30DS Started TODAY 6/23- Join if/when you want.

Hello Everyone,

I will be starting the 30 Day Shred today 6/23. I did one week back in April (two separate times) and one week in May and failed miserably :grumble: . This is my third round and I am determined to finish it this time!! :happy:

If anyone wants to join me on this journey let me know I would love the support and swift kick in the bum.:wink:

I will do each level for 10 days, no breaks, that’s the plan anyway… If I do need to take a break I WILL start back up again!! I mark the 30DS as “circuit training, general” for 20 mins- I do not include the warm-up or cool down only the actual “workout” time.

You can post your starting stats if you want but this is not about numbers this is about getting in shape and getting moving. At the end of the 30 days I will post the total inches (in each area) I lost in addition to total weight lost.

We can check in on this thread daily, weekly, or at the end of the month… or whenever you need support and please add me as a friend too :flowerforyou:

This time I WILL show Jillian who's boss


  • Yay! I got 30DS in the mail today. I'm a little worried because I haven't been cleared to do Ab work yet but, I guess I'll do jumping jacks or something through those sections. I'm in!
    SW: 216.75lbs
    GW after 30 Days: 200lbs
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Awesome, Well dont push yourself if you think you might get hurt, that would be no bueno :frown:
  • Trezzy
    Trezzy Posts: 52 Member
    Well since I told someone else I was starting last week! Today is the day, FOR SURE!!! I'll be using my HRM.
    CW: 216
    GW (at the end of 30 days): 206...more would be great.

    I'll take measurements tonight and do them after each 10 day level.

    This will be fun guys! Hopefully we can walk tomorrow
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Me too!

    30DS is not really known here in the UK, but I saw you all talking about it, ordered it, and started today. I'm using my HRM too!

    CW: 126
    GW: 120 (but have been stuck at 126 for ages, so not at all sure if this is possible)
  • thaismoreira
    thaismoreira Posts: 37 Member
    I bought the DVD but never put it on.
    I do want to try it. I am on for it!!!!!
  • pinkiekat
    pinkiekat Posts: 39
    I tried to start 30ds a couple times as well. Once did it 2 days in a row, and another 3 days in a row. I'm in to see if I can complete it. whoot whoot!! I could tell a difference in my stanima just from the little bit I did before, so I know this will be good for me. :bigsmile:
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Yes- I am so excited to have you guys starting with me!!! We can totally do this!!!! I have started and failed but this time WILL be different!!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)

  • I'm definitely in! I already started yesterday, and completed Day 2 Level 1 today. If it gives anyone hope, Day 2 wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be despite the soreness, lol. My plan is to complete a full 30 day cycle with a day-long break once a week. I have my before pics all ready and can't wait to see the afters!! Let's kick *kitten* ladies! :drinker:
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I saw the video online so I might start it today or tomorrow -- basically as soon as I buy the weights. Is level 1 the same workout for every day, or are there variations?
  • pinkchrome
    pinkchrome Posts: 14 Member
    I am supposed to be starting it tonight!
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    I started today to woohoo!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    I saw the video online so I might start it today or tomorrow -- basically as soon as I buy the weights. Is level 1 the same workout for every day, or are there variations?

    Use can veggies until you have weights :)
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    FYI- I decided that I will be taking Fridays as my Rest day... as I am doing other workouts and Kickboxing, i need to be sure to let my body rest... This means that I will be done with the 30DS on 7/27...
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I started the shred again today and was hoping for a group to keep me accountable. I want to join in. I did the shred for 30 days starting in late January and it really kicked my *kitten*. I got some good results from it inch-wise, but the best thing was just the sticking with it-that really boosted my confidence. I did it in 30 days. If I missed a day I did it twice the next day. I PLAN to do it again for 30 days straight, but we shall see. I wear my HRM and today was 30 minutes 178 calories burned for me. Others would certainly get a different result. The best thing I can say is that I didn't cry today while doing it = victory!
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in for round 2!! Just finished up the first round (missed a few days here and there) and lost over 13". I found I did a lot better being a part of a group that I had to "check in" with. :happy:
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I saw the video online so I might start it today or tomorrow -- basically as soon as I buy the weights. Is level 1 the same workout for every day, or are there variations?

    Use can veggies until you have weights :)

    i went out and bought 2lb and 3lb weights. i don't want to strain myself too much because i'm petite and very out of shape. i just finished the first session and WOW!!!! i had to do the modified push ups and i couldn't finish all of the jumping jacks, but otherwise i feel really good about the rest of the workout. my thighs feel so intense -- like i could kick through a brick wall!!

    good luck to everyone else! i'm aiming to do this once a day, at least five days a week.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    well I did the first day today- it kicked my butt- but I survived!! :) yay!! Day one down!!!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Might as well count me in too. I need something to occupy me for my alternate days when I don't have my trainer. :happy:
  • Lorna1976
    Lorna1976 Posts: 30 Member
    I have ordered the 30DS, just waiting for it to arrive.

    Going on holiday on the 30th July so this should help tone a little ready for my bikini
  • Lorna1976
    Lorna1976 Posts: 30 Member
    I have ordered the 30DS, just waiting for it to arrive.

    Going on holiday on the 30th July so this should help tone a little ready for my bikini