People just aren't getting it.



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    And I would like to add that it's about time that someone told the truth.

    It's interesting that people actually think you are insulting them. Cause it's obvious that you are insulting the fad diets and other crazy things that do not work, not the people who use them. It is insanely annoying to read all the threads about all the new fads...I choose to ignore some of them, but when I see that they gain "fans" I have to speak up and say something.

    My favorite was on the latest HCG diet thread where someone called it "socially accepted anorexia." So true!!!

    If people who stop wasting time and money on stupid things that don't work, then on these message boards perhaps we could simply encourage each other and help each other out suggesting what does work without getting all those "I can't do that" and other crappy responses people come up with.

    I also get those dumbfounded looks when people ask how I lost weight and I reply with diet and exercise. I remember a nurse...A NURSE for cryin' out loud...asked me what I was doing to lose weight. I told her P90X, cause that's what I was working out with at the time...and she said "I ain't neva heard of that pill. Can I get it at Wal-Mart's?" (Yes, that's exactly HOW she said it.) I was dumbfounded at her dumbfounded response...
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Why was the first post taken down? Why do all the pity posts get to stay on the board...
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Why was the first post taken down? Why do all the pity posts get to stay on the board...

    OMG I know, right?

    Everyday there's another "I'm sooooooo depressed I caved in and ate a cookie" thread.

    Maybe people are really scared that one little ol' Chips Ahoy will make them gain 50 pounds. Or maybe they thrive off of getting a million pats on the back saying "it's ok." IDK.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I love this post! so good and so right... i see alot of my friends on these weird diets all the time and sometimes want to scream THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR A LONG TERM WEIGHTLOSS! its all about the hard work!! i used to try fad diets but now i know the right way !!! if you Eat Good you will Look Good! and of course exercise! I lost my weight over two years of eating right and exercising ... two years is a long time but im happy and i know that i can keep this off as i havent just changed what im putting into my body for a few weeks like these fad diets do this is a lifestyle change and choice - people also need to realise this!!!

  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    I totally agree.

    The wife of my boss walked right up to me this week and asked me if I had heard of either the baby food diet or the hormone diet. I laughed and said "um, no". She doesn't think she could eat baby food all day so she was going to look in to the hormone diet 'cause one of her friends lost 7 pounds THE FIRST WEEK on it, so it must be good. I laughed again and said that I didn't think injecting hormones would be the best plan of action... We have talked about diets/exercises/healthy lifestyles over and over again and she comes back to the same answer - she doesn't like to, therefore she doesn't make time to exercise. She has done a bunch of the fad diets and is always back to square one. Sadly, she just hasn't figured it out yet. It's going to take hard work and patience just like everyone else has said...
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    Thank you so much for you honesty and slap of reality!
  • terrt
    terrt Posts: 16
    I so agree with that.
    I lost 95lbs over 3yrs and have kept it off for another 3yrs. How? Cutting back and lots of exercise. But I love to exercise, that's not hard at all.
    I eat in moderation, no white breads, whole wheat pastas(rarely, can't do many carbs), and as little processed as possible. Still not at my target wt, and I'm okay with that. Oh, I work towards that goal and hope to be there, but if I never make it, I'm fine with it. It's not the wt so much anymore as it's being and staying healthy for the rest of my life.
  • mike20603
    mike20603 Posts: 32 Member
    Not much to add, I just love this thread.

    My (smallish) comment...when people see how much I've lost and how much I've changed, they inevitably assume I've done it overnight with some fad or chemical. They are all surprised (and somewhat disbelieving) when I tell them that I've been eating right and working out every day for six months...nothing else (as if that's nothing...LOL).

    I know its been said here 1000 times in 1000 ways, but here's MY weight loss secret:

    1. Eat the calories MFP assignes based on your goals (mine, like most, is set at 2 poundsa a week)
    2. Avoid bad food as much as possible, load up on the good stuff
    3. Exercise as hard and often as you can

    Oh, and be patient...58 pounds over six months = 2 pounds a week exactly (and still going strong).
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Actually you could sit around all day and lose weight.

    You could move around A LOT and not lose weight.

    All depends on your caloric intake versus energy expenditure.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    It's interesting that people actually think you are insulting them. Cause it's obvious that you are insulting the fad diets and other crazy things that do not work, not the people who use them. It is insanely annoying to read all the threads about all the new fads...I choose to ignore some of them, but when I see that they gain "fans" I have to speak up and say something.

    I think it's pretty clear that he IS insulting people, considering the original post was titled "People are stupid"
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    I think it's pretty clear that he IS insulting people, considering the original post was titled "People are stupid"

    It's not defamation if it's true. Just saying
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    I think you're preaching to the choir for the most part (i hope) but it's human nature to look for the easy way out. Can't blame people for trying. Nevertheless, thanks for the reminder.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260

    I think it's pretty clear that he IS insulting people, considering the original post was titled "People are stupid"

    It's not defamation if it's true. Just saying

    Sometimes the truth is harsh and it hurts, but sometimes people need the harsh truth!!!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member

    I think it's pretty clear that he IS insulting people, considering the original post was titled "People are stupid"

    It's not defamation if it's true. Just saying

    Sometimes the truth is harsh and it hurts, but sometimes people need the harsh truth!!!

  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Actually, no carb diets DO work... for SOME people. My doctor put me on an extreme low-carb diet after discovering that my body doesn't process carbs or insulin properly. The bottom line is that everyone is different, and the same tactic might not work for you, but it is the only healthy option for me. Please don't be so judgmental.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    And for everyone who thinks all you need to do is eat a calorie deficit and exercise: NOT TRUE!!
    I tried that for 20 years, and gained a steady 5 lbs a year no matter how much I starved myself or how hard I exercised. And for my entire adult life, I had to put up with judgmental people taking one look at my figure and assuming that I am lazy and undisciplined. FYI, I went to an Ivy League school on scholarship, I've mastered several different musical instruments, and I've earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I'm not saying that to brag, I'm just saying that you can't accomplish things like that if you're lazy and undisciplined. But I could not lose weight, no matter how hard I worked out, no matter how carefully I counted calories.
    Three months ago, I went to a doctor who finally did extensive tests and discovered that I have a metabolism problem. Every other doctor was like you: they just told me "lose weight," and *assumed* I wasn't trying hard enough, and never bothered to check whether there might be another cause. Since I've met this new doctor and changed my diet per his recommendations, I've lost a steady 1.5 lbs a week, for the first time in my life.
    So please, stop spreading the misinformation that there is only one way to lose weight, and stop being so judgmental of others. You are not helping anyone, you're only causing unnecessary pain.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Uhhh says the “Starbucks Grande Non Fat Sugar Free No Whip Latte” guy who had a huge Red Robin burger last night for dinner and eats meal replacement protein bars and shakes and McDonalds for lunch, and sometimes has upwards of 5,000mg of sodium per day. Give me a break. You have no room to get preachy and judgmental about everyone else’s diet. Does your six pack make you healthier than the rest of us? Probably not.

    Some advice for you since you seem to think you’re equipped to dish it out—try inspiring and motivating others some other way, rather than telling them they are terrible people for doing the same things you do yourself.
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    I guess you know it all... so I don't have a response.
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Uhhh says the “Starbucks Grande Non Fat Sugar Free No Whip Latte” guy who had a huge Red Robin burger last night for dinner and eats meal replacement protein bars and shakes and McDonalds for lunch, and sometimes has upwards of 5,000mg of sodium per day. Give me a break. You have no room to get preachy and judgmental about everyone else’s diet. Does your six pack make you healthier than the rest of us? Probably not.

    Some advice for you since you seem to think you’re equipped to dish it out—try inspiring and motivating others some other way, rather than telling them they are terrible people for doing the same things you do yourself.

    Amen Sister!
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Uhhh says the “Starbucks Grande Non Fat Sugar Free No Whip Latte” guy who had a huge Red Robin burger last night for dinner and eats meal replacement protein bars and shakes and McDonalds for lunch, and sometimes has upwards of 5,000mg of sodium per day. Give me a break. You have no room to get preachy and judgmental about everyone else’s diet. Does your six pack make you healthier than the rest of us? Probably not.

    Some advice for you since you seem to think you’re equipped to dish it out—try inspiring and motivating others some other way, rather than telling them they are terrible people for doing the same things you do yourself.

    Ohhhhh snap! Jack Twist just got told!