Biggest gym pet peeves..



  • 1CountryGirl05
    1CountryGirl05 Posts: 73 Member
    I workout at home now but when I was a member of a ladies only gym they would talk the whole time and distract me. I really didn't want to be rude but I couldn't focus because they were whining to me about theit sorry lives and how they weren't losing weight. :/
  • kyleliermann
    kyleliermann Posts: 156 Member
    people that go to the gym literally to just look good and not work out
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    This should sum up the topic pretty well.
  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Just remembered another.... and it's all on me... happened today.....ipod ran out of juice with 3 machines and 1/2 hour of cardio to go..... absolute hell. :(
  • theresahickman556
    theresahickman556 Posts: 12 Member
    benjaminhk wrote: »
    People who don't wipe the equipment down, followed closely by gym-advisors: Those folk who feel the need to critique your form/pace/cadence/etc

    Oof! I completely forgot to mention the unsolicited advice. I hate it. You would think people would know that everyone hates unsolicited advice.

    I so agree!!!!! I am trying to work out and That's all I hear, I want to workout!
  • April_Chicken
    April_Chicken Posts: 19 Member
    :lol: okay well... lol. Oh man. I might lose friends on this one.

    The try hards. Why are you wearing a full face of makeup and a club outfit? We're at the gym babe. But look cute I guess.

    The pickup artists. "Don't I know you?". No you don't fukin know me, I'm here to work out...get away from me, I will never be your gf and if I wanna be I will stare at your backside for several seconds straight. Bye.

    The selfie takers. You're not getting any uglier keep working out or gtfo of my mirror space.

    The lazies. You're lifting 20s why the hell can't you re rack your weights? Lazy fuk

    The slammers. If you need to drop the bar against the ground that hard, perhaps the weights too heavy? Thank you now I'm deaf.

    The dirties. Okay fine we all sweat. But for the love of Christ, clean your machine when you're done. I'm not a lover of your *kitten* sweat. Thanks.

    The end :heart:



    Keepin' it real. Love that! So true-all aspects. My favorite was when a guy approached me and asked me if I wanted to "maybe go get some ice-cream or a drink after the gym". I'm like, "Uh-hello, I'm on minute 42 on the treadmill, sweating like a prostitute in church and you are asking me if I want to go get ice cream?" WTF
  • April_Chicken
    April_Chicken Posts: 19 Member
    When I can't stop farting while on cardio equipment!

    LMAO, Hilarious!!!
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Talking while sitting at a machine. Throwing weights around. Singing out loud. Talking in general. Taking weights. Asking to work in when sizes and weights are totally different. Wearing jeans to work out. Not going all the way down for squats
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Getting a fungus infestation. The worst.
  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    My biggest pet peeve is actually in the locker room when I'm sitting down, leaning over putting on my shoes and old man with the super low balls wants to walk a mere two inches away from my face. I've literally had to duck and move before to avoid getting old balls across my face.

    Sorry but I laughed so hard at this.

  • Brandstheman
    Brandstheman Posts: 239 Member
    Hate when teenagers block an area to take selfies :|
  • buthoflamb6
    buthoflamb6 Posts: 189 Member
    People approaching me while I am in the middle of a set or rest and ask me of I am using the machine!!!
  • pmastro724
    pmastro724 Posts: 122 Member
    Cell phone talkers...even with my headphones on I still hear them yapping...I cant stand it.
  • lizzelspark
    lizzelspark Posts: 178 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I get annoyed when people get in my way while I'm taking selfies. And when people walk in front of the camera when I'm taking video. Also, when the wifi at the gym is being crappy, but the ceilings are steel or something so I don't get great service inhibiting my ability to post on MFP, Facebook and Instagram. Also, people who think heavy lifting doesn't require rest periods.

    Lol oh you are great !!!
  • PamelaW41
    PamelaW41 Posts: 287 Member
    When people use the weight area for circuit training. There are 2 rooms you can do that in. They use the flat bench for a step, when there's a room with step aerobics...and drag stuff from other areas to the weight area. They are monopolizing equipment and generally just in the way, wanting to be seen. Its ridiculous. If floor mats were intended to be used in the weight area thats where the gym would keep them. The ones that do sprints or walking lunges in the weight area make me want to accidently trip them!
  • 2BFitAlanah
    2BFitAlanah Posts: 7 Member
    The guys who make loud noises with the machines/weights just to let everyone know they're going super heavy!!
  • joelo_83
    joelo_83 Posts: 218 Member
    Squatting in the text rack, err I mean...
  • rachelbeirne
    rachelbeirne Posts: 17 Member
    When I can't stop farting while on cardio equipment!
    Haha I do the same..only it's megga embarrassing when my PT walks up to me...