

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Margaret gorgeous flowers - can't wait for everyone's gardens to show like that along the streets.

    Allie you're right that was a Maxine cartoon. I couldn't remember the name the other day.

    Meg I hope you get relief for your back and hips soon - muscle spasms are so painful and debilitating

    Anne I love seeing you on here and am proud of how far you have come!

    Pip wonderful news about Kirby!

    I am so far behind again - needed to just get away from the computer for awhile. One of my granddaughters is visiting for a couple of days. I haven't seen her or her sisters for well over a year (they live near Portland, OR) and my has she grown - she must be at least 5'10" or taller - and she is only going to be 14 in June. There are 3 girls also my son's children and the boys' sisters (not same mom though).

    So much has gone on since I took a break but I cannot respond to all. Know though that you are all in my thoughts daily and grieve with those who are grieving, say prayers for those who are hurting, and celebrate with those who are celebrating.

    Love to all,

    Gloria in WA where the weather has been delightful and the kids have been OUTSIDE!!! heading-a-football-smiley-emoticon.gif

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Horrible windy night. Power off for a bit. Internet down so I'm on my phone data. Have read all.
    Speak later.
    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    morning ladies
    I was a slug yesterday and didnt do a darn thing.ate a bunch of junk but today is a new day... was up bfefore the alarm at 3:15 am,
    Jean is my SIL or at least I call her that ,she is marrying my brother on July 17th anyway..she id down visitng my brother who will complete90 days mid April so then he will be home.. I am staying with Jeans mom Faith.
    I go up after work, get her evening pills and make her dinner and then i usually go lie down and am asleep by 7, and get up at 3.i get up and go to the gym..
    I was there at 4 am when they opened, did the machines and 10,000 steps on the tradmill
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning! Happy Monday! Up a little earlier than normal (4am) and out for a walk by 4:30. Only 2 miles; I am trying to keep my walks short for a while to stave off the foot problems. No more back to back 5 milers, no matter how beautiful the day is... Got in my "five for one" work out. Today I chose: Superman pose- one minute hold, dead bug- one minute hold, bridge- one minute hold with twenty second pulse, plyo squats- one minute, and lateral lunges- one minute. Plank for two and a half minutes. My 5:30 kiddo arrived on time, ate some breakfast and is now sleeping on the couch!

    Yesterday was pretty quiet. DH started on a new (to him) drug for his RA and he developed flu like symptoms. We called the doc and he didn't seem super concerned; just told us to keep an eye on the symptoms and if they get worse to have him go in to the doc today. He is taking Methotrexate. Any one have any knowledge or experience with this one? He is also on prednisone (steroid). DYS had to work from 9:00-6:00, off to work he went in a blue stripe dress shirt and a pink bow tie (that I had to tie for him-thank God for youtube videos). He's going to look like an easter egg once he gets his orange apron on (yes, he works at home depot). He did the Easter dinner grilling when he got home, as he promised and dinner turned out great! Tilapia, shrimp, chicken breasts (for non-seafood eating dad), potatoes, corn, cabbage, red onion, portabellos, cauliflower, and pineapple. All I had to do is slip marinades on stuff and bake a pie! This was the first major cooking son has done (age 22). He enjoyed himself and plans to cook at least one dinner a week! Yea for me! One night of not cooking!

    Pip - love the new bike! Looks like you and Kirby had a great day!
    Carol- Hats off to you and your "adventures in datingland". Being married has truly been the hardest relationship I have ever had and I am not sure I would even want to jump into the dating pond, if the need ever arose in my life.
    Heather - I hear you on the gardening. You do whatever and however much you want. It is funny how we can get all excited about gardening, spring, or other projects; then due to other things going on in life, our energy to do some things just gets zapped. You are absolutely correct in thinking "one year off won't kill you...".
    Penny- Good to see you back! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Welcome new ladies! Sending love and hugs to all who need them! Special big hug for you Anne, holidays and sometimes normal days in an empty nest are hard. Sounds like you made it through with out sabotaging your health choices. If we lived closer, you would have been more than welcome at my house!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    edited March 2016
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

    Another beautiful day !!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    fabatr50 wrote: »
    Hi. I am 53 and I would really like to join this group. I have been on and off MFP for a few years. But I am only just starting to use the social side of it. Ready other people's success and strugles reminds me that I am not alone and not a complete failure when I don't succeed. I am 5'5" and weigh 11st 2lbs. I would like to weight 10st for July 2016. And assess if I want to@ reduce to 9st 7lbs (my recommended weight). It is nearly the end of March now but my goals are
    Log everything I eat and drink
    3 cups of green tea a day
    Zumba one weekly until end of April then I can go twice a week.
    Make healthier choices, and prepare my lunches.
    Thai chi once weekly.
    Hope you will have me

    Helen UK

    welcome.gif We are delighted to have you join us....you are part of this community just by posting. Many of us keep the same goals and resolutions for several months so if you just made your plan, you can keep it for April. We'll start a new thread for April to give everyone the feeling of a "clean slate".

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Horrible storms last night. Our dog, Pokey was a mess. Of course she will sleep it off all day as we humans go about our business.

    Busy week for my husband. Skype interview with Radford University today, phone interview with Ohio Northern University tomorrow and he has an on campus interview at Virginia Commonwealth University on Thursday. That's the one we want as we have family living in Richmond and our daughter is moving there in a few months.


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Does anybody know how to add a recipe (when it will not give you choice of ingredients or amounts)? For cream cheese pecan pie. If I attempt to edit ingredients if gives me 'odd' choices (and then removes the correct amount or entire changed ingredient. I only ate 3 Tablespoons of pie and trying to post it.

    Boy, do I have a lot of posts from page 74.

    I had the absolutely BEST Easter Weekend. <3<3<3 I thought I had 'finally' won the Publishing Clearing House prize; but, I got an even better surprise! o:) My DYS, DDnL#2, and DGD#4 'surprised' me. :D Drove all the way 'home' to visit for the weekend. DGD#4 came to the door with 10 helium balloons (I could not see her). She had brought a note which said, "If you had one Easter gift how would you answer; answer card before you see me" <3 . I thought it was DGD#3, because the older 2 were already inside. I made a couple of 'guesses' then she raised the balloons and I screamed with joy, DDnL#2 filmed it and said "Hi"! DYS had walked down to DOS's house to tell him "Hi" and surprised him :o ; he was on phone looking out window and saw his younger brother walking across the yard. It was so nice to have ALL of my children 'home' for the holiday. ;) All 5 of us girls went to see the movie "Miracle in Heaven". If you have not seen the movie - you need to see it (based on a true story). o:)

    They left this morning at 4:00am. I cried last night because I was so 'thankful' that my DYS thought up this idea and drove almost 9 hours (for the weekend). DH and I were talking to the 2 older DGDs and DOGD asked DH to close the blinds because the bright light was giving her a headache. Then she 'texted' DDnL#2 that 'the blinds were closed so we would not see them driving down the driveway.

    I'll read all 120 posts and might not post much! I was not on computer for much, had a reason that was way too important!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    Broadband still off. :'( Don't know if it's our modem or the storm. Next door neighbour is mending the fence that blew over. DH has been fixing a raised bed and we have a climber blown off the wall next to the front door. Think our modem has had it, honestly.
    We are in London tomorrow so will be able to use my son's for the week.
    My cancer friend cancelled on me again. :'( I was going to see her while I was up. Nothing I can do, but I feel very sorry.
    Love Heather UK
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    CJ - Love love love the new garden gloves!

    Becca - Congratulations on getting through driving training with your relationship intact! When I was a kid my dad and his friend "swapped wives" to teach the moms how to drive a ski boat. They all said it was better that way...

    We had a nice weekend although the foster dog is going to try my patience. She's very sweet, but she has a lot to learn! Saturday an old college friend was in town and took my flying in his small plane - it was fun to see our town from up high. Philip's mother is having knee replacement this Wednesday and they won't say it but I think they're both pretty nervous so we spent Easter Sunday with them and will go sit at the hospital with him Wednesday morning. I'm feeling pretty good lately, which is nice since I still haven't gotten to the doctor to talk about that antidepressant. Starting to think thatif I stay active and keep getting out in the nice spring weather I may be able to avoid medication this time around.

    Have a great week, all of you! You are amazing women and whatever challenges you have, I know you can get past them!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2016
    DJ: I hope the handyman has shown up by now and that you're getting the things done that you hoped would be done. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I've been wondering whether our worry for Mary may have been upsetting. I hope not. I look forward to hearing fro her in August. :heart:

    Pip: I'm happy you like the new bike. It sounds wonderful! :bigsmile:

    conniehealth: I agree with your comments to Suzy. 1-2 pounds a week is a sensible, healthy and achievable goal. In my case I averaged 1-2 pounds a week, but there were MANY plateaus when I didn't lose at all. :smiley:

    Joyce: Congrats to your daughter for her 500 mile badge. :flowerforyou:

    Calefor & Helen UK: I keep on logging though I reached my goal long ago because logging every bite and swalow keeps me on track. I've gained and lost before. I want this change to be permanent & I know I'll always need to work on good choices. :heart:

    Gloria: It is so good to see you post again! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Heather: I hope your power is already restored! :flowerforyou:

    Lenora: Congratulations on your wonderful Easter surprise. :smiley:

    Yoga today is with my least favorite instructor. I need to go so that I can maintain good habits. She is a nice person but is not really into yoga & she treats each move like it was calisthenics. Instead of holding a position correctly, we are asked to repeat it several times. It gets blood flowing and is better than no exercise at all but it sure doesn't feel like yoga to me. The boat mechanic is also scheduled for today to work on our sailboat. He should be here already.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • debbiesteinman
    debbiesteinman Posts: 55 Member
    Hi 50+ group. I am 60 and still trying to lose the last 20 pounds after quitting smoking. For over a year I worked out with a trainer and lost 22 pounds but these last 20 are so tough. Diet is the key to weight loss. 80% diet 20% exercise and weight lifting. I have regained the muscle mass but reducing and staying daily at 1200 calories is so tough. I have great intentions till about 4pm then boom it just becomes too easy to nibble. So I have told my husband to eat his treats elsewhere as they just cannot be within my eyesight. At 60 my metabolism is so lax no matter how many weights I lift. I do long distance walks 8-12K and do cardio machines 3x/wk and weights 3x/wk. still the weight stays the same. I lose if I go under 1000 calories or do intermittent fasting - doing 500 calories twice a week but I lose interest and boom back to my normal eating and the weight just stays the same. I guess I just need to get motivation from all of you as I just can't seem to stay fully engaged in this whole weight loss process.
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Giving it a whirl again. Came back in Dec and read a post by a lady (unfamiliar to me in this group) that threw me for a loop (claiming untrue things about my religion), didn't know how to respond, so I didn't (say something nice or don't say anything, you know :) ) Hoping everyone is okay! Missed you all, but have eaten a truckload, indicative of my stress levels. Heavier than when I started a year ago. But today is a new day. Onward and upward.
    Selena, was in Alberta yesterday, Utah today
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Welcome to new ladies and returning ones!
    Carol, my DD1 thought she had mono recently but it turned out to be another type of long unidentified virus. Hope your daughter feels better soon.
    Lenora, sounds like a wonderful weekend!
    I ate WAY over yesterday but did go on a long walk. Have to get back in the proverbial saddle...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    Does anybody know how to add a recipe (when it will not give you choice of ingredients or amounts)? For cream cheese pecan pie. If I attempt to edit ingredients if gives me 'odd' choices (and then removes the correct amount or entire changed ingredient. I only ate 3 Tablespoons of pie and trying to post it.


    :) When I enter a recipe, I use the "old recipe calculator"....located on the right side of the recipe page..it works for me.

  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    Hello All, have done little to nothing today, was very tired from the trip, I suppose. One of the reasons my DH decided on a trip over Easter Weekend is because our family is very extended, and the four kids feel stressed on the holidays from attending multiple festivities. We are lucky enough to see our 2 of our grandbabies most every weekend for Sunday dinners. I am attaching a pic of two of the little ladies, Jazlynn and Ariel, in their Easter dresses.
    I am dealing with a sad, stressful situation today. Problems in my children's lives which I don't want to go into detail about at this time, but thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.