that was it! I think I'm too old to celebrate that holiday anymore... ha!
    Let's all try our damnedest (sp? LOL!) to stick with our calories this weekend!!! Happy Friday !
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Joy @bluepoppies777 I just love your Meme's where do you find them. They fake me smile.

    Rachel @Rachel0778 yes I do have access to a foam roller. I can get one from work. The concert you went to last night sounds awesome.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Happy Meme Friday!!!