

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Yvonne, thanks for sharing. That is a very inspirational story.

    Sioux, I must have missed the story about your friend announcing in the church newsletter that you two were going to lose weight until Yvonne mentioned it. I'm not sure how I would feel about that. Sort of remotely similar, I've been meaning to tell you a story about the local TOPS group, because I know some go to TOPS. I wanted to ask y'all if you would like this or not. They post on Facebook congratulations to the biggest loser and congratulate others who have losses. They mention if folks are sick and even call the names of the ones who missed (tagging them on Facebook) and saying that they hope to see them next week. It's not a private group, apparently, because I see the posts when people are tagged that are my friends. I would not like my weight loss progress mentioned on Facebook, personally. I mean, it's kind of obvious that I could stand to lose a few pounds and that I have lost some weight (down 50 from my heaviest), but still. I don't know. I prefer to keep it to those close girl friends that I think really care. My before and in-progress picture that I posted on here, for example. I wouldn't want that on Facebook, but I did text it to my daughter, my sister, and my cousin, because they are interested in my progress and celebrate with me. But I don't want former co-workers, my fellow lay servant friends, people like that seeing pictures of me in my workout pants. Am I weird? Would you like this because it held you accountable or would you think they were violating your privacy?

    Another similar story, one of my bridge lady friends was having leg cramps and she told a church friend about it when the friend asked her how she was doing. She was mortified when her name appeared in the church bulletin on the prayer list with leg cramps in parentheses beside her name amidst all the people with serious illnesses like cancer. She says now, when people from church ask her how she's doing, she says, "fine, just fine."

    We did total body again today, six exercises, some with Dumbbells and some with kettle bells. I can't begin to know all their names. They all began with a leg movement followed by an arm. One I do know was squat to chest fly. We did 2 sets of 15 and one set of 10. I walked 3 miles with Dave at 5:30 a.m., did 0.8 miles on the elliptical and another 2 miles with him when I got home.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Dr. Katie, I would not like my weight loss on Facebook. Or open reminders I did not attend something. No one's business.

    I had to bop in to my primary care provider (PCP) for a blood level. While I was there, she asked if I would, again, be a guinea pig for a student nurse practitioner. Even though I wasn't there for an office visit, I went through the whole routine just to help out her student. She said she likes how I educate the students about Recovery and being pro-active with mental health issues. Interesting. My PCP has a brother with bipolar disorder, and I like that she is working to educate her trainees on these issues.

    No yard work today- gray and sprinkling off and on and cold! My yard already looks much better than the last couple of years.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I tried to be a good girl and log on here and read before midnight like last night. I will be glad when this Bed and Breakfast job is done. They come in the evening, sit down and have supper, on alternate nights each girl is supposed to load the dishwasher. I don't even like my husband to load it. I load it a certain organized way and I like it. No for Thanksgiving, the men clean up and load the dishwasher. They get about half of the dishes and pots and pans loaded. So I do appreciate it as it means I can rest. But after a big meal a 9 year old kid does not know how to properly load it. So she and I loaded it together. She handed them to me and I loaded. But today I will have to nload it again, fix supper and then the older girl will fill it. I trust a girl going in 15 a little more. I have no idea what our family room looks like. Then the whole idea of clothes. I was going to offer my washing machine since they are going to his parents house tomorrow. Ellie came wearing this real short dress without leggings on Saturday morning. She wore it all day long then wore it to bed that night. She wore it again today. No washing, I did get her to brush her hair.

    OK, off my high horse. Need to go to Walgreens. AARP gives a 15% discount today. Either that or it is just Walgreens that offers it. May pick up things to make a banana pudding.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi gals,

    Alison - I cheered from my desk as I read your post – he can cook his burger, and no discussion he can just feed the dogs from now on…. You GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Noreen – welcome – I’m guessing that – hoping that- the dogs and cats are the only critters let inside… no alligators I hope!!!!

    Sioux – perfect post – I am so thankful when I see a post about a hoarder that my mom is not one. So glad you have a plan and help… it will get done. One thought since you’ll be stuck there 2 days a week is to pack a picnic lunch…

    Katiebug – I’m with Miriam – Nope!

    Kim from N. California
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Katiebug - I would hate to see my weight loss posted on FaceBook. I choose who I share that kind of information with.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    guess it wouldn't bother me if my before pics and after pics and my weight loss was posted on fb or not or how much I loss, etc... it's a personal choice, I would respect someone's decision IF THEY TOLD ME they wouldn't rather I told anyone. I personally applaud people on fb once it's on there, I admire them for having them do something for themselves.
    I would also always ask first, I wouldn't want them embarrassed but I would be yelling at the top of the highest building.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    We had a great time at the W I doing Bollywood dancing! :D It was a real workout for about an hour and MY KNEE HELD UP! :drinker: I felt a bit of soreness in my hip, but managed ok. It was great fun. The first tune was from "Slumdog Millionaire ". We all had scarves and some borrowed sarees or shalwar kamees. I had my baggy trousers and a long scarf.
    I hope I will feel ok tomorrow morning. :bigsmile:

    I came home to find DH struggling to communicate with our phone provider. Our phone line is crackling and our Internet keeps going off. There is no way of letting them know other than calling their #$÷÷=% Indian call centre. Grrrrrr! :sad: We have ordered a new modem, but the line is also a problem.
    I said to leave it until tomorrow and we watched something calming on the TV.

    I am feeling nervous about booking the villa and flights to Guadeloupe. Will think about it tomorrow. We will also need to hire a car. It's all a bit daunting. Not sure about it. Wondering whether to stay in a hotel the first night and then drive in the daytime. Or do something completely different. :sad:
    The trick tonight will be not to think about it in the small hours. Tomorrow is soon enough. ;)

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Have been sick all day. So no gym today. Don't think they would appreciate vomit on their treadmills. Hopefully it will be better and I can go tomorrow. I do better when I am on a schedule and stay consistent with working out.

    Anne from WI
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again. I'm feeling a lot better today. PT was good. They signed me up for 6 weeks but I honestly don't think it will take that long. I'm starting back on soft foods today and so far so good.

    Saw the kids last night. They said they missed me.


  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Sylvia ~ So sorry for your health problems and wishing you a complete recovery.

    Noreen ~ I had to look on a map to find Quincy, Fl. Very close to Tampa I see. Sounds like you are surrounded by wild life.

    Miriam ~ Sounds like your DH was a total loser/abuser. Glad you are no longer in that situation.

    Held my plank for another minute yesterday and am doing (a very few) floor exercises that seem to address the abs. Found this on You Tube. Looked up exercises for the torso.


    Wow, thanks for literally looking me up! I am about an hour outside our lovely state capital, Tallahassee.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    nb1959 wrote: »
    Hi, everyone. What a wonderful way to start a new day---reading your posts is like having coffee with good friends before work! You guy make me smile, LOL, and shed a tear for you sometime. I feel blessed to be in the company of such intelligent, warm, and determined people. Well, If you don't mind and want to read further, I can tell you a little about myself. I am a writer at Florida State University and live in a small, rural community near-by. I am blissfully married. We have three grown boys, 3 grandchildren, three dogs, five cats, and numerous beaver, alligators, wading birds, birds of prey, song birds, varmints, and things that slither and crawl. There are wild turkey, deer, and coyote here. When we are not here we are camping with my grampuppies or friends. I have RA, osteoporosis, degenerative disk disease, and osteoarthritis, but they don't have me! Since I can't exercise I need to manage my weight through diet, so that's why I am here, so happily with y'all. I hope everyone has good day today. Be kind to yourself by taking excellent care of yourself! Oh, and I ate 12 Hershey's Kisses last night, one right after another. But I did log Day 3 and look forward to Day 4. Please keep writing. I am finding strength here. Hugs to all. Noreen, Quincy, Florida

    Noreen~ I feel the same way about all these ladies here too. Nice to meet you!

    I have cried, hooted, snickered, and that is all in the same day! You all make me feel normal. I personally never thought I would ever have my " band of sisters" like I do now. Moving all the time in the Navy, well I would never get a bond going, so its a relief to know I have you all, (plus my Oregonian friends in my TOPS group). I have a sense of peace about life now.

    I also have 3 sons, ages 17, 21, and 26. The two oldest are active Navy, and the recruiters and colleges are ringing us up, and knocking on our door for the last son! They don't get him until next year, but we will be signing him up in the 'early entry program' come June. It positions him better for boot camp, in that he will have from this June to June 2017 to learn aspects of the Navy. Plus he can go up in rank, by being a part of this program, and getting qualified in this or that. My other sons definitely benefited from it, not having to cram all what boot camp threw at them.

    Today we traveled to my husbands doctors appointment. Left at 7:30 AM and arrived home at 2:30 PM, so not bad. I drove home fine. I didn't even get pulled over by the cop off the side either!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks to everyone for helping me be excited about my clean oncology check up!

    Kim – I LOVE the purple chair!!!

    Penny – So cute that your grandchildren offered to share!!

    Sylvia – Oh no!! (((((hugs)))))

    See! I was making notes. Then I stopped. I got absorbed in reading and forgot. :neutral:

    I missed reading over the weekend so the few comments I made are for older posts.

    A quick update on me:

    My vision got "dim" yesterday so I had to make an emergency trip to the eye doctor this morning. After much brew-haha about insurance stuff, the doctor finally told me I was okay to wait until Thursday for the scheduled procedure. I had been told to come in ready for surgery (nothing to eat or drink, no makeup, no nail polish, etc.) so I went straight home to eat and get re-dressed. Then I went to the dentist to see why my tooth had suddenly begun hurting. (Are you hearing the silent screams here?) He's hoping that it's just a filling that needs to be replaced so that will be done next week. Everything is crossed that that takes care of it! I am ready for this series of medical adventures to be finished!

    I told y'all a few weeks ago that the guy I was seeing and I had chosen to become exclusive. Well, he fell off the face of the earth after that. I finally texted him and asked for an explanation and all I got was that he'd been spending a lot of time with his daughter **insert eye roll** (he did say nothing was wrong with her). I'm baffled! And, they say women are hard to understand! So, I had pretty much decided to discontinue my adventures in dating when the guy I was seeing last Fall called again. I'm still not "seeing" him but, after talking to him, I realized I had missed him. He had partial knee replacement surgery this morning so I will check in on him as he recovers. I'm not going to jump from one guy to the other, but knowing that he shied away because he felt so strongly for me makes HIS "desertion" much more palatable. He is still very definitely interested. We'll see.

    I mentioned that I was having an issue at work. Well, I've still not turned in my response but the Treasurer just came by and told me that he had told them all where to shove it for allowing one woman to dictate my job description. No one else has mentioned it to me so I don't know what's going on. I'm just staying low and doing my job...

    Churches and branding - It's a common term used within leaders of churches. I've been involved in some way or the other with most all denominations except Catholicism. I work for a United Church of Christ congregation in the mornings (very liberal) and a Southern Baptist congregation in the afternoons (very conservative). I grew up Free Will Baptist (very fundamentalist) and ran as fast as I could away from it. Now, I'm Methodist. I definitely don't agree with all things Methodist but, around here, it's the best fit I can find.

    I'm going to go home now. I have a sick son at my house so I hope he stays in his area and doesn't spread any potential germs into mine.

    :heart: Carol in NC
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    I love Green Chef and Blue Apron. Fresh, refrigerated foods are delivered to my door, with recipes. Portion control! And I am really learning a lot... the food has an international feel. All you have to have is EVOO, salt and pepper at home. Feel like I have entered a cooking school! Green Chef is organic, which helps me. Tonight: Greek Chicken and Potatoes. It has artichokes and capers!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michelle – I feel for you. I get things in my eyes and it feels like it is scratching my eyeball to shreds! Sometimes I will get in my tub; and, let the water coming out of the faucet really slow and hold the eye open. I figure if it is an eyelash, or speck of dust, or fuzz … maybe it will wash it out. But, one thing to remember is to ‘try’ not to rub it … it might be feeling that way because it has already scratched the eyeball and fallen out all ready. If you wear makeup (or mascara for sure) make sure you take it off with a good cleaner every night. Somewhere around her I have a Rx for a tube of this ‘gunky; stuff that I put in my eye that is irritated in order for that pain goes away (usually by the next day). Rx’d by eye MD.
    I took my ‘good clothes’ to the local consignment shop and hopefully will make a few $$$. They have a very good selection of gently used (and sometimes new ones with the tags still on them. I think they now a new customer. I have not had a chance to really look thought the clothes yet uninterrupted.

    Miriam – I grew up in a small town; but only about 25 miles away from a city. Had a lot of fun growing up in the early 50’s to late 60’s; but, could not WAIT to go to Atlanta to ‘art school’. Met a lot of nice people, just a bit ‘crazy’’. Met DH, got transferred to Jacksonville, would go to the beach every weekend with our upstairs neighbors; they moved, we moved and then my MnL became my BF. We loved doing just about anything together; then we got transferred to Albany, GA. Had a bad time when we first moved there. Lived in a nice neighborhood, had friends in neighborhood, at church, and clubs. Got transferred to Macon, with a baby on the way, got involved in Catholic Church there and converted from a Southern Baptist. DH grew up as a Catholic and did not want to go anywhere else. Move back to Albany 2 years later, then company laid him off. I don’t understand why they just did not leave us Macon; we had made friends and it was also much closer to my parents. Made absolutely no sense. Children went to parochial school, most of my friends were mothers of their friends. Went to work full-time and my co-workers were friends. Became disabled (not physically) and moved to a small town about 25 miles northwest of Albany. As for making friends here … been hard to break in the cliquish groups. Still had friends in Albany; but, like Thomas Wolfe said, ‘you can never go back home’ … had nothing in common with most of them. So I met my friends through work and belonging to the Legal Secretaries group. Still not actively friends with but a handful of women. I guess that is why I want to get back to going to Mass and becoming active in church again. Even though I know it will be ‘me’ making the biggest effort to make friends. But, I’m like a ‘bull in a china shop’ and will gravitate to the club that I meet with the least resistance. Oh, and I have gone to an ‘art class’ and met a lot of nice ladies and became really good friends with 2 of them. One died last month and I am going to miss her.

    A lot of women who have been abused during their marriage think of ways they'd like to do to ‘permanently’ get out of the situation; but, many are much more afraid of striking out on their own; because women don’t normally fare as well being independent – especially if the man does not want her to leave (as his punching bag) and she has been a stay-at-home, marginally educated, with several children. Most hide their scars, (physically or mentally) and their spirit gets crushed, so they ‘stay’ in the situation – hoping that his promised will actually change. She might get a job; but having to pay for an apartment, daycare, food, clothes, and things that we all use on a daily basis – if he doesn’t pay her ‘child support’ she isn’t going to even have the necessities in life. Usually, she and children are terrified of him and what he is capable of doing to them. Also, unfortunately he’s maybe done things to his children that are ‘unforgiveable’ … molestation, rape, making children go ‘hide’ in the woods, when he comes looking for them with a loaded rifle. That sounds extreme – but know about it first-hand. Getting her into a ‘women’s shelter’ that’s location had been hidden; he follows one of his kids home (back to the shelter) in the car and the person at the ‘shelter’ was driving. She had to leave the shelter for the sake of the others. They arranged to put her in a different town; and, then got caught calling him and telling him where she was. Oldest son just got arrested for ‘thief’ (and why he’ do it since he had a thriving business – which will go to others), next youngest son was arrested when he shot two of her ‘former’ girlfriend.

    Grammyx23 – If you are using a laptop’s touchpad, you are probably hitting it with the first joint of your thumb, or rubbing one of your palms across it. One way that a lot of do, in order to keep up with posts is to open up a side-by-side (2nd window) using your ‘word processing program’. Then minimize both of them. You’ll be able to see the post and then you can type your comment into your W.P. program. By the way, if you are posting in the box on a certain page; you cannot go back a page, unless you save the post first. Then in the upper right hand corner is a gear and you’d need to click on it and it will drop down a screen and hit that. I’ll give you an hour to change anything you want to in that post. I’m not saying that you can’t post to a previous way; just that you have to save it to do so. I’m sure my instructions are very confusing … I’m a ‘visual’ person and an artist and I can’t tell you how to make it easier. It just is if you can open up a second page (or blank page in your WP program and go back-and-forth between them. I am making an ‘assumption’ and I know how that goes. I’m sure that anybody who posts long posts to several people can tell you an easier version. It took me a week to catch on. Having not really understanding what I was being told. Then you could highlight the typing in the WP program into the last box to post (and make sure you are on the ‘last’ page; because between typing your responses … there are others also typing post. Usually, it will only take you back to your last post; and, sometimes if I feel like it I will go back later and read the few that I’ve missed. If I have lost contact with MFP; I usually start at the most recent. Down on the lower right-hand corner, you will see what page # you are on. Hope I have not made this totally ‘convoluted’.

    Margaret – Getting the entire story helps sooths the entire situation.

    Heather – Mr. Tuxter-Muxter brings all his killings to our back door and usually graces with us right at the door; might be feathers off a bird, the tail of something; once brought us the ‘ears’ off a bunny. He sleeps most of the day; and, goes prowling in the early morning; late afternoon. I guess he just proving he’s doing his job as an outside cat.

    I walked (approximately) 4,265 steps and it took me 45 minutes with Cracker! Whew! I’m melting!!!!! How do you ladies do 10,000 steps a day? Used my ‘primitive pedometer’ … 4 steps per putting down the walking stick and walking past it. Cracker has passed out on the floor. More under the fan than her bed is; has to be cooler! Lost 2.5 more lbs.; now I am at 159lbs. The ‘end’ is getting closer …

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Dave and I took another walk this afternoon since we were bored. That makes over 17,000 steps. A Ford Escape went by. That was a car I was considering before my whole airbag thing making me decide to stay with a CRV. I said to Dave, "Barbiecat had one of those." Then I proceeded to tell him the whole story about the airbag light, the mechanic telling Barbie to gain weight, etc, etc. when I was finished, he looked at me and said, "Am I supposed to know who you are talking about?" Well, yes! Of course he was supposed to know. I said, "she's the one who says there is no weather bad enough to keep you from walking, just inappropriate clothing." Then he remembered.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Anne, glad the shower was a success and you enjoyed your cupcake.

    Katla, what a “Score” at your riding lesson. So happy for you!!

    Beth, congrats to your son and to you, Mom. Glad the audition went well.

    MicheleNC, you are right about the salt keeping the glass from sticking. A small hole would let the water leak through to the table. I drink constantly and thus, get lots of exercise to, from and in the bathroom. Lol

    Larisa, please never take offense at anything we say on here. Sometimes some of us just like to get on a soapbox weather it’s called for or not. We’re just women gabbing but totally support everyone here.

    Kim, that was funny and I think we all know how she felt. Lol

    Bibia, welcome. You are so right about the hard, unfun changes often being worth it. Keep up the great work and I hope your hubby heals quickly.

    Nb1959, do you have a name we can use for you?

    Kalli, keep up the good work!!! You are doing great wogging.animated-penguin-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Penny, I love your story about the neighbor girl wanting to play!! It almost made me tear up. Did she come in to give you a hug???

    Sylvia, so sorry to hear about your health problems!!! Can they not figure out what’s causing the colon problems and do something about it? Glad the stroke was small. I’ll bet all that scares the grands. Please take care of yourself. I love you and hate to see you sick. Sending tons of healing thoughts your way.

    Miriam, I’m having to really skim the posts since I’ve gotten so far behind, but glad I read yours about why you have been lurking. It is one thing to “discuss religion” and another thing to talk about an experience at a church. I certainly want anyone to feel safe in this forum to talk about their personal experiences. I do hope you know that most of us feel that way and want you posting any time you have something to say. ((((Hugs)))) In fact, as far as discussing religion, I am always interested to hear other’s beliefs and views if they are sharing and not preaching. As far as saying anything negative about anyone’s religion, that just doesn’t belong here. I hope no one in here is offended when some of us say we are sending prayers, just like I’m not offended to know some here don’t pray and some don’t believe. That is their choice.

    Chris, so sorry to hear of all your family problems. Glad they found the DGD’s problem and can hopefully treat it. Sending best wishes to you and your mom. I know that is hard.

    Sioux, welcome. Yes this thing works and it’s easier with the support of these great ladies. Come often.

    Penny, always love the pictures of the Northern Lights. Just amazing.

    Heather, here I am again asking questions. Lol What is a midge???

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I gave up on trying to catch up and just skipped a few pages. I hate that because I love to read all the posts. I didn’t have line dancing today but will have it Thursday morning. At the Moose meeting last night I was good and didn’t eat any of the yummy desserts. Got the door that we need to have installed so will call the Handy Man to schedule his return. I’m sending good thoughts to all of you, hugs to those that want/need them, congrats to those with victories and hope I’ll get more time to keep up with all of my friends here.
    Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member