JM 30 Day Shred



  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm nervous, I do not like my before pictures and don't want to post them! Also,do you think if I do three rounds of 30DS along with the 6week 6 pack I'll see a difference? Or will my body be used to the same thing and get stuck?
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm in!!!! I am almost done with it. I started on May 25th and should be done with it on 06/30/11 and will then do a Round 2 of it. I have lost a total of 6.2lbs!!!! So feel free to add me for support!

    Thanks and Good Luck!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Take lots of different shots of the before, mine are kind of crappy that i did, i wish i took more. I am on level 2 day 8.. OMG i just realized two more workouts til level 3!

    Dont forget the flexed arm pose.
  • KaytiGirl
    KaytiGirl Posts: 11
    I have been doing No More Trouble Zones for about two weeks now (and wow does that destroy you). However, since the workout is 40 minutes I bought 30DS to alternate :) I think NMTZ's is basically like level 2 or 3 of 30DS for DOUBLE the time lol. Anyway, I would love to be a part of a group of people who are doing the Shred, etc :) I love Jillian Michaels and her no BS style! Like she says, if you want results you gotta PUSH and PUSH I do lol! Today is 30 Day shred Day so I'm looking forward to getting off of work! Nice to meet everyone :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I'm nervous, I do not like my before pictures and don't want to post them! Also,do you think if I do three rounds of 30DS along with the 6week 6 pack I'll see a difference? Or will my body be used to the same thing and get stuck?
    The workout mixes it up on you you will definitely see results if you stick to it. good luck!
  • nicolenayima
    nicolenayima Posts: 19 Member
    Okay I am going to impulsively commit to this! I've never done 30DS before, but will get it on Netflix and start on the 29th as well! I need something new to motivate me...
  • missceego
    missceego Posts: 2
    You can count me in! I have been terrible at doing the 30 Day Shred. This time around, I'm going to commit!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Count me in. My anniversary is on August 1st and I really want to be able to see a difference by then. Im going to start tomorrow. My hubby is going to Peru for 12 days on a missions trip in the morning and I would LOVE him to see a difference when he gets home
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    I started mine and a thread today :)
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm in!! Going to buy it and start tonight or tomorrow, as long as I can find it somewhere! I'm gonna need some hardcore motivation for this, I always have a hard time with exercise, especially strength training. I'm more into swimming/cardio. But I really want to do this all the way through!!

    Starting measurements:
    Weight: 141.2 lbs
    Hips: 38"
    Waist: 35"
    Thigh: 20"
    Bust: 32"

    Pics to come =) good luck everyone! We can do this!

    Also, anyone doing this please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday.... my body hurts today!

    I have done day 1 like 5 times (spread out)....this is the first time that I am gonna actually try to do it for 30 :) I hear day 1-4 are the worst so just stick to it!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I am not wanting to post mine either...but I WILL when I have my "afters" to show the one is here to judge but it is nice to be able to show off your hard work at the end!! I have heard a lot of people do them back to back and get great results...I don't know anyone who has done them togethor...but i do NOT think that your body will get used to it after only 30 days...I always make monthly routines up to this point and have had great results :)
    I'm nervous, I do not like my before pictures and don't want to post them! Also,do you think if I do three rounds of 30DS along with the 6week 6 pack I'll see a difference? Or will my body be used to the same thing and get stuck?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ML0305-awesome!!! You will be starting your 2nd run of it right when most of us are starting our first...glad to have ya!

    Chantal-thanks for the advice!! I took mine today...I did front side, back, and arm shots...close up and far away!! yikes!!

    kaytiwelsh-welcome to the group...can't wait to get started!! I love JM too...see is one tough cookie for sure!

    nayima-sometimes...doing something on the spur of the moment gets you the best results!! welcome to the group :)

    missceego-awesome!! let's do this!

    tbhoover-awesome!! let us know how your first day goes with it tomorrow!! you will do great!

    MiniMichelle-how was your first day...the first time I did it...I was like OMG...this sucks!! LOL I am totally ready for it now though!

    Des92-check at Walmart...I either got mine there of from Best Buy?? don't forget the arm weights!

    AFM(as for me)-I will be starting the 29th and going until the 3rd like I said...but I would love to hear how you are all doing from the time you start!! I took my before pics....which I will post when I have my after pics to put next to em! LOL and I will be doing my measurements the day before or the day of!!! Startin soon!!! We can do it!
  • mandy2571
    mandy2571 Posts: 15 Member
    How do I get my hands on this 30 day shred? My husband and I really need to get our bodies moving, and we would be in on this challenge if we had it. I thought it was just the workout dvd by JM, but the woman who wrote that she had a 21 day trial has got me confused. Is this some sort of online program? Or is it just so expensive to purchase that a trial period is needed? Thanks for the help!
  • mandy2571
    mandy2571 Posts: 15 Member
    P.S. This hardly seems like the forum to be asking website questions, but I am new to MFP, and have not quite learned how to navigate around. How do I find this thread in the future? Is there a way to bookmark it?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    How do I get my hands on this 30 day shred? My husband and I really need to get our bodies moving, and we would be in on this challenge if we had it. I thought it was just the workout dvd by JM, but the woman who wrote that she had a 21 day trial has got me confused. Is this some sort of online program? Or is it just so expensive to purchase that a trial period is needed? Thanks for the help!

    I bought my copy from Best Buy, but I think Walmart has it too!! It is only like $12-15 and then you may want some light hand weights to use during the DVD. I think that you can get it on pay per view on TV, but I think that only has levels 1 and 2 and not level 3?!

    as for bookmarking it....anytime you post on a thread you book mark it, and anytime you repost it brings it to the top of your list "my topics"!

    We are starting on the 29th and would love to have you and your hubby join us!! Welcome to the site :)
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    keep on lookin!!! let us know if you find it and we would love to have you join in:)
    I would, but for some bizarre reason, I cannot find my dvd. :[

    Found it! :] I'm actually going out of town though on the 28th and won't be back till a few days. :-/
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    I was going to take my measurements tonight (out of boredom and trying to avoid mindless ssnacking). What measurements are we going to be tracking?
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    Hi all! I just started 30DS on Monday and have done all four days so far this week! Its a killer, but does get easier everyday. For those of you getting it on Netflix or wondering where to get it, I got mine at Sam's Club in California for $8.88-pretty cheap! I took my before pics and my measurements, so I'll be checking in!
  • mandy2571
    mandy2571 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, hubby and I are in! We have the DVD and are ready to go. Target for about $10. We will weigh and measure tonight.

    -Amanda & Kevin-
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