April 2016 Running Challenge



  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited April 2016
    @pcarvalho3 I second the banana, not because I like bananas a lot but they are pretty good fuel and light. Make sure it's at least 2 hours before though. Or just oatmeal. Whatever it is, make sure you ate it before and don't try new stuff for a race day. Make sure it includes carbs. Hell I'll even eat bread if nothing else. Also depending of organisation, they will ask you to judge how fast you are and line up with people of your level so people don't need to pass the whole crowd and viceversa. Some races will place you in sectors but that is usually if they asked for your time when you registered. At my last race they asked for my time and I was placed in Sector C. Sectors A and B were reserved for elite runners and fast runners. Sector D was for "medium" runners and D for the rest. I even asked people what pace will they run and I stuck with someone that ran the same pace at me for a while. It gets the mind of pacing and it's easier

    Another slow 4.8 km today. I should be resting but it's so hard to not run lol. I'm taking off tomorrow and gonna do some core work and stuff. I have a new strategy for mileage increase. Instead of increasing it every week, I will increase it every month, running the same mileage for 4 weeks (with the reduced week every now and then).

    I'm already at 34 km per week and it's getting a toll on my legs to increase it further. I read somewhere that ligaments and tendons can be very slow to catch up with your muscles and aerobic capacity so I guess I shouldn't push too hard and just go as slow as possible. I figure this will give my body some time to get used to a mileage before increasing it further. So If I run around 120 km this month, I will set it to 130, 135 km the next month and so on. No hurry, the races can wait

    I'm thinking to drop the hm in may and just go with the 10k again.

    Also I signed up for another 5k in 2 weeks. The money will go to planting trees. Gonna try to PR it.

    And in the name of shopping, I just ordered an Ipod shuffle. It's been ages since I owned an mp3 player but I want music without the huge brick that is my phone. I don't worry about wired headphones. 1 or 2 safety needles and they don't jiggle around. Bluetooth headphones are still too expensive for me

    Date.......Distance...Pace (min/km).........................Sarcastic tips from someone who ran since December
    April 1 - 3 km...........(7:30)..................................Your cotton shirts will do just fine. Your nipples won't bleed
    April 2 - rest
    April 3 - 10 km.........(4:51).................................Go fast first miles in a race, you won't bonk near the end
    April 4 - 5.2 km........(7:35)..........................................................Buy all the shoes
    April 5 - 4.8 km........(6:30)...........................Seriously. You only need 2 trail pairs, 2 road pairs and 1 race pair.


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run (registered) 48:37, 188/1010
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest (registered)
    17/04: Forest Run (registered)
    15/05: Bucharest Half Marathon or 10k, depends.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @AdrianChr92 I have an iPod shuffle for the same reason! I can't stand running with my phone... it's too big to store anywhere very comfortably (and it's too hard to get it back out to switch songs, playlists, etc...), and I don't need it for GPS data. I load podcasts and music on to it in different playlists, clip it on, and head out the door! Simple!
  • zoe2434
    zoe2434 Posts: 69 Member
    @greenolivetree @ceciliaslater @9voice9 thank you all for the feedback, I'm going to check into your suggestions. I appreciate the help!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Just got back from my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon (MRI followup) and finally have a diagnosis: Os trigonum syndrome and a low-lying soleus muscle.


    Basically, I have an extra bone in the back of my ankle that is causing an impingement. The impingement is also trapping my soleus muscle because it extends too far down into my ankle.

    Starting with a conservative treatment of anti-inflammatory meds to reduce pain and swelling. The doc also banned me from Insanity, squats, lunges, and other plyometrics. I am, however, allowed to run!

    Further treatment could include ultrasound-guided steroid injections to reduce inflammation and surgery to remove the extra bone and/or debulk the soleus muscle.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @brian_gunther That's great, kudos on finishing the C25K program!

    @pcarvalho3 I've got my first 10k race next weekend. Based on my past 5k races, I'm planning to eat my regular breakfast, and then a small piece of chocolate ~15 minute before the race. @Stoshew71 's suggestions are probably more professional. But since I don't like peanut butter, I'll stick to my chocolate...
    Just remember: don't do anything if you don't do it normally. I can eat chocolate anytime before a run without problems (I've got lots of training munching chocolate before/after runs - or totally unconnected to running o:) ), but your stomach might be more sensitive.

    @ceciliaslater OMG; I had no idea it was possible to have extra bones in the ankle. At least you can still run! I hope now that you got a diagnosis and know what to do, you won't be plagued by ankle pain anymore. All the best!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Too many new posts! Sry if I missed them! I know a lot of you killed it racing though!!

    Ran up Black Mountain today. 7.3mi. It's a very steep and technical trail. And it's 90f today. So the effort going up was medium/hard. But I cruised down at a relaxed pace. 4 days till my 25k trail race!! Here's a link to today's run: https://www.strava.com/activities/536818680

    4/1 - Easy 10.1mi @ 8:25/mi
    4/2 - rest.
    4/3 - 1mi fun hike for views of SLC. 400ft vertical.
    4/4 - Snowboard 41.8mi 30,000ft, descent (not counted on April total), 55.8mph top speed.
    4/5 - 7.3mi mountain (steep) run. About 2,000ft vertical, 14:31/avg. Medium effort.

    April total - 18.4/153mi
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    I'm not particularly advanced as a runner, but this will be my second season out.

    I am aiming for 45 running KMs - I say running because I also bike.

    I have two races scheduled for April
    04/03 - Around the Bay 5K, Hamilton, Ontario
    04/24 - Forest City Road Races, London, Ontario
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    04/01 - Rest day (due to 5K on the 3rd)
    04/02 - Rest
    04/03 - Around the Bay - 5K
    04/04 - 2.5 KM

    Total for April: 7.5 KM/45 KM

    There are quite a few folks in here that are not quite "advanced". And "advanced" is very subjective. In some circles, I would consider myself not quite "advanced" even though many folks in this particular thread look up to me.

    But one thing I know for sure, no matter where you are, we are all supportive of one another. So don't feel that what you are doing is unimportant to the rest of us. Every little bit helps you to your end goal. We all started from somewhere. If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @acorsaut89 I ditto what @Stoshew71 said. I'll say running is running, if you take that first step out the door, you're way ahead of most people in the world.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Some races will place you in sectors but that is usually if they asked for your time when you registered. At my last race they asked for my time and I was placed in Sector C. Sectors A and B were reserved for elite runners and fast runners. Sector D was for "medium" runners and D for the rest. I even asked people what pace will they run and I stuck with someone that ran the same pace at me for a while. It gets the mind of pacing and it's easier

    That is so funny. In America we call the sectors that you refer to as Corals.
    I am amazed sometimes on the little differences.

    Like in America we use the term PR or personal record where I know in Europe they use PB or personal best instead. :-)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Speaking of little differences.....I finaly noticed that on Strava, the thumbs up is to give kudos, while on Garmin and others it's liking...I like what Strava calls it better....more congratulatory to my way of seeing things.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I'm already at 34 km per week and it's getting a toll on my legs to increase it further. I read somewhere that ligaments and tendons can be very slow to catch up with your muscles and aerobic capacity so I guess I shouldn't push too hard and just go as slow as possible. I figure this will give my body some time to get used to a mileage before increasing it further.

    This is a very important point you make here.

    The cardio vascular system is the quickest to improve and is also the quickest to degrade when you take a long extended rest (like nursing an injury).

    Muscles and stuff take a very long time to build up (in comparison) but they are also the slowest to degrade when you take a break.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Interesting video on rest and recovery.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited April 2016
    1.4 - rest
    2.4 - hike out to Frankenstein (missed cycling)
    3.4 - 13.4 km - 5 super slow, 7 hills and stuff (new shoes!)
    4.4 - Should have been gym, was rest.
    5.4 - 8.4 km - hard time focusing on the run. Pace fine, despite a lot of stop and go.

    total 21.8 km April goal 140 km

    Running thoughts: today's run felt comfortable and even with a lot of stop and go, HR return to rest was very fast. Taking that as a good sign that the rest days had a positive effect. Which is important, I've got 28 more km's this week and travel to Paris tomorrow (my second daughter lives there), then Switzerland next week - with family. They seem excited to do something adventurous so it might be hiking and running near Eiger or Geneva. Need to decide tomorrow.

    I also need to look for a "sport adventure" for 2nd daughter - she is up for doing something not related to cycling (her older sister did RAGBRAI with me). Need to be a vision quest kind of thing... Ideas? I mentioned sky running ... (lololol...)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    I'm already at 34 km per week and it's getting a toll on my legs to increase it further. I read somewhere that ligaments and tendons can be very slow to catch up with your muscles and aerobic capacity so I guess I shouldn't push too hard and just go as slow as possible. I figure this will give my body some time to get used to a mileage before increasing it further.

    This is a very important point you make here.

    The cardio vascular system is the quickest to improve and is also the quickest to degrade when you take a long extended rest (like nursing an injury).

    Muscles and stuff take a very long time to build up (in comparison) but they are also the slowest to degrade when you take a break.

    Not quite.

    Muscular tissue repair may be a thing of hours or days while cardiovascular performance improvements take weeks. Osteoblast remodelling (building) may be a relatively slow process, but it remains generally much faster than osteoclastic changes (bone loss - which tend to be slooow processes).

    One can see a change is muscular performance in weeks. Muscular volume in months. Ligament repair, remodelling (or wear damage) may be much longer.

    If you want to get a personal idea of fitness, fatigue and performance curves try https://sporttracks.mobi. You can upload your Garmin runs and it will calculate the curves seen in those videos:


    My curves - you can see how tapers work - reducing training improves performance, while fitness reduces slowly (and fatigue a little faster).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    Had a great run this morning despite both Hobbes and I being tired from agility last night where we also ran and ran. It was warm but there was a wonderful cool breeze. I am working on following the Mafftone HR base building so trying to keep my HR under 125. Today was easy, the previous days not so much because of the heat.
    Has anyone tried out the MAF iPhone app?

    I am also trying to eat a bit more - so today a bit more protein and fat calories (good fats from avocados, cheese and peanut butter). I am hoping it helps me to finish my longer runs, especially with more energy.

    I added more races to my list - seems like I have a race almost every month starting in June until the end of the year! Wow!!

    @ceciliaslater - Hobbes is very upset about your Maggie! His picture was already in my profile but I am leaving it there in honor of Maggie too!
    @pthyay - Now a days I run 4 days during the week 4-6 miles depending on my schedule and a long run on the weekend. Right now I am running slow to build up base miles and hopefully some speed before my next race in July. Note that most of my gains in distance and time improvements have come since being in this group. I have learned so much from everyone here and they have kept me motivated to keep moving and/or come back from injury. I have run on cobblestones and it is VERY tough on your knees. I also don't like running on cement so where ever possible I run on the asphalt paved street, instead of the cement sidewalk, a paved trail or a dirt trail.
    @ddmom0811 - I think the armadillo would be the worst! I don't think they are too harmful but they look zombi-ish terrifying!
    @zoe2434 - 3 miles is Great! Don't worry about comparing yourself to others, just look at what YOU have been able to accomplish! Also on headphones - I have women's yurbuds. Mine have a cord but I know several people who have the bluetooth ones. They work great and most importantly are comfortable and stay in my ears, which are very small apparently. They come in a version that allow you to answer calls but those are quite a bit more expensive.
    @brian_gunther - Congratulations!!
    Way to Go @CChen8520!!
    @pcarvalho3 - Most of the races I have run start super early and like @skippygirlsmom, I get nervous and don't eat much. If it were a later race like yours I might have some oatmeal or a piece of toast and peanut butter. I know your race is coming up this weekend but you might try out what you think you might want to have, this week before you run even if it is later in the day. At least that way you will know how it will sit in your stomach.
    @EvgeniZyntx - How old is your daughter? Depending on her age what about some kind of obstacle race or mud run? I know they have them here that kids can participate in.

    Welcome @sarahschoggin, @rebkah121402, @peacefulrun2, @kbown and @KoraMT ! We have a great group of crazy running addicts here!

    04/04.......5.25........19.02 - + Agility
    04/05.......5.21........24.23 - + Strength Training (one armed :))


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    06/25/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    09/xx/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    xx/xx/xx - Nike Women's Half Marathon, Los Angeles
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Apr 01    103.7    103.7  April Fools!!
    Apr 03      6.2      6.2  Cohasset 10K, PR and 19th in my age group!
    Apr 05      5.3     11.5T 

  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    edited April 2016
    @ceciliaslater that's crazy that you have different antomy than most people, at least you have an answer.

    @EvgeniZyntx I second the suggestion for a mud run, but only if your daughter is into getting dirty. Obstacle/mud runs are lots of fun. Or you could try one of those colour runs too.

    4/3- 5 miles
    4/4- 3.5 miles
    4/5- 3.5 miles + weight training

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2016
    @shanaber Regarding healthy fats- I don't know if it's coincidence. I added omegas fish oil to my diet and I not only feel better I had some kind of crazy mileage week last week with a record running 38 miles/6 days. Seems much of the good fat foods I can't do for one reason or another. My family will only eat so much fish :wink: Nice to see you running again!

    @EvgeniZyntx I'm gonna check that performance data. Sounds interesting.. Thanks for sharing.

    Not that any ones is bird dogging my mileage- I'm tired, ate crap today, barely can stay awake, trochanteric bursitis, piriformis flare, shin splints pain and it's almost 90 today. Said "naw". Be back amongst the running tomorrow- maybe early, maybe doubles.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    April Running Totals (miles)
    4/1 – scheduled rest day
    4/2 – 13.31 easy
    4/3 – 7.83 easy
    4/4 – 4.59 easy 30 minutes + 4 strides
    4/5 – 14.14 warm up + speed work

    April total to date – 39.87

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 200 miles
    Real Goals: Taper well. Arrive at Hopkinton healthy. Run Boston well. Recover well.

    Today's notes – Clear today, but continued unseasonably cold. Temperature at run time was 30° F (-1° C), which was a bit warmer than the forecast. The club had a small turnout; perhaps people are more intimidated by freezing weather in April than they are in February or March.

    Ran 2.39 miles in warmup, and had a nice chat with a gentleman a decade older than me who has run Boston 17 times. Picked up a couple pointers that I hadn't before. Well worth running 30 seconds per mile slower than I might have alone.

    The workout proper was assigned as 30 minutes easy; 2 x (15 minutes at T, 2 minutes recovery); 3 miles easy. A little arithmetic shows that to be 64 minutes plus 3 miles. Coach says, "Yes, that's a taper workout." Didn't seem like much of backing off to me, and after crapping out of a couple speed workouts the past 2 weeks, I was concerned that I might not be up to it. But it went quite routinely. I had estimated the workout proper would be 10 miles or a little longer; it turned out I underestimated how fast I'd run the early easy and how far I'd run in 15 minutes of T. It turned out to be 11.75 miles.

    So today didn't feel like taper, but I felt good for getting it done. Tomorrow will feel like taper again, with an assignment of 40 minutes easy.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY)
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hilton, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    4/1 - 5 miles on the bike around town, 3 mile walk, 45 min strength training (This is what I do when I can't run.)
    4/2 - 4.5 mile RUN! (no pain!), 3 mile walk because I love spring weather :)
    4/3 - rest day
    4/4 - 3 mile run, 23 min strength training
    4/5 - 4.25 mile run

    11.75 of 60 miles April running goal

    Tonight's run went better. Warm 70 degrees but tolerable. 9:49/9:33/8:56/8:57/last quarter mile 8:56 pace. I guess after I warmed up and made it up the gradual hill, I settled in to that 8:56 pace. I didn't stop for nose blowing today, and only in the last quarter mile had traffic issue and had to walk in grass about 20 secs. Almost 20 min stretching and foam rolling after - that's something I'm taking much more seriously this year and 20 min goes by so fast now.

    Happy with my pace but concerned I'm running too hard too often. Tonight was supposed to be easy. I felt good and wasn't miserable, but Friday I really need to slow down my longer run I think.