The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 1 (DITR)



  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I have always been involved in amateur dramatics and I have found that a lot of times I have not been successful in auditions because of my size. An example of this was when I auditioned for Return to the Forbidden Planet where I was told I did a brilliant audition and was better than many of the experienced dancers but did not get in because the guys on the panel said no one wants to watch a fat girl dance.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I only recently started struggling with my weight. I mean, I always wanted to lose a few vanity pounds but nothing considerable. Then, in the past two years my vanity pounds ballooned into overweight pounds and I started to feel self conscious about everything. Although being overweight has not hindered any one particular achievement, it has stopped me from being as social and confident in all aspects of my life. I am confident that there are opportunities I have missed because I didn't want to meet up with old friends (who had never seen me overweight), go to social functions, or spend a day at the beach.

    I vow to reach my goal and stay there because I don't want to miss out on life.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I wasn;t able to do a Sky Dive once, because I was too heavy for their max limit - that was a depressive moment :-(
    I also spent a holiday in Spain with my best friend covered up - she kept asking me why I was walking around with a jacket on during a heat wave.... I was just too self concious to take it off!!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - active in other mfp boards?

    I have one other challenge I started way back when I joined mfp - it's the 20 in 20 (20 lbs in 20 weeks). I'm also on a couple of other threads - one for short people :) and one for menopause (oh yeah, I just put that out there). My mini-goals - to average 1 lb loss per week, train for a 10 miler (following the 1/2 marathon training plan), and drink all my water. That last one gets me :( I am totally going to try the LNS thread that was mentioned here.

    QOTD Thursday - has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I wouldn't say "achieving," but it has stopped me from going swimming, wearing the clothes I wanted to wear, things of that nature.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I have always been involved in amateur dramatics and I have found that a lot of times I have not been successful in auditions because of my size. An example of this was when I auditioned for Return to the Forbidden Planet where I was told I did a brilliant audition and was better than many of the experienced dancers but did not get in because the guys on the panel said no one wants to watch a fat girl dance.

    My weight has made me insecure about my self and i would start to think that i couldn't do stuff that i really enjoyed. i would always think how could a guy like this fat ugly girl.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Well it has definitely stopped me from achieving total self confidence. My weight had never been a problem until after my second child. I had always been use to eating what I wanted and remaining slim. I could wear whatever I wanted. It was a big blow to my confidence level!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Wednesday: Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I randomly check out the message boards but I'm not actively involved with any others. My weekly goals include: drinking at least 80oz of water 6 days a week, working out 5 days a week, and staying under my calories 6 days a week. I track it all on MFP. I love that I can log my water intake, calories consumed, and exercise all in one convenient place!!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I don't think it has stopped me from achieveing anything per se. But my post-baby weight gain has effected my self-confidence and stopped me from wearing the clothes that I want to wear.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Thursday - has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    In terms of career and educational achievements, no. But has impacted my ability to achieve some of the physical things I have wanted to do. Never given up, but our last vacation where we hiked, I really had to pace myself to get up any steep trails and found myself getting more sedentary and losing interest in active things I've loved in the past like biking. And of course wearing cute clothes. I have rarely gone swimming due to self consciousness about wearing a bathing suit too!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Wednesday: Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I read some of the other message boards, sometimes commenting. I love reading other peoples achievements, they are so inspirational and make me realize that these things are possible! My weekly goals are to lose 2lb/wk and to exercise atleast 3x a week. I don't really have a monthly goal, but I do have a goal to be at 230lbs by October 10th (which is 18lbs from where I am currently.)

    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Like many others, it has stopped me from being social and going out with all my "skinny" friends. I have always felt like the fat friend tagalong! But with this challenge I am going to change that!!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?.

    It has made me more anxious in social situations, and I have even avoided some. I have turned down two pool party invitations because I don't want to be in a swimsuit in front of my sons' friends' parents.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    My weight has not ever really stopped me from achieving anything, but it has prevented me from doing a lot of fun things like sky diving and zip lining. I can't ride the rides at amusement parks or sit comfortably in some chairs at theaters. It has caused me to be self conscious and to have lower self-esteem. I get more and more excited about losing, b/c everyday I feel better about myself and healthier.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    My weight has kept me from being comfortable with myself. Even when I was a slim size 4, I was surrounded my size 00s. I never felt good about myself because even when I was thin, I was the fat girl.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Mostly my weight keeps me from being comfortable in my own skin. On the other hand, after 4 babies, my own skin makes me uncomfortable in my own skin.:wink:
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    my weight sometimes stops me from really feeling sexy with my husband even though he never complains or says anything negative to me . It's me I feel unattractive. also with being more out going like dancing or standing up in front of a group of people I do it but I feel like I shouldn't be doing it cause I'm fat.

    writing this down is therapudic cause it is wrong to think those self degrading thoughts about myself . I don't think that about other people who are heavy .
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    AS everyone else i think self confidence. Some of my friends ask me to post fotos in FB and i feel insecure as i have gained alot
    But now may be in a month or so i will post my new pictures n they should say u look the same :wink:

    Diamonds we can do this and have a great day
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I am not really active on any other MFP board. I sometimes read the boards when something catches my eye....My goals are listed on my profile page and my signature - that's the only way I keep track of them.
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Well, this question took me a while to think about. My weight has stopped me from achieving happiness with myself and feeling good about myself. I have been on a diet since I was about 10. My nickname at home was "fats"....yes, I actually answered to it. My weight has been one of my biggest issues, and my biggest barrier to a good self-image. Learning to love oneself is a long, bumpy road.....
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    I have not attended some reunions and get-togethers with high school and college friends, because I am so much heavier than I used to be. That won't happen again.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    Yes, I would say my confidence has not really been as high as it use to be. I've always been overweight but when I was a 16/18 I had way more confidence than when I was a size 24. When I was really heavy I so depressed that all I wanted to do was rush home, hide and eat. Now I'm more confident to go out and socialize. Which is very important part of NY living.
  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    Thurs QOTD: Has your weight stopped you from achieving anything?

    I have always been involved in amateur dramatics and I have found that a lot of times I have not been successful in auditions because of my size. An example of this was when I auditioned for Return to the Forbidden Planet where I was told I did a brilliant audition and was better than many of the experienced dancers but did not get in because the guys on the panel said no one wants to watch a fat girl dance.

    Oh gosh, um... maybe?? I'm not sure, haha. Certainly it's stopped me from pursuing more physical activities because I didn't think I could do it. I've always been interested in sports and martial arts and stuff but I don't want to be the "fat girl" in the class. I'm totally going to kick that lack of self-confidence in the butt this year, though! Go Diamonds :)