

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    My grandmother didn't cook, my mom learned how to cook from my dad.

    Joyce- OMG! I laughed out loud when I read about your tree and Christmas deco still up! Every year, I go through the blues taking the deco down. Every year I complain to my dh "I wish we could just leave it up year 'round!" It is a pain to take down, but I love the way my house looks at Christmas. You could have left the tree up and put spring deco on it and told your brother it's an "Easter Tree" or a "Spring Tree".

    My mother's parents owned a restaurant. My grandmother was the cook for the place and the family ate all their meals at the restaurant. As a result, my mom did not learn how to cook because Grandma wouldn't allow here to cook for customers. My dad grew up on a farm and his mother was ill for most of his childhood. As a result, all of the kids in his family learned how to cook and shared meal making tasks. Thus, Dad was a fabulous cook. He taught both Mom and me how to cook.

    I had a co-worker who left her tree up all year round. She had decorations for all of the major holidays plus some that were more generic for the seasons. It's amazing how many ornaments she found that were specific to a holiday like Halloween or Easter.

    Mia in MI

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mia ~ I like your new photo.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    KatlaThe secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..." Tibetan proverb Thank you for the quote. I may have to find someone to embroider it on a shirt for me. Kim do you do mail orders?

    Pip Congratulations on graduating from PT. Now you will be able to rider in the wind????

    Becca It seems that we have very similar foods stored. However, you have given me some ideas for replacing what had to be tossed when the water line broke and leaked into my cabinets. I am lucky to be a member of a natural food coop and there are many organic local farmers. I also have a very large vegetable garden and freeze and can. I planted seeds in pods before I left for my trip and some have sprouted, mostly the beans. However, winter made a reappearance and they can't go outside for another couple of weeks.

    Betty I loved the picture of the boulder field. I don't think I am brave enough at this stage to walk through one.

    Lisa I hope that you are enjoying your trip to East Texas and that you are able to bring some comfort to your sister and yourself. The mental illness that our soldiers brought back from the Middle East and Viet Nam was far worse that the physical injuries. Perhaps because so few families had active duty service members in either war compared to World War II and Korea and the ending of the draft, there really was not the community support that they needed. That plus the insidious nature of drugs have made it so hard for these fine young people to restart at home. Although shell shock, as it was called after WWI, has probably been around as long as there have been wars. I have lots of family in East Texas including Nacogdoches aka "Nacanowhere". If you are in Tyler, do try to get to the Tyler Rose Garden. You may be able to see the garden at its best ( first bloom - mid-April) depending on what the weather has been.

    Michele The dolphin is awesome. I especially loved the changing color of the waves.

    Carol Good for you. Learning algebra could come in very handy in all sorts of applications- planning gardening beds, figuring out how much paint will cover a wall, or how much material to use when you don't have the exact 45" or 60" wide fabric called for in the pattern. I taught college algebra at one time. The hardest part of algebra is that the terminology can be scary, not the maths.

    For those who like turkey recipes. I split mine in half and lay them breast side down on top of the stuffing made up of lots of vegetables and some bread. It cooks in less than half the time. I arrange the halves on a place surrounded by the completely drained stuffing and roasted vegetables and no one misses the ceremony of displaying the entire bird. The meat stays really moist and the skin gets really crispy and pretty. I do the same with large chickens.

    These turkeys hang out a friend's home.

    I am keeping up with my goals quite well. However, MFP website has not been as responsive as I would like. Although I posted every meal, due to internet connections, I could not post on the exact day so MFP started my back a Day 1. GRRRRRR. And this after posting every day since December.

    My goals are:
    1. Read/post everyday. I did this every day but since I had to enter some days late because of no internet, MFP put me back to Day 1 - this after posting every day since in December. GRRRR
    2. Year long shopping ban with the exception of food, necessities, replacement when absolutely needed, and gifts for others. I have done very well on this until yesterday when I bought 2 replacement good dresses for work instead of the one I had to toss because they are too big. Yippee. They were on clearance plus I had a coupon for an extra 20%.
    3. No electronics in bedroom. Well- I got up in the middle of the night and brought in cell phone to find a picture and send to someone since for someone, it popped in my mind and I just had to send it immediately. Won't happen again.
    4. Exercise everyday. Yup with recovery days after 48 hours traveling.
    5. Foreign language practice 30 minutes per day. It goes without saying that I more than exceeded this the entire time in Peru. The only problem is that I have been refreshing French, not Spanish.

    Gripe time. Will someone please explain why I have lost several inches from both the bust and waist and only one inch in the hips and NOTHING in my thighs?????? ::s

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am just getting home from 6:30 this morning... was at the gym early ..havent posted my exercise yet, then from there went to my dads with the wet/dry vac and did both bedrooms and the stairs,and then washed it all with murphys oil soap... dropped my dad off to pick up my sons car and then went and got my hair cut..I have 6 boxes 0f latch hook yarn in my car.. have to find out who the lady was that wanted it..
    then went to 3-4 different stores looking for stuff for my grandaughter's room.. got everything except for a 5x 7 black rug.. will post a picture when it is done.
    came home and watered the grass seed, and did something to the upper palm of my hand.. on my right hand of course between the pointer and middle finger all swollen up and bruised.. I am icing it..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited April 2016
    Carol, I'm proud of you for tackling algebra.

    CSSJ, I have the opposite problem. It comes off my hips and thighs and lingers in the bust and waist.

    My scale is so close yet so far away from Onederland: 201.0. I should be excited, but instead am apprehensive. I was here once before 3 years ago and then just did an absolute u-turn.

    I am off to Dillard's on Mission Impossible (finding a sports bra that is both cute and fits). Wish me luck!

    Not sure why I'm so down today, but I am. Trying to shake it off with some retail therapy. Talk to you all later,

  • COL55EUS
    COL55EUS Posts: 15 Member
    I need to apologize to Marcelynh I did receive your friend request but stupid me deleted or declined it only because I am new to this site and to MFP so I am not quite up to speed with this program, so sorry I would love to have accepted. Not only am I learning a new life style I am learning a new computer program.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi. I'm on my phone! Grrrrrrrr for Internet connection.
    We've just been sent an itinerary for our 2017 trip. Yucatan Peninsula. But DH wants to drive himself. I want the more expensive option of a driver and guide. Fully escorted. I will not be able to relax if he is driving, asking me for directions and looking for places to park. Normally on our holidays with this company we are fully escorted. I have given him a while to get used to the idea. Will talk about it tomorrow. :*

    Love Heather UK

    P S Just got an email from BT. they will ring tomorrow. It's a senior person.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    CSSJ09 - I think Barbie can walk you thru the process of getting your days back that you lost. :)

    CSSJ & DrKatieBug - if ya'll figure out how to lose where you want to lose it, you'll be rich. I now have a waist as big around as my bust.

    Also, Katiebug, I now need 38 AA's from Walmart, can't find them either. Well not quite but close. :) Hope your spirits lift.

    Janetr OKC
  • angely512
    angely512 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm 54 and new to the group. I've been on MFP for 2 years. Last year was a struggle, but I'm back on track. I've been trying to lose 10 pounds since my 40s. It's not the weight so much as it is my overall fitness and getting rid of that belly bulge! Love my boys (husband, and 2 teenage sons). All very supportive.

    March Accomplishments - 1 quart of water daily, Exercise 10 min daily (I use Prevention's Fit in 10 Series), getting back into running 3x week, added strength training.
    April Goals - Add protein to each meal, find satisfying snacks for the 3-5pm hour (I'm such a snacker!)

    Recovering from shoulder/neck tension the last 3 days. No exercise. My neck and shoulder freezes and I experience lot of pain. Hard to move, sleep and work at my desk. I usually take an anti-inflammatory and work on the trigger points in my shoulder and neck. I'm sore but okay today. I forced myself to run last night and it helped. (I've experienced a frozen shoulder in each shoulder in 2006 and 2011). I'm finally able to do a decent push up and a plank just this past month. I lost my dad a year ago and I think my sadness added to my overall stress.

    My quote for myself: A promise to myself is just as important as the promises I keep to others.

    Love reading the encouragement on this discussion!

    Brenda, Austin, TX
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Heather - How exasperating! Customer service seems to be a dying art, especially for big monopolies. Once they've got your money they act like they don't much care whether or not you're getting what you paid for.

    COL55EUS - It doesn't seem fair that it's so much easier to gain a pound than it is to lose one! I find that this group provides a lot of support and some accountability - like you, I know exactly why I've gained weight and I own that, but I have trouble finding the motivation to change it.

    Anne - I made the cauliflower leek soup from Skinnytaste.com, and wow, was it ever good!

    Marcelyn - Ouch, hope you are having a better day today! Every now and then I feel like they should just give us a food database item called "All the things" with about a million calories and no nutritional value.

    Betty - Roses are way sturdier than people give them credit for (and antique rose varieties are even hardier). Follow Miriam's excellent advice and I'll bet your transplants will thrive!

    Janet - That darned Hancock's is upping the ante. Seems like I get email just about every morning telling me about more sales.

    AquaCoraline - Have you talked to your doctor about your weight gain? Sometimes we do gain as we age, but a sudden rapid gain might mean something needs to be adjusted. And of course the stress doesn't help one bit!

    I was annoyed to see a gain of a few ounces at my weekly weigh-in this morning - it's been a really good week for food and exercise and I've been well below my calorie goal every day this week. Is it too soon for this to be muscle weight from my strength training? I finally got around to putting in some measurements last week, so I guess that will tell in time.

    Work is driving me absolutely bonkers today. I keep having to step away from the desk to do plant care, etc. for a few minutes before I lose it altogether. Thank goodness my three-day weekend begins this evening!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2016
    Only one teaching day left of this course. Good thing too because I have almost no voice left. I'm still fighting that darn cold or flu or whatever it was. I talked a bit extra today because I was covering for my teaching partner during a practical exercise in shortening a text. We usually circulate among the students and discuss their changes with them. However, my teaching partner's ex-wife has a brain tumor and was scheduled to hear the results of the MR scan taken after radiation and chemo. He wanted to go along as moral support, and I was happy to let him off the teaching hook. Still, it meant I had twice as many students to talk to.

    Something unexpected happened the other day that made me wonder about my own prejudices. I was walking along a road when two young women in hijabs came running toward me. My immediate conclusion was that they were running away from something or someone and I looked to see if they were being chased. But then I noticed that their faces were entirely neutral. They had that blank expression you typically see on a fit person who has been running for a while and still has some distance to go.

    Yet my brain refused to process it. Why was it so difficult for me to reach the obvious conclusion that they were out jogging? smiley-confused004.gif

    I'd like to get back to jogging myself soon. What with this virus -- and the cough and exhaustion it caused -- I haven't dared do much of anything for a long time. Unfortunately, my inactivity shows clearly on the scale. I'm an entire 6 pounds over what I weighed in early February, when I was at my lowest weight in decades. Grrr... (Sorry to be b*ing about a trivial virus when others face much more dire health issues.)

    Teaching will cramp my eating style for one more day, and on Saturday I'll have to steer clear of the cakes and cookies at my granddaughter's fourth birthday party. After that I'll have greater opportunities to take control over what food I have available.

    One small triumph today: in mid-evening when I heard cheese and crackers calling my name, I reminded myself that I still hadn't eaten my daily pound of veggies. I pulled them out and binged on them instead. It was about 150 kcal, but that's no more than I would have gotten from just ONE cracker with cheese -- and I probably would have eaten several. smiley-ashamed002.gif Go ME!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif - NOT!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Well ladies I can finally report that my younger son received his acceptance into the music department of his first (and only) choice school in Nashville. He also received a nice four year music scholarship ... Not as much as we were hoping for ... But then we don't know what is customary for this school. Depending on performance while in school, the award has the potential to increase. He's just thrilled to have been accepted as the competition was fierce. So, it looks like beans will be a staple in my kitchen for the next few years! :smiley:

    Sylvia ... Been thinking about you.

    Michele ... I liked the dolphin! How tall is it?

    Welcome ... To the new ladies!

    DH and I walked again yesterday ... Twice in one week!! ... But he didn't do well. He has a serious situation going on with his spine and he lost the ability to walk when we were about a half mile from our vehicle. Found a bench for him to sit on and we did make it out of the park ... But I was getting ready to call for help. We're waiting on his neurosurgeon to make recommendations based on a recent MRI. It's not looking good and he's panicking making bizarre suggestions.... Like divorce him and put him in a home if he becomes paralyzed ... Utter nonsense!

    The weight has been climbing up .... I have had enough ... Kay I was near onederland about a year ago and then just totally lost it. So now with 30 regained pounds I've renewed my efforts. Have lost 2.5 pounds in the past few days (water) and I'm hoping to build on it!

    Beth near buffalo

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »

    I am keeping up with my goals quite well. However, MFP website has not been as responsive as I would like. Although I posted every meal, due to internet connections, I could not post on the exact day so MFP started my back a Day 1. GRRRRRR. And this after posting every day since December.


    This is the link to go to so you can get your log in counter reset to reflect your correct days....I did that because my missing days were due to no internet connection, not to my lack of commitment to daily logging.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Wow! So many new faces, welcome all!!

    It's funny, one of the new ladies (forgive me for not remembering who) did want to be vilified because she weighed only 150.8 and wanted to lose 20 lbs. I say to you, and I'm sure many will agree, it is not up to us or anyone else to dictate what you want to weigh or your reasons for losing. You do what is comfortable for you and we are all here to support you. You may be amused to know that my goal was 150 lbs. (I'm about the same height at 5'3-3/4"), I had to lose almost 45 lbs. to get there. I'm thrilled with my smaller body which may appear to be too heavy for you, but for me it's awesome. I could stand to lose another 20, and I will work on it, but for right now it's my goal weight. What I am struggling to say is that what is right for one woman may not fit for another. Go on your own path and the best of luck to you.

    I have to exercise more than I have been to counteract the wonderful dinners I have been enjoying since putting my toe back in the dating pool. When I was losing, I would go out only once or twice a month and now it's once or twice a week! My jeans are feeling tight today, oh no!!

    The second date with the latest man with whom I had the perfect first date with on Friday was just as perfect. I did tell him that it was always my fantasy to have a man greet me on a first date with a rose and he fulfilled that fantasy. He was very pleased. I had been to the restaurant we went to last night once before and was looking forward to the fire roasted calimairi appitizer, a tasty alternative to the usual fried calimairi. I was disappointment it was not on the menu and asked our server about it. He spoke to the chef who prepared and presented it to us. Did I feel like a celebrity!! It was as wonderful as I remembered. We ate, we talked, we drank, we laughed and we made plans for our next date. I had to pinch myself when I got home because it's like a romantic movie. It's ironic that I went on the world wide web to find a man who lives less than 3-1/2 miles away from me!

    Thank you Heather for introducing me to Duolingo. I had wanted to relearn French many years ago but never got beyond the thinking about it stage. I downloaded the app a few weeks ago but didn't do anything, then when I met this man (we'll call him PB (Potential Boyfriend) for now) I began the lessons in earnest because he is a native French speaker. On our first phone conversation PB said he was using Duolingo to learn German which is my first language, what are the chances of that occuring? I have to brush up on my German, you lose it if you don't use it.

    I have to get up and move to burn those calories!
    Everyone have a great day!

    Chris in sunny but only 46F MA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Cooked my 'thigh' and rice & pepper cheese for lunch. DH walked in just as I put it on a dish. Thankfully, they had already eaten. Looks like I will be under my 'caloric intake' today and I don't have to 'eat back my caloric outgo'. Got a few more things to finish bathroom de-cluttering. It's looking better; but, I still need to try to go through it again and de-clutter more. At this point, 'ain't' hap 'n'.

    Looks like we are going to have some rainy daily. Surprising, the crew is still cutting timber on the easement for the 2nd gas line.+ They paid us for the land, and we could cut down the trees and make a little money (all they would have done was push them over and burn them). I guess DH & DOS will go back and stack up (of bring back to the house) what they don't burn. Too wet now to burn. I'd like to go back there and see if I can find some interesting pieces to use as planters. Don't know if I'll get to. Having to cut a 2nd timber road up the line between son and next door neighbor, to pull out the other 1/2 on our land and that of our neighbor's. DOS's property line does not go back that far.

    Damn hiccups; get them the same time of day every day. Got to go get a small spoonful of sugar to make them go away.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Beth in NY....Hooray for your son!!! I hope this school is everything he hopes it will be.
    Beans are healthy!

    Chris in MA
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Beth, I am so happy for your son! And my DH also mentions about me sending him to the home, but we visited a relative in one last week and that might have kept him quiet for a while.

    Michele I love the dolphin--and I think I saw somewhere on Facebook that it is national dolphin day so you are right on time.

    Thanks for all the info on the roses--hope to get working on it this weekend. And I will be sure to have a huge hole because I have something else I want to take its place. And I have lots of compost, too! Just need to get some protective gloves on so I don't look like I have been in a cat fight.

    I am beginning to think that with all of you I don't have to Google quite so much because I learn about so much here with all of you experts in mental health, gardening, food, traveling, etc....Google should be hiring 50+ ladies instead of young male whippersnappers...

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Well ladies I can finally report that my younger son received his acceptance into the music department of his first (and only) choice school in Nashville. He also received a nice four year music scholarship ... Not as much as we were hoping for ... But then we don't know what is customary for this school. Depending on performance while in school, the award has the potential to increase. He's just thrilled to have been accepted as the competition was fierce. So, it looks like beans will be a staple in my kitchen for the next few years! :smiley:

    Beth near buffalo

    That is terrific news!!! I know you are all thrilled.

    Janetr OKC
  • COL55EUS
    COL55EUS Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Yvonne in TX its nice to know there are others who are going through or have been through how I am feeling, its so tough, Brought into the office today is, ohh lets see two boxes of donuts, one big box of Chocolates and one big box of salted nuts. I have been strong so far only 1/2 hr to go. I am bringing in a veggie tray tomorrow so that if I go into the kitchen I have a healthy alternative. I am hoping to start something New.