

  • Sleepyscribbler
    Sleepyscribbler Posts: 20 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, folks. I'm new round here, having just started using the app (which I love) after trying literally all the other diet/carb or cals counting in the App Store.

    Personal info: I'm 65 (am I the oldest here?), very sedentary because of chronic pain & very frequent migraines so I spend much of my time in bed, and need to lose weight to bring down my extra-high blood pressure and high cholesterol or the doc won't prescribe any more HRT. The very thought of having to go back to almost constant hot sweat/cold sweat changes every minute or two, all day, plus 'shudders' (like 'someone waking on my grave' — is that just a Scottish saying? — and goose pimples all over while sort of convulsing) while it's happening, plus constant morning nausea (having never had that in two pregnancies) is more than I can tolerate. (Yes, I know that at my age I ought to be past all that. Wish I were. But I know from a medical exam I was still ovulating in my mid fifties, so I guess I'm just a very late starter at the menopause thing.) I know all this makes me sound like a totally self-absorbed, pain-in-the-butt, neurotic freak, but I'm quite stable and cheerful, really!

    Location: I live right on the coast, 400 yards from a beautiful pink-sand beach, in an old crofters' cottage in a tiny hamlet in the very northernmost part of Scotland's rugged and spectacularly lovely West Coast. From every window we can see either the (usually) deserted beach or the waterfall farther up the little glen. Yes, I am extremely lucky, and even luckier in that I know how lucky I am; the Prozac probably helps! But along with the luck come the usual life stresses. For example my husband (32 years and counting — I hope) is diabetic and slowly recovering from some very drastic treatment from throat cancer, and my eldest step son died of cancer during my husband's treatment.

    Past life: I was a college lecturer for some years (psychology) before branching out on my own as a management consultant and writer on management issues. Now I do d*#% all, but kid myself I'm preparing to write a) a novel (yeah, like everyone else) and b) the book on fashion psychology my husband and I have been researching and making copious notes on for over 30 years.

    So, now you know more about me (if you were kind enough to plough through it all) than you could possibly wish for.

    Finally, my goals for April:
    a) use the app to take meticulous note of every morsel I eat so that I become more aware of my (bad) eating habits in order to change to better ones
    b) aim for fewer than 1,000 calories a day (my basal metabolic rate is somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400) and fewer than 30 net carbs
    c) aim for whatever is the recommended maximum level of saturated fat (once I've found out what that is)
    d) use my Pilates machine (a domestic version of the Reformer used in gyms) for a minimum of 15 minutes at least 5 days a week (health issues permitting) aiming for at least 30 minutes by the end of the month, on the way to a full Pilates sequence by the end of May.
    e) get out of the house in to the garden for a minimum of 15 minutes at least 3 times a week, weather permitting, preferably doing some kind of actual gardening.
    f) by the end of the month, walk to the beach and back (up a very steep hill)

    Wish me luck? (I'll need all the support and encouragement I can get.)

    About you guys:
    Loved all the pics of grandchildren (mine live 600+ miles away so I don't see much of them ☹️) especially the one of the little girl's determination not to anyone mess with her ponytail! '
    I was so impressed by that amazing Harry Potter quilt. That will be some child's prize possession I'm sure, and probably passed down to the following generation too. How lovely to know you've made an heirloom, and such a clever one too.
    I'm in awe of all those who do things like weight training (Does lifting and moving my heavy Pilates machine count?
    As for those who go regularly to the gym I bow down before your ability to commit to something tough and stick to it. I'm hopeless at that kind of thing, I never seem able to stick to any regular commitment, even ones I would enjoy. (Rewards don't work as a motivator for me, and I've never had the least vestige of an endorphin rush after hard exercise; I just feel sweaty and exhausted.) As for all that hard effort once you get to the gym, I can only applaud you with all my heart. The very idea of all that work just makes me want to lie down for a nap!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    Heather - that's funny you'd use my goal... You were the first one to say to me that you were worried because of my focus on the numbers, that it would be highly stressful. You were right, and it's one thing that this group (and you) have taught me. It's not about the numbers, it's about how I feel about myself and my world. So thank you for that, and if you can use my wording to get to the same place, that makes me even happier.

    Headed for the warehouse and to do a little garage saling in town in about an hour, and then Odessa, after my DH joins me in town. We needed to get both vehicles in, and he's not fond of garage sales, and it lets him sleep late, so win-win-win. We'll stop at this morning's 4-H Auction in town before we go. It's always a mixed bag, but if there's something we want, we might stay for a bit and bid on it. It's for a good cause, anyway.

    Really looking forward to a night away from everything with the DH. Thank you to everyone for the comments on the grands... Haven't seen either since last July, and starting to go into withdrawals! Pictures just aren't enough. :neutral:

    Much love,
    Lisa in West Texas.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth I will be thinking of your ds as he auditions this afternoon.

    Using this weekend to clean out the fridge and pre-plan my meals for the busy week ahead. We are looking at another cold week, so I will enjoy my comfort food soup and stews for one more week and then move ahead to more Spring like meals. I love eating seasonally, the asparagus is terrific right now.

    Planning on growing sugar snap peas this time around, anybody have advice about that? Never grown them before, do they hang on teepee type set up or just some kind of support? Anybody??

    Karen from NY cause we have a new Karen posting, welcome! :o
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sleepyscribbler ~ Welcome to a great community of women! Your location sounds lovely and a must be a perfect place to live.

    Kim ~ Beautiful, beautiful flowers! The large headed dog is a mixed breed with a lot of hound in him. He is huge and keeps breaking window panes when he sees someone walking their dogs down the street. Son has had to replace at least four already.

    Beth ~ Good luck to your son. He sounds very talented.

    NC Carol ~ So glad your mammogram came out OK. Both my mom and sis had breast cancer. My sis was in her early 30's. She shocked me a while back by announcing that she had not had a mammogram in years. And, she is an RN.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited April 2016
    Beth prayers for DS and that he succeeds.

    Drkatie bug agree. Having your own life is what keeps you healthy. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. Do what you feel comfortable for your sister. We feel pressure as woman to step into the care giver role at our own expense. I am sorry that happened to your sister. Prayers for you and her.

    The book I am reading called The Dance of Anger is about how woman handle anger sometimes in my case how anger handles me. It has started me reflecting is what is my family roots and how conflict, anger, and crisis was handled in my family. What roles did family members take on and how did they react. It has also gotten me thinking how to use it as am impetus for change rather than to be reactive. One suggestion I am trying now is just to try and observe myself in situations of conflict.

    Yesterday I had plenty of practice. I was in a classroom where one student was in frequent conflict with others. I found myself adding to the conflict by the tone in my voice. He also reacted when I tried to approach him in a neutral manner. I did find myself feeling frustrated and angry with the situation. Upon reflection I want to work on what is my role? My role is to help the students learn their basics not get caught in power struggles and keep the class moving forward. I did have help with the student and I asked for it. I also followed through when I had a chance to reinforce a positive behavior

    Asking what is my role? Clarifying what your limits are and accepting this is part of the process in using anger to help change your life.

    I am writing about this because I know issues with anger is having a negative effect on my health. The author does caution as you change your reactions others around you may push back. They have their own agenda that may or may not be in your best interest. Ultimately you can only be responsible for yourself and let others gain responsibility for themselves so that you can work as a team towards a goal that will benefit you both.

    :heart: Margaret

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Going to my daughters bridal shower today. Going to try and make good food choices and head to the gym if I get back in town in time. Hoping it will be a postive and enjoyable day.

    I am happy she has found someone she wants to spend her life with. My views on marriage have changed since my divorce and I try not to let those feelings show when it comes to their plans etc. I hope and pray she never has to go through what I did. I guess no matter how old our children get we still worry and want to protect them.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Good morning ,,, and welcome to all the new ladies.

    Kay ... You are by no means selfish, spoiled or petty. Boundaries are important in all relationships. ... Especially families where members tend to ignore them.

    Well, I've allowed old habits to get the upper hand and the scale proved it this morning. Quite disgusted. The overall trajectory over the past year has been up, not down. Putting a stop to it now!

    A determined Beth near Buffalo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    <3drkatiebug, I don't think you are being spoiled about your sister's request....you are not available to go to help her....you have commitments that you can't abandon and she'll have to ask someone else.

    :)<3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    welcome.gif..Sleepyscribbler, none of us started out lifting heavy weights or going to the gym daily....we started by logging food and getting off the couch to go for a walk and gradually added more walking or found some other exercise that seemed appealing. I go to line dance classes. I started eleven years ago by going to a one hour class and now I go to three 2 hour classes a week and teach one of the classes....just keep coming back and join in the conversation...you are far from the oldest one in our friendly community.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Beth I will be thinking of your ds as he auditions this afternoon.

    Using this weekend to clean out the fridge and pre-plan my meals for the busy week ahead. We are looking at another cold week, so I will enjoy my comfort food soup and stews for one more week and then move ahead to more Spring like meals. I love eating seasonally, the asparagus is terrific right now.

    Planning on growing sugar snap peas this time around, anybody have advice about that? Never grown them before, do they hang on teepee type set up or just some kind of support? Anybody??

    Karen from NY cause we have a new Karen posting, welcome! :o

    Hi Karen, The support for sugar snaps depends upon the strain of seed you buy. Most of the hybrids that are common on the market are short vines, 2-3 feet in length. I'll hope your weather is good, in my part of Indiana it goes from cool (good) to hot(bad) in the blink of an eye. You can use a tomato cage for support of your peas. Good luck! The flowers,by the way, will be beautiful.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    Sleepy scribbler - Hi there! I am UK, but down in the south of Hampshire. I absolutely adore Scotland's West Coast, but I imagine it can be a bit damp in the winter! Some of us on here are writers, so any scribbling will find you in good company.
    When I started on MFP I had recovered from breast cancer, but still had to lose the weight I'd gained and get back my physical confidence. I was a wreck! I am now on maintenance and physically active - something I can hardly believe I'm saying! I started small and worked my way up. I am 66 and there are others older than me.
    I have also found that my attitude to life has changed, not just my body. :D I definitely like myself nowadays. :laugh: Self respect is a wonderful thing.

    Margaret - Wise words. :flowerforyou:

    Done my bit of gardening for the day. Sowed arugula (rocket), chard, radish, coriander and threw some cornflower and aster seeds onto a bed. All of these were old packets, so we will have to see if anything comes up. DH saw me out there so came out and cut down the climbing shrub that had fallen down in the storm. It will grow again.
    He couldn't get his sport on the computer and we have been having no end of trouble with our modem, so he's ordered a new hub. We will see if that improves things. :noway:

    Love Heather UK
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, Ladies.

    Kimses, Happy Anniverary. Starting your exercise slow and steady is a good way to go. Just remember that weightloss is 80% what we eat and 20% exercise. That tells us that it is very important that we log everything that goes in our mouths. That way we can look back and see where we need to make adjustments. You can do this and we4 are with you.

    Sue, good to see you again. I"m glad you are getting a little better. Hope you are back to 100% very soon.

    Rori, sorry you don't have travel in April but hopefully we will get to see you more often because of it. We will keep you from going stir crazy. (((Hugs)))

    Chakra7Chic, welcome to a great group for support and information. Please tell us about yourself so we can get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Betty, I'm with you on that fortune cookie. I might have tried to stuff it back in a cookie. lol

    Katla, so happy for your DS and DDIL that they found a house so soon.Have fun at horsey riding, Ms Pro.

    P Dillo, welcome to you as well. Start to wrap your head around the fact that you aren't on a diet but a new lifestyle of healthy eating. This is a life journey for me that has no end. Hopefull when I reach my goal I'll be able to adjust what I eat somewhat to maintain for the re3st of my life. Please tell us a little about yoursself and sign each post with the name you want to be called.

    Kay, congrats on the new car. It sounds wonderful!! That is really too bad about your sister. And it's okay to whine a bit about it being inconvenient for you, because you will still go to help her. If it were no inconvenience at all and just a fun trip there would be no sacrafice. You are a good sister!!!

    Joyce, I'm sending good thoughts for Charlie and the next proceedures. Sure with they could find something to help him.

    Allie, I don't want to sound like a broken record but I can't imagine why Tom would want out when he has a free, full time maid, cook, laundry wench, etc. You do so much for him even when you are off helping someone else. Is he helpless? I love my DH and he is so good to me but I don't even do all that for him when I go away. He is as capable as I am to cook a meal and he already does the laundry for both of us. *grin* I'm just saying, think about it. ((((Hugs))))

    Heather, I'm sure you are missing the grands something terrible. I feel like getting teary eyed for you. I hope your DS and DDIL enjoy their new adventure and the job works out great.

    Sleepyscribbler, welcome. You aren't the oldest for sure. I might be? I'll be 69 later this month. I know there are a few others between you and me, but age is just a state of mind anyway. We have some published writers among us so you will fit right in. I don't like exercise and I love to eat but the reward for me is losing weight. Since I found MFP and this group I have lost 60 pounds and gotten off all my diabetic medication. I can do so much more that I could for years and have more energy. Come often and join right in. Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called. Oh yes, and we want pictures from around where you live, please.

    Lisa, sounds like a busy time before you leave on your get-away. You and DH have fun and I hope you both relax.

    Beth, I'm with you. I don't know why I've become so weak in resisting some foods. It's just a matter of saying "NO". We can both get back on track and lose what we've gained.

    It was still raining when I got up this morning but it may have stopped now. We are getting a new door to go from the garage out to the back yard that had to be ordered from Home Depot. It is in so we might get to pick it up this afternoon. I'm sure it will stick out the back of my SUV so we don't want to do it in the rain. Then I can schedule the handy man to come back and get it on for us. I hope none of you have been in the path of the terrible storms that were overnight.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor: I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity: Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love you,
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Lisa: Actually, Midland-Odessa is high on my work list. Will let you know when I get trip set. Also, on 'priority' for business travel are Portland and Seattle at the end of June. Anybody up for PNW meet up?


    gimme advance notice, i could probably do seattle, but if you're coming on 5, then you could stop by tacoma where i am and meet :0)
  • Jodyogrady
    Jodyogrady Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to the group. I have been using Myfitnesspal since January of 2015. In total I have lost 66 pounds. I have set a new goal of losing 5 more pounds. With this I will be happy. My body has not let me exercise. But I'm working on that now. I had hip replacement 14 years ago and now I am having the left side redone. I have had 7 hip dislocations, 3 this year alone. Enough of that. I love your word for 2016 alacrity. It best describes me, for the last year now. I love it. I too will try to use this word in spreading the joy of life!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    For the first time since wearing my Fitbit Flex I reached 10,000 "steps" yesterday! Yeah me, right?

    Funny story as to how that occurred: I have been furiously working on a crochet project for a niece. My left hand was feeling the effects so I took my Fitbit off my left wrist and put it on my right one so I could put on my wrist guard. So I'm busy doing my crochet and late in the day my Fitbit starts buzzing and sending out light blinks looking like an SOS message. Low and behold if you wear your Fitbit on your dominant hand and spend the day crocheting you will reach your 10,000 steps!!!

    Currently sunny NE oHIo
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning everyone. One of my goals for April is to overcome depression from not being able to be active, still recovering from hysterectomy. I had a good day yesterday then yesterday evening had pain. I want to be able to freely move about again. It's only been 4 weeks, 4 days. I go for my post op appt next Friday, I hope to be released to lift more than 5lbs! Just ready to get back to life!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    morning peeps -

    today, kirby took the car, drove in to work. he says if it's nice out, he will put the top down (now that we both know how to secure it down) for the ride home. he will have a longer ride, at least his will be pleasant.

    i'm taking the beast and the kids to the gym right now, (7:47am pst) and get these 8 miles over with. i am not going to care about time (i keep telling myself that at least)

    welcome new peeps,
    type to ya later ol peeps
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Good morning, all! Happy Saturday!

    Beth- Sending good luck and good vibes to your son as he auditions.
    Sleepy Scribbler, Melanie and Kelly- Welcome to a great group! Just remember that it takes baby steps to get you started. You can't run a marathon on your first day of running, you can't lift 35 pounds on your first day of strength training. Start small with small goals and enjoy the small victories. As you get stronger, your goals will move with you and get bigger, but the next step up/forward is still just as small as your first step. Kelly, my name is also Kelly but most people call me KJ.
    Katie- Don't be hard on yourself. You do have a life that you need to maintain and you need to take care of yourself so you CAN care for others. I so understand where you are at with your frustration as a caregiver. I was all set to enjoy my week off this week, not caring for children; when my MIL ended up in hospital. My dh is suffering side effects from his RA meds, which left me heading into the city (45 minute drive) to be with MIL. 45 minutes is not a long drive, but long enough for me to rant and fume and wallow in my self pity. LOL! I arrived and couldn't find close parking so had to park about half mile away. The walk allowed me cool down time. I arrived at MIL's bedside, calm and able to provide some comfort and company for FIL. We do what we can...
    Kristan- Yea! Squats! The first day was a piece of cake. Not feeling anything yet. I don't think it will hit me until week two or three. I am adding weights to these first couple weeks. (only five or ten pounds)
    Kim- I bet you could correct my wasteful water problem! IN fact, it is the thought of all of the drought stricken lands/people that made me realize that I have a wasteful water habit. Maybe it is living so close to all of the fresh water that makes it seem NOT sinful to waste. BUT: I have hung a sign over my sink that says TURN IT OFF. So far, it seems to be working. My daughter lives in the Fort Worth area, and she called me concerned over the high price of her water bill. She said "Isn't this awfully expensive? Do you pay this much?" I had to remind her that in Michigan, water is not really a high priced commodity. Well, with the exception of Flint. She is now living in an area that rations water.
    Lora, Karen, and all of you other gardeners- I have garden envy! The flowers, the veggies, etc. I am just starting to plant things. I have aspirations of growing lovely things. Right now my gardening mantra is "Me, Miracle Grow, and God". I plant, feed and water, and let God do the rest. My roses seem to like it. My herbs do well the more I ignore them. My big project last year was to move my wild strawberry plants to planters so the kids would stop walking on them.
    kimses- Congrats on 27 years! My hubby and I are coming up on 27. I continue to be amazed that we made it this long. I have been married to him longer than I had my parents. Sobering thought.
    Larisa- HOLY SCHNEIKES! 75 pounds, uphill for 2 1/2 miles?! Amazon woman, indeed! I bet you could find a way to put this in mfp. I think they have a "sled" calculation. Seriously...THAT is freaking amazing!
    Margaret- I seriously just spent about 10-15 minutes backtracking through the posts looking for the person who posted about the book that sounded like something I would like to read! LOL! I need to have my eyes checked, because your post was just a few above mine. Dance of Anger sounds like something that will interest me and I will have to check it out. Who is the author?

    I had an epiphany moment last night. For about seven years, I have been focusing my childcare trainings on children's brains. Taking training sessions on how kids brains are wired, behavior differences in the genders, learning possibilities and how they learn, etc. I have thought about taking formal college courses on the brain and neuroscience for about two years because a two hour training session can't get very deep into any subject. Now in the past four months "brains" and "brain health issues" have taken a front seat in my life. My younger sister's brain cancer diagnosis, involvement in a friend's organizing of a "run" for hydroencephaly and brain disorders, and now my MIL's "brain" tracking and EEG testing. I was talking to my son about all of this last night and he said "I think you need to sign up for a couple of fall classes, it will give you an idea of what you want to do." So...I started my class search today, I will spend some time this week talking to a couple of local colleges regarding financial aid for women/women over 40/50, checking out grants and scholarships. I am on my way back to school! On my way to my "When I grow up, I want to be..." career! Finally!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Cheri- LOL! Whoot! Step victory! Your wrist will be buff in no time!