What SMALL thing did you do today to help with your journey?



  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I got nothin. I made no efforts today, besides the usual logging and whatnot. How about this? I will pencil in a run on my schedule for tomorrow. Scheduling a future activity counts as a small something, right?

    This is still better than not logging at all
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Today i had to stop at hardware store on the way home from work. I got what i needed plus a big box of milkduds. I threw the box out after i had eaten 2/3 of it. If i had not done this i would have been under calorie goal.

    Does anyone find it hard to stay under goal if you eat cereal for breakfast?
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    I did two things! I need to go grocery shopping- was out of eggs this morning and in a rush to get going so I stopped for a biscuit (drive-thru, haven't been in at least 6 weeks, have been good so I figured why not treat myself?) and I skipped out on a potato hash brown which old me got religiously. I also skipped my large Diet Coke because A) I'm trying to save up the $$ and B) I'm trying to cut down on caffine.

    #2, I mentioned above that I need to go grocery shopping, long story short I went before I was able to make dinner and since we all know grocery shopping hungry is a big no-no, I made myself a healthy filling snack! A serving of almonds and cubed cheese to hold me over and keep me level headed until dinner!

    It's all about those small healthier choices!
  • sarahkanzalone
    sarahkanzalone Posts: 192 Member
    I adjusted my intake to fit in a red velvet cupcake (that was ridiculously delicious) stayed under calorie goal and didn't let myself feel too guilty about it because every once and a while you need a lovely cupcake
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    I had two big meals instead of snacking and drank tea at night to round out the day
  • sew205
    sew205 Posts: 34 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    Today i had to stop at hardware store on the way home from work. I got what i needed plus a big box of milkduds. I threw the box out after i had eaten 2/3 of it. If i had not done this i would have been under calorie goal.

    Does anyone find it hard to stay under goal if you eat cereal for breakfast?

    I find cereal to be a useless breakfast. An hour later I'm inevitably ravenous. I seem to need some fat and protein in my breakfast to keep me going.

    My small victory today was that I opened the cabinets and fridge a bunch of times and chose every time to walk away. I tend to eat when I feel emotionally uncomfortable, and I just kept saying (under my breath) "You're okay. You're not hungry. You just feel bad. Its okay to feel bad." I continued to feel bad (just that kind of day), but I felt good about the not snacking!
  • I went to the movies, no popcorn, no munchies and no drink! Hard to miss the popcorn because of the smell!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Having a good Good Friday. Staying meat free (except fish) today which actually gives me lots more food.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    .8 lbs away from the sunny side of 160. Turned my 75 minutes walk into an 85 minute walk. Now I am drinking champagne - lol.
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I had a bad Friday. It is really hard to get in exercise of any kind on my work days. I should have stopped working and taken lunch break. I guess the good thing I did was learn that lesson.
  • lizgorr
    lizgorr Posts: 3 Member
    Big problem carving salty snacks. Found Nibisco Thin Crisps = some are made with rice instead of wheat flour. I count out one serving and place them in a little container. This helps by reducing amount of carb and salt intake plus I can still feed my craving while not over doing it.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    edited March 2016
    Got through Easter without buying (nor eating) any Peeps nor Cadbury Cream Eggs. :D
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I am a left leg amputee from being struck by a car in the line of duty as a paramedic. I walk with a prosthetic leg. The emergency dispatch office I work in at our Level I Trauma Hospital is on the east end of the campus. This week, I purposefully started parking in the employee lot on the west end of the campus so I have further to walk. I also fill my 2 quart jug with ice water with the intention of drinking it all through out my 12 hour shift :D
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    My poor one daffodil that made it out for Easter froze today but i made it out for my 30 minutes. :)
  • BarbaraGoldsmith
    BarbaraGoldsmith Posts: 10 Member
    Great job on the cheese..
  • bonitas
    bonitas Posts: 6 Member
    Lots of great ideas!
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    No fast food!
  • MegMalin
    MegMalin Posts: 29 Member
    I logged into MFP!
  • sssgilbe
    sssgilbe Posts: 89 Member
    HuHot was always a favorite restaurant for a plateful of relatively healthy food--lots of veg, some noodles, a little chicken and sausage, sprinkle of peanuts, side of rice, hot sauce. I decided to treat myself today and filled the usual two bowls for my usual heaping plateful. After eating a third, I was full.

    A month ago, I would have plowed through the whole plate and gone back for seconds. Today, I asked for a to-go container for the rest only to be told that, as an all-you-can-eat restaurant, they don't allow to-go. I considered eating the rest out of spite, then stopped myself, added a nice tip to the check, and left.

    I don't think I'll go back. I can make better stir fry at home for 1/4 the price.
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm leaving work 15 minutes early to go home and sneak in a 2 or 3 mile run before I start cooking dinner (grilled salmon and a big salad). I work out every morning - today it was 1.5 mile swim - but I feel SO much better if I can get a second lighter workout in after work.