April 2016 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    So if I plug in 1:09:45 for your 10K, it suggests an 8K time of 55:21 (11:08 pace) and a 33:35 5K. That slows your times down a little, but all of this in the right ballpark. I would be curious to see the split data on that 10K. I wonder if you positive split that race.

    How long ago was that 1:09:45 10K? Is that up on strava?

    That was at the MCM10K in late October last fall. The first mile was slow because I was *freezing* and jogging with a slower friend while we warmed up and dealt with the 7000 other runners. The last bit was up a ginormous hill.

    Distance Pace Elapsed Time
    1.0 mi 12:53 min/mi 00:12:52
    2.0 mi 10:24 min/mi 00:10:22
    3.0 mi 10:48 min/mi 00:10:48
    4.0 mi 10:23 min/mi 00:10:22
    5.0 mi 10:37 min/mi 00:10:36
    6.0 mi 11:02 min/mi 00:11:00
    6.5 mi 12:24 min/mi 00:06:34

    My other 10K (one month earlier) is similar for the road sections:
    Distance Pace Elapsed Time
    1.0 mi 10:20 min/mi 00:10:20 Road
    2.0 mi 10:54 min/mi 00:10:53 Road
    3.0 mi 14:10 min/mi 00:14:09 Technical Trail
    4.0 mi 14:04 min/mi 00:14:03 Technical Trail
    5.0 mi 14:09 min/mi 00:14:09 Technical Trail
    6.0 mi 13:33 min/mi 00:13:32 Road (but uphill)
    6.3 mi 11:31 min/mi 00:03:00 Road

    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Anyway, using your 1:09:45 time, the MRC suggests the following:

    11:11 vLT

    Recovery Jogs 12:59-13:56
    Long Runs 12:11-13:18
    Easy (Normal Runs) 12:07-12:47

    Steady State Runs 11:18-11:50
    Tempo Runs 10:54-11;16
    Tempo Intervals 10:43-11:10

    Since I think you can race a 10K a lil faster, I would say that the above suggested paces could be shifted maybe 5-10 seconds faster.

    So that would make it:

    Recovery Jogs 12:49-13:46
    Long Runs 12:01-13:08
    Easy (Normal Runs) 11:57-12:37

    Steady State Runs 11:08-11:40
    Tempo Runs 10:44-11:06
    Tempo Intervals 10:33-11:00

    So this actually puts a fair number of my runs slower than where I typically run. I never would have expected that! But this is very, very helpful. I'll start training in earnest for my November half in June, and I'd like to use a "real" training plan that factors in tempo and speed/interval work as well as long runs and proper recovery runs. For my last half, I was just working up to being able to be on my feet for over two hours (and I only ran about 12 miles on my longest run beforehand). I was so incredibly nervous about not being able to do it that I really held back. I'd like to train for better performance this time. Thank you *so* much for figuring these numbers for me! I'm printing them out and looking for/devising a plan! :)

    What I would suggest is a plan that has 3 quality days per week with easy or recovery in between.

    One quality day is your long run which is ran at the LR pace.

    I would then add a tempo day as your second quality day where you run the first mile as a warmup at easy pace then 20-30 minutes at tempo pace then finish with a 1 mile cooldown at easy pace. T = 10:44-11:06

    Your third day could be another tempo, a fartlek run, or progression run. Here you can mix up your tempo by doing something like run a mile warmup then run a half mile at tempo (T), then run the next half mile at marathon (MP) or easy (E) pace, then run the next 1/2 mi at T then back to MP or E... repeat back and forth for about 2-6 miles. Then run last 2 miles at E pace. When you get real good, then increase the intervals from 1/2 mile to a full mile so it's 1 mi T, 1 mi MP/E, 1 mi T, 1 mi MP/E, 1 mi T... Eventually you can then get up to 2 mi intervals. For this workout you would use the tempo interval pace. (10:33-11:00) The other thing you can do which I highly recommend is insert a midweek medium long run at your E or LR pace as your third quality day. So this is another long run but not as long as your regular weekly long run. And you can always switch it so this quality day is different each week. One week it's a midweek long run. Next week its the tempo interval. The week after it's a fartlek. The week after maybe hill repeats. Do more of a certain type if you think you need more practice. If you are in a cutback week or your legs feel real tired for some reason, then just make this another E day.

    This accounts for only 3 runs a week. If you run a 4th or 5th day in between these workouts, then that would just be either an E (easy) run or R (recovery) run. Depends where you fit them and how your legs feel. Like the day after your long run or a tempo would be a R run. If the number of miles you want to run doesn't add up to the mileage you need for the day, just pad the rest of the miles by running at E pace.

    Long Runs should be done all year long but the other 2 quality days should only be like maybe 12-14 weeks away from your target race. After your target race, you will want to do a reverse taper and then build back up your miles slowly. 28 weeks away from your target race, all you want to do is build up your mileage with all E runs (base building for 12-14 weeks) then the 12-14 weeks with 2 more quality days added, then taper, then race, then reverse taper and repeat with base building. This is known as periodization.

    Your speed/interval workouts have limited use. I would not even do a VO2Max type of speed or interval run unless you already been running consistently for 2 years, already built your base, and maybe use them sparingly in the last few weeks before your target race. Then stop doing them for a while. Improvements come in 4-6 workouts and then hit a diminishing return which then can then lead to over training. If you do do this type of speedwork, it replaces one of the other quality days (as long as you are not replacing the long run). Never replace a long run with a tempo or speed workout. Always do the long run each week.

    Instead of VO2max speedwork, take one of your easy runs and do about 6x 20-30 second strides or surges. You can do this on 2 different easy days per week. This straetgy can be done all year long (even douring base building) as opposed to only a few weeks at the end.

    But build your mileage up as much as possible but in slow increments all at your E pace. Do this for at least 14-16 weeks. Then maintain the mileage that you built up for another 14-16 weeks with the 2 extra quality days added. If you do any speed work, it's the last 4-6 weeks before you start your taper into your target race.
  • jadasanders14
    jadasanders14 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm just starting out. But I am aiming for 50 miles this week... using my fit bit and fitbit app to help log...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 REST DAY
    4/2 14.3 miles - 14.3 <<< 13.1 HM + 1.2 warmup
    4/3 REST DAY
    4/4 4.2 miles - 18.5 << will try and get a second lunch time run in
    4/4 4.0 miles - 22.5 << daily double, 3E +1HMP
    4/5 8 miles - 30.5
    4/6 4.2 miles - 34.7 << easy recovery 4 (taper week)
    4/7 6 miles - 40.7
    4/8 5 miles - 45.7


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just a quick mileage post. We are off for the weekend for a family funeral/memorial. It is a sad occasion but I am actually looking forward to the opportunity to see all the family we rarely get to see. I don't know if I will be running or not but will try to keep up with all the running and race results from my phone.

    04/04.......5.25........19.02 - + Agility
    04/05.......5.21........24.23 - + Strength Training (one armed :))
    04/07.......5.86........30.09 - + Strength Training (one armed :))
    04/08.......4.34........34.43 - Rain run!


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    06/25/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    09/xx/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    xx/xx/xx - Nike Women's Half Marathon, Los Angeles
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Thank you so much, @Stoshew71 ! I've added that last post to my document file I'm making for training. I'll need to sit down with your list and try to write out long-hand what that sort of regimen would look like. I really appreciate all the time you put into writing that all out. It makes a lot more sense to me than some of the pre-canned training plans I've seen, which seem to mostly be just adding a mile to the long run every week!

    4/1...5.0 @ 12:00 on the TM (4.0 @ 11:15 and 1.0 walking)
    4/2....3.1 @ 11:45 through the neighborhood. My ankle hurt the first mile or so, especially on the uphill bits--downhill isn't too bad
    4/3...Rest day
    4/4...4.6 @ 11:32 on the rail trail and neighborhood streets
    4/5...2.8 @ 11:50 on the TM--that's 2.3 (just to make it even!) @ 11:15 and .5 at a walk, plus strength training
    4/6...Rest day, but I got to go help out at my son's RunFit club. Next time I'm wearing my own running shoes so I can chase him with a sharp stick so he doesn't walk so much! (That was a joke...don't call CPS or Jeff Galloway...)
    4/7...7.0 @ 11:25 on the TM (This was really 6.25 at 11:05 and .75 walking to cool down)
    4/8...2.0 @ 12:06 trying a "recovery run"on the rail trail while the kiddos were in gym class. Still too fast, I think?

    Upcoming Races:
    Healthy Strides Community 10k.....April 23, 2016
    Run and Ride Kings Dominion 10K...May 22, 2016 (maybe!)
    Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon.....November 6, 2016

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    33.61/130 miles

    "Don't let fear decide your future" Shalane Flanagan. Olympic Bronze Medalist

    Upcoming races:

    04/24/16 OKC Memorial Half Maybe?
    10/16/16 THAT dam half, Lewisville TX
    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    Run the year 2016  544.22/ 2016
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    On this stretch of our lake parkrun track, 2 kms in, I always have an Existential crisis, and wonder what the freaking frak I'm doing trying to run.
    Not today. I was cheering on a little kid who was doing his 10th parkrun and I didn't even notice I was running that stretch.
    And today I ran a PB and achieved my sub-30 minute goal. So happy! :):smile: :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Orphia wrote: »

    On this stretch of our lake parkrun track, 2 kms in, I always have an Existential crisis, and wonder what the freaking frak I'm doing trying to run.
    Not today. I was cheering on a little kid who was doing his 10th parkrun and I didn't even notice I was running that stretch.
    And today I ran a PB and achieved my sub-30 minute goal. So happy! :):smile: :smile:

    Congratulations! Sounds like awesome company!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber sorry for your loss

    Looks like lots of races being run this weekend. Good luck everyone.

    No running today since I have a HM Sunday and my legs and ITB like to rest. :smile: Had lots of fun today volunteering at Special Olympics.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Very slow and cautious 5km stretch - recovery run - more like a Fast Walk than a run.
    In Adult Swim Club last night at about 800m into a 1500m routine I made the flip turn - kicked off the wall and got a major calf cramp that had me grabbing the lane ropes. Pulled myself into the shallow water along the ropes and spent the next 30 minutes trying to massage and slowly stretch it out. Confused and worried as my Hydration is good and electrolytes are topped up with Gatorade. A little worried with a HM next weekend.

    04/01 – 0.0 Km – 0.0 - 140 km
    04/02 – 10. Km – 10 km- 130 km
    04/03 – 8.0 Km – 18 km- 122 km
    04/04 – 12 km – 30 km – 110 km
    04/06 – 6.0 km – 36 km – 104 km
    04/08 – 5.0 km – 41 km – 99 km – YTD 431.8 km

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member

    4/1 - 5 miles on the bike around town, 3 mile walk, 45 min strength training (This is what I do when I can't run.)
    4/2 - 4.5 mile RUN! (no pain!), 3 mile walk because I love spring weather :)
    4/3 - rest day
    4/4 - 3 mile run, 23 min strength training
    4/5 - 4.25 mile run
    4/6 - rest day (should've gotten up earlier and done strength training)
    4/7 - 20 min light walk after an hour in the car, so I don't have to call this another rest day!
    4/8 - 3.1 run (testing out my sore knee so no Friday long run), 1.5 mile walk trip to grocery store, no strength because I have a pinched nerve causing my whole arm to burn :neutral:

    14.85 of 60 miles April running goal

    @shanaber Sorry for your loss. Have a safe trip.

    @orphia Awesome job. I love when something distracts me from a tough section of my run!

    @jadasanders14 Welcome :smile:

    I went back and forth all morning on running. Saw Dr for my knee and arm pain. Xray on knee. I have a great knee! Apparently just a muscle strain behind knee. Run went well though and I talked to myself like a crazy person and found out 9ish min/mile pace is pretty conversational for me so yay. My arm hurts worse than my knee so no strength training. Boo.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    1) Mon 4 April 3.32km
    2) Mon 4 April 2.98km Couch to 5K W1D1
    3) Tue 5 April 3.10km
    4) Wed 6 April 3.11km
    5) Fri 8 April 2.31km
    6) Fri 8 April 2.56km C25K W1D2


    Have also decided that I will add my upcoming race details like others have done ;)
    5 June 14km City2South
    28 August 5km Bridge2Brisbane
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited April 2016
    April Goal: Run often

    4/1 couldn't
    4/2 4.05
    4/3 3.15
    4/4 ennui
    4/5 snorkel 3.5 hours
    4/6 6.30
    4/7 3.65
    4/8 4.81

    Total 21.96

    Upcoming races:
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:

  • akerra27
    akerra27 Posts: 117 Member
    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/exercise/wwW5in3/"&gt;
    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wwW5in3/exercise.png"></a&gt;

    Did 11.72 miles day before yesterday but it was all walking. Hoping for more running soon ✔
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited April 2016
    Orphia wrote: »

    On this stretch of our lake parkrun track, 2 kms in, I always have an Existential crisis, and wonder what the freaking frak I'm doing trying to run.
    Not today. I was cheering on a little kid who was doing his 10th parkrun and I didn't even notice I was running that stretch.
    And today I ran a PB and achieved my sub-30 minute goal. So happy! :):smile: :smile:

    Forgot to add that I knocked 58 seconds off my parkrun (5K) personal best time. 29:12!!

    Plus, today I've been logging in MFP for exactly 365 days and am 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs) from goal weight.

    I'm so totally on a high today. :smiley:
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    @Orphia Lots of well dones! Great PB and well done for being so close to your goal weight. You're killing it!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks, @greenolivetree and @louubelle16 ! xxoo
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    April 2016

    2/4 - 5.64k
    3/4 6k
    9/4 4K


    First 4k forcing my hen toed/duck foot to go straight. Was awkward and unnatural but doable - not much slower despite me not caring about pace. Followed up with a foam roll per advice from @shanaber and @AdrianChr92 . (Wow that hurts) Let the foot straightening commence!

  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member

    Running Thoughts:
    Was meant to jog last night, but had a headache and slept for 11hrs instead.

    I would have caught up this morning with a 5k but my youngest asked to come too, so we did a junior parkrun distance of 2k.

    So all in all my plan is completely messed up, I think am 5k off where I should be though my total number of runs is fine.

    2 runs were with my kids so whether it's done me any good is questionable, even if I did enjoy doing them.

    long run tomorrow morning.

    1. 18 runs.............................5
    2. 115km total......................22k
    3. 4 runs a week...................Done
    4. quickest 5km of 2016
    5. quickest 10km of 2016
    6. 11 km long run

  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    @Orphia congrats on your PB and other achievements, and your positivity!

    @Amandajs232 good luck straightening that foot! I had to straighten up one of mine I noticed turned out slightly a couple of years ago. Totally doable! It was on my dodgy side. That side is still a bit dodgy, because it wasn't just the foot that was wonky, the hip was also a bit skewiff. And then making the knee a bit off, too. A work in progress.

    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

    Quick update on kms so far this month:

    Apr 1 – Rest
    Apr 2 – 27.55 km
    Apr 3 – Rest
    Apr 4 – 8.59 km
    Apr 5 – 8.72 km
    Apr 6 – 13.32 km
    Apr 7 – Rest
    Apr 8 – 8.58 km
    Apr 9 – 27.59 km

    Total: 94.35 km / 240 km

    5 June Rocky River Run 21km
    3 July Gold Coast Marathon
