
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele in NC - I'm sure that it is a BBQ sauce that is regional. I don't like a 'sweet' sauce. When I go to a BBQ place I asked to be shown which bottle the vinegar-based sauce is in. I also put 'hot sauce' on mine, too. I've always grown up with 'hot & spicy BBQ'. It's an acquired taste.

    Margaret - My issue that makes me angry is my DDnL#1; who I have forgiven (or tried to). She is a 'divisive' person, whose self-esteem (and maybe even self-respect about things) is 'in the tank'. Not my problem and I won't allow it to be. She compares herself with DDnL#2, DYS, her struggle with her weight (although she is on a 'diet' ) - something she has tried before and lost interest in it and gained back the weight plus some. She's not willing to do anything that changes her lifestyle. Although she is walking at lunch time every day (weather permitting). While I don't agree with her about her 'diet' ... she has lost enough to be 'noticeable'; but, DOS does not want us to say anything ... she'll take it wrong and would probably quit. She's said 'nothing' about the 40+lbs I've lost. She's said (before going on the diet) that she weighed 240lbs. Then she changed it to 280lbs. I don't 'trust' her; in late November, she sent me an email that dredged up 16+ years of how she thinks I have treated her. Old news and I 'thought' we were well past it. She's used her last 'slip' as far as I am concerned. Only problem is that 'she is the gate keeper over our seeing the DGDs. Thankfully, they are all old enough to make their own decisions about coming over and visiting. I'll be 'polite' to her; but, not very talkative ... I get tired of her 'bitching' all the time. She's always so 'negative'; therefore, for my 'sanity' I avoid her as much as possible.

    Welcome to all the 'newbies', past, present and future.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    well peeps, I'm done with my single digit runs, next time will be 10mi, double digits. my legs are feeling it a little more than usual and I am pretty sure it's because of the 1# ankle weights on part of the mileage.

    even though my legs are a lil tight, you know I've got to ride home from work today.... it's supposed to be 84!!! ahh the joy!!!!, i'll ride slow... I keep telling myself that at least.

    Kirby got a lil emotional yesterday. he said he didn't know if he wanted to wait until he was 66 to retire because he wouldn't be spending as much time with me if he did, he had tears in his eyes.. I said we have the rest of our lives together.. he mentioned that he wanted quality healthy time with me and said that he wanted a lot of time cuz he was going to die first. I told him, "didn't you know? we're going to die together. you didn't get the memo?" it made him laugh... I am so lucky to have him.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Wanted to pop in quickly, this week will be extremely busy at work because my employee is on vacation this week and I am chief cook and bottle washer.

    In the midst of all the great stuff happening with PB, there has been an undercurrent of sadness. You may recall that my mother is in a facility in NJ. She had a couple of small strokes in the past couple of months and is not doing well at all. She had to be moved from the assisted living portion of her life center to the last and final unit which is the nursing unit. She is unable to feed herself because the stroke impared the portion of the brain which allows her to process that she sees, or take basic care of herself. There may be some visual imparement which makes it more difficult but there is no way to tell. She can speak and has some mobility but she is mostly in a wheelchair. I will be going to see her on Saturday and I know that nothing can prepare me for what I will be facing. When I saw her in January she was still able to take care of herself, going to meals and socializing. My sister, with whom I have an extremely strained relationship with, lives in NJ and a nurse, so she has taken over being the advocate for my mother. She said that she wasn't fully prepared for the drastic downturn. I am grateful that my sister and I have been able to put our personal differences aside while dealing with the care of our mother. We are trying to preplan for the inevitable funeral. I was on the phone earlier with the cemetery and I got pretty emotional. We have a younger sister who has totally checked out of the family, she won't even respond to my sister's emails, at least she'll respond to my texts. It's very sad that the 3 sisters don't speak at all. There is alot of anger and resentment there and I know it hurt my mother.

    Back to work.
    Chris in MA
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member

    What a beautiful way to start the day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    I wonder if my experience can help anyone out. I was abused as a child from about age 5 to age 15, using legal definitions of these terms. At 57, I am in a peace-filled place. Here is what I have learned about toxic people and situations. Avoid labeling them. Simply say, "This is where they are in their life, and this is where I am." Observe the situation and do not judge anyone. After making your observation about them and the current situation, love yourself by making the best decision you can make about how much you will choose to interact with them. Then (and this is the key), take action by loving let go. Say (to yourself), "Sister, Father, Mother, Friend, Relative, I wish you peace and love but I choose not to be a part of your life right now." No big drama, no big announcement. Someday, they may change, you may change, the situation might change, but for right now, lovingly let go of what or who is causing you pain. I lost Mama to Alzheimer's not long ago (not my biomom, my mom in law who loved me.) This is how I did it. I lovingly let her go, and the aching loss subsided. It is how I am letting go of my sister, who was raised in the same house with me, and knew what was happening to me. I have to let her go right now, because it is what is best for both of us right now. No big announcement, no drama, just a subtle change in my approach. Perhaps some day, something will change and a relationship can develop. But I stay in the here-and-now with my loving family and friends and a deep abiding faith that brings me such joy and peace. I sure hope this brings comfort to those who are sick, sad, lonely, angry...the real toxin is not people. The real toxin is negative thoughts and feelings, and I know...I lived in all of the emotions you associate with abuse for a very long time. Three years of equine therapy have made all of the difference in the world, and I am at peace.
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    I am glad I read this post, I was a little bit worried if I am the only oldtimer here. :-)

    I would like to join this group. I am in my early 50's and just started my weight loss journey. I am at Day 2 of my new life.

    I posted this in a different (wrong) thread:

    I am not just here to lose weight; I am here to become healthier. My immune system is fighting against me. I have an autoimmune disorder (RA) and what and how I eat, has a lot to do with it.
    The movie, “Fat, sick and nearly dead” was an eye opener for me. This guy was sick like I am; he juiced for a while, rebooted his system and continued a normal life with a healthy diet.
    “Will it work for me as well?” I want to do give it a try so badly. I have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. I am in my early 50’s but I feel like an old women. I have to hold on to the rail when I walk upstairs, I have to hold on to the shopping cart when I go grocery shopping.
    I am not hungry for food; I am hungry for a better life…still I continue to eat and eat more. I have to lose 100 lbs…is that even possible? Maybe I am just fooling myself.
    Yesterday, on Sunday, I woke up hungry as always with big plans for a big breakfast. I started cooking, but then I changed my mind. I got all the vegetables out of the fridge and I made my first juice. I juiced 6 apples, 1 bunch of celery, a bundle of kale, ginger and 3 cucumbers. All the juice for one day was made and ready… now I just had to stick to the plan.
    And I did…I joined my husband at the table, watched him enjoying his big breakfast and I sipped my juice. I drank another big glass for lunch and the last one for dinner.
    Today is Day 2 of my new lifestyle and I wish for strengths. I had no idea I could feel that hungry and so alone without my beloved food.
    I want to juice for about 30 days, under supervision of my doctor. I have nothing to lose…but everything to gain. If I am wrong and it doesn’t work, then I will be willing to pop pills for the rest of my life.
    If I am right, well then I will live a pain free life without medications.
    I will try anything and everything to reboot my system and get my health back like so many people before me.
    I could use some friends on my side.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all.!
    Been having my cuddles with a very coldy, snorty Bea. :D We picked up the kids from school and the childminder. Bea is sleeping so I've got 2 minutes to type as DH is playing "jails" upstairs. One of DGS 's favourite games. :p
    DGD was scared by a thunderstorm last week and was telling me all about it. She asked me "Are you brave?" I said I was about thunderstorms, but not about some other things. :)

    DH has agreed to the Fully Escorted option for Mexico. :bigsmile: He said, "I don't have much choice, do I." No, he doesn't. :laugh: I am not acting as guide and direction finder all holiday and being scared to death and frustrated. Hooray!

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for the jump start suggestions everyone!

    Katla, my thoughts are with you and your family. It is a horrible experience to go through, but hopefully everyone will be able to come to accept it in their own way. After my daughter died and my son was killed, I thought about how I was going to continue. I decided that I would work to make them proud of me, even though I couldn't see them anymore. That provided the focus that I needed to cope, and I had the opportunity to do some amazing things to help others in the scope of my work. I share this as an option for the future that worked for me.

    Larissa, so sorry that things didn't work out with MP. Consider it a practice run!

    Chris, so happy for you! He sounds wonderful, and wow, what a great idea to go to Newport! He must have a romantic streak too. We've always got next year for the Pats, and who knows, maybe the Sox will get it together soon??

    Rori, great pictures, but so happy I'm not there. Hope spring comes your way soon!

    Michele, I share your predicament. My one cat Ginger immediately takes the warm spot in the bed when I get up. I'm not as kind as you though. When I come back, I move her to a cold spot and take my warm spot back, since there aren't any options for another potential warm spot.

    Cheri, fingers crossed that hubs receives an offer soon!

    Since eating 1000 or less calories a day, growing gills from the > 8 glasses of water/day and daily gym workouts together have yielded the sum total of 0 pounds lost in 1 1/2 weeks, I decided to try a Zumba DVD that I purchased months ago and still sat in its pristine wrapper. The first DVD in the set is instructional re the movements required. Lesson learned...I'm FAR less coordinated than I was 20 years ago! The cats had a good laugh watching me try to follow the instructors (who were going slowly), and I tripped over my feet. Will try the instructional DVD again, then attempt the real one. I'd like to be good enough to join the Zumba classes at the gym without injuring the person beside me!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pollance ~ Do you have a food scale to weigh your food and measuring cups? I can't understand why you would not lose weight on that amount of calories. As Katla says, "Calories in vs. Calories out." I have been out of control lately. Not measuring and not logging. Need to get back to that.

    Noreen ~ You have a very wise outlook. I am glad that you are feeling healed.

    Heather ~ Have fun with the babes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited April 2016
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Abru161, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Sylvia, glad to hear from you and really glad to hear things are going well. The turnip plants are beautiful!!! Who knew?

    Allie, what a nice surprise from your girlfriend!

    Heather, so glad you've made plans to visit your son. I wish you could visit each of us, also.

    Rori, congrats on needing a new tankini top. Keep up the great work. And good for you on getting to the gym.

    Cheri, I really hope your DH gets a great job very soon. We've been there;done that so I know how frustrating it can get.

    Larisa, sorry there were no sparks. Just say, "Next"

    Chris, so happy for you and "soon to be" BF. Glad the day trip was a total success.

    Anne, glad you are trying to stay busy and stay in a better place. We don't care that you respond to anyone specific on here, just do what you can for you.

    Margaret, I haven't responded much about your book because I don't have any anger that I can think of. The main thing is that it is meaningful and hopeful helpful to you. It was still interesting hearing about it.

    Pip, I get the feeling that Kirby loves you. How sweet!!!

    Chris, so sorry about your Mom and her current condition. It is good that you and the one sister have somewhat mended fences.

    The Changling, welcome. And be careful talking about “Oldtimers”, ya young whippersnapper. old.gif We are happy to have you and support you in your journey. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Heather, sorry to hear Bea has the sniffles. Congrats on twisting DH’s arm about the guided tour in Mexico.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Yeah for me. I’m caught up for the first time in weeks. I love hearing what’s going on with all of you so please keep sharing. It has been very cool here but supposed to get over 70 today. Tomorrow might even be a beach day, who knows. I have Women of the Moose tonight so need to get off this computer and get on with my day.I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited April 2016
    Chris prayers for your family.

    Changling welcome great group here!
    nb1959 wrote: »
    I wonder if my experience can help anyone out. I was abused as a child from about age 5 to age 15, using legal definitions of these terms. At 57, I am in a peace-filled place. Here is what I have learned about toxic people and situations. Avoid labeling them. Simply say, "This is where they are in their life, and this is where I am." Observe the situation and do not judge anyone. After making your observation about them and the current situation, love yourself by making the best decision you can make about how much you will choose to interact with them. Then (and this is the key), take action by loving let go. Say (to yourself), "Sister, Father, Mother, Friend, Relative, I wish you peace and love but I choose not to be a part of your life right now." No big drama, no big announcement. Someday, they may change, you may change, the situation might change, but for right now, lovingly let go of what or who is causing you pain. I lost Mama to Alzheimer's not long ago (not my biomom, my mom in law who loved me.) This is how I did it. I lovingly let her go, and the aching loss subsided. It is how I am letting go of my sister, who was raised in the same house with me, and knew what was happening to me. I have to let her go right now, because it is what is best for both of us right now. No big announcement, no drama, just a subtle change in my approach. Perhaps some day, something will change and a relationship can develop. But I stay in the here-and-now with my loving family and friends and a deep abiding faith that brings me such joy and peace. I sure hope this brings comfort to those who are sick, sad, lonely, angry...the real toxin is not people. The real toxin is negative thoughts and feelings, and I know...I lived in all of the emotions you associate with abuse for a very long time. Three years of equine therapy have made all of the difference in the world, and I am at peace.

    Wise observations. Thank you so much so sharing. I do find myself saying something similar about my brother. When I think of him I wish him peace. I love the this is "where they are this is where they are I am where I am. Right now we will go our separate ways." If it is meant to be we will reconnect . Like the pray God be with you til we meet again. My niece was having a bad day and I said time for either dog or equine therapy. She loves both.

    Sometimes we just need to vent. A great place to do that.

    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Chris prayers for your family.

    Changling welcome great group here!
    nb1959 wrote: »
    I wonder if my experience can help anyone out. I was abused as a child from about age 5 to age 15, using legal definitions of these terms. At 57, I am in a peace-filled place. Here is what I have learned about toxic people and situations. Avoid labeling them. Simply say, "This is where they are in their life, and this is where I am." Observe the situation and do not judge anyone. After making your observation about them and the current situation, love yourself by making the best decision you can make about how much you will choose to interact with them. Then (and this is the key), take action by loving let go. Say (to yourself), "Sister, Father, Mother, Friend, Relative, I wish you peace and love but I choose not to be a part of your life right now." No big drama, no big announcement. Someday, they may change, you may change, the situation might change, but for right now, lovingly let go of what or who is causing you pain. I lost Mama to Alzheimer's not long ago (not my biomom, my mom in law who loved me.) This is how I did it. I lovingly let her go, and the aching loss subsided. It is how I am letting go of my sister, who was raised in the same house with me, and knew what was happening to me. I have to let her go right now, because it is what is best for both of us right now. No big announcement, no drama, just a subtle change in my approach. Perhaps some day, something will change and a relationship can develop. But I stay in the here-and-now with my loving family and friends and a deep abiding faith that brings me such joy and peace. I sure hope this brings comfort to those who are sick, sad, lonely, angry...the real toxin is not people. The real toxin is negative thoughts and feelings, and I know...I lived in all of the emotions you associate with abuse for a very long time. Three years of equine therapy have made all of the difference in the world, and I am at peace.

    Wise observations. Thank you so much so sharing. I do find myself saying something similar about my brother. When I think of him I wish him peace. I love the this is "where they are this is where they are I am where I am. Right now we will go our separate ways." If it is meant to be we will reconnect . Like the pray God be with you til we meet again. My niece was having a bad day and I said time for either dog or equine therapy. She loves both.

    Sometimes we just need to vent. A great place to do that.

    :heart: Margaret

    I've done this with my mother. Took a long time to find this place. Thank you for putting into words the "process".

    I wish her no ill will. She has been/is/always will be an angry person. I suspect she was abused in her youth but that doesn't mean she has free will to be toxic about everything. It took me a long, long, long time to step back from trying to be the "ideal" daughter thinking this was my problem.

    It spurred me on to connect in a totally different manner with my daughter and we have a loving relationship. We are best friends too! <3

    Again thank you for another "aha" moment for me on this wonderful forum a women. Thank you for being in my life.

    Sunny Fairlawn, oHIo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :)Pollance, when I started line dance classes I said that my goal was to not fall down or knock anyone else down...if I accomplished that, then I could come back.....I've been dancing ever since....last week I talked to a fairly new student in one of my classes and she said that her goal was "no blood" and now she has made great strides...it might be that the companionship of others in a class and face to face instruction would get you where you want to go with Zumba....and if not, I highly recommend line dance.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    So we are major flooding today. 20 inches of rain so far with more rain expected over the next three days. Falling at times at a rate of 4.5 inches per hour. The bayou and flood system can handle about 2 inches per hour but this down pour has overwhelmed it. The bayou behind my house is out of its banks on the opposite side. Hopefully it won't come over on our side. My house is up 4 ft but the garage would fill. I want my sunshine back.

    Underwater in Houston.

    Good thots coming your way, hope all goes ok today for you and the flood waters don't come up. I thot about you when I saw the news last night. We got a lot of rain yesterday but not flooding by any means in our area.

    Janetr OKC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I only have 15 minutes until lunch, so I offer you all a hearty and heartfelt hug ! Still very busy at work, learning how to budget my time with my added responsibilities, and so far it is going well. Like last year, I did get influenza A, again from my DS, and my immune system was so busy fighting my joints that it allowed my lungs to get attacked. The illness is gone, but the cough remains (just annoying). DS and DH are equally as busy with bowling, and baseball might be starting soon, too. DD and foster-DD were with me for the weekend, as we celebrated my Grandma's 94th birthday, then drove to Green Bay to watch DS bowl at State. It was not his weekend, but he had lots of fun at and around the pool with his friends . I ate too much all weekend, but I walked a LOT too, so I think the scale will be the same as my clothes still fits the same (which I am fully down from a 3x and comfortable in a 1X, so that makes me happy ! )

    As soon as my cough is under control, I will get back to true exercise (I'm still doing a few sets push ups every day).

    Time to enjoy my fruits and vegetables in the beautiful 70 degree sunshine.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. Now I feel better...starving is so much easier with a big smile on my face -just kidding about the starving part. I love my juice -so far :-)

    I am Bridget from Columbus OH
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Terri ~ So good to hear from you. You are missed when you don't chime in.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    nb1959 - Noreen, is it? You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. I've not been in such a situation but have been deeply affected due to a close family member being there. I appreciate your insight on how you deal with your thots and emotions, it is commendable. You my dear, are a survivor. There are others here who have been in abusive situations also. Unfortunately, as I am finding out, it happens way more frequently then most of us are aware of or even want to admit and/or believe, when we do hear of it. God Bless.

    Janetr OKC