Married and heavy flirting good or bad



  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    what IS heavy flirting? I was unaware that there are "degrees" of flirting... but then again I am an EMU... I say this... I try to smile at everyone I come across in my day... sometimes I get a smile back...and sometimes there's a little zap of electricity... like..."Hmm... that smile definitely said I would not be averse to taking the smile one step further..." and that is as far as it ever goes... why ruin a good thing... two people can live a flirty little happily ever after in just fractions of a second... NOW... if you are on the other hand... having private discussions revolving around intimate subjects... that isn't flirting... that IS betrayal... if you are okay with that... then... you have your reasons...Emu's don't judge
  • Tamijennelle
    Tamijennelle Posts: 36 Member
    None. It only plants the seeds for future infidelity.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    edited April 2016
    There's no one sized, fits all answer to this question. Just like there is no one sized, fits all equation to a successful relationship.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I feel being married and accepting others oral advances and nodding them off is okay. Intentionally sending your own signals to someone else or accepting physical advances is another story (unless it is understood by both partners that it is okay). Sometimes its just easier to get along with people by being outgoing and joking around, instead of a prude.
    jnichel wrote: »
    There's no one sized, fit all answer to this question. Just like there is no one sized, fit all equation to a successful relationship.

    but like this guy said...............exactly this
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member

    Peter Brady with the threadsurrection...on topic.
  • davidharken637
    davidharken637 Posts: 78 Member
    I do it all the time
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Who do you love?! Go flirt with him/her. The end!
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    gmoneycole wrote: »
    Who do you love?! Go flirt with him/her. The end!

    Uh, this yeah.
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »

    Peter Brady with the threadsurrection...on topic.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    What about Married and light people flirting? Do I have to be heavy? And what is flirting? If I tell a girl she is hot? If I see them nood? If I do a cam session?
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    No way. It makes me so uncomfortable - I am completely, totally, head-over-heels in love with my husband. I've had a few men on this site message me, flirting. I pretty much just delete. And I like to flirt with my husband, who is married to me. Does that count? :D
  • kdtesoriero
    kdtesoriero Posts: 141 Member
    What is considered heavy flirting?
  • dianeh47
    dianeh47 Posts: 16 Member
    A person should never dis-respect the one they are married to or in a serious committed relationship.
  • snooker80
    snooker80 Posts: 1 Member
    Most of these comments are wildly judgemental and narrow minded. Every couple has the right to define what their relationship looks like. From very strict monogamy to something polyamorous. Respecting your partner means living within the boundaries that you've agreed upon, whatever they may be.
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hahaha these comments though
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited September 2017
    It was right at the top of the forum for me. Whoever commented on it prior to me deleted their comment I didn't check dates just related. But I agree with the poster above. If both parties are ok with it then fine if not you're wrong
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited September 2017
    lol didn't know that just figured it had to be that if it was on top of the page for me. Wanna see my history? I didn't comb through for it. It was just there. I'm never in these forums so I'm not even aware how they really work.
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    From the perspective of a guy who's had an affair, I can tell you there's no gray area here. Flirting is cheating. Feel free to DM me for more insight.

    Good for you for not caring about a damn date of posted. Lol and rather give something insightful and useful because you know, old threads means no one any longer wants to know the answer to that question