People just aren't getting it.



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My friends all told me that my personal trainer is the reason that I'm losing weight... Um right, because you can't lose weight without one.

    I eat what I want in moderation, I work out 4-5 days a week and see my trainer twice a month. It takes handwork and dedication to change your lifestyle, but eventually everyone will get there.. it just takes time!
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Totally agree....except gastric bi-passes do seem to work.

    Actually, they don't. I personally know 3 people that 3-6 years later are far heavier than when they had surgery! If they don't change how the eat, their stomach will actually stretch back out.

    Theres good information out there about it. Google it and you should be able to find some.

    Just one little comment: I only know one person who had a gastric bypass, my sister in law...and it worked fabulously for her. However, I still think she'd have done just as well if she'd simply gone on a diet. Her doc gave her a very limited diet plan following the surgery, and she stuck to it to the letter....and still does 5 years later. Looks awesome....but I'm not sure the bypass was necessary considering the diet, though I guess it served as motivation for her at the very least.

    Anyway, just sayin'
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    I sure as hell hope all the know it alls on this thread don't mind being judged as harshly as you're judging everyone else.
    I have never in my life been accused of candy coating anything or not telling it like it is, but this is getting mean.
    For a bunch of people who have weight problems, 98% of you are being awfully judgmental against people with weight problems. I guess when YOU were going through your own learning curves to find out what works for you, you weren't doing it on a public forum. Perhaps you could show a little compassion for the people who are still finding their way. This thread and the extraordinarily rude and judgmental OP are out of line. You can tell it like it is without talking down to people who, like most of you at one point or another, just don't have it all figured out yet. And if you don't like that they are finding their way and yes, making mistakes along the way, then stop reading their posts. I think i'll take my own advice and stop reading this.
  • Eat anything you want diet

    I do imagine you mean that you can still allow yourself small just cant eat ALL you want of anything you want, right?? :)

    And I'd like to just add that I think the HCG "diet and/or suicide attempt" is just about the craziest nonsense I have ever heard. I can't believe anyone thinks that is a good Idea.

    Yeah, I have a friend who is playing that game right now, but why should he listen to me? I'm only a certified personal trainer.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I guess when YOU were going through your own learning curves to find out what works for you, you weren't doing it on a public forum. Perhaps you could show a little compassion for the people who are still finding their way. This thread and the extraordinarily rude and judgmental OP are out of line.

    In my defense, such as it is: personally I didnt need any learning curves. I've always known how to lose weight, I just havent wanted to do it until recently. What I did NOT need at any point was compassion: what I did need was a swift kick in the *kitten*.

    I do agree that compassion works with some people, maybe most. Different things motivate different people....and, personally, compassion isnt the best motivational tool for me. I think it's overused frequently to the point where compassion just becomes another crutch enabling people to continue making bad choices.

    Dont disagree with you completely, though. I'm simply pointing out that some people need to hear this, and they need to hear it in this way.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I just said this on another topic:

    There are no shortcuts. Just change your diet and exercise.

    - Eat a moderate calorie deficit.
    - Eat whole foods most of the time
    - Exercise (cardio and strength train) 3-4 times per week.

    This will work for everyone with no negative side effects.

    I agree!!!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Maybe it was the "people are stupid" title. Lol
    Everything you said was right on and I have to say that sometimes people just need a brutally honest post or comment to wake them up. It's taken me 30 years to get this body that I am so very determined to change. The changes will not happen in 3 days (cleanse), 3 weeks (21 day programs that you can stick to for 14 days, if you're lucky) and maybe not even 3 months (half-assing exercise here, binge days there, etc).
    For me, I love the support and motivation I get from all the sweet people on here, but I also appreciate those that are willing to be out there and be brutally honest about what's going on. Thanks for reposting (in a softer way).
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I loved your other post. Some people are too sensitive and don't want to be accountable for themselves. In America we have the whole "Blame someone else for our problems, even our being over weight cause we chose to eat crap and not exercise" and the whole "we need an easy out" syndrome.
    Love your post!
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Its like anything....unless you are ready to do it you won't do it......I don't agree that it is just cut and dry like you have pointed out.....there are a lot of factors that come into it, as a sufferer of mental illness I know how this can affect your life including weight loss...BUT I do agree it is totally HARD work and DISCIPLINE!!!!!! A friend of my husbands who is overweight came for dinner, we hadn't seen him for about 4 months....he didn't say anything about my weight loss initially but couldn't help himself and was asking me how much I had lost and how I did it....I said "hard work and discipline" he just wouldn't accept it!!!! He saw my protein powder etc sitting on the bench and said "ohhhh so you are doing the shake diet" I said "no, that's my protein powder" I still dont think he believes me hahahahaha
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I agree, there isn't a short cut.

    But, not everyone has learnt this yet. If they come to a forum and ask about diet pills or HCG, hopefully that's a big learning curve for the OP plus lots of others who read the post.

    So many people are are seduced by the incredible amount of marketing that we are exposed to every day, those companies pay HUGE amounts of money to convince us that their money-making idea will make us thin. I know, and you know, that isn't going to be the way to healthy and sustainable weight loss, but not everyone has got there yet.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I agree, there isn't a short cut.

    But, not everyone has learnt this yet. If they come to a forum and ask about diet pills or HCG, hopefully that's a big learning curve for the OP plus lots of others who read the post.

    So many people are are seduced by the incredible amount of marketing that we are exposed to every day, those companies pay HUGE amounts of money to convince us that their money-making idea will make us thin. I know, and you know, that isn't going to be the way to healthy and sustainable weight loss, but not everyone has got there yet.

    I totally agree with the marketing part of this. I'm amazing how much research has been done about how to sell a plate of carbboard spread over with poo to a person and convince them and the whole world its the best thing in the world.

    However, my post isn't about the people that have tried one or two of the fads. My post is about the people that continue to make those choices over, and over, and over. They KNOW the way, and refuse to do it.

    THAT's what I was talking about when I say lazy.
  • Kid70
    Kid70 Posts: 36
    Along those same lines, I can't stand it when someone says "Oh, calorie counting doesn't work for me," or "Weight Watchers doesn't work for me," or "I don't want to exercise and gain muscle." I don't really understand that. I've quit a million and one diets, and it wasn't because they didn't "work for me." . Let's be honest, I didnt "work" for them, which is why I'm in the boat I'm in now. If you're still going to make poor choices and sit on your rear, nothing will ever work.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Low carb nutrition plans work fine.
  • astilson33
    astilson33 Posts: 52
    Have to completely agree with you on this! Some people just don't want to hear the truth and the lies are easier to believe I guess. I know someone who is taking these pills that can't possibly be good for you and YES she did lose a lot of weight! I think they are called Oxyelite Pro or something like that. Well she tells me she feels like shes going 100 miles a minute all day, and doesnt even want to eat. She said she literally has to force herself to eat. Well, i'm sorry but thats just not healthy AT ALL! And I know as soon as she stops taking those pills, shes just going to gain that weight right back. Everyones looking for the easy way out, me i'd rather be healthy and lose the weight the right way.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Some of those diets do work but its substaining the results.... The low carb diets is a scientific fact does work putting your body into ketosis... but if its the right thing to do is the question. The food replacement diets work but who can live on shakes for a life time that seems like a jail term to me... So you are kind of right just how you put it is questionable....
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Well said!!! You ROCK!
  • newnarelle
    newnarelle Posts: 40 Member
    I'm chiming in here with my two thumbs up.

    And one ingredient that I think is implied in your message but that I want to say out loud....PATIENCE!!!

    I am at peace with the fact that it is going to take time to get where I want to be, and since I'm completely changing my eating and exercise habits, time is not really a valid factor in the picture.

    Actually, I'm seeing a sawtooth pattern in my weight measurements, up/down with an overall downward trend. My younger self (who thought there WAS a magic bullet out there somewhere!) would have despaired and abandoned the effort. My older self has finally come to understand that this is a long term (permanent) thing, there are other reasons besides weight to eat healthy and exercise, and losing weight for some kind of hard-stop milestone (wedding, high school reunion, vacation, etc.) is one of the WORST reasons to be here or anywhere else that supports wellness and fitness.

    So thanks for reposting the message...frankly, I think that the tough talk is the only thing that will pierce the veil of illusion that so many of us are covered with!

    I agree with hard work is the only way, and when a gf of mine mentions Dukin diets, Atkins etc I just say its simple: eat well and move a little more than you do now and build it up, small changes at a time which gradually build to significant changes, too much too quickly is hard to maintain, and if something has an end to it, ie a diet, then what happens when you finish?? Return to old bad habits and put it all back on?? I also agree on patience as above post it is the fact that eating right and exercise can take time and you don't always see the results quickly....I am lucky my fitness and health goals motivate me when my scales aren't reflecting the hard work I put in. It feels like such a long journey, but I look back and think I could be where I started or worse -even fatter and even more unhealthy! I learnt at a young age the fad diets are soooo bad for you (I ballooned by 20-30kgs followong one when I was 19 an uneducated and struggled to get it off since until now) and have always believed the only true way I personally would achieve my goals is to make significant changes in my lifestyle over time. It just took me awhile to be consistent and not give up, because my motivation is so different now -and it really is a mental game, so it isn't as simple as eat healthy and exercise, there is so much more mentally and emotionally most of fatties and former fatties have had to overcome/still overcoming!! Having said all of the above, everyone needs to learn what works for them in their own time.

    This is the most consistent I have been (going since September 2010) and lost 20kg, and I am up and down, but never more than a few kilos at a time, and this is usually due to nutrition when I slide back!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I agree, there isn't a short cut.

    But, not everyone has learnt this yet. If they come to a forum and ask about diet pills or HCG, hopefully that's a big learning curve for the OP plus lots of others who read the post.

    So many people are are seduced by the incredible amount of marketing that we are exposed to every day, those companies pay HUGE amounts of money to convince us that their money-making idea will make us thin. I know, and you know, that isn't going to be the way to healthy and sustainable weight loss, but not everyone has got there yet.

    I totally agree with the marketing part of this. I'm amazing how much research has been done about how to sell a plate of carbboard spread over with poo to a person and convince them and the whole world its the best thing in the world.

    However, my post isn't about the people that have tried one or two of the fads. My post is about the people that continue to make those choices over, and over, and over. They KNOW the way, and refuse to do it.

    THAT's what I was talking about when I say lazy.

    Yup, fair point, I guess some people aren't prepared to admit that the "quick fix" solutions aren't going to work in the long run, and aren't prepared to put in the hard yards.

    For me, I know I'm overweight because I eat too much junk and don't exercise enough. The answer is really simple, and MFP is just a useful tool to keep myself on track (mostly).
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Totally agree....except gastric bi-passes do seem to work.

    Actually, they don't. I personally know 3 people that 3-6 years later are far heavier than when they had surgery! If they don't change how the eat, their stomach will actually stretch back out.

    Theres good information out there about it. Google it and you should be able to find some.

    I know someone that got this done and is even thinner than me.


    She can't eat ANY sugar (other than what's in fruit or veggies naturally), drink ANY sodas...and this has nothing to do with maintenance of her weight. Because of the bypass (which was YEARS ago), her body literally rejects these things and causes her to throw them up almost immediately. She won't be able to eat a piece of my wedding cake in couple of weeks without throwing it up.

    Yes, she is thin and has been that way for about 15 years now. But the side effects can't hardly be worth it when she throws up every Thanksgiving because she had 1500 calories which was "too many" for her tiny little surgically changed stomach to handle.