Slim down for summer - May Challenge



  • hillgren3105
    hillgren3105 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join.
    I'd like to lose 65 pounds. I'm at my heaviest and worry about diabetes and weight related illnesses.
    I try to stick to 1200 calories.
    I focus on biking to and from work, walking the dogs nightly, mountain biking and want to do some summer hiking. But motivating myself to exercise is the hard part!!
  • janesheshed
    janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MyFitnessPal and this is my 2nd day using this app.
    I would love to join this challenge. Please add me. :smiley:
    Thank you for this challenge. I'm looking forward to it.

    -Goal is to lose 30 lbs.
    -I'm eating 1400 calories
    -Following LcHf/Keto lifestyle
    -Exercise: 1 day/week. So sad..

    Happy Goals Everyone!!!
  • tisdalla
    tisdalla Posts: 32 Member
    I'd love to join this challenge!

    I have 30-40 pounds to lose.
    I've only lost ~3.
    Logging meals on MFP on a 1400 cal diet.
    Walking 5 days/week for 45-60 mins.

    Feel free to add me!
  • LemonMonaLisa
    LemonMonaLisa Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join. :)

    I've been on MFP off and on for about 3 years now. I'll commit myself for about 2 months, lose about 15 pounds, then lose motivation, and gain it all back over the next 3-4 months. I'd like to break that cycle. I'm heavier than I've ever been, and I'd like to be comfortable with my body.

    I need to lose between 15-25 pounds.

    My goal is to eat about 1200-1400 calories/day, and I'm going to burn 400 each day doing various activities so that my net is between 800-1000
  • mindylk
    mindylk Posts: 12 Member
    I need to lose 10-15 pounds. I am training for a marathon and I need to get back to race weight. My goal is to eat about 1600-1700 calories a day and I work out 6 days a week.

    I look forward to accountability partners, hopefully this will keep me motivated and help me keep my sweet tooth under control.
  • Sapphire3002
    Sapphire3002 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'd really like to join this challenge. I have 60lbs that I want to lose and need this kick-start!
  • emmytreid
    emmytreid Posts: 1 Member
    I'd really love to join if I can!
    I've got about 5 more lbs to lose. I keep losing some them gaining back and the cycle continues.
    I'm eating around 1500 calories and working out 5-6 days a week running or doing P90X3. Thanks!!
  • Haffimekit
    Haffimekit Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Can I still join for this challenge. I want to lose about 8-10 more pounds. The last bit of my pregnancy weight. In addition to losing weight, I'd want to reduce the many cellulite on my thighs.

    I have not been to the gym in 3 months so just getting back on track. My current calorie goal is 1350 and I'm just starting back to workout by just running/Walking 30 mins for 4 days per week.
  • holla18
    holla18 Posts: 60 Member
    - to lose: 10lb-20lb
    - Lost since beginning last May: 46lb
    - Under 1500- 2000 cal/day 8-10 000 steps a day
  • holla18
    holla18 Posts: 60 Member
    Would love to join!
  • BunmisBox
    BunmisBox Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I would love to join.

    I am looking to lost 10-20lb
    1500 calories per day
    Workout 3-4 days a week

  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    I want to join.
    I've lost 11 lbs
    I still need to lose 10-20 lbs
    I work out 5-6 days a week and need to eat less than 1600 per day.
  • SusanofRockwood
    SusanofRockwood Posts: 122 Member
    I am returning to MFP after posting and trying it on my own for four years. Initially I lost and kept off 30 lbs but have started seeing the weight sneak up again. Currently am around 148 lbs and would be happier and in less pain at 140. Sign me up
  • gallocentral
    gallocentral Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to MyFitnessPal and
    would love to join this challenge!

    -Goal is to lose 20-30 lbs
    -I'm eating 1200 calories
    -Exercise: 12,000 steps/day and will start training for 5K

    Add me-- I need the motivation! Thanks!
  • loulou0630
    loulou0630 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! A solid 10lbs to loose. Have been on again off again with mfp, but have heard so many people say it's critical to long term success. Cross fitter sometimes runner but motivation has lacked recently so trying to get back in 4-5 days a week versus 2-3. Generally a paleo eater but wine is my downfall and then I end up over calories by a long shot. Hoping getting refocused with mfp will help and protein protein protein! Looking fwd to it
  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member
    Count me in, I could do with a chalange

    I need to lose about 49 pounds in total but would like to lose at least 7 of that in May!
    - I've already lost 16 pounds
    - I go with the slimming world principles but stick to 1500 cals a day
    - I attend 3 dance classes a week, tap, ballet and Jazz and also do two clubbercise classes a week. plus I have a fitbit flex and try for 10,000 steps a day, which is hard when you sit at a desk all day!
  • DreamFighter2019
    DreamFighter2019 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Alyssa... Mom of 3 here. FINALLY getting off my butt & getting in gear to lose this baby weight. I was at 204, but I've managed to drop 15 pounds, and about 35 pounds to go until my goal of: 150. I enjoy working out in the early AM (6) because it's quiet & some me time, before I have to send the first kid to school. My diet is very low sodium & low sugar (if none at all), usually low carb if it's an option in whatever I'm eating. No cheat days! 1350 calories max, workout 6x a week.
  • penelopeshortcake
    penelopeshortcake Posts: 11 Member
    I'd like to join.I used to be really good about diet and excerise.I lost some people that were very close to me and just stop taking care of myself. For the last 2 years I have been very inconsistent with diet and excercise. Now I am trying to get myself back on current weight is about 140. My goal weight is 115.and I would love to tone up as well. I started doing zumba recently and am looking for other workout plans too.I just need accountability and motivation as well
  • sandieth
    sandieth Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I started changing my eating habits this Monday and everything is going really well, but I would love to join you all! I am doing Whole30 and did not weigh myself beforehand (because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist weighing myself during, and if I didn't like the results I would just quit). But I DID take measurements, which is more important to me anyway! I am also trying to stay around 1200-1500 cals/day. Feel free to add me anybody!
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,979 Member
    I don`t know if I am to late to join I have kept the weight off for over a year, I lost 27 pounds, and gained two pounds because of the flu. (167 pounds) I work really hard at strength training, yoga brisk walking,jogging. I just want to be fit and healthy.