What No One Tells You About Going Paleo (Hint: It's Sad)



  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Nachise wrote: »
    Whoever came up with Paleo apparently never consulted an anthropologist. Oy.

    I avoid any diet that cuts out entire food groups, or makes crazy restrictions. It smacks of the obsession that is the hallmark of disordered eating. What I found was that I needed to make a sane relationship with food.

    Gluten free diets are for people with celiac disease. Ask my brother. He would kill for a hamburger bun, but it would probably kill him.

    My physical anthropology professor, Katherine Milton, specialized in diet, and is cited in a lot of papers and books on paleo. However, Dr. Milton always cautioned us to remember that we don't know everything about the past, a reservation of judgment that a lot of the paleo fanatics fail to make. She was pretty awesome.

    funny thing is that the first paleo "fanatic" was indeed an anthropologist :smile:
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Have no desire to "eat Paleo" and never have. Cute article though.
  • echohansen
    echohansen Posts: 15 Member
    honestly made my day lol
  • Lisa__2014
    Lisa__2014 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    That was so funny and helps to reassure me that these kind of diets are nothing I want to try. I love cooking from scratch, portion control and snacking are my issues. I just need to get regimented into tracking my food again and this is a big flashing siren for me to calm the food down!
  • joolie1234
    joolie1234 Posts: 126 Member
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Nachise wrote: »
    Whoever came up with Paleo apparently never consulted an anthropologist. Oy.

    I avoid any diet that cuts out entire food groups, or makes crazy restrictions. It smacks of the obsession that is the hallmark of disordered eating. What I found was that I needed to make a sane relationship with food.

    Gluten free diets are for people with celiac disease. Ask my brother. He would kill for a hamburger bun, but it would probably kill him.

    I have a friend with Celiac disease. Even a little gluten really tears her up inside and she has some nutritional deficiencies associated with it. In her honor, I, who have no food sensitivities, double the amount of gluten I eat just for her.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Great post and got a good laugh! Lot of truth up there.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Nachise wrote: »
    Gluten free diets are for people with celiac disease. Ask my brother. He would kill for a hamburger bun, but it would probably kill him.

    I have a friend with Celiac disease. Even a little gluten really tears her up inside and she has some nutritional deficiencies associated with it. In her honor, I, who have no food sensitivities, double the amount of gluten I eat just for her.

    That's so magnanimous of you! I hope she appreciates it. :smile:
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I read this aloud to my granddaughter and husband. We all laughed.
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    My mouth watered at your savory cookie description lol :smiley:
  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    I've never taken a class in anthropology, nor have I even walked past an anthropology classroom. Sadly, I've never cracked the binding on an anthropology book. I know what the word means mind you so there is hope for me yet! One thing I do know however, is that our Paleolithic ancestors did not have the capability to process or can food, produce white sugar/glucose and didn't eat loaves of white bread. I also know, from experience, that no doctor would recommend these items. Matter o' fact my doctor doesn't think much of whole grain either. Since going Paleo I've lost 20 labs and am still losing. All my blood test results have improved to the point of being 'perfect' (docs words). After a 3 year struggle with 5 day a week 1 1/2 hour gym sessions and vegetarianism (cranky/hungry) with little results I've found so much happiness with eating the way nature intended..... and results! Now this isn't meant to put down all the people that have had great success going all the other ways we can go in this journey, my hats go off to them and they'll always have my full support. I just don't see the problem with turning down grains, sugar and processed foods.... whether Grok the caveman had them or not.
  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    Nope @Pathmonkey they just ate loaves of highly processed starch and/or flat cakes made from proto-grains.


    Seriously, "Grok"??! Mark Sisson is a cult leader.

    Doctors actually do prescribe white bread.


    Humans have been eating white bread for a long *kitten* time. We eat everything. If it was so horrible for us, we'd be extinct. We're not. We're like the cockroaches of the Mammal class.
  • lilkimi525
    lilkimi525 Posts: 1,107 Member
    You are really hilarious!!! Very honest... And what you say is true... But hilarious. So my thoughts... If it means that much to go to your grave depressed, regretting your decisions in life with killer abs, then go for it. I will choose to be happy with a little more junk in my trunk thank you!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    lilkimi525 wrote: »
    You are really hilarious!!! Very honest... And what you say is true... But hilarious. So my thoughts... If it means that much to go to your grave depressed, regretting your decisions in life with killer abs, then go for it. I will choose to be happy with a little more junk in my trunk thank you!!

    Who's hilarious and honest?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    mmmpork wrote: »
    Nope @Pathmonkey they just ate loaves of highly processed starch and/or flat cakes made from proto-grains.


    Seriously, "Grok"??! Mark Sisson is a cult leader.

    Doctors actually do prescribe white bread.


    Humans have been eating white bread for a long *kitten* time. We eat everything. If it was so horrible for us, we'd be extinct. We're not. We're like the cockroaches of the Mammal class.

    How long do you think humans have been eating white bread?

    Or are you using some alternative definition of "white bread"?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Thank you, OP, for the laughter this morning as I read your post. You have a way with words! Very funny!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP you definitely have a way with providing blog links and copying/pasting the text so that other people can enjoy the words that another person wrote!
  • SpiderGwens
    SpiderGwens Posts: 87 Member
    Wetcoaster wrote: »
    "We forgot the taste of bread, the sound of trees, the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name."

    And we wept, precious. Wept at how amazing this post is. :D:D:D:D
  • Manda8494
    Manda8494 Posts: 21 Member
    I was so intrigued! LOL Loved it!
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Eloquent and honest!